
Chapter 214 What is value?

Chapter 214 What is value?

Inside the nightclub, Ben tried to ignore the dance music in the background, as he pondered over an issue that was troubling him. ’The system said I failed the value test because the target’s value was too high relative to mine. What did she mean by that?’

Then, looking at his more experienced friends next to him, he realized he might be able to get some advice. "Beluga, I think I understood the usefulness of confidence, but when I opened that girl, I got the impression she thought my value was too low, but what is value exactly?"

Beluga looked at him as he crossed his arms in his purple suit and responded in his deep voice. "Ah, I see... Benjamin, it’s like this. When you approach a female who outclasses you too much in looks or other desirable traits, value comes into play. Do you remember when we first started picking up women together, I explained that when a man makes an approach, he has a baseline from where the female’s attraction starts off?

Ben thought back and nodded. He grasped that concept from his own experiences too. Often when he opened girls, he started out at attraction level indifferent, but sometimes it was higher or lower depending on if he was her type and how pretty the girl was.

Beluga continued. "So look at the baseline like this: if your desirable traits such as looks or status were higher, the attraction baseline would also be higher. You would then open and start from that baseline, and use seduction skills to raise the attraction further. Well, that baseline--is also known as value. It’s a combination of your looks, social status, and everything else a female finds desirable in a man."

Ben had also verified this himself. As his stats increased, he noticed when he approached girls, his attraction level started off higher more often, showing his baseline value was increasing along with his stats.

Elaborating, Beluga gestured towards the wealthy men at the club. "You see, women are always looking to date higher value males, but they do have a range, so they might give someone of lower value a chance if you can woo them with your game. However, there’s a bottom limit to that range. So when they think you’re hitting on them, if they believe your value is below that desirable value range, you’ll get shut down immediately! In that way, value is the gateway to attraction!"

Ben’s eyes flashed. "So when you approach them and make your interest known, it’s like forcing a value test, and if you fail, the pick up is over?"

Liking the term value test that Ben used, Beluga’s eyebrows raised. "That’s right. Well-put."

Chuck was interested in knowing more as well. "Is there anything we can do to raise our value before the value test?"

Beluga laughed. "Of course there is...like attraction, value is also a matter of perception. Since that’s the case, all you have to do is—change that perception with seduction techniques!"

Standing against the wall of the club, the three youngsters’ eyes lit up with the desire for knowledge, as they stepped towards Beluga so the music didn’t make them miss a word of what he was about to say.

Smiling, Beluga explained. "The techniques are important, but before I show you those, I’m going to teach you something even more vital—how to delay the value test! You see, if a female forces you under the value judgment right away, you won’t have time to use any techniques to raise your value, and thus fail. So the first step--is to create time!

Look at it like this. If you visualize a seduction attempt as constructing a building, while confidence is the foundation, you also need the proper techniques to build upwards. Those techniques will help you construct the necessary floors of attraction, comfort, and arousal.

As for value, that’s like needing to get approval to operate from the resident board; It’s crucial, and getting rejected would be the end. That’s also why if your value is too low, delaying that judgment and starting to build will help drum up support so they can’t reject you. For that reason, the initial step--is to learn how to stall the value test!"

"How would we do that?" Antonio asked.

Beluga replied, "Quite simple. First, you need to understand that there are two types of openers: direct and indirect. A direct opener lets a female know of your romantic intentions right away. For example, some good direct openers are: ’You’re cute, what’s your name?’ or ’I just saw you from over there, and had to come introduce myself.’

In both of these cases, the woman will be clear you’re hitting on her, and make the value judgment immediately." Beluga turned to Ben. "When you approached that girl at the bar, you went direct, right?"

Ben thought about it and nodded. He indeed used an assertive opener that made his intentions clear.

Beluga nodded. "That was your mistake, because you weren’t in a position to pass the value test. The rule of thumb is, if you’re not confident of passing the value judgment, you go with an indirect opener. What’s that? It’s the kind of opener where you open conversation but your romantic intention isn’t clear. For example, asking questions or commenting about the environment or something they’re wearing, making a joke about someone they resemble, etc.

Just keep it ambiguous, so they avoid making a hard value judgment on you. As for the reason they won’t, it’s that women don’t have nearly as high standards for acquaintances they chat with as they do for romantic partners. So, you open indirect to buy yourself time. Then, reduce the value difference between the two of you, until you’re confident you can pass the value test, and go direct then.

Of course, it’s even better if you can change that value difference to be in your favor, raising your value above hers. Lastly, it’s important to understand something; Although direct openers are often unsuitable, they’re not bad in and of themselves."

As if seeking to illustrate the point, Beluga gazed around the club, scanning for something. When he found it, he smirked and pointed somewhere for the three of them to notice. "Take a look at that..."

To their side, a very handsome man in expensive clothes opened a girl who was pretty but still worse-looking than him. Interestingly, his opener was one of the trap cliches—"Can I buy you a drink?"

Yet even so, it worked! Her eyes were eager as she followed him to the bar, and a few minutes later, they started kissing.

Beluga chuckled. "You see, he went direct, but it worked for him because his value was higher than the female. So when she made the value test, even though he used a bad opener, the value difference was still large enough that she was very open to him. In fact, if the value gap gets huge, in theory, you could say almost anything and have it work!

Of course, value isn’t the end of it. He could still lower her attraction for him by saying dumb things. And unless she’s a slut, he’ll still need to develop comfort and possibly deal with LMR later, but value helped him breeze through the attraction phase, and will even soften the rest of the pick up! That there...is the power of value!

On top of that, you also saw the usefulness of direct openers; in that guy’s case, it saved him significant time and simplified things. So, whether direct or indirect, the best move always depends on the situation!"

Bright-eyed, Ben nodded with understanding. These concepts were too helpful! Yet, he soon frowned when he realized the key issue remained. "Even knowing all that, I’m pretty sure my value is much lower than 99% of the people here. Is it really possible for me to pass the value tests of such top-class girls? What could I do?"

Beluga only chuckled at this. "Possible? Of course it’s possible! With the right seduction techniques, anything is possible!"

His declaration captivated the three juniors, who stared at him with shining eyes, "What techniques? Tell us!"

Smirking, Beluga gazed into the distance, as if choosing his words, as if adding a dramatic effect to the silence, as if staring at a nice pair of boobs.

Following his gaze, the three also understood, because it really was a huge pair of boobs...


’Yea, it’s normal though...’

’I’m also gonna stare a while...’

’Gasp...It’s the legendary gen-jugs-tsu...Infinite Suck-you-omi!’


All four of them were trapped in an illusion, but who could blame them? After all, each one of those twins was a beautiful natural hanger...a natural cliff hanger.


*Author’s Note: We’ve reached number 3 in the rankings and it’s thanks to all of you! Please remember to keep voting so we can get MPUAS to number 1!

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