
Chapter 140 Baals Faction 7

Chapter 140 Baal“s Faction 7

"Manager Schaf," Lord Mammon greeted as the goat demon entered the luxurious office. The curtains were drawn open, allowing the red fiery glow of hellfire surrounding the glamorous building in. Nothing was more terrifying than having a chat with the most notorious Demon Lord in Hell.

"Greetings, Lord Mammon. Schaf at your service," the goat demon greeted confidently and Mammon silently commended the demon’s bravery. Not many could stand before him without quaking in their boots. Schaf’s legs looked close to giving out on him but the goat demon had admirable will power. Sadly, he used his gifts in the wrong way and it was up to Mammon to let his loyal employee for many years know the verdict. It was a unanimous decision by Baal, Lilith and himself. Nothing could stop the wheel of fate from turning at this point.

Mammon smirked underneath his hood, giving him a very sinister look. Schaf shivered at the bloodthirsty grin. It was too easy to forget that the Bank and Auction House owner was still a very powerful Demon Lord capable of annihilating countries with the wave of his hand. The manager felt an unpleasant feeling settle in the pits of his stomach when Mammon motioned for him to come closer.

Unable to refuse, the manager went closer slowly until he was touching the custom made wooden desk that separated them. Schaf wasn’t fooled. That flimsy piece of furniture wouldn’t be any protection against an enraged Demon Lord. The goat demon tried to think back on the things he did since the last time he was called to the headquarters. He knew he had a good track record over the past few centuries after being transferred to Lord Baal’s territory with the exception of his recent activities. News shouldn’t have reached Lord Mammon’s ears yet. Lord Baal wasn’t awake for long enough to discover anything amiss. Unless...

Mammon wanted to laugh at the various expressions his manager was making. To others, Schaf looked completely composed but before the Demon Lord known best for his poker face, this was nothing. Still, Mammon gave credit when credit was due. Schaf learnt from the best and there was a small part of him that swelled with pride. Unfortunately, Schaf decided to betray him and Mammon didn’t have mercy for anyone trying to harm his interests. The Demon Lord of Greed held back a chuckle. Letting the poor goat stew in his worries had been entertaining. It was about time to cement his manager’s worst fears.

"I heard that you’ve been busy lately. Tell me, what exactly have you been busy with? The latest sales reports aren’t reflecting anything different from before. Yet there have been talks about your involvement with a huge project that I haven’t heard about. Won’t you tell me about it?"

Schafer paused. A bead of cold sweat trickled down the side of his neck despite the heat from the fire outside. Schaf knew exactly what Mammon was talking about. He knew the day that his boss would question the submitted ledgers would come and was glad he came prepared.

Mammon knew that look. He almost sighed like a disapproving parent, disappointed in their child’s choice of being dishonest with them. Whatever lie Schaf planned had better be good. If there was anything the Demon Lord hated more than someone defiling his gold, it would be predictable annoyances.

"My Lord," Schaf bowed deeply. "It is true that I have been busy lately preparing for a huge project. As expected, news has already reached your ears. I apologise for not reporting this earlier."

Mammon nodded, indicating that he was listening. Schaf seemed to gain confidence from that small gesture and stood straighter, becoming bolder.

"This new project involves earning money from low levelled demons. Although it has been the bank’s policy to reject those without the ability to offer a valuable item as collateral, I believe we can still stand to profit even without having such collateral."

This caught Mammon’s interest even though he knew that Schaf was lying. For a very long time, Mammon was unhappy with the figures. Both the bank and auction house were doing well. However, nothing made Mammon more restless than the word stability. It was synonymous with stagnation and for the Demon Lord, that wasn’t a good sign. He wanted more Devil Gold in his vaults. He didn’t just want to keep counting the ones he already owned. He wanted to count new ones, to see and feel each and every unique texture, savour the smell of every note and engrave the sight of his new possessions into the back of his retinas.

"Speak," he commanded and Schaf smiled. He knew Mammon would be interested.

"I got the inspiration from Earth," Schafer admitted. "There are illegal money launderers who loan small amounts to the healthy but poor. When they become unable to pay up, the only options remaining for them are physical labour where they toil away for life or sell their bodies."

The Lord of Greed nodded. He wasn’t very familiar with how those on Earth did it but it seemed lucrative. Unfortunately for demons, their bodies don’t sell well. There was also no need for physical labour with magic, it just wasn’t practical. Schaf sensed Mammon’s thoughts and assured him that it wasn’t anything like what happened on Earth.

