
Chapter 454: Silver Dragon Envoy

Chapter 454: Silver Dragon Envoy

Not long after Li Mo’s departure, Dong Tiehe walked into his own rooms. There, a silver-robed, silver-masked envoy was waiting for him.

“I apologize for being unable to accomplish the task the silver dragon elder set for me.” Dong Tiehe bowed his head.

“You are truly incapable.” The silver-robed envoy stood with his back to Dong Tiehe. After Dong Tiehe’s admission of failure, he turned and kicked him forcefully, causing Dong Tiehe to stumble back a few steps before regaining his balance. “The silver dragon elder had you hand the Slaughtering King’s boy to me, but not only did you inform others of the matter, you even lost the boy. I’ll report your ineptitude to the silver dragon elder immediately.”

The silver-robed man turned to leave when Dong Tiehe called out from behind, “Envoy, please wait! I have the news you asked about during our previous meeting.”

The envoy stopped and turned back, his eyes gleaming behind his mask.

“Rong Tianling’s being imprisoned in one of the prisons in the imperial palace. Just like the crown prince, they were both slated to be executed in the fall, but they’re safe now,” Dong Tiehe said. “Because Li Qianyuan was just killed by the Slaughtering King himself.”

“You mean...?”

“With Li Qianyuan’s death, the officials that he imprisoned will soon be released. The new emperor will likely effect a general amnesty, so you don’t have to be worried about Rong Tianling’s safety any longer.”

“In that case, thank you, Master Dong,” the silver-robed envoy said.

“There’s no need for thanks, Envoy, but please do speak generously of me in front of the silver dragon elder.” Dong Tiehe wasn’t satisfied with being the mere owner of a villa; he wanted authority and riches, wealth and power. A chance opportunity had allowed him to become one of the silver dragon elder’s informants on the Chenyuan continent, and he had been working for the silver dragon clan in secret.

However, after some time, he discovered that the silver dragon elder was unable to give him what he truly desired, and he began scheming on his own. Authority, wealth, and power—power was based on hard work and innate talent, and couldn’t be so easily imparted, and he had riches of his own. What was left, then, was authority. If the silver dragon elder was unwilling to provide him with the authority he desired, then he would simply have to snatch it for himself.

This time, when Dong Tiehe noticed that Li Qianyuan had been uneasy ever since Li Mo’s return, he suggested that Li Qianyuan kidnap Li Mo’s son. Now that Li Qianyuan was dead and the throne was again up for grabs, his grandson, Li Qianyue, would be the best candidate for the next emperor. As Li Qianyue’s grandfather, he himself would be in a position of authority.

Dong Tiehe had carefully schemed for Li Qianyuan to take the blame for kidnapping Li Mo’s son. While superficially he seemed to be carrying out the silver dragon elder’s command, he was actually using the kidnapping to pave his own road to power.

Dong Tiehe smiled in satisfaction as he looked at the silver dragon envoy before him. He thought that his schemes were sufficiently covert that no one could identify his true objective, but he was wrong. Mere moments later, the envoy spoke, “Master Dong, I’m afraid things won’t go as you’ve planned.”

The silver dragon envoy’s voice seemed somewhat artificial, betraying neither sex nor natural inflection. Despite how robotic it sounded, the envoy’s words sent chills down Dong Tiehe’s spine.

Yun Ruoyan carefully placed Li Yan into his crib, finally allowing her fears and worries from the past two days to abate.

“It’s my fault that Li Qianyuan was able to succeed in this kidnapping,” Li Mo said. “I didn’t think he would be so audacious as to dare to threaten me with my loved ones.”

“I think there’s something more suspicious going on,” Yun Ruoyan replied. “I’ve talked with Li Qianyuan a few times, and he doesn’t seem like someone so rash and impetuous.”

Li Mo also sensed something amiss, but no matter what, the fact that Li Qianyuan had tried to kidnap his son was sufficient reason for him to die.

Yun Ruoyan mulled things over for a moment. “Now that you’ve killed Li Qianyuan, the throne of the Li kingdom is again vacant. The Li kingdom can’t be without a ruler for long, so what’s your plan for the future?”

“To support the new ruler,” Li Mo replied. “Li Qianyuan shouldn’t have ascended to the throne in the first place, and the people are surely displeased with his rule. His death and deposition are both well-deserved, and it only remains to crown a new emperor.”

“In that case, you already have someone in mind?” Yun Ruoyan asked. Then, she frowned. “You’re not thinking of Li Qianhan, are you?”

“Exactly.” Li Mo glanced at Yun Ruoyan. “Why do you look so upset, Yan’er? Don’t you think he’s capable enough?”

