
Chapter 710 - Abduction of Chu Family’s Parents

Chapter 710 - Abduction of Chu Family\'s Parents

Chu Lie\'s car drove into the underground parking lot of a hotel, where the feast was being held. Due to the security guards guarding the place, the grey car behind them did not dare to drive towards the underground parking lot, and could only wait outside.

Until three in the afternoon, when Chu Lie\'s car finally drove out, two cars under Luo Ke\'s command immediately followed him, planning to take action in a place with fewer people.

Chu Lie decided to buy his father and grandfather his most beloved rice wine. It could only be bought from one place, it was the most authentic rice wine there.

Just as Chu Lie\'s car turned a corner, a black commercial SUV that was in front of him suddenly hit him.

"What\'s going on?" Chu Lie wanted to dodge, but the car was still hit, and the car that was hit behind him was a grey car.

Chu Lie and his wife Li Yin got off the car, planning to see what was going on. At this time, two foreign men got out from the car behind them, and asked them anxiously in English.

Chu Lie understood English, so he explained. At this time, the two of them didn\'t know that the couple had been forced to the black commercial vehicle\'s front door by the anxious manner in which the foreign couple was asking about them, and that the two foreigners had immediately grabbed hold of each other, causing Chu Lie and his wife Li Yin to instantly fall into darkness. They were quickly tied up into the black commercial vehicle, and one of the killers immediately got into Chu Lie\'s car, and the two cars quickly left the scene.

As the commercial vehicle was tall, their line of sight was completely blocked. There were not many people in this area, and an accident just happened to disappear like that.

As for Chu Lie and Li Yin\'s husband and wife, they had already fainted in the carriage and their hands and feet were tied.

When Chu Lie woke up, he saw his wife who was also tied up beside him. He immediately wanted to call for her, but his mouth was stuck on a piece of tape.

Li Yin also slowly woke up, she saw her husband was tied to her in the car, she was also horrified, the one sitting in front of them, was a foreign man holding a blade, playing around.

They immediately realized that they had been kidnapped.

But who was the person who kidnapped them? What do they want?

This group of people didn\'t communicate with them along the way, nor did they speak to them. They only sneered at them from time to time, as if they were looking at two dead people.

Chu Lie was very anxious in his heart. He wasn\'t worried about his own life or death, he was worried about his wife and their entire family.

The car was pulled up and there were curtains all around. They only knew that the car kept moving forward. As for where it went, they couldn\'t even see clearly. Clearly, the kidnappers were very experienced.

Chu Lie struggled with all his might, wanting to see if he could escape. However, how could Luo Ke\'s men give them a chance to escape?

Finally, the car stopped. Chu Lie and his wife looked at each other, worrying about each other.

The door opened, and another foreign man came forward, pulling them off very roughly and pulling them into an abandoned warehouse.

They were fire\'s parents, and fire was a traitor within their organisation. Towards her parents, these killers were all very annoyed, and even wanted to kill.

As Luo Ke sat there, he looked at the couple that were brought in, and the corners of his mouth hooked up into a satisfied smile.

Chu Lie looked at Luo Ke, he wanted to talk to him, wanted to know the meaning behind his kidnapping of the couple, and whether it was about money or other benefits.

However, Luo Ke did not want to talk to them at all. The reason why he grabbed them was because he wanted to lure the fire out, and now, he immediately got someone to open a system that had a firewall installed on it. He knew that Xi FengHan\'s men had already broken his previous system, so Luo Ke spent a huge sum to buy a firewall this time, making it so that Xi FengHan\'s men would not be able to find any news about them within a month.

"Send an order to the fire. As long as she logs in, she can receive our message."

"What if she doesn\'t touch the computer?"

"She\'s been looking for her parents. Maybe she\'ll need more information, so we can only wait. If that doesn\'t work, we\'ll find a way to tell her on TV." Luo Ke had a solution.

However, Luo Ke didn\'t need to rack her brains, because fire would always have the same nightmares recently, so the uneasiness in her heart had accumulated to a great extent.

She really didn\'t want to touch the computer, didn\'t want to touch the organization, but she was getting really uneasy, and the worry in her heart was growing.

Based on her understanding of Luo Ke, he was definitely not the type of person to not take revenge. She had killed three of his subordinates, and even made Xi FengHan chase after him. He already hated her even more than the sea, so he would definitely come looking for her again.

Xi FengHan had given her a laptop to use. However, since she didn\'t want to touch the laptop, it was useless. At this moment, however, the window was covered in a layer of frost due to the cold winter weather.

The room was as warm as spring. However, her heart was gloomy, because Xi FengHan\'s journey was constantly changing. She didn\'t wait for him to return, which added to her uneasiness.

She wanted to see if there was anything going on in the organization.

fire bit her lips. She still reached out her hand to type in her previous password.

Because the organization wouldn\'t allow her to enter to see the latest news, but unexpectedly, she logged in once again. Moreover, she had a new piece of news.

fire\'s heart suddenly tensed up. Looking at the new message that appeared, she knew that there was no advertisement in this system. The person who sent her the message was definitely someone from the organization.

Nervously, she reached out her hand and touched it!

However, what was new was that there were two photos and a paragraph of text.

"Daughter, haven\'t you been looking for your biological parents? This couple is your biological parents, and they are in my hands now. If you want to save them, you better not tell anyone, especially Xi FengHan.

fire looked at her parents who were tied up. Her eyes were wide open as she clenched her fists. Luo Ke came. Not only did he come, he also kidnapped her biological parents.

Just at this moment, a new message came in. She hurriedly opened it and saw Luo Ke sitting in a room with a cold smile on his face, "fire, long time no see.

"Please let them go. Our grudge has nothing to do with anyone." fire shouted angrily towards Luo Ke who was in the video.

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