
Chapter 455: Thinking (5)

Chapter 455: Thinking (5)

Kang Jin-Ho frowned at the sight of the younger generation martial artists filling up the training field of the Martial Assembly\'s HQ. “...Didn\'t we agree to start the training from today?”

Bang Jin-Hun proudly nodded. “Yes, we did.”

“But, uh... Don\'t these people look like they have started training already?”

“Hahaha. It was just a light warm up. Nothing more.”

“A light warm up, you say...?” Kang Jin-Ho cocked an eyebrow and looked weirdly at Bang Jin-Hun. However, the current Assembly Master slickly turned his head away to look at a distant mountain peak instead, thereby avoiding meeting any criticizing glare coming his way.

Kang Jin-Ho groaned softly. “What did you make these people do?”

“It\'s nothing major, really. Just running to the top of that mountain over there,” said Bang Jin-Hun while pointing at a distant mountain.

“...Running to a mountain?”

“Yep. The weather has been rather pleasant during the last couple of days, and the view is pretty nice around here, so I let the folks have a bit of a sightseeing trip.”

Kang Jin-Ho slowly shook his head. He heard that South Korea\'s athletics world had a tradition of running up a mountain whenever it was time to start training... And to think, such a tendency had invaded the Martial Assembly, too!

Kang Jin-Ho tutted and spoke of his honest impression. “Aren\'t these folks way too tired for something that simple?”

Bang Jin-Hun stood tall and replied proudly. “That\'s because I made them run without relying on their cultivation.”

“Excuse me? Without their qi?”

“Yes,” Bang Jin-Hun smirked triumphantly. “Training while using your qi can\'t improve your fitness, after all. I\'m a firm believer of one\'s fitness being a very important aspect of a martial artist.”

Kang Jin-Ho looked bewildered by that declaration. “Are you telling me that you made these people go through a fitness training without relying on qi?”

“Yes. Is there... something wrong?” Bang Jin-Hun tilted his head.

“No, it\'s just that... Rather than something wrong, I\'m having a hard time understanding this thought process, that\'s all,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“You can\'t understand it?”

Kang Jin-Ho nodded, then asked Bang Jin-Hun as if he really couldn\'t figure it out. “The enemies these people will face in the future are all martial artists, yes?”

“Yes. I guess so?”

“In that case, will they be able to do anything against enemy martial artists without any qi remaining? Even if they are fit as a fiddle?”

“...Eh?” Bang Jin-Hun was suddenly left speechless. Obviously, there was no way to resist a martial artist without qi. Unless firearms were involved, that was. “N-no, hang on a second…”

When Kang Jin-Ho raised a seemingly-valid point, everyone in the athletics field suddenly began glaring at Bang Jin-Hun with suspicious lights burning in their eyes.

After noticing this sudden change in the mood, Bang Jin-Hun hurriedly defended himself. “W-well, uh... Y-yes, one\'s cultivation is important during a fight, but we aren\'t fighting right now. We\'re trying to train our bodies! And fitness is the most important thing during training, isn\'t it! And, and! You need to be fit to maintain your concentration!”

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “Mm, I\'m not so sure about that. I\'ve never heard of cases where trainees were too tired to continue even though they still had enough qi remaining, or fighters with plenty of energy losing in a duel due to their poor fitness…”


“Well, I guess different people will rely on different ways of training themselves. As such, I\'ll respect your training method, Assembly Master Bang. Although I have to say, it doesn\'t really match mine.”

Bang Jin-Hun smiled awkwardly while sneaking a careful glance in the athletics field\'s direction.

\'...Oii. That\'s painful.\'

The glares of the younger generation martial artists were painfully stabbing into him. Which was understandable, really.

According to Kang Jin-Ho, Bang Jin-Hun made them waste their time and energy on something completely irrelevant for the last two days. Sure, they could overlook the whole \'wasting time\' thing. However, what about their wasted energy when they needed to receive Kang Jin-Ho\'s training soon?

