
Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Translator: – – Editor: – –

The members of the purchasing team, including manager Yang Suchol, came back to the office. The team members cheered to congratulate them.

“Great job! Many people have to treat us with wine and dinner.”

“I guess I have to call you ‘manager’ from now on. Congrats!”

Yonggu could not hide his joy. In particular, he kept smiling at Hyunwoo as he he was also happy about Hyunwoo’s promotion as assistant manager.

However, Yonggu still felt kind of awkward, so he didn’t show a violent emotional reaction.

All he did was just gently touch his shoulder.

“My sincere congratulations to you!”


But the team manager was not that happy. Though he was smiling, he did so with reluctance.

The team members thought that was because Yang would part with the purchasing team. Deputy manager Cho Daeyong comforted him, “Manager, what’s wrong with you? You can take care of us better if you quickly get promoted to the department head.”

“Sure. I’m sorry.”

Manager Yang encouraged his team.

But the team members, including Cho, didn’t find out exactly why Yang had acted like that. There was a real reason why Yang was sorry to his members. It was because they would meet a new team manager.

Yang said suggestively, “I hope that you can produce a better performance with the new team manager, Park Youngsu.”

At that moment, some of the members, including Yonggu’s, faces froze. On the other hand, the new hires, including Hyunwoo, were scratching their heads. Manager Park Youngsu was new to them, and they didn’t know why their superiors were so surprised at his arrival.

Yonggu opened his mouth first and said, “Did you say he was manager Park Youngsu?”

Yang Suchol nodded his head.

“Are you talking about that person called ‘crazy dog’ at the Umsung factory?”

“Hey, Mr. Kim. How can you say ‘crazy dog’ even if you think badly of him? You should be prudent when using your words as you have to serve him as your superior.”

Yang scolded him in a strict tone. Only then did Yonggu lower his head to admit that he had made a mistake.

“I’m sorry. I heard so many bad rumors about him,” said Yonggu.

Then, he let out a sigh uncontrollably and said,

“Actually, I was wondering why the manager slot of the purchasing team was vacant even when they had new managers at other teams. Why was he chosen as the manager of our team when there are so many teams? Are there no other talents at Aurum?”

Some of the team members’ expression looked sullen. Though they could not say bad things about him in the presence of Yang, each of them was dissatisfied.

Having heard them complaining, the new hires could figure out Park’s character.

Nonetheless, as a manager, Yang tried to protect Park and said,

“I know that you’re worried about, but that’s just a rumor. Basically, he has a fine character. If you work with him in the days ahead, you will find out that he is a good man. If you can assist him well, there is nobody who can make you feel more comfortable.”

“Yes, sir. We have no choice anyway.”

Despite Yang’s persuasion, the team members got confused, apparently thinking that their lives at the company would be thorny.

The following day.

As he always did, Hyunwoo went to the office early in the morning. Oher team members also reported to work earlier than usual. Everyone came to the office even before 8am.

The new hires got suspicious.

“Do we have anything new today?”

When Hyunwoo asked, Yonggu answered with a smile, “The new team manager is coming to the office today.”

The members who came early cast a suspicious glance at Hyunwoo and Yonggu, for they felt that Yonggu, who had been icy toward Hyunwoo, was treating Hyunwoo well now.

Since their business trip to Vietnam together, there had been a tangible change in their relationship. However, they didn’t give it serious thought, just guessing something good had happened between them there.

Hyunwoo tilted his head and said,

“I know that. But what does Park coming to the office have anything to do with our team members coming in early?”

“Oh, you have not heard about the ‘crazy dog’ yet. As soon as he comes to the office, he will try to establish discipline first. We had better stay alert for about one month, including managing our commute well.”

It looked like Park was a fusspot, someone harder to please than they thought. Experienced team members and the new hires were all tense.

Hyunwoo also braced himself again. Though he didn’t need to flatter the new manager to make a good impression, he didn’t want the atmosphere of the purchasing team to get worse because of him.

A little later, the new manager came to the office.

“How are you everybody, this is Park Youngsu.”

Hyunwoo looked at his watch.

It was only 8:10am. Obviously, he came to the office very early. Hyunwoo realized why the team members came to work so early.


