
Chapter 562 - Dark Age

Chapter 562 - Dark Age

She sniffed around and traced the source of the fragrance. Only the high divine herbs could emanate such a distinctive scent!

Mother Da Zhen was traveling at a great speed and was suddenly swallowed by a mist.

The mist was suffused with the aromatic scent of the divine herb. Within the mist, even the god’s psyche couldn’t extend far enough, it appeared more like obstructive particles that filled the surroundings than an actual mist.

The mist shrouded the whole city in nearly just a breath’s time. When Zhong Yue noticed it, it was already too late for him to escape.

However, the mist dispersed as quickly as when it came, leaving Zhong Yue stunned still on the spot.

This time, he appeared to be in a bleak desert, the sun hung high in the sky and yet appeared to be just right above him. It was as if there was an array formation that pulled the sun closer to the ground.

The heat coming from the sun scorched on the land below.

But he wasn’t alone in here. There were many war prisoners that were tied up tight and their bodies buried in the ground with only their heads exposed above the ground.

Totem patterns flitted around the prisoners of war, forming into seals that shackled them. Their faces were stained with blood and their auras were weak and feeble.

They are all… gods!

Zhong Yue was shocked. The war prisoners paved were strewn across the ground all the way up to the end of the horizon. From afar, there were the whistling of dragons and roaring of tigers, these legendary beasts were pulling on the divine chariots. There were gods fully donned in armors on the chariots as they drove past the floor of heads. Every time they passed by a war prisoner, they would slash their weapons and open a hole on the prisoners’ heads.

The war prisoners would groan and cry in pain but the gods in the chariots were nonchalant. They would take out the seeds of the divine herbs from a cloth sack and plant them inside of the war prisoners’ head wounds.

Zhong Yue was in utter shock. He watched as the seeds were planted, growing exuberantly inside of the god prisoners’ heads. These divine herbs were nourished by the essence of the gods!

They were the source of the aromatic fragrance in the mist!

The chariots moved in a line as they plant down the divine herbs, drawing nearer to Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue was still sitting in the lotus position as he did in the City of Nature. He glanced around and startled to find Mother Da Zhen to be here as well. The mother god’s face was vacant, she was clearly shocked and bewildered as well.

“Son, bury yourself in the sands. Don’t be afraid." Suddenly, an old and hoarse voice sounded out. Zhong Yue quickly looked over and found an old man with a head of white hair buried in the sands as well as he said, “Don’t worry.”

Zhong Yue hesitated for a moment before listening to the old man’s advice, burying himself into the sands just like the others, leaving only his head above ground.

“There is nothing to be afraid of." The old man looked at Zhong Yue with a pair of warm and gentle eyes, he mumbled softly, “The Fuxi Clan has no fears. Your ancestors are here, your people are here, your peers, your siblings, your friends and families, they are all here with you, we are all here. So, don’t be scared.”

“Fuxi… Clan…" Zhong Yue’s body shuddered in the sands and he murmured, “Fuxi Clan…”

“Rebels, you asked for everything you are suffering now!" A god on the chariot laughed loudly and said, “Great Year 35412, Patriarch Nature led a mighty army and stopped the Fuxi Clan rebels. Because of you rebels, we were able to capture many war prisoners and were rewarded greatly. Now, you rebels will become fertilizer for our herbs! It’s too nice to just kill you all, I want all of you to suffer more than death!”

Zhong Yue was between laughters and tears, he didn’t know how to react. All of these war prisoners, are they all his people, his ancestors?

Fuxi rebels? Great Year?

Why weren’t there any records about any of this?

“We lost the war, but we are not defeated, never. As long as the blood of Fuxi still remains, even when there is only one of us left, we will rise again! The glorious days of our Fuxi Clan, of our ancestors will shine brighter than ever!”

Beside Zhong Yue, the old man laughed back even louder as he said in an old yet powerful voice, “One day, a Fuxi will walk in the darkness and lead our people. He will cleanse this world with the blood of our enemies and forge a new era from the ruins of the present world! The time for the Fuxi Clan will never die. I promise you, my enemies; I promise you, my people; That day will come!”

“How dare you!" a god sitting in one of the chariots stood up in anger, he chided back in an imposing manner.

“Hahahaha!" suddenly, the war prisoners all laughed loudly along with the old man. They said in unison, “He will come, he will!”

“The blood of our enemies will be splashed all over the world and the sun of Fuxi will shine to every corner of this universe!”

“None of you evil creatures will stand any chance at all! Die, you filthy scums!”


“How presumptuous!" the gods in the chariots were piqued in anger.


They quickly speed up and planted the divine herbs at a faster rate, while sneering coldly, “Show me how can you still laugh after you die!”

All of a sudden, the sky turned gloomy and a huge face appeared lowering down from the cloud layers. He smiled and said, “Are the Fuxi talking nonsense again? No need to pay attention to anyone of them. The rebels come from all over the universe and they are gathering here to revolt against us in this little planet. Those here are only the first batch of them, there are many more still on their way. We need to speed up, plant and reap the divine herbs. Only then shall we work on the next batch of rebels!”