“Given his disposition, I doubt he’d be willing to be emperor.” As far as Yun Ruoyan knew, Li Qianhan was a carefree and laid-back man. Although he was a prince, he had never been interested in positions of power. He was close to Li Mo, and would frequently help Li Mo accomplish a few tasks, but he wasn’t his subordinate by any means. Would he accede to Li Mo’s request so readily?

“That’ll depend on who’s asking,” Li Mo replied. “I naturally know how to make him accept.”

While Li Qianyuan was setting his plan in motion, Li Qianhan had been travelling through the Chenyuan continent. By the time he returned to the Li kingdom, Li Qianyuan had already seized the throne. When Li Qianhan snuck back into the palace, he was ambushed by Li Qianyuan’s men. Because Li Qianhan was widely known to be close to Li Mo, and because he never participated in fights for power, Li Qianyuan had no intention of taking his life.

Li Qianyuan and Li Qianhan reached an agreement: Li Qianhan would swear to forever stay away from the capital, whereas Li Qianyuan would swear to serve the Li kingdom and allow it to prosper and flourish. From then on, Li Qianhan had resumed roaming the Chenyuan continent, and he hadn’t returned to the capital even when he received news that Li Mo had returned.

However, what Li Qianhan hadn’t expected was for Li Qianyuan to be so bold as to try to take on Li Mo. When he received a summons from Li Mo instructing him to return to the capital, he immediately did so.

“Uncle, you know me well. How could I be the emperor?” Li Qianhan was flabbergasted by what Li Mo had proposed. “My temperament’s completely at odds with what’s needed!”

“No one’s born an emperor. As far as I can tell, you’re the most suited for the position,” Li Mo replied coolly. “If you refuse the throne, then I suppose the Li kingdom will have to be renamed.”

“Right, Qianhan, you know how much the people will suffer without proper leadership, don’t you? Among all the princes, you’re the one who cares most for the common man. Can you bear to see your citizens suffer?”

Because of how much time Li Qianhan spent roaming the Li kingdom, he was far more knowledgeable about the citizens’ woes than the other princes. News of Li Qianyuan’s death had spread far and wide across the kingdom, and Li Qianhan had returned amidst their shocked, uneasy whispers.

“No matter what, you have to be the emperor, at least temporarily. Otherwise, the kingdom will descend to turmoil as people flock to the throne.”

“But I—” Li Qianhan didn’t want to face an eternity of being cooped up within the palace.

“Qianhan,” Li Mo said. “I’ve always thought that you were someone who could see the big picture. The Li kingdom needs you, and you can’t turn your back to your kingdom, to your citizens, at this critical juncture. What would your ancestors think?”

When Li Qianhan finally acquiesced, both Yun Ruoyan and Li Mo sighed in relief.

As Li Mo and Yun Ruoyan convinced Li Qianhan to ascend to the throne, Dong Tiehe was putting his own plans into motion. He rapidly contacted the various officials of the kingdom, trying to pave the way for Li Qianyue’s ascension. The Yuelu Villa was powerful and overflowing with wealth, and it was all too easy for Dong Tiehe to bribe the important officials of note—but all his effort would be for naught.

On a rather populous street of the capital stood a large, ostentatious manor, whose grandeur could be seen from its external appearance alone. However, its doors had been sealed shut, and its interior was a shadow of its former glory—the Rong manor.

After the crown prince’s deposition, Rong Tianling was the first to be implicated. That night, a shadow crept into the Rong manor, unsealed its doors, and snuck within. The shadow seemed familiar with the ins and outs of the manor, and headed straight for a certain room. The shadow shrugged off her dark cloak, revealing a silver robe, then removed the silver mask on her face to reveal the scarred face of a woman.

Rong Yueshan removed the heaven-transcending mirror from her robes and placed it on the table, whereupon she summoned the silver dragon elder for a meeting.

“How are things on your end?” the silver dragon elder asked.

“Elder, Dong Tiehe managed to kidnap the child, but Yun Ruoyan and Li Mo discovered him in time and snatched the child back,” Rong Yueshan reported.

“Trash, all trash!” The silver dragon elder’s face was as cold as sleet. “This Dong Tiehe’s just as bad as the Pi family!”

“Please calm down, Elder. Yun Ruoyan and Li Mo are truly troublesome figures to deal with,” Rong Yueshan replied. “I’ve also suffered gravely at their hands, and it’s only natural that Dong Tiehe’s no match for them either.”

“I’ll admit that they’re skilled, and they’ll be even more troublesome to deal with given the demonic dragon forefather’s assistance.” The silver dragon elder calmed down and turned to Rong Yueshan. “Are you prepared to deal with such foes?”

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