"As you know, the only other currency that exists in Hell apart from Devil Notes would be magic. Those with rarer magic types will charge exorbitant fees for their services. However, many of these demons have been secured by more powerful demons and are bound by servitude. Here is what the bank could do to profit off the poor but healthy. We could start storing up magic stones and introduce it as a second form of currency. With the vaults and security already in place, it is not difficult to start a magic collection."

If Mammon hadn’t been privy to the scheming behind his back, he would be taken in by Schaf’s proposal. It sounded very logical and promising that the Demon Lord wished it had been true.

"A shame. Truly a shame," Mammon sighed aloud.

Schaf was stupefied for a moment. It hadn’t been the reaction he was expecting from his boss. If anything, Mammon should be considering to promote him.

His confusion was soon written off when Mammon threw some familiar looking documents on the table. The goat demon paled a little and swallowed hard. Despite the damning evidence on the wooden desk, Schaf remained neutral. His expression not betraying his current state of mind.

"May I ask what that is?" Schaf trod lightly on the subject.

Mammon wasn’t too surprised by how his manager continued to play innocent until the end. He could have turned a blind eye to this matter and let Schaf go with a stern warning. However, with Lilith and Baal on it, there wouldn’t be an easy way out. Mammon knew that the gentler option would be harsher on his employee. As a banker trained by him, Mammon felt that it was a waste to let such talent go. However, it was more favourable when compared to death. Baal was lazy and wanted Schaf dead so that the matter could be settled once and for all. Lilith was all for it too and it was Mammon who pleaded with his case by saying such a valuable lead shouldn’t be let go so easily. Schaf’s punishment was postponed but it was still too early for Mammon to feel at ease. Lilith and Baal agreed not to go too far for the later part of the plan but who knows what they would do after they found the mastermind?

Sadly, that was thought for another time. Mammon hardened his expression and Schaf tensed.

"You should know better than anyone else what these documents are. It’s not the original but it definitely holds your unique signature. I heard that you’ve been busy working on this project without informing anyone about it and taking out personal loans from the bank bypassing the regular approval methods to fund for your idea. In a normal circumstance, I would applaud your innovative suggestions and enthusiasm. However, I have also heard about how you’re inspiring upstarts with this new collateral method."

"My Lord!" Schaf spluttered in indignation. "I would do no such thing to tarnish your name!"

Mammon only sighed, refusing to speak any longer. With a wave of his hand, the door flung open and Coux took that as a cue to enter the room. The half-succubus gave the goat demon a coy smile and Schaf turned as white as his fur at the sight of the unexpected visitor.

Coux waltz in confidently and stood beside Mammon on the opposite side of the desk. The manager could only cling onto the side of the wooden furniture to stop his legs from collapsing on him. Even a fool would know what it meant. The pieces were falling together now and Schaf finally understood the reason for Mammon’s reaction. It didn’t matter how great or convincing his plan was, if there were higher powers at play, there was little Schaf could do. Kerberos wouldn’t be able to save him and the goat manager resigned to his fate. At least it would be a great honour to die by the hands of the great Demon Lord who raised him.

"How good to see you so soon," Coux purred. Mammon was as still as stone. The documents proving Coux and Schaf’s involvement a few days back lied innocently on the table.

"My Lord..."

Mammon shook his head. "You’ve done something I can no longer overlook. However, as you have proven to be one of my most promising employees for the past few centuries, I shall show you some form of mercy."

Schaf looked like he wanted to cry but what Mammon said next made his blood run cold.

"From today onwards, you shall no longer call yourself an employee of the Souls & Sins United Bank. You have one day to pack up and vacate your office. Your successor has been decided so please hand over all your access, you should understand the consequences of not following the standard handover procedures, I do wish to have to prosecute your case. Tribunal trials are not things I particularly enjoy attending, I hope that you understand that."

Schaf stood motionless for a good few seconds. Not even Mammon knew what to do while Schaf processed the shocking news. The Demon Lord half expected for Schaf to go kicking and crying but he was proud of his student when the goat demon looked at him in the eye and took a silent bow with unshed tears.

"May Lord Mammon continue to reign over all the riches in the Abyss and beyond. My Lord, please take care of your health and thank you for your kindness. My happiest days will always be working with you. I’m sorry for disappointing your expectations and wish for no other successors to follow in my footsteps."

Coux watched silently as Schaf took his leave. IN a flash, it was over. There was no fuss, no tears, no emotions involved. Yet, there was an undoubted sense of sorrow and regret lingering in the pristine office. She looked at Mammon who hadn’t moved from his previous position. It hadn’t been easy for Schaf or Mammon. They had a bond that she would never understand and for a moment back there, Coux saw something akin to friends when Schaf bade Mammon farewell.

