
Chapter 321

Translator: Tseirp

“As such, we will be heading toward Minerva-sama’s dungeon . ”

I explained the situation to Haru and the others .

Just in case, I asked if they knew the whereabouts of Nectar or Dragon Core .

However, Nectar was a dungeon clear reward and the Dragon Core was, as the old man told me, only obtainable by defeating the Demon Lord Dragon in the Endless Dungeon . Moreover, it seems that the chance of it appearing was slim .

That did not apply to Demon Lord Dragons in the wild and dismantling a wild Demon Lord Dragon would definitely give a Dragon Core .

But there has not been any eyewitness accounts of it in the wild .

That’s to be expected .

If there was a monster that can be said to be stronger than an Ancient Dragon, it wouldn’t end at just being a disturbance . It would be an issue of a great calamity .

The area around one such monster would be a no-man’s land where people won’t dare to approach .

“So what is Sheena No . 3 doing now?”

I asked Pionia .

Sheena No . 3 had collapsed on the spot . I hope she wasn’t having a malfunction .

But if that was the case, everybody wouldn’t be taking it so calmly .

“I found her illegally copying the Nyapiece DVD to lend to the Dark-Elves so I whacked her head and made her sleep . ”

“Why did you do that!?”

“Stop illegal copies . Copyright is important . Copying endlessly and distributing it is illegal . The penalty is less than 10 years imprisonment, less than 1 million yen fine or both . ”

“Isn’t that from the start of the DVD!? Japan’s law doesn’t apply to this world . More importantly, don’t hit her head . She’s already close to breaking down . ”

“I hit her to make her sleep . A forced Energy-saving Mode . ”

Ah to suppress her magical power consumption .

That’s such a violent method though .

“ … So how much more operation time does she have with this mode?”

“Her magical power consumption has become a third of its usual . ”

… In other words, three times longer . Three months at best .

“Master, the sleep status won’t repair the deterioration of her parts . We are manufacturing new parts for her but please do not forget that we still need a new energy source for her . ”

“I know . ”

Daijiro-san has gone to Mallegory .

For now, I’ll head to the South dungeon first .

“Carol! I should just keep going straight?”

I returned to the Shiraraki Kingdom from Goats Rocky with Carol on my back and was running south at full speed . Haru was following behind .

The request this time . Although there would be no change in rewards depending on the time to completion, my goal was not the reward but only to meet the guildmaster .

And for that sake, I had to complete it as quickly as possible .

The detailed location of the dungeon was marked on the map but following the road would be a detour so I carried Carol on my back and ran off-road .

There were no markings at all so I didn’t know if I should actually be continuing straight ahead but ―

“Yes, it is fine . Ichino-sama, do you see a river in front using Hawk Eye?”

“I’ll check . ”

I activated Hawk Eye .

I couldn’t tell when I was running on land but I could see the river when I was in the sky .

“Please run toward that river . The dungeon is beyond it . ”

I continued running .

We quickly arrived at the river I saw from the air .

Naturally, there wasn’t any road across the land so there was no bridge either . Moreover, the river was in a valley so I could not even walk across it . It was a little far to run and jump across as well . I could if there were footholds in the middle but there weren’t any .


Haru called me .

“Yeah, we’ll proceed as planned!”

I replied and chanted .

“Tidal Wave and Diamond Dust . ”

A combination magic of Water and Ice Magic .

The large water wave formed by my magic turned into an ice bridge . Well, it was a stretch to call it a bridge . It was more of a huge ice mound .

“Guu ―”

As expected, the magical power consumption for combining advanced magic was no joke .

The magical power consumed for magic fusion was not simply the combination of two spells . I didn’t notice it when I used fusion on beginner magic but this consumed similar magical power as when I used Boost Magic .

“Ichino-sama, here, a mana potion . ”

“Thank you . ”

I thanked her and drank Carol’s homemade mana potion .

After defeating the ancient dragon, Carol leveled up and became able to manufacture mana potions . Drinking the mana potion recovered my magical power slightly .

“Haru, be careful!”


An ice mound would usually be too slippery to traverse on normally .

However ―

I took out a secret item from my item bag, a ton of anti-slip sand . If the ice was slippery, then I could just make the surface rougher .

I tossed it over the flat portion of the ice mound as centered as possible and used coin toss . The sandbag ruptured in the air just like how the Flock Boar exploded .

The sand scattered around the area .

“Carol, switch places to Haru! Carol, hold onto Haru tightly!”

“”Yes . ””

I carried Haru on my back, and Carol clung to Haru .

No problem, Carol’s physical attack stat has become quite high so her grip on Haru has strengthened too . She won’t be shaken off .

I did a run-up and leaped all the way to the spot where I tossed the sand to .

If I failed, I would use Home Return to return to My World .

However, I’ll definitely succeed . I was certain of it .

“Sand Compaction!”

The Sand Artist skill, Sand Compaction .

The scattered sand on the ice compacted and formed a sure foothold .

And then, I leaped off again .

“All right, landing successful!”

That ice mound would probably melt after a few days .

We finally arrived .

There was a Shiraraki Kingdom guard post at the entrance of the dungeon .

In this country, all dungeons were under the management of the country so it seemed that there was no exception even in such a remote location .

“Stop! You require permission to enter this dungeon . ”

The Shiraraki Kingdom soldier on duty called out .

“Can I enter with this request from the Mercenary Guild?”

I showed him the Mercenary Guild request sheet .

“Request sheet … oi, isn’t this a counterfeit? Otherwise, the time record is wrong . The date recorded is only just today … hn? Ichinojo … quasi-baron!?”

The soldier’s eyes turned wide after seeing my name written on the request sheet and he saluted me .

“My apologies . I didn’t know you were a quasi-baron-dono . ”

“I don’t mind . ”

“I am terribly sorry, as protocol, could I please see your proof of rank?”

“Does this suffice?”

I showed him the brooch that was my proof of quasi-baron .

“Thank you! Please pass . ”

After receiving the soldier’s permission, we entered the dungeon .

I could hear the voices of the soldiers behind me .

They were probably getting in touch with the Mercenary Guild with a magical tool . Since there is the counterfeit skill, not only is it possible to fake documents, it is possible to fake brooches as well .

I guess that is the correct action .

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