
Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Ho Sung Lee looked at his text and gulped.

A website address linking to a blue homepage was sent to him by text.

And when he clicked it, it was even more shocking.

It was a fact that had yet to be revealed to the media, and it was top secret information sent from Central Institute that not even Shadow Guild new about.

The information pertained to the mysterious tree growing in Min Sung’s yard.

“What’s wrong?” Sia Jang asked as she looked at Ho Sung Lee’s serious expression.

Ho Sung Lee shook his head to let Sia Jang know that it was no big deal.

“What is it? You look so serious. Did something happen?”

Sia Jang’s face was overcome with fear.

Just like the citizens all over the world, Sia Jang was just an average person who was fearful after the appearance of the dungeons, towers, and devils.

“It’s nothing. Really. Min Sung’s telling me to start training again. Haha, I really like it out here though. Damn it. Looks like I’ll be going into caves and eat garlic there. Sigh.”

In response to Ho Sung Lee’s annoying act, Sia Jang looked a little more relieved.

“Oh, you startled me. You always overreact about the smallest things.”

“Hey, do you know how difficult training is?”

“I don’t want to know.”

Sia Jang stuck out her tongue and ran into her room.

After confirming that she was okay, Ho Sung Lee immediately headed to Min Sung’s room.

As soon as he knocked, the door opened.

“What is it?”

Min Sung asked as he walked out of his room.

“I have something to tell you. Can we go to the terrace?”

Ho Sung Lee asked while looking back at Sia Jang’s room.

Min Sung checked Ho Sung Lee’s facial expression and headed to the terrace.

Since it was a penthouse on a very high floor, they could see all of Seoul within one glance from the terrace.

Min Sung sat down on a metal chair while enjoying the cold breeze, and Ho Sung Lee remained standing getting ready to brief him.

Min Sung enjoyed the view while waiting for Ho Sung Lee to speak.

“Sir, this has to do with the tree in your yard.”

“Just get to the point.”

“You know how fast that tree’s been growing, right?”


“As fast as it’s growing... It’s also absorbing a crazy amount of nutrients.”

Min Sung knitted his brows and looked at Ho Sung Lee.

Ho Sung Lee continued, “According to the experts, it won’t be long before it harms the crops, causing the ground to be destroyed.”

“So are you saying that tree in my yard is swallowing this earth whole?”

“Yes, but that’s not all. If that happens, the citizens won’t look upon you favorably, and it’ll cause quite the commotion.”

“I don’t care about my image, but it’s a problem if it harms the crops.”

Min Sung’s gaze made Ho Sung Lee a little tense.

“What do we do, Sir?”

“What do you think? We’ll have to chop it down.”

Min Sung walked off the terrace.

Ho Sung Lee sighed and followed from behind him.


Ho Sung Lee held the steering wheel with Min Sung sitting in the back.

He continued to check on Min Sung through the back mirror and then...

“Um, Sir... Will it be resolved just by cutting down the tree?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the citizens are pretty attached to the tree growing in your backyard, and if they see you cutting it down so suddenly, they’ll definitely be shocked...”

“There are only two choices.”

“Since they’re still researching, what if we take a different turn instead of making such an extreme decision?”

“No, if there’s a problem coming our way, we have to chop it down. That’s how I do things.”

Ho Sung Lee nodded and caught his breath.

“Yes, Sir.”

When Ho Sung Lee focused back on the road...

Drip! Drip!

He saw raindrops falling on the window.

The sight of the raindrops made Ho Sung Lee’s heart pound.

As soon as he saw the raindrops, it reminded him of the towers and devils, and that made his heart sink.

But he reminded himself that it was just an ordinary raindrop and attempted to stay calm and keep his eyes on the road.

He told himself nothing was going to happen.

That was what Ho Sung Lee believed.

That was what he wanted to believe.



As soon as the car stopped, Min Sung got out and walked at a fast pace.

There were reporters and cameras flashing from all directions.

Min Sung entered his house while getting photographed, and the house was filled with researchers and hunters keeping guard.

Both the hunters and researchers greeted Min Sung.

When he got to the yard, he found the researchers as well as General Ji Yoo Kim of Central Institute.

“You’re here,” Ji Yoo Kim greeted brightly.

Her face looked as stiff as the situation.

