
Volume 2, Chapter 5: Ira’s Resentment, Part 2: There Wasn’t a Single Decent Person in my Army

Volume 2, Chapter 5: Ira’s Resentment, Part 2: There Wasn’t a Single Decent Person in my Army

“—–sama, ——sama?”

My auditory sense received a jolt, and my consciousness was pulled together once more.

The voice I heard at regular intervals sounded quite nostalgic for some reason.

Light entered my field of vision.

I held my head, and let my eyes scan the area. It was the same place as always.

The throne room of the Palace of Rending Flames. While it held the same mold as that of the one in the Castle of Shadows, the Great Demon King’s throne was soaked in a completely different atmosphere.

At that place where many Kings of History had entrusted themselves, I awakened.

“Kanon-sama? What seems to be the matter!?”

“… Yeah… don’t worry about it. Just… I was just reminiscing a little bit.”

‘Twas a failure. It seems I had sunk too deep into thought.

“Y-yes… if that’s all it is, then…”

The one looking at me with some doubt was my right hand Demon.

Lize Bloodcross. A Demon of Wrath like me, and a woman that somewhat reminded my of my past self.

Perhaps’t that’s why.

Of all things, I sent an inexperienced Lize to Leigie-niisama’s side.

Perhaps when father left me to him long ago, he experienced a feeling like what I feel as well. There’s no way to find out at this point.

The Lord of Sloth has no enemies. There’s no way niisama, who doesn’t even take any action, could bear animosity towards anyone.

Having power surpassing her age, the mildly unstable Lize was able to gain fine control over her emotions due to niisama’s influence. Rather than stating it as a report on her progress, perhaps it is simply an inevitability.

Because niisama has quite a lot of experience…

“Good grief, those Demon Lords are the same as always.”

“Yeah… but that can’t be helped. It’s precisely because they’re like that.”

I brought together the Demon Lords strong in Sin. It’s natural for there to be a level of friction between them.

It’s proof that the Great Demon Kings of old bent a large variety of powers to their whim.

And I’m the same.

I gathered together the wielders of all sorts of desire. I was more than prepared to be surrounded by potential traitors the moment I became Great Demon King.

Temperament. Wisdom. Brute force. Charisma.

The only thing those guys didn’t heed was… authority.

And at the same time, with them following me to that extent… I can’t have them lose their powers, and fall to some Angel, or the like.

“But… as I thought, Schitol went too far… to snatch from an allied soldier before my very eyes…”

“… Ah, Medea…”

It was only natural that a Greed Demon’s power depended on material possessions. Therefore, their basic battle power wasn’t all too high.

However, that Demon Lord had, of all things, chosen ‘Bodies’ as her target of desire. I haven’t the slightest idea what caused her to develop such a craving, but the power she possessed could likely easily pierce a Demon Lord’s body.

She was truly a troublesome Demon.

And there’s that personality of hers…

All the Lords had quite picky personalities, but even among them, she was top class in being hard to handle.

Medea Luxeliaheart was a considerable Demon.

I never thought she would be thrown into the army when niisama randomly picked her up, and I hadn’t the slightest notion that she would even reach General Class.

But even so, before Demon Lords, there was much too great a gap in quality.

“Looking at it from another perspective, could it be our luck that it ended with Medea alone…?”

“… Well, there’s some truth to that… but it sure has been a while since a casualty came up at a conference.”

Of course, if you mix together so many strong poisons, the damage to the surroundings is nothing small.

But at the same time, in this land swirling with various strong desires, they did hold the strength to show off their mettle, so it’s not like they’re to be killed off so easily.

If you want to look to the current trend, then most casualties don’t arrive during the meeting, but from the aftermath, and it wasn’t the Demon Lords themselves, but everyone around them.

“W-well, Medea was just a double, so…”

Lize let out a mournful sigh.

It must be painful to witness the Demon she dragged out be killed like that.

Truly, it may have been thoughtless to drag the girl over here.

I never should have compared her to Heard Lauder, who had always attended these conferences in niisama’s place.

Medea and Heard’s careers were different. Even if I was the one who ordered it, for her to have an insurance plan known as illusions… well, perhaps she was killed so easily due to the resultant negligence, but anyways, I should commend her for coming out in the first place.