Zhong Yue raised his head and looked at the face in the sky. He could recognize it. It was the head that formed the city gate, Patriarch Nature’s head.

Meanwhile, Mother Da Zhen was shouting loudly, “I am not a rebel! I am not on the same side as the Fuxi Clan! I am an insect mother god, leave me!”

“Another rebel!" the war chariots rushed toward her and the gods gave a cold snort, “Rebel, how surprising that you were able to escape the seals. But that won’t change a thing at all. Now, die!”

Mother Da Zhen shrieked as she sprinted toward Zhong Yue while shouting, “I am not a Fuxi, he is…”

A net was soon shot out of a chariot, enveloping her on the spot. Totem patterns surged out from the chariots and restricted her movements.

“This mother insect can escape the seals, she must be good. Let’s plant the divine herbs in her first then."Aa god swung his sword and planted a seed in her head.

At that instant, knowing that she could not escape anymore, Mother Da Zhen’s eyes were filled with killing intent and she shouted toward Zhong Yue, “I am not sealed, nor is he!”

Right after, the divine herb started siphoning her Yuan Shen and the mother god’s aura grew weaker.

“There is another one?" The war chariots rushed over and the gods were startled as they saw Zhong Yue.

“A young Fuxi? Why is there a child here?”

The other gods nodded and said curiously, “The younglings should already been killed on the spot. They are too weak, it’s a waste to plant the divine herbs on them.”

A demon god stood up and clawed at Zhong Yue, he smirked as he said, “Let’s not waste the seeds and just eat him!”

All of a sudden, Zhong Yue burst out from the sands and slashed down the Divine Wing Saber!

But the demon god was placid, he jeered, “I always get excited to see the young ones raising their arms at me. Ahh~ I can’t wait to see the desperations in their eyes and the groans of excruciating pain when they are tortured!”

The demon god clenched his palm into a fist, leaving only one finger against the incoming Divine Wing Saber.


Zhong Yue was sent flying back into the sky, a trail of blood painted the sands as he retched up a huge volume of blood. As soon as he touched the ground, he already changed into the form of the Gou She and tried to escape underground.

“Come out, little toy!" The demon god stamped his feet on the sand. Immediately, Zhong Yue was pushed out from the sands and the demon god grabbed him in his hand, pulling Zhong Yue back into his mouth, “What a shame we only have a limited amount of time, I take my time to have fun with you…”

Then, the sky suddenly turned and the same old mist that brought Zhong Yue here filled in his vision again, blowing across the whole place. The strangling force that lifts him up was gone all of a sudden and Zhong Yue found himself back in the City of Nature, still sitting in the lotus position.

However, the claw marks from the demon god was still there and his injuries turned even worse.

It seemed like a dream but it felt so real, he couldn’t tell which one it was.

Suddenly, he opened his hand and found a pile of yellow sand in his palm; it was the sand he had grabbed when he pushed up from the ground. There was also still the blood of the Fuxi Clan members on the sands.

“Fuxi, my people, my ancestors…" Zhong Yue quietly reattach the broken bones and healed his wounds. He consumed a few leaves from the divine herbs and stood up as he walked away.

“The City of Nature, I will explore everything about it. I need to find out what happened in the Dark Age, to know of the pain and sufferings my ancestors been through!" A soft murmur came from the young man.

His chest felt burningly hot, as if the blood within him was boiling and his soul and spirit were filled with indomitable strength!

Vaguely, he saw his people buried and tortured in the desert again; heard the voice of the old man ringing in his ears.

“One day, a Fuxi will walk in the darkness and lead our people. He will cleanse this world with the blood of our enemies and forged a new era from the ruins of the present world! The time for the Fuxi Clan will never die. I promise you, my enemies; I promise you, my people; That day will come!”

Faraway, the fragrance of a divine herb came rushing into his nose. Zhong Yue mulled for a spit second and walked over.

There, Mother Da Zhen was standing straight and was on the brink of death. A divine herb was planted on top of her head and her cultivation base was no much different to other mortals now.

She was still not dead yet when the mist brought them back in the City of Nature. However, the divine herb that was planted on her followed along as well. With the divine herb parasitizing her mortal body and Yuan Shen, she was suppressed from moving and couldn’t pluck it away from her body.

“Zhong Yue…" her eyes were filled with terror and her breath was weak and short. She mustered all that was left of her and shouted like a newborn, “Help me! Help! I can kneel before you and swear my fealty to you! You can bring back a god for Swords Gate!”

Zhong Yue raised his hand and plucked down the divine herb from her head.

She instantly heaved a breath of relief and fawned, “I can also warm your bed for you…”


The Divine Wing Saber cleaved the mother god into half at the middle and the young man walked away. His voice resounded the place, “I am not in the mood for jokes.”

Moments later, Zhong Yue calmed himself down and a thought suddenly flashed across his mind, When we were outside of the city, I scanned her body with my divine eyes to look for her Yuan Shen but couldn’t find anything. Although I cleaved her mortal body, her Yuan Shen might still be alive!

He quickly turned and rushed back to Mother Da Zhen’s mortal body. He found a cracked insect egg left beside her corpse, but the insect in it was nowhere to be seen.

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