Still waters ran deep and Coux was sure of it. Unfortunately, she wasn’t privy to whatever history the two demons shared. She worked under Lord Baal as a part of Zero’s secret army and had a mission to fulfil. With the curtains of the first act falling close without a hitch, it was time to alert her ancestor to proceed with the next scene.


As expected, Schaf ended up drowning his sorrows at one of the hostess bars he frequented. Lilith and Qin Yun didn’t have to look around very hard before they found the goat demon. Baal was already on standby and complaining about his role in the plan. Nobody could blame him. Sekkin wasn’t too comfortable waiting in the stinking back alley either. However, they didn’t have any better options.

"Must we really wear these?" the spider demon asked.

Amaraline nodded. "It is to hide your identities."

"I can whip up a new identity for us with magic. Must we really stick to wearing these disgusting paper masks? Besides, wouldn’t we stand out with such weird things on our faces?" Baal complained. Wiser didn’t bother with the group, too focused on making the final tweaks to the tracker and giving it the last test run.

"I don’t see why we should wear these. Besides, it isn’t uncommon for robberies to occur in that area. It isn’t as if there are palace guards in Hell..." Sekkin argued.

Amaraline looked disappointed. In all honesty, there was no need for such a getup. However, the fortune-teller just needed an excuse to put those masks she bought on impulse at the craft market to use.

Seeing that Amaraline was losing the battle, Lilith stepped in and took the masks from the boys. "It’s a really cute mask. I think Qin Yun and Coux can put them to good use at Belles and Begonia for a masquerade theme. Why don’t you drop by the market to get a few more? We can plan for a masquerade event."

Baal and Sekkin sagged in relief when the cockatrice descendant bounced away happily. The Demon Queen smirked at Baal. "You owe me one now," she grinned before unfurling her wings and jumping out of the window.

Baal groaned and Qin Yun smiled slyly before using fox magic to teleport away. Coux excused herself to the kitchen. While the others were occupied with finding the perpetrator, she still had a business to run. Baal’s credit status wouldn’t miraculously improve and as Zero’s self-appointed fund manager, it was her duty to revive that dead bank account.

"Listen up," Wiser snapped. "This is the device you’re going to use to inject that tracker. It’s only one-tenth the size of your pinky so please do not lose the tracker. As the device is designed to use magic to work, it should be injected into the body with this syringe. Normal wounds heal quickly for demons so make sure to do it quickly. Sekkin, you’re in charge of keeping Schaf occupied. Overpower him completely and restrain him with your threads. Baal, you hold onto the syringe and quickly inject the tracker when you see an opening. Once I receive a signal, I will inform you via the communicator crystal prototype. You should retreat at once. Make sure to steal his wallet so that he’s convinced that it was a robbery. Is everyone clear about the plan?"

Sekkin shook his head and Baal yawned. Wiser rolled his eyes. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought that he was talking to two idiots. Their lack of enthusiasm often drove him up a wall but over the weeks, Wiser learnt to ignore the blatant rudeness.

"Alright, shoo now! I have a lot of scrolls to read up."


"There there," Lilith soothed as the drunken goat demon sobbed into her lap. The ex-manager was a clingy drunk with an extremely loose tongue that worked to her advantage. It wasn’t difficult to get close to her target. The owner of the establishment had no resistance against her charms and fell under her spell almost immediately.

"You should’ve hic- seen the way that smug bastard looked! I thought of him as a hic- brother all these years but when I left, not a single soul saw me out... that traitorous rabbit! I’ll hic- skin him the next time I see him, I swear!"

Lilith smiled dryly as the goat continued to rant. Schaf had every right to be mad at Mammon for laying him off the job he loved but he surprised the Demon Queen by cussing his successor. Who would have thought that the goat had such a naive side to him?

"There there, drink up. For tonight, there is no need to think..." the succubus whispered and poured another glass of wine for the drunken goat demon. Schaf drank up without resistance. Lilith smiled when he demanded another glass. She was only too happy to comply.


"Are they out yet?" Sekkin chattered. "It’s freezing!"

Baal shrugged. The cold didn’t affect him. He had magic after all but he wasn’t going to spare his underling any.

"You should have bundled up," he told the spider demon who cursed under his breath.

Nights in Hell were always cold. It didn’t matter what territory you were in, it would always be cold. Nights on Earth depending on the sun but the same logic didn’t work in Hell as it belonged in a different plane. The Abyss drew magic from the material plane constantly and had dimension gates linked to the higher plane for easy access. Unfortunately, each domain had a different gate that