The team members greeted him with prepared remarks.

With a smile, Park looked at the team members.

“You guys came early. I can tell that you’re quick-witted.”

Hearing that, Hyunwoo could figure out his intentions. The purpose of his early arrival was to find fault with the team members.

Park shook hands with each of them.

“Oh, you’re deputy manager Kim Yonggu. Core member of the team? I have great expectations.”

“I’ll do my best, sir.”

“You don’t look down on your superior because you’re good at your job, do you? I don’t like that type of person.”

“How could I, sir?”

Yonggu lowered his head, feeling a prick in his heart.

“Oh, you’re Min Suji. I heard that you were a real beauty. I am happy to work with you.”


“By the way, I don’t give any special treatment to women, so don’t disappoint me.”

“I won’t, manager.”

Min’s face blushed as if she was embarrassed a bit.

Park came to Hyunwoo this time. The moment he looked at Hyunwoo, it seemed that his look had changed a bit.

“Are you Mr. Jang Hyunwoo, the one who got promoted to an assistant manager?”

Hyunwoo didn’t feel that his comment was favorable, but he didn’t care. All he had to was do his best. Hyunwoo thought so in all things. Let me do it right.

As far as greetings were concerned, he had the same line of thinking. If he had to lower his head, there was little difference between lowering it a bit and lowering it deeply. It was not a matter of his pride or getting offended.

If he had to greet him, doing it properly would pay off.

It was the same for his voice, too. If he uttered something without sincerity, he would rather not have said it at all.

“Yes, sir. My name is Jang Hyunwoo,” said Hyunwoo in a forceful and disciplined way.

In his own mind, Hyunwoo felt his greeting was dynamic and cheerful, cleary differentiated from the other members’ greetings.

Park grabbed his hand more tightly.

But what came out Park’s mouth was something unexpected.

“I don’t like a person who tries to stand out among others like this. I hope you can mix well with others without difficulty.”

At that moment, Hyunwoo felt a prick in the heart.

In fact, his greeting was unusually dynamic, but it was far from flattery.

The moment Park came to the office, the atmosphere was kind of heavy, so he acted like that to lighten it. However, Park took it the wrong way.

“Got it, sir.”

“I’m saying this for caution’s sake. I know that you got a special promotion because of your extraordinary efforts despite your high-school diploma. That’s really commendable, but you should not hold your head high because of that. I hate that type of person the most. You are not that type of person, are you?”

“I’ll keep it in mind, sir.”

Park was much more choosy than expected. The team members felt as if they were dealing with him combatively. They could tell that he was thinking, I’ll damp your ardor.

A person like Park usually wanted make examples out of his subordinates. Once he or she was made an example of, he would go after him or her to the end.

He won’t find fault with a new hire like me, will he? Hyunwoo thought to himself.

Park said hello to the other members of the team, and he then gathered all of them for his remarks.

Though he spoke at length, the message was simple. As long as the team members treated him with courtesy, he would do all he could for their happiness. However, he attached a condition at the end of his statement, “I will do this for you if you do this for me.”

“You don’t have to feel stressful just because the team manager has changed. Just do the same to me like you did to former manager, Yang Suchol. Then, I’ll devote myself like Yang did. In that respect, let’s clap. Fighting!”

When Park was done shouting, there was an empty sound of them clapping hands in the office of the purchasing team. As it was very early in the morning, no other teams heard this.

The atmosphere of the purchasing team was quiet like a mountain temple. What they heard was someone turning over files or typing on keyboards.

With the change of one team manager, the purchasing team seemed to have changed into a totally different team.

Hyunwoo kept his seat so that we would not hear Park say things like ‘you are holding your head high.’

A lot had changed since the team manager changed.

Though it was not good that the atmosphere was heavy, there was something positive in the eyes of new hires like Hyunwoo. Their superiors no longer had them run small errands.

In particular, as assistant manager, Hyunwoo was exempt from errands. He only took care of his assignment and focused on studying customs clearance for the rest of his time in the office.

The company policy on cost reduction was still valid. Anyone who initiated an idea on cost reduction could receive award money and a promotion.

Park aggressively asked for his team members to reduce costs.