Min Sung showed a stiff look on his face as he looked up at the problematic tree.

The tree was even bigger than the last time.

It was so big that he saw it on his way to the house.

At this rate, it was going to pierce through the clouds.

“Let’s just cut it down.”

In response to Min Sung’s remark, Ji Yoo Kim and the researchers were shocked.

“But Min Sung, it’s not that simple...”

“You said this tree is killing the earth. At this rate, it’s going to harm the crops on this land, leading to the destruction of this land. You want to let that happen?”

“That’s true, but there’s something we haven’t confirmed yet. We informed you of the negative impact, but...”

“Is there an upside?”

“We haven’t found that yet...”

Min Sung showed his stiffened face to the researchers.

“If they’re so crazy about research, they probably want to research rather than giving up on it, but how do you expect to keep your job by letting them have their way?”

In response to Min Sung’s criticism, Ji Yoo Kim frowned.


Ji Yoo Kim was startled by the sudden sound of lightning, and even the researchers flinched and stepped backward.

It was the sound of Min Sung’s Durandal.

The researchers, who had never seen Min Sung with a weapon before, trembled in fear.

The researchers wanted to stop Min Sung due to their desire to continue their research, but not a single one stepped up.

“That tree might look okay on the outside, but it’s just a parasite that’s leaching off of this land. Don’t get so attached.”

Min Sung never got swayed in front of the choices he was given, and that made Ji Yoo Kim and the researchers grow pale.

They couldn’t stop Min Sung.

Min Sung’s eyes sparkled as he swung his Durandal so quickly that it couldn’t be seen.

For those who were just watching, all they could hear was the sound of thunder followed by lightning.

They felt like they could be hit.

But in contrast to their worries, the magic power from Min Sung’s Durandal disappeared without a trace.

Min Sung looked at the mysterious tree in fascination.

There wasn’t a single scratch on the tree.

And it wasn’t just Min Sung who was surprised.

Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee were the most surprised while the researchers and the hunters were surprised as well.

“What’s going on? Why isn’t it getting damaged?” Ho Sung Lee asked as he looked at the tree in shock.

Meanwhile, Min Sung walked forward and touched the tree.

It felt like a normal tree, but it could absorb magic power?

Min Sung smiled and used his Aura in his hands to try to push the tree over.

No matter how big the tree was, the amount of power he used was strong enough to knock it over, but the tree in his yard didn’t budge.

How was it possible for his power, which worked in the Demonic Realm, to not work on this tree?

Min Sung laughed bitterly.

Ji Yoo Kim and Ho Sung Lee cautiously approached Min Sung.

“What’s going on here?” Ho Sung Lee asked while Ji Yoo Kim looked at the tree with many thoughts going through her head.

“That’s what I want to ask too.”

Min Sung clicked his tongue at the tree.

“What kind of tree is this?”

Min Sung let out his frustration on the tree while Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung in surprise.

Ho Sung Lee had never seen Min Sung like this before.

“Move,” Min Sung said while holding his Durandal.

In response, Ho Sung Lee and Ji Yoo Kim flinched back.

Min Sung jolted his eyes open and stabbed the tree with his Durandal.

The Durandal smoothly pieced through the tree, but that was it.

The magic power that came from the Durandal got sucked up by the tree like a vacuum cleaner, and then it wriggled and began to grow even faster.

Min Sung took out his Durandal and squinted his eyes.

“Look at this thing. You eat magic power?”

Min Sung smiled and looked up at the tree.

The way Min Sung saw it, this magical tree was no ordinary tree.

This tree didn’t only suck up the resources around it, but it was powerful enough to swallow the earth whole.

He sensed it as soon as it absorbed his magic power.

That this tree was dangerous.

It was nothing like its image, which was a guardian angel.

This dangerous tree was going to infect the earth, and it was bound to swallow the earth whole sooner or later.

It had rooted deeply into the earth.

But the question was why it appeared in the first place?

At a time like this, there had to be a reason.

‘What’s the reason?’

After much thought, Min Sung came up with one hypothesis.

“The Demonic Realm,” Min Sung said.

At that moment, Ho Sung Lee and Ji Yoo Kim stared at Min Sung.

And that was when Min Sung was certain.

“It’s because of the Demonic Realm.”

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