
Chapter 300 Tang Duo’s Character Setting Turns out to Be…

Chapter 300 Tang Duo’s Character Setting Turns out to Be...

Tang Consortium’s re-listing is a like a major earthquake for the business circle in Yanjing. The companies that cooperated with Bai Susu before complain in private that they have to go through a series of public relations measures again, but there are still a few honest people who had been helped by Bai Susu to refuse to cooperate with the new Tang Consortium without hesitation.

Wu Wei is one of them. He directly refuses Tang Consortium’s invitation to bid, so his wife has been quarreling with him every day these days.

“Bai Susu only gave you a chance at that time, ah? What generation is it now? Do you still want to repay the kindness to her?” Wu Wei’s wife has always been very proud. Although her family is not rich, her husband runs a small company with stable business and they have a car and a house. She is not greedy and thinks it to be quite good.

“Our child will soon graduate from college and go abroad. How can you afford to send him abroad now that your business is cut off?” She does not understand why her husband wants to give up cooperating with Tang Consortium. What did the change of boss have to do with him?

Wu Wei stubs out his cigarette, “I ran my own business before cooperating with Tang Consortium and didn’t starve you and our child. Now I’m just starting from scratch. After all these years of making contacts, I have connections, so my business will not be much worse.”

“You say, was your brain kicked by a donkey?” His wife beats her breast in agony, “You don’t do business with the big company. Though you’re not in good health, you have to struggle for business with others by social activities like eating and drinking.”

Wu Wei also knows that his wife is worried about him, but now whatever she says, it is useless. Bai Susu gave him a hand when he was cornered. He must repay this kindness.

His wife is crying sadly when his mobile phone rings.

“Hello, who is it?”

“Is that Mr. Wu speaking? This is Mr. Lang’s special assistant.”

Wu Wei’s eyes light up. He knows this special assistant who is named Shu Sheng. They used to say in private that the name was really strange. They didn’t know if it was his real name.

“Special Assistant Shu, hello! What can I do for you?”

“Well, I heard that you withdrew from Tang Consortium’s bidding. Would you like to continue to cooperate with Lang Consortium?”

Wu Wei is stunned, “Lang Consortium... Mr. Lang’s own company?”

“No, it’s President Bai’s new company, but she doesn’t want to call it Tang Consortium. You can call her and ask her. I won’t lie to you.”

Wu Wei’s heart speeds up thumping, “Special Assistant Shu, do you mean that our President Bai set up a new company and Mr. Lang is responsible for continuing to take care of it?”

“That’s right. I’ll give you the time and address if you have the intention. You can come to sign a new contract.”

“OK! No problem, of course no problem!” He says excitedly, “Thank you! Thanks to President Bai, and Mr. Lang!”

Hanging up the phone, he hugs his wife, “Don’t cry! Mr. Lang will continue to cooperate with us. Not to mention sending our son abroad, we can afford to send you abroad together with him!”

A few days later, Wu Wei hears that several partners who did not participate in the new Tang Consortium’s bidding, like him, all received a phone call from Shu Sheng. They also come out in private to have a chat, and all of them happen to coincide not to pass the message on to anyone else.

“The suppliers are all right.” Shu Sheng reports to Lang Ruoxian, “Boss Liu is still unwilling to sell the building. He wants to rent it to us.”

Lang Ruoxian glances over Australia’s news on the computer, “Don’t be worried. He will sell it soon, as I expected, by June at the latest.”

“Lang Consortium’s staff list has also been sent over and one-third of the staff will come.”

Lang Ruoxian nods, “I have read the data. Many people are from Yanjing. It is a happy surprise for them to return to work in Yanjing.”

“Even if they are locals in G City, as long as they are single, they are willing to come. After all, the salary is double of that in G City.”

Lang Ruoxian puts down his pen and says, “Prepare our bidding documents. We will take the contracts of the hotel and the shopping mall to be developed by the government in the high-tech zone in May.”

“Tang Ming bought the land from us.” Shu Sheng smiles, “If Tang Ming were still in power, we would not get it anyway. But now...”

“Now he has traded the land with the government for the right to exploit overseas oil.” Lang Ruoxian raises the corner of his mouth, “There was a Dubai businessman who exploited oil three years ago. Many people said there was still a large oil field below.”

However, Li Yi has been investigating this for the recent two years. According to the data he investigated, there is not a drop of oil left below.

Outside the study, Bai Susu and Yan Hua hear their conversation.

“Forget it. I’ll go in to deliver the fruit later.” Yan Hua brings the fruit bowl back to the sitting room and sees Bai Susu looking at her with a very complicated look.

“Mom, what are you looking at?” Yan Hua touches her face and says cheekily, “Do you think I’m more beautiful? A few days ago, when taking photos for the G Brand, the photographer also said that I was more beautiful than the photos.”

Bai Susu smiles, “The whole world knows that you are beautiful. I am looking at you! You have really proved the saying that those who survive a catastrophy are bound to have good fortune.”

“What do you mean?”

“If Tang Ziyan had not harmed you, you wouldn’t have fallen under the cliff. If you hadn’t fallen, you wouldn’t have lost your memory. If you hadn’t lost your memory, you wouldn’t have met Lang Ruoxian. If you hadn’t had met Lang Ruoxian...”

She can’t imagine what the second branch of Tang Family would be like without Lang Ruoxian.

