
Chapter 120 Calm Before The Storm 2

Chapter 120 Calm Before The Storm 2

"Report. What are their numbers?"

The werewolf kneeled on one knee and bowed.

"Greetings, Chieftess. Roovan and I circled around their camp twice. Count Carrabas is taking part in the charge this time. He has with him twelve knights, thirty militaria, fifty conscripts and five adventurers. There is one mid-tier magician in the adventurers and one mid-tier ranger. The other three adventurers are fighter-types. They look like a decent party with lots of experience."

Zenobia frowned. "Didn’t he engage some mercenaries?"

Gweshr shook his head. "Roovan went to confirm the rumours. There was some dispute with the mercenaries so Carrabas engaged adventurers even though it was more expensive. What’s the plan, Chieftess?"

Zenobia sat down and sighed heavily. Wiser hasn’t come up with a solid plan yet and she was getting all kinds of weird information from different villagers. As the chieftess, Zenobia had the responsibility to lead the village and ensure everyone’s survival. However, Amaraline’s words were heavy on her mind. They would lose Lowis in this battle. She wanted to prevent Lowis from taking part in this battle but with the latest report on the enemy’s numbers, it would be impossible to win without the help of her head warrior.

"Thank you, Gweshr. You may rest. I need some time to think over this. Please get someone to gather the battle council for the meeting this afternoon."

The werewolf bowed and left swiftly. Zenobia massaged her temples. Hua Tuo and Zero were still in the village and as per the agreement with Hua Tuo, she couldn’t involve either of them in this battle. Hua Tuo had made his stand clear that he wouldn’t be involved in the battle but he would treat the injured. The chieftess had no issues with that. In fact, she was glad that Hua Tuo would be taking the children along with him when the battle begins.

Thereafter came another piece of news that had Zenobia’s mind reeling. Zero managed to heal Grandma Moppo’s knees and Amaraline’s sight. It was a miracle and with the addition of two more fighters on the team, Zenobia didn’t know if this was a sign from the Gods that Half Moon village wouldn’t be abandoned. The lady was ready to give up on fighting with the Count and evacuate the village completely in search for new lands in order to save everyone. Zero may not know the impact of what he had done but Zenobia did. In her prime, Grandma Moppo was a hunter who once battled three mountain wolves and won. She knew the terrains here best and with her on the field, Zenobia had another commander. On the other hand, while Amaraline was going to participate as a commander during the battle, Zenobia had to ensure that she had at least one strong warrior to guard her during the battle. That meant one less person during the war and manpower was something Zenobia sorely needed. Now, Amaraline had her sight back and didn’t need a guard. Zenobia saw some hope.

"That child has to be a gift from the Gods... who knew that he was such a terrifying doctor?" Zenobia mused.

There was a knock at her door and the chieftess leapt out of her chair to open it.

"I’m here," Wiser stated and walked in calmly. Zenobia noted how her advisor was no longer hacking his lungs out and was surprised.

"You’re cured!"

Wiser scowled. "Thanks to the two crazy doctors. What kind of doctor would manhandle their patient and force them to swallow medicine?! I swear I saw the borders of hell back there... They just came in without warning and force-treated me!"

The half-beastman giggled. She could imagine the look of shock and outrage her advisor had when Zero and Hua Tuo did that. Instead of teasing her fuming right-hand man, Zenobia patted his shoulder.

"At least your cough is gone. It’s a good thing they did that too. We can’t afford to have you coughing and giving away our advantage when the war starts."

Wiser sighed. He knew that Zenobia was right. Still, a part of him was sore from being treated that way. Wiser wasn’t a child. He knew when to seek treatment when he needed to. It wasn’t going to kill him so he was going to postpone it for a bit and get it treated before the battle begins.

"Anyways, I believe you’ve heard the news. The numbers are in for both our forces and the enemy’s forces. Grandma Moppo is practising her swings and Amaraline is practising her archery with Mitchnew this morning. Speaking of Mitchnew, did you know that the she-devil has offered to teach Zero how to stitch? If we could recruit that boy into our numbers, this war will be a piece of cake to win. All he has to do is to charm that she-devil into slaughtering everyone."

Zenobia smacked Wiser lightly on the arm. "Don’t say that. She’s left her past behind her when she came to the village so I expect you to respect that. I’ll also be very disappointed if that is your war strategy."

Wiser made a face. "Don’t even start. It hurts my pride to think about how low my intelligence would be if I formulated such a plan. Shall we get started?"

Zenobia smiled and ushered him over to her study. There, Wiser took out a parchment and spread it out across the table.

"This is the map of our forest. I’ve marked out the places where we could potentially set traps and ambush our enemies. The main battle will take place here, here and here. We’re dividing their forces this time into three because the adventurers are not easy to deal with."

Zenobia nodded. She had something similar in mind too. The open clearing where the children normally played tag was a good place for the main battle. She looked over to the circled part across the river and agreed. There was only one bridge there and a battle there would give Half Moon village the advantage. However, the last location was something she hesitated.

"Are you sure you want them to know about our underground tunnels?"

Wiser grinned. "It’s not an issue. Dead men cannot speak."

