
Chapter 167 - Gu Wuya Vs Eddie Moss

Chapter 167: Gu Wuya Vs Eddie Moss

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“32 Swords Slash...”

Fike blurted out involuntarily.

Gu Wuya, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and turned around.

“Junior brother, this is our first time meeting. How do you know my ultimate skill?”

Fike looked at the puzzled Xiao Zhao and Gu Wuya, only then realizing that he had misspoken.

He smiled awkwardly as he tried to think of an explanation.

“Actually, when I was a wanderer cultivator at the foot of the mountain, I already heard of eldest senior brother’s reputation. Everyone knows eldest senior brother’s 32 Swords Slash! Hahaha!”

Gu Wuya stared at Fike, who was clearly trying to force an explanation.

“I’ve never left the mountain, and my 32 Swords Slash have only ever been used in the East Immortal Sect. Where did you hear of my name, Gu Wuya?”

Fike quickly realized that this eldest senior brother, Gu Wuya, would not be so easy to deal with. He was hesitant as he racked his mind desperately to come up with a better excuse.

Xiao Zhao opened her mouth to help Fike out of the sticky situation.

“Eldest senior brother, maybe it was a spies from the three tribes who leaked it?”

Gu Wuya glanced at Fike, who was fidgeting, somewhat nervous. After thinking for a moment, he decided that was sufficient.


After saying that, he continued to walk toward the martial arts practice field.

Fike was stunned.

‘That was too close. I almost couldn’t make it... Fortunately, I had Xiao Zhao to help smooth things over!’

As he thought about it, their group had already arrived at the training ground.

The disciples gathered there looked at their eldest senior brother, who had not shown his face for a long time, but had unexpectedly appeared in front of everyone now. They could not help discuss among themselves.

“What’s wrong with eldest senior brother? Why is he free enough to come to our martial arts practice field today?”

“I think eldest senior brother’s self-taught skills are almost done. He must have come to the field to test out his power, right?”

“Hey, hey, hey, look, why are there two rookies standing next to eldest senior brother? Could it be that he wants to fight them?”

“Stop joking, okay? How could these two newcomers stand against eldest senior brother?”

At this moment, Gu Wuya looked at Eddie Moss.

“I can feel a very strong aura on your body as well, the kind that would make you constantly crave for strength. It’s not dissimilar to mine!”

Eddie only smiled in response.

“Thank you for your praise, eldest senior brother!”

Gu Wuya changed the topic quickly.

“But with your current strength, if you ever hope to defeat me, I’m afraid that you’d have to train for a few more years!”

Eddie replied with a snark remark.

“We still have to wait until after the competition to know exactly how strong you are, right?”

As they were speaking, Eddie and Gu Wuya had already arrived at the arena at the side of the practice field.

The countless disciples of the East Immortal Sect who had been cultivating in the martial arts practice field looked on at the pair who stepped into the arena, and once again erupted into intense debate.

“It can’t be! Is that newcomer really going to compete against eldest senior brother?”

“I think that newcomer probably overestimated his strength. Sigh, he’s too confident. I wonder if he can continue to be so cocky later!”

“If he can receive even ten moves from eldest senior brother, he’d be considered powerful!”

Fike listened to their words as he shot Xiao Zhao a strange look.

“Xiao Zhao, is eldest senior brother’s strength really that terrifying?”

Xiao Zhao glanced at Gu Wuya as she said.

“Up until now, I have never seen eldest senior brother lose to anyone. In the hearts of most disciples, eldest senior brother’s strength is already comparable to that of the Great Elder!

“I just hope Eddie Moss won’t lose too badly!”

Fike gulped after hearing this, and turned his attention to the two people on the stage.

At this time, Eddie had already taken out his arcane staff, poised in a battle stance.

Meanwhile, Gu Wuya stood casually in front of him, looking down with a proud and aloof attitude.

“Junior brother, today will be your first time seeing my strength. In that case, I’ll let you have three free moves, how about it?”

After hearing this, Eddie Moss didn’t refuse. Instead, he simply agreed.

“If eldest brother says so, then Eddie Moss doesn’t have the heart to refuse!”

As he spoke, the youth raised the arcane staff in his hand, causing a burst of intense golden light to explode forward.

Very quickly, clusters of fiery-red Heavenly Fire appeared in the sky.

Seeing this, the disciples of the East Immortal Sect discussed fervently among themselves.

“What kind of demonic technique is this? How could he have created such scorching flames in the sky out of thin air?”

“Yeah, yeah, it seems that even the great elder doesn’t know such magic! It’s really too much!”

“Hey, hey, do you guys still think that eldest senior brother has a chance of winning? Why do I feel that he’s is in danger?”

“What are you thinking about? How could such a smokescreen-like flame hurt eldest senior brother? It’s just a paper tiger!”

Before the disciples below the stage could conclude their discussion, the Heavenly Fire in the sky was already smashing straight toward Gu Wuya.

As he looked at the balls of falling flames in the sky, Gu Wuya did not look surprised. Instead, he simply said indifferently.

“It’s just a pathetic trick!”

Gu Wuya didn’t move at all. He simply let the Heavenly Flames hit him.

As Fike stood in the distance and watched Gu Wuya’s figure, a mysterious feeling washed over him.

“Not good! Eddie is in danger!”

Immediately as he said it, the falling Heavenly Fire had already crashed into Gu Wuya.

However, the moment the flames came into contact with the man’s body...

Something like a protective barrier shimmered across the surface of his skin.

The divine flames rebounded directly into Eddie’s direction.

Gu Wuya did not move at all. He simply stood there silently.

As the Heavenly Fire was redirected toward its caster, it moved at a speed that far surpassed the speed that it had been falling at previously.

Eddie Moss did not have any time to dodge.

He took the attack head-on.

At this moment, a violent explosion erupted at the stage.

“I told you! How could eldest senior brother lose his footing just because of such a small trick? Go, eldest senior brother!”

“As expected, eldest senior brother is still more powerful! After not seeing him for only a few days, his strength seems to have increased by another level again!”

As these disciples were talking among themselves, Eddie emerged from the residual flames of the Heavenly Fire with great difficulty.

His clothes had been burnt into rags.

When Gu Wuya saw his opponent still standing tenaciously on the stage, he called out with a smile.

“Very good! You still have two moves left!”

Fike could only gaze at the arrogant Gu Wuya. At this moment, he had already lost all hope for Eddie Moss.

On the blue-haired challenger’s side, however, a prismatic ray of seven-colored light suddenly burst out from his body.

As he watched the magical scene, Fike couldn’t help but sigh.

“Could it be... could it be...”

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