I extinguished a cinder that as set alight in some corner of my head with a sigh.

To cover that up, I directed my eyes to Lize.

“As I’ve told you before, Lize, I’ll leave the role of reporting to Leigie to you.”

“Yes, understood.”

Lize’s figure as she gave her affirmation overlapped with my own form of the past, and for some reason, it gave me an excessively lonely feeling.

I shook my head to deny that. Such sentiment is unnecessary to my Wrath. Nothing will change from harboring such a feeling.

“But, Kanon-sama… whatever the case, I doubt there is anyone out there to target Leigei of Sloth.”

“Oh… why is that?”

“I mean, for the Lord of Sloth… there’s absolutely no reason to aim for his head, is there? Back when his territory was vast was one thing, but right now, Leigie Slaughterdolls has nothing but the Castle of Shadows… he doesn’t even have an army. Attacking Leigie will not earn anyone any status or fame.”

“… That’s… right. Truly, by assaulting niisama, there’s nothing to be gained.”

But, still…

As long as he doesn’t take any active action, as long as keeps his hand from the world, as long as he stays holed up in his room, can he truly isolate himself from all else?

Can he merely sleep peacefully without receiving any evaluation from anyone?


Power is justice. Without doing anything, he spent his long lifetime, and like the sweet smell of a nepenthes, the vast power he cultivated would draw Demons to him.

Naturally, his obligations increase. That’s something that can’t be helped.

The ice he lowered on the world must have been a manifestation of the sentiment he was always been building up. How repulsing, and sorrowful.

Because of his very being, the Lord of Depravity is not permitted to gain a single thing in life.

Back in my own element, I gave more orders to Lize.

“Vanity’s report is… also uncertain. A Lord of Angels, and Zebul the Devourer, even if this land is constantly astir with turmoil, the timing is much too convenient. What’s more, that man isn’t one to trust.”

Vanity the Egoist’s words were soaked in deceit.

Superbia was largely divided into two categories.

Those like Heard Lauder, who gained Pride in their own ability.

And those like Vanity Seidthroan, who boasted not of their power, and used wit to accomplish their pride.

That was Pride of the same type as father’s.

“He’s scheming something here.”

As that man’s daughter, I understood.

That sort of Demon Lord was the most dangerous factor to the King’s seat.

I see, compared to all the others prostrated before me, that Lord is quite an irregular. I mean, I cannot see a clear form of desire in him.

But still, I didn’t think that the man was telling a lie. High ranking Lords could generally see through most lies on the spot.

If he were to report a falsehood, what merit would be in it for Vanity? Even if he may be Rank four, he’s not able to contest my Ira, and also, even if his report were to be a lie, that would just put Heard against him.

“… The truth of the matter aside, if the Devourer truly was defeated, yet managed to survive… then her destination will be niisama’s side.”


Long lived Demon Lords cared not for victory, but were stubborn in defeat.

Zebul Glaucus was known for her exceedingly high offensive power, and brutal nature. I’m not sure how long she’s lived for, but I doubt she has much experience in failure.

I folded a leg atop the other above the cold throne.

I felt a burning power from my prided long staff clasped in my right hand. As if to manifest the submerged anger in the depths of my heart.

As if it were eagerly awaiting for me to release power through it once more.

“Hm… I don’t think that niisama will lose, and… I can’t think that Heard will let her escape either.”

I mean, Zebul has already lost to niisama once.

No matter how heinous she may be, it would be difficult for her to oppose both niisama and Heard, with their exceedingly high powers.

“… Y-yes. Heard Lauder has already departed from this land. If it’s that Lord, then perhaps there’s no need to worry.”

“What an impatient man… but so be it.”

Even if there’s no defeat to be found, I can’t let such a trifling matter disturb niisama’s sleep.

In that case, there would have been no reason for me to take his rank and land and army. Heard should know that fact as well.

Heard Lauder’s power was undoubtedly top class within my army. I hated dealing with that man as a child, but when he’s my subordinate, he makes himself quite useful. Especially how he could roam as he pleased in this wide world that was hard to span even on a dragon. His agility like that of a clap of thunder was that man’s nature. It’s almost impossible to run away from him.

