
Chapter 327: Teleportation Array

Chapter 327: Teleportation Array

"But then what will we use in the next team battle?" Du Bai couldn\'t help but express his worry.

Tang San smirked. "Next time, if I\'m not mistaken, our opponents will be easier to deal with. We can win even without the array discs. After all, without us, they won\'t be able to unlock the secrets of the array discs. When we come here to compete next time, they\'ll come to us."

Seeing his confident demeanor, the other four breathed a sigh of relief. Gu Li said, "Being taken to that arena owner today made me nervous! I thought they were going to harm us."

Tang San shook his head. "The Aetherhorn Deers are not inclined toward violence; they are business people. Business people value profit. Killing us wouldn\'t benefit them, and they are very interested in benefiting from us. As long as we target this point, we don\'t have to fear what they might do to us."

Wu Bingji asked, "OK, but what about next time then? What if they force us to tell them how to use the discs?"

"Then we tell them. The array discs wear out during use and can\'t be used too many times anyway, and they cannot possibly expect us to know how they are made. We tell them what they want to know, and they have no reason to target us. As for the origin of the array discs, isn\'t that up to us to decide? Don’t worry, they are not all that interested in dealing with us; what matters to them is establishing a connection with the array master behind us."

Wu Bingji\'s heart stirred, as if he had grasped part of Tang San\'s thinking.

"But the mayor said this thing is very important to us. Is it okay to let these arrays circulate in the demon world?" Wu Bingji said hesitantly.

Tang San said, "Originally, I just wanted an outlet to make more money for the organization. However since the organization started using the godhood ascension to threaten my master, I was already prepared to open other sales channels. We can develop on our own as well."

From the Redemption Society\'s attitude toward Zhang Haoxuan, Tang San knew that the organization\'s true leaders had limited vision. No matter how much they were given, such entities would find it challenging to truly lead humanity to rise. Moreover, as the profits grew, the likelihood of negative changes also increased.

That was the main reason Tang San did not and would not give Zhang Haoxuan other types of array discs to sell. As for the Great Beast Fighting Arena, he naturally had ways to deal with them.


The Shrek Squad won again, causing the humans in Kali City to celebrate. Especially since this battle seemed easily won, it heightened the people\'s expectations for the Shrek Squad. The name of Shrek began to spread throughout Kali City. Of course, the Great Beast Fighting Arena was by far the biggest beneficiary.

Given the Shrek Squad\'s state, starting the sixth match soon was not a problem. However, Tang San did not do this. Instead, he took his teammates back to Golden Valley to continue their cultivation, arranging new tactics and guiding their progress overall.

After another five days, Zhang Haoxuan finally returned, bringing all the materials from Tang San\'s list.

Despite having already broken through to godhood, the mayor looked travel-worn, but the expression on his face clearly betrayed his excitement. A teleportation array, this was a teleportation array!

The teammates continued cultivating, while Tang San and the mayor began working on the teleportation array together.

The array was set up not far from the Golden Tree because it required a powerful and stable energy source for long-term use.

Setting up this mid-range teleportation array was quite complex. It was actually not just one array, but a cluster of interlinked arrays. Zhang Haoxuan used to think that he had some measure of understanding when it came to energy arrays, but he quickly realized he couldn\'t understand what Tang San was doing. The intricate patterns of energy flow and the interlinked arrays left him dazzled. He was like a cat looking at a wall calendar: he could see everything clearly, yet the meaning eluded him.

He frequently asked Tang San questions, and Tang San answered them. However, Zhang Haoxuan felt that even with his spiritual power that had already evolved to divine consciousness, he still had trouble keeping up with Tang San\'s thought process. He could only understand some of the basic principles.

"Master, we only used basic materials for this array, so it will only work between here and the academy, and that’s after we set up a paired array at the academy. There will be a disc for controlling the array. Whenever someone wants to use the teleportation array, the one who holds the disk will receive their information and approve the teleportation. Otherwise, the array will not activate. Also, we must get some spatial-attribute gemstones to power the array. You must keep this strictly confidential. I’d say you should set up the other teleportation array at your residence and not tell the other teachers for now."

"Okay." Zhang Haoxuan nodded and smiled wryly. "This teleportation array is much more complicated than I imagined. Tang San, can you tell me where you learned this?"

Tang San said, "If I told you I figured it out myself, would you believe me?"

Zhang Haoxuan glared at him with narrowed eyes. "Should I?"

"You should!"

The master and disciple looked at each other and laughed.

Zhang Haoxuan sighed but didn\'t ask further because he knew Tang San wouldn\'t tell him.

Perhaps he really was the savior sent by the heavens. Zhang Haoxuan always comforted himself with this thought.

Setting up the teleportation array in Golden Valley took seven days, and the one at Zhang Haoxuan\'s residence took three days. Since the main array was at Golden Valley, there was a possibility of setting up other paired arrays elsewhere, and teleporting to other places as well. Meanwhile, the teleportation array in Academy Town could only ever teleport people to Golden Valley, which made it comparatively straightforward.

The construction of the teleportation array cost over a hundred naturae coins, and that was considering Tang San did it for free. If he had to be paid for his labor, the cost would skyrocket.

The moment of nervous excitement had finally arrived.

Looking at the enormous fifteen-meter-diameter array next to the Golden Tree, Zhang Haoxuan and the members of the Shrek Squad felt a sense of anticipation and eagerness.

After such great efforts, the teleportation array was finally completed, and they were about to conduct the first test.

According to Tang San, an ordinary person needed at least ninth-order spiritual power to use the teleportation array alone, and it took a tenth-order person with divine consciousness to bring others along. Only divine consciousness could ensure the stability of the teleportation array during transmission.

With the strength of Zhang Haoxuan and Si Ru, they could transport up to ten people at a time. This was the limit. Teleportation also required the consumption of spatial gemstones. Tang San standardized the processing of the spatial gemstones used for teleportation and made sure there would be sufficient reserves.

"Shall we begin?" Zhang Haoxuan asked Tang San.

Tang San nodded at him and said, "Let\'s begin."

He took out a palm-sized array disc embedded with colorful gemstones. This was the core of the teleportation array, and it controlled the activation of the array.

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