
Chapter 51 To Endow Hill

Chapter 51 To Endow Hill

"Have you decided where you’d like to go?"

Zero nodded. After consulting the map app and talking to the gods, Zero has an idea of where he wanted to go. Although he was eager to see many things, the first thing he wanted to do was to see the thing called ’mountain’. As he wasn’t too confident about meeting with humans, Zero chose Endow Hill as his first destination.

Endow Hill was actually a small mountain with dense forest but a barren peak. No humans dwelled there was because a ferocious creature was guarding it. Yes, that creature happened to be a dragon. Although nobody has heard about the dragon for years, nobody dared explore the area. Many said that since the dragon was guarding it, the area has become very rich in magic. As a result, many beasts evolved into frightening monsters over the years. Some adventurers who tried to explore the forest were killed or severely injured. They had to quit adventuring for life and this made humans shun the mountain.

For Zero, it was the best possible place for him to start his adventures. He had no problems with facing monsters because he could simply absorb them. The secondary reason Zero chose Endow Hills was because of Buddha’s Sage God friend who lived there. That Sage God was good at medicine and healing magic. According to Isis, medicine was something that can help ease suffering. That got Zero’s interest and he decided to learn more about medicine and healing magic. The Sage God’s name was Hua Tuo and Truen seem to know him.

"Do you think I will meet Mr Dragon?"

En frowned. "I don’t think so. That dragon has been missing for hundreds of years. Nobody knows where it went. However, if you are lucky, you might be able to find some wyverns."

Zero nodded. Wyverns sounded good too.

Armed from head to toe in blessings, enchantments, hugs and kisses, Zero declared that he was ready to go. Truen took a bow that Freya offered. The bow was made from Gaia’s world tree and blessed by the goddess of war.

"It’s a gift from the Great Gods to you. Protect Zero at all cost, Truen. This bow’s name is Sureshot. It will not relent until the target is hit. It’s a masterpiece second only to the Cupids’ Bow."

As Truen and Zero stepped up to the portal, they could see Endow Hill on the other side. The smell of forest tempted the elf’s instinct but Truen held back. He turned to see Zero wave to the Great Gods bravely.

"I’m going now!"

"See you soon," they smiled and waved goodbye to the young boy they’ve grown attached to. Nobody moved as Zero took his first step into the world of humans.

There was a long stretch of silence and Buddha was the first to break it.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The pain of parting is nothing compared to the joy of meeting again."

Having left these words, Buddha returned to his realm to cultivate. At this point, the Great Gods begin to take their leave one by one. En excused himself and returned to the purgatory. It was obvious to everyone present that he just wanted to hide the tears welling up in his eyes. Zeus was uncharacteristically silent and left with Hades for Mount Olympus. Freya decided to bring Isis window shopping but Sedna knew it was only a distraction. The Goddess of Time didn’t protest and they left just like that. Sedna who was most affected by Zero’s departure decided to visit Amarania again where she first found Zero. Gaia was the last to leave but when she did, she made a plan to contact an old friend of hers to help watch over Zero on Earth.

After a while, the communicator connected.

"Hey, Swift! Yes, I know it has been a while. I know, I just want to ask if you could do me a favour...?"

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