Zenobia sighed. "I don’t like killing. Those conscripts are probably farm boys who’d barely hit puberty. They probably joined for some easy money to feed their starving families so I want to avoid slaughtering them."

Wiser sighed. "I can’t understand your sympathy for humans. They should just become extinct in my opinion but I figured you’d say that so no, the people dying are not the conscripts. They will be on the main battlefield. I’m talking about Carrabas and the knights. We’ll hold the adventurers at the bridge, lure the conscripts and militia to the clearing and Carrabas and his foul knights into the tunnels."

Zenobia thought about it. "Sounds like a good plan. Who are we appointing as commanders?"

Wiser took out another parchment and unrolled it. Zenobia took a look at the names and raised an eyebrow.

"We’re having four groups?"

Wiser grinned. "Of course. You won’t be leading any because you need to coordinate attacks and fill in the gaps. I will be leading the command on the main battle. Amaraline will be leading the battle at the bridge and Lowis will be in the tunnels. I need Mitchnew to take command of the special forces."

Zenobia looked apprehensive.

Commander: Wiser


1. Camie

2. Chowkah

3. Titor

4. Yxaan

5. Xvyal

6. Cleo

7. Soon

8. Manny

9. Peter

10. Vishnu

11. Gweshr

12. Clowis

13. Raj

14. Hyelin

15. Tambolt

16. Zero (Healer)

Commander: Amaraline


1. Vrald

2. Gerald

3. Lovina (Healer)

4. Douglas

5. Qin Yun

6. Crudgel

Commander: Lowis

1. Grandma Moppo

2. Zoe

3. Sekkin

4. Coux Van Doux

5. Hua Tuo (Healer)

Commander: Mitchnew


1. Roovan

2. Gweshr


1. Latitia

2. Leon

3. Jacqueline

4. Rima

5. Karris

"I’m assuming Mitchnew’s team will be leading and guarding the evacuees?"

Wiser nodded. "We’re going to use them as a bait to lure the Count and his knights down."

Zenobia felt her heart drop. "That’s too dangerous! They’re only children!"

Wiser scowled. "Do you have a better plan? From what I see, every single member of the village is needed to win this. I know that they are children. Karris is also pregnant. That’s why we’re using them to become bait. It’s nothing dangerous, Mitchnew will get their attention as a distraction while they hide away in the secret rooms in the tunnel and wait till everything is over. Gweshr and Lowis’ team will be in the tunnels. Roovan and Mitchnew will cut down the numbers from outside so we’re looking at only the Count and maybe eight knights in the tunnel. They would be split up so it’s easier to deal with them there."

Zenobia didn’t want to admit it but it was a plan better than what she thought about.

"Can’t we have them hide in trees or something?"

Wiser deadpanned. "And have the Count burn the trees while they’re trapped up there? Good idea."

The chieftess growled. She didn’t like being insulted even if Wiser was right.

"Calm down lady. It’ll work. Besides, I’ve taken into consideration Amaraline’s vision about Lowis’ death and assigned Hua Tuo to be in their party. We’re not losing anyone. Also, if Karris should start giving birth there, Hua Tuo will be with them."

Zenobia calmed down a little after listening. "We’ll go with this for now. What about the adventurers? Don’t you think we have too many people there?"

Wiser smiled. "That’s right. We not only have many people. We have powerful ones there. It serves two purposes. Firstly, they will stop the adventurers from coming into the village, especially the mage. I’m talking about ten minutes, tops, for them to be subdued. After which, they will rejoin the main force to cut down numbers and give Mitchnew some time to sneak into the tunnels."

Zenobia hummed. "How long to subdue the main force? Wiser gave her a funny look.

"Less than a minute once Lovina arrives? You don’t want them dead so the only other option is to put them all to sleep. Literally. Cleo has that sleeping powder that might take out half of them when they’re off guard but the rest? Magic should do the trick."

Zenobia nodded. That should work. "Will we join them in the tunnels after?"

Wiser shrugged. "Depends on what happens on that day. It’s your decision but I don’t suggest cramming everyone in it. Less space to fight means more injuries. For all we know, the Count might be dead already and we won’t need to send in any reinforcements although I doubt it. Knowing Carrabas’ nature, I wouldn’t put it past him to bring in something sneaky at the last moment."

Zenobia agreed. Carrabas was a despicable person but for all the flaws he had, there was something Zenobia respected. The man was always cautious and had many plans. That was only to be expected from someone who spent all his time scheming but Zenobia saluted the man for his effort.

"Alright, it sounds decent. We’ll hold the warrior meeting later so that we can hear their opinions. We need to talk to Hua Tuo about it too. I’m not sure if he wants Zero in the busiest part of the battle."

Wiser laughed. "Busiest? If you’re talking about tying eighty people up, I’ll call it busy. If you’re worried about his safety, you don’t have to be. That’s why I have Roovan patrol near them. If anything happens to the tree, Roovan will save Zero. Don’t worry, the kid will not be in any real danger. Arrows won’t reach the top of the tree and Zero can even toss rocks down if he wants."

Satisfied that the brunet was in no real danger, Zenobia gave her approval to the plan. Now all that was left would be to get the consent from all parties.

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