While being subjected to the banquet of murderous glares, Bang Jin-Hun fake-coughed to clear his throat and get over this awkward feeling.

\'I know you\'re pissed, but I\'m still your Assembly Master, aren\'t I? Aren\'t your glares a bit too disrespectful?\'

Even if that was how he felt, Bang Jin-Hun couldn\'t rake these kids over the coals for being too insolent toward him. Even though he didn\'t think of himself as a \'progressive\' authority figure, Bang Jin-Hun was at least aware that he needed to be reasonable about losing his temper.

Since he knew he was \'guilty\' in this case, what justification did he have for getting angry this time? So, Bang Jin-Hun decided to quickly move on from this unfortunate incident. “S-so, are we finally starting with your training, Mister Jin-Ho?”

“Mm...” Kang Jin-Ho seemed to deliberate on something while scanning the crowd before briefly nodding. “We did agree, so yes, we\'ll commence soon.”

“I see. Then, I\'ll get the folks ready to...”

“No, hold on,” Kang Jin-Ho suddenly stopped Bang Jin-Hun.

“Mm? Why?”

“Give them time for a quick shower, then have them assemble in the auditorium again, please.”


“I need them in the auditorium.”

“...I see.” Bang Jin-Hun tilted his head. Although puzzled, there wasn\'t a whole lot Bang Jin-Hun could say when Kang Jin-Ho had already been \'entrusted\' with the power to make decisions. “Well, you all heard him. You get thirty minutes to shower and clean yourselves up. After changing your clothes, gather in the auditorium like before.”


No one answered him, but Bang Jin-Hun guessed that everyone had understood him just fine. And to get out of this pickle in one piece, he quickly glued himself to Kang Jin-Ho\'s side. “Well, then! Shall we head to my office? Let me treat you to a cup of coffee while you wait.”

Kang Jin-Ho coolly nodded. “I\'ll take up on your offer, then.”

While watching the cackling Bang Jin-Hun accompany Kang Jin-Ho into the Assembly HQ\'s main building, Yi Myeong-Hwan quietly muttered to no one in particular. “Rather than putting an end to authoritarianism... Maybe he just doesn\'t have any authority?”

Other martial artists around Yi Myeong-Hwan slowly nodded in silence.


Now freshly showered, Yi Myeong-Hwan wearing training duds entered the auditorium while dusting his wet hair.


The shower did the trick, and Yi Myeong-Hwan felt somewhat refreshed now.

\'At least this is an improvement.\'

Yi Myeong-Hwan thought that while touching his training clothes. Back when Lee Jung-Geol was still the Assembly Master, the Martial Assembly forced its members to put on black martial arts uniforms no matter the occasion. Regardless of whether it was for training or official events, the members were expected to wear the duds.

The reason was supposed to be something about continuing Korea\'s tradition, but absurd nonsense like that would enter one ear only to slip out the other before it could leave any lasting impression in anyone\'s head.

However, Bang Jin-Hun wasn\'t like that. He preferred utility above all else. The unwieldy traditional martial arts uniforms that couldn\'t even absorb sweat properly were swiftly dispensed with, replaced by much more modern training gear. Not only that, there was no restriction on designs. Anyone could wear whatever they wanted.

Of course, it wasn\'t as if the Assembly footed the bill for the new duds, but... It was still miles better than those old-fashioned stuffy uniforms.

“On those aspects at least, he\'s a wonderful Assembly Master, but...”

If only Bang Jin-Hun didn\'t get so hung up on these weird ideas every so often as if his pride was on the line! Still, that minus point couldn\'t stop Yi Myeong-Hwan from acknowledging the new Assembly Master. Well, he realized that \'looking after its members\' and \'Martial Assembly\' could finally be mentioned in the same sentence after Bang Jin-Hun became the Martial Assembly, so no one could fault him for that!