The more and more I thought, the more sighs came from my mouth. If he’d only actually listen to my orders for once, I wonder just how much my Demon World unification plans would have hastened.

“Good grief, the world just turns about as it pleases.”

And that will likely never end.

Even from the past… he was that sort of man.

Having spent many years alongside those niisamas of mine, they were my… bane.

If I became negligent, then even my desire would weather away.

A scene of a few thousand years past came up again, and I shook my head to rid myself of it.

“Well, fine. The main issue is that Valkyrie. Lize, I’ll assign you the duty of informing Heard of what we have on her.”

“… Yeah, he did leave before anything was said…”

Like that, just how does he plan on chasing after Serge…

Demon World unification is being held up by the existence of a single lone Valkyrie. How troublesome.

And sending representative to them rarely has any effect on those Demon Lords.

“But, even so, it’s already the end.”

In the end, there’s but one opponent. Because of her mobility, we were having a problem getting our hands on her, but as long as we know her location, taking her out is all too easy.

This is the Demon world. A land of dark miasma governed by fiends.

The miracle of God, those heavenly wings cannot fly too far through this abyss.

We’ll have to pound that fact into those foolish Angels.


“Yes, it is as you will it.”

With intoxicated eyes, the man who was standing behind me immediately kneeled.

He was the inspector Demon dispatched to the late Rank Seven, Ciel Afreide.

While the Lord was killed, my eyes on him remained alive. No, that alone is part of the role of an observer.

It was the end of her luck when she chose a Demon Lord of Envy to assault.

The observer’s intoxicated eyes, which would never stop envying all of existence, Angels included, had surely captured the Valkyrie’s form.

An Envy Demon’s nature was highly geared towards information. After being caught in the eyes of Envy, that girl was nothing more than a butterfly in a spider’s web.

Lize furrowed her brow in a sort of wonder, and began timidly probing through my eyes.

“… So where is Serge of the Silver Blue…?”

“Ah, what a girl… silvery white hair, and cyan eyes, wings of pure light, and… her strength, everything about her was simply beautiful. How does that lass manage to live such a vivid life!? Kuku, it’s a pity she’s to be destroyed… and at the same time, what a wondrous day it is. That I can witness the death of such a beautiful Angel with these very eyes!”

His figure took on a form of joy, as if to express the ecstasy running through his entire body, and Lize’s expression cramped up a little.

For her to make a disgusted expression at something of this level, is she not thrown about by her emotions a little too much?

Well, when you’re by niisama’s side, these sort of stimulus seem quite distant. Should I go dispatch her off to some repulsive Demon Lord for a time…

If this is enough to disturb her, she’ll never be a Lord.

I prodded the man with my staff to return him to his senses.

Finally noticing the phrase, ‘these very eyes,’ and understanding their intent, Lize blinked a few times.

“… Report.”

“Yes, that Valkyrie is, at present… racing about the skies over red soil. From the Crimson Prison to the Dark Prison… at the speed of the wind.”

In this area, there’s no land soaked in such black magic besides the Dark Prison.

With an Invidia Demon’s 『Envy Eye』 Skill, it wasn’t possible to find exact location, but if we had the general idea, then the rest was simple.

If they enter a zone, then the Lord could likely tell their location. That white aura of theirs was like a splotch of white on a canvas painted black, and it really stood out.

“But it’s the Crimson Prison… again.”

The Crimson Prison.

Ruled by Vanity Seidthroan, a scorching wasteland.

That land wasn’t an important strategic point in any way, and the population of Demons in it wasn’t high. The army size was also standard.

It’s not worthy of being the first land attacked by Angels in such a long time. I mean, their goal is to eliminate as many Demons as possible.

But as of late, problems have surfaced there one after another.

The appearance of a Saint Lord.

The appearance of Zebul.

And, now a report of Serge.


I thought back to the General Class Demon who stopped by the Palace of Rending Flames to give a report on the Angels just the other day.

While he was General Class, he was a seasoned veteran who had crossed many a battlefield.


That’s what the man had said.