“If you only focus on your own work, you’re a B-grade employee. Only if you can carry out what the company wants can you be a A-grade employee. Isn’t it good to get award money anyway? Why don’t you have any ideas? Is this all you guys can show me?”

As Park emphasised the company policy, the team members energetically spent their time and energy on cost reduction. Hyunwoo also spent a lot of time studying customs clearance.

To him, studying customs clearance was the best in terms of getting familiar with the relevant field and finding ideas on cost reduction.

“Looks like I can’t find any more refunds.”

This time, he studied other topics. As he had to take on the role of a customs broker for the company sooner or later, he focused on the topics related to import and export declarations.

In the meantime, Yonggu made a suggestion, “Hey, guys, let’s have a brief meeting if you’re not busy right now.”

Since Park arrived at the office, they had a discussion almost everyday.

The topic was also always the same. Cost reduction.

The method of discussion was brainstorming. Each of the team members facilitated the discussion on a rotation basis.

But even before the discussion began, the atmosphere was getting strange because the manager said, “Let me participate, too.”

At that moment, they saw Oh Sangho’s face slightly freeze because today’s moderator was Oh Sangho.

Even the team members were surprised. On behalf of them, Yonggu asked,

“Sir, did you say you also would participate in the discussion?”

“Why? Am I not eligible to participate?”

Of course he was, but he also was not in some respects, for his members would feel burdensome to see him in the discussion, and they wouldn’t be able to present their opinions freely. At the same time, it was doubtful if he would follow the unique rules of discussions of the purchasing team. Still, they could not deny him.

“No, sir. Let me prepare a chair for you.”

As soon as the preparation was done, the discussion began.

As moderator, Oh handed out one tennis ball to each team member. A rice bowl was upside down before Oh. If someone broke the rule, Oh would give a warning by knocking the bowl with a spoon instead of ringing a bell.

Oh explained the rules. As Park was attending for the first time, Yonggu offered some additional explanation when needed. His eyes were sparkling as if he was pretty much interested after hearing Oh’s rule explanation.

“In other words, the guy who raises this ball can talk. Very interesting rule.”

Oh Sangho announced the beginning of the discussion hesitantly,

“We’re now going to start the discussion.”

The conference room was suddenly quiet. Everyone was looking at each other, asking others to take the initiative first. When silence continued for a while, Park raised the ball and asked, looking at Yonggu, “If I do this, I get the right to speak, right?”

“Today’s moderator is Mr. Oh Sangho, sir.”

“Oh, you’re right. Am I correct, Mr. Oh?”

“Yes, sir. Please offer your idea then.”

“This is not my opinion. Don’t feel uncomfortable about me, please. Just think as if I am not here. I’m a rank and file member like you at the moment. Got it?”

“Yes, sir!”

That was it. The manager put down the tennis ball without offering his own opinion, and the atmosphere became quiet again.

As silence continued, the team members got nervous, with their eyes rolling toward each other busily. Their actions suggested only one thing.

‘Hey, just say something. Anything.’

‘Hey, new hires, it’s time for you guys to lighten the atmosphere.’

‘I don’t have an idea. How about you, deputy manager?’

On an occasion like this, the rank of the employee mattered.

Everybody gave an eye signal to new hires Hyunwoo, Min Suji, and Oh Sangho. In particular, their glance was fixed on Min as if they thought she was the best to lighten the awkward atmosphere by speaking first as a beauty.

‘Min Suji, just do it quickly.’

‘If you don’t have anything to say, just crack a joke.’

After all, Min grabbed a tennis ball with reluctance. In cheerful tone, Oh raised his voice and said,

“Please go ahead, Min”

“Because of the heat wave, our employees are having a hard time. In particular, as we have to wear uniforms, we feel hotter. I think we’re spending unnecessary money on air-conditioning...”

“So, you mean we work in casual wear?” Park asked.

At that moment, everybody turned their eyes at Park because he interrupted Min, who was speaking. He broke the rule that the speaker should raise the tennis ball first before saying something.

The team members now turned their eyes back at Oh because he was the moderator of today’s discussion.

Oh was raising a spoon before he knew it, but at the same time, he found himself struggling with himself in his heart whether to knock the bowl or not.

Should I knock the bowl or not? Knock it?

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