After ridding the last remnants of water from his wet hair, Yi Myeong-Hwan carefully scanned the auditorium\'s interior. The Assembly members, also freshly showered and in different clothes, were sitting quietly on the provided chairs. This place should soon become packed to the brim with people.


The doorway next to the podium suddenly opened, and Kang Jin-Ho briskly walked inside. That was when the seated martial artists hurriedly got up, even though no one told them to.

\'Huh. Scenes like these still amaze me...\'

Yi Myeong-Hwan sighed under his breath. Every martial artist was supposed to be a bundle of unyielding pride. Even if they had nothing much going on in their lives, a martial artist\'s pride would still be strong and overbearing. Yi Myeong-Hwan couldn\'t be sure if this was the unique quirk of this profession called \'martial artist\' or only those with such tendencies were attracted to this way of life.

When Lee Jung-Geol was still the Assembly Master, one of the biggest headaches he had to deal with was the friction between the mid-level management and the younger generation. What happened was that the young martial artists coming up through the ranks usually didn\'t have the time for stuff like respecting their elders. Meanwhile, the mid-level experts, already secure and comfy in their positions, weren\'t so happy about their rude juniors.

The disrespect from the younger generation had gotten so out of hand that a policy to stop the clashes between seniors and juniors had to be enacted in short order. And now, those worthy to be called the core of the younger generation were gathered inside this auditorium. In other words, young martial artists who were stronger than their peers and even ruder than them were present in this place!

Yet, they all stood up without anyone ordering them when Kang Jin-Ho appeared before their eyes. Here was the spectacle that proved how high Kang Jin-Ho\'s status was within the Martial Assembly.

“Mm, this is better.” Kang Jin-Ho nodded slightly. \'I have no idea how I used to endure the smell...\'

Unsurprisingly, Zhongyuan\'s standard of hygiene couldn\'t be compared to the modern era\'s. Some people back then were so filthy that Kang Jin-Ho, who still had a modern-era person\'s mindset, simply couldn\'t stand the sight of them.

\'However, I had gradually assimilated to their ways, didn\'t I?\'

When he looked back to his time in Zhongyuan, didn\'t Kang Jin-Ho also spend two, maybe three years in some nameless cave for the sake of his cultivation without taking a bath once? And he\'d often travel in the wilderness without touching clean water for a month or two, as well. He didn\'t think anything was wrong with that lifestyle back then, but now that he was in the modern era, the mere memories of those days sent a chill down his spine.

Especially when he remembered how badly the Demon Flames were reeking of body odor as if it was some kind of a passive buff!

Kang Jin-Ho soullessly muttered, “Wow. Now that I think about it, I must\'ve been really crazy back then, huh...”


“...Oh, it\'s nothing.” Kang Jin-Ho quickly shook his head.

He couldn\'t help but think that he used to do many unthinkable things back then as if nothing was wrong. One of those things was his insistence on having his underlings wear voluminous martial artist robes, replete with ominous black cloaks and conical bamboo hats.

\'It\'s like I was implying that they shouldn\'t fight...\'

Since they were all martial artists, a minor inconvenience caused by their get-up could be ignored to some degree, but... Kang Jin-Ho thought that if he hadn\'t been worried about aesthetics and focused on the optimal gear instead, he could\'ve made better use of his subordinates.

“My liege. One\'s dignity and prestige aren\'t simply derived from one\'s strength. One\'s outer appearance also plays a crucial part. Protocols and ceremonial robes will also add to your overall majesty as the leader of the demon cult, my liege.”

\'...Yeah, right.\'

Kang Jin-Ho chuckled inwardly. He suddenly remembered that Azure Demon was also a man from the ancient times. If Kang Jin-Ho stuck to his former adviser\'s counsel and tried to force these young martial artists into such robes now? Jo Gyu-Min might chase after Kang Jin-Ho with a whip in his hand!