A Greed Demon given a reward was one of the few trustworthy entities in all of these lands.

Is this a coincidence?

Father… Fels Crowne was, rather than military arts, skilled in his insight. That was likely something that couldn’t be avoided to carry out his Deceit.

That’s why there must be some meaning behind this trend.

Father treated everything in his surroundings as part of his work, but to me alone, he was kind.

Even if that was just him considering profit and loss…

Should the Egoist be trusted or not?

Vanity does heed to my orders, but it’s not like he’s loyal or anything. From the start, his nature was opposed to devotion.

But the vanguard of God… those entities called Angels weren’t ones who would let themselves be manipulated by any form of Demon so easily. Zebul was a monster who could have eaten the man the moment they met.

Even if someone was plotting something, it would be too much a risk for the Egoist to play his hand.

Heard Lauder is strong.

But against two opponents, the Devourer and the Valkyrie, can he possibly come out victorious?

It’s unlikely that he’ll encounter them simultaneously, but his power should fall the more he uses it up. That doesn’t change regardless of how much of it he’s stored up.

Heard was niisama’s formed right hand man. It’s an impossible notion, but in the million to one chance he’s destroyed, niisama might actually be saddened. At that time, I’ll have to be prepared for the entire Demon World to be frozen over again.

So perhaps I should send in some reinforcements.

『Always foresee the worst outcome. Reality will always exceed that.』

Father’s teachings floated up in my head.

But even if I were to send backup, the Rank Two and Rank Three Demon Lords bear resentment against Heard Lauder, and the chances are higher that he’ll actually suffer an attack from behind.

Since Zebul was removed, Rank Five has yet to be filled, and with his nature, Rank Six is unlikely to even hear out my orders.

As the Great Demon King, I can’t have myself go out personally.

There wasn’t a single decent person in my army.

“? What seems to be the matter?”

“Hmm… no, I was just considering whether to play another card or not.”

“To send reinforcements? Is Heard Lauder insufficient for the task?”

Lize’s question was on the mark.

Even back when he was a General, Heard boasted exceptional power, but that was brought even further to the limit when he became a Lord. If it’s that man, then perhaps he could even rend the earth with his bare hands.

I’m sure he’s the greatest master in my army. If you think about it logically reinforcements would be unnecessary.

My dispatches to the Demon Lords haven’t been recalled, and if I sent out those numerous ones below General Class to a fight between Lord Class entities, they’d be there for no purpose but to make noise.

I scrutinize over the incessant notions passing through my head, and reached a conclusion.

… I’m being a little… too cautious.

I’ve not the leisure to leave my own subordinates on standby.

At that point, Lize furrowed her brow, and muttered.

“But… truly, even if Heard is not to face defeat… there’s the possibility he might let them slip past. Once they’ve entered the Dark Prison’s territory, the Castle of Shadows isn’t too far away…”

Castle of Shadows… niisama?

… Right, if they’ve already entered that land, then with Heavenly Wings, the Castle was but a stone’s throw away.

But just because she entered the Dark Prison, that doesn’t mean that Serge is set to head for the Castle of Shadows.

I decided.

“Lize, prepare a Dragon. We’re off to the Dark Prison.”

“… Huh? Wai… Kanon-sama, you’re going out personally?”

There’s no time.

The Palace of Rending Flames, the Castle of Shadows, and the land of the Crimson Prison were lined up in a straight path. If I set out immediately, there’s a chance I’ll arrive in time.

I glared at Lize, who remained in a daze.

“Exactly. Now on with it!”

“Y-yes! Understood!”

I gripped my staff strongly, and stood up.

In times beyond memory, when there was nothing but darkness in this desolate world, the Dark God was said to have passed this instrument to the Great Demon King. With my desire as its fuel, it gave out a steady pulse like a heart.

The feelings that came with my impatience circulated around my veins. Like the starting of an engine, heat began to spread through my body.

Valkyrie… Valkyrie, is it?

To stand before me, before niisama, how reckless must she be?

To try to slay Leigie of Sloth after killing off a measly Demon Lord or two is simply outrageous.

Well, well, well, I guess there’s no helping him.

I, Kanon will protect your peaceful rest, dear niisama.

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