“Well, well, how do you suddenly praise him again?” Yan Hua giggles, “In fact, I think even without him, I would find a way to save our family, but I might feel wronged.”

To find a powerful backer to deal with the first branch is entirely possible for Yan Hua. Her beauty is enough to make her find such a man. However, as she said herself, it would have nothing to do with love. She would suffer some injustice, and couldn’t live so freely as she does now.

“Do you know why your uncle traded the land for a foreign exploiting right?” Bai Susu says, “That’s because when he took over Tang Consortium, he saw a project plan that Lang Ruoxian was preparing.”

Yan Hua answers, “I don’t understand.”

“The plan is to exploit oil overseas.” Bai Susu smiles, “Tang Ming saw the plan. Of course he was interested in. That’s oil...”

Of course, Tang Ming would not trust others so easily, so he checked it out. The result was that at least eight countries were developing the land. Everyone knew that there must be oil below, so he used the opportunity before leaving office to sign the document.

“He has to pay 10 billion yuan to the country every year.” Bai Susu shakes her head, “But Ruoxian is very sure that land is definitely out of oil.”

Even if Yan Hua is a rich second generation, she has an idea about the concept of 10 billion yuan. For those oil magnates, their annual profits can reach more than 200 billion yuan.

It is not too much to hand over 10 billion yuan, but if the oil cannot be exploited out, Tang Ming will be finished.

“Your uncle still has two pieces of land in his hand. If he doesn’t plan well, Tang Consortium will go bankrupt within three years.” Bai Susu claps her hands, “You say, how amazing Ruoxian is!”

Yan Hua looks like sharing the glory, “Of course, you should see who chose him!”

Over the next few days, Lang Ruoxian finds that Yan Hua is very gentle in bed. Whatever posture he asks, she will do obediently. He is confused and asks her.

She says.

“Because you are amazing! Smart and capable!”

Lang Ruoxian’s hearing focuses on the last word, so he is more capable.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Top international brands have started their new summer show, which is also a weathervane for what women around the world will wear this summer. Virtually overnight, all franchise stores of the G Brand in Yanjing put up photos of one woman.

“My God! How can it be her?”

After some celebrities find out who she is, they share the photos in the chatting group. They feel incredible and impossible.

“Sister Shuang, it turns out that the new propaganda ambassador of the G Brand is Miss Tang!” The assistant holds the mobile phone and says, “She is really beautiful!”

Dong Nianshuang has just finished a scene. She has already seen the promotional photos. Tang Duo wears G Brand’s Haute Douture of the new season. The big posters of her various shapes are full of news reports. Even LK magazine cover of this month is her.

LK is one of the top fashion magazines in Mi Country. So far, only two people in Hua Country have ever been on the magazine. One is Fei Shan, and the other is Tang Duo.

“She wants to go into fashion world, doesn’t she?” The assistant does not know the standards of G Brand’s propaganda ambassador selection and suspects whether Tang Duo is going to debut, “It is said that her family has gone bankrupt.”

Dong Nianshuang lowers her head, holding the mobile phone in her hand, with a picture of Tang Duo on the screen. No one sees how ferocious her expression is now. The madness in her eyes is almost overflowing, as if it will erupt in the next second.

“Stop saying!” She interrupts the blabbering assistant, “As you know, her family is bankrupt, and she is no longer a rich young lady. The G Brand leaders must be out of their minds. How can they find such a straw bag as a propaganda ambassador?”

Bai Jingzhu, like Dong Nianshuang, has the same thought. Bai Jingzhu sees Tang Duo’s photo in the store and she thinks she is wrong at first sight. The shopping guide aside is particularly enthusiastic to introduce Tang Duo to her, and then Bai Jingzhu just knows that originally Tang Duo has not been a straw bag.

It turns out that Tang Duo is so amazing that she can’t reach her level at all.

“Sister, you are really famous now!” Tang Cao buys ten LK magazines and comes back, “So they did give you an interview, didn’t they?”

Yan Hua looks through the magazine and says, “Well, it was done after taking photos.”

“Where did these certificates come from?” Bai Susu doesn’t know that there was an interview, “I didn’t see you take these from home.”

“They might find theses online.” Yan Hua also doesn’t know.

Lang Ruoxian sends a message to Shu Sheng, asking him to buy 2,000 magazines of this issue and put them in the new company later.

“Those photos should be screenshots of the official website.” Lang Ruoxian looks at Yan Hua and says, “Our company needn’t to hire other stars as our image representative in the future.”

“Hey!” Yan Hua leans in, “You see, I like this one best...”

Tang Cao is also typing hard in the chatting group to let everyone buy magazines. Chen Xiaopang forwards it to other groups. Soon, not only the famous ladies but also the young masters know that Yan Hua has become the propaganda ambassador of the G Brand and she has a heap of strange certificates.

“F**k! You see, she even has the certificate of an astronaut, which is extremely difficult to test. It is said that with this certificate, you can go to space in Russia directly by spaceship.”

“More than that, didn’t you notice her diving certificate?” Another young master says, “COURSE DIRECTOR, that’s PADI’s highest-level certificate. I only have a primary certificate, crying...”

Within just a few days, Tang Duo’s previous character setting has been overthrown, causing countless people to spook.

Hua Zhong tosses the magazine onto Hua Yan’s desk, “Look. I said you didn’t deserve her.”

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