Kang Jin-Ho quickly shook his head to get rid of the old memories, then scanned the martial artists hurriedly entering the auditorium. He stood before the crowd and addressed them. “Let\'s not waste any more time and get started.”

“I\'m sorry?”

“When your name is called, please come to the back of the podium. However, one person at a time, please.”

One person at a time? When Yi Myeong-Hwan heard that, he couldn\'t help but frown. \'Huh? Maybe it\'s a private lesson?\'

However, there were several hundred people here. How long would they need if this training was in the format of a one-on-one private lesson?

“Ah. You, there,” Kang Jin-Ho suddenly pointed at Yi Myeong-Hwan.

Naturally, he jumped up in surprise. “Y-yes, sir?”

Since they had become somewhat of acquaintances, it seemed like Kang Jin-Ho had decided to \'rely\' on Yi Myeong-Hwan for every little thing now.

Dealing with Bang Jin-Hun\'s demands was already tough, so to add Kang Jin-Ho on top was just...

\'...No, hang on. Isn\'t this more like a jackpot?\'

Bang Jin-Hun was the type to only saddle Yi Myeong-Hwan with difficult and annoying matters. However, surely Kang Jin-Ho wasn\'t that kind of a man? Besides, wasn\'t Kang Jin-Ho the type that wanted to give more benefits to people he acknowledged as a part of his inner circle?

“Y-yes, sir! Please speak!” Yi Myeong-Hwan replied energetically, his voice naturally gaining renewed strength after he realized that this was another great chance to get even more acquainted with Kang Jin-Ho.

“Can you help with deciding the order?” Kang Jin-Ho asked.

“I\'m sorry?”

“I may need around five minutes per head, so I thought it\'ll take a very long time to speak to everyone in here, you see?”

“O-oh, I see. Yes, that\'s true...” Yi Myeong-Hwan rubbed his chin. Five minutes per person? Then, a hundred people should equal five hundred minutes. And that was over eight hours. However, there were way more than one hundred people here.

“It\'d be a waste of time for everyone to wait here not knowing when they\'ll get called up, so can you help with deciding the order? Those who must wait for a while can go home and get some rest before coming back. However, you must ensure that everyone will be here on time.”

Yi Myeong-Hwan dazedly blinked his eyes. “H-hang on, we can go home?”

“Yes. I thought that would be better than hanging around here. Don\'t you agree? Well, it\'s up to you if you wish to stay.” Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders.

“Oh, uh... Understood, sir.”

“Okay. I\'ll leave it to you, then.” Kang Jin-Ho briefly bowed toward Yi Myeong-Hwan and the rest of the crowd before trying to exit the auditorium.

Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s cheeks began twitching just then. His hand sneakily rose up on its own toward Kang Jin-Ho\'s back, then an impatient cry suddenly jumped out of his mouth next. “E-excuse me...!”

“Yes?” Kang Jin-Ho looked back while tilting his head in puzzlement.

Yi Myeong-Hwan anxiously chewed on his lips. He knew it was better to keep his mouth shut in this situation. No need to bring \'it\' up and create any unnecessary awkwardness between him and Kang Jin-Ho, now was there? Unfortunately, Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s unyielding rebellious streak won in the end, and he simply had to ask this question. A question that he couldn\'t hold back... finally crawled out of Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s mouth. “...Sir, if that was your plan all along, why did you tell us to come back here after taking a shower?”

Kang Jin-Ho\'s eyes powerfully quaked.



A bout of chilling silence descended in the auditorium before it was broken by Kang Jin-Ho smiling awkwardly. “I, uh... Well, I\'ll leave it to you.”

While Kang Jin-Ho was hurriedly escaping from the auditorium, Yi Myeong-Hwan could only stand there and stare in dismay.

\'What the hell...? Could he be... exactly the same type of airhead as Assembly Master Bang?\'

Yi Myeong-Hwan suddenly began wondering if he had made the right decision to learn martial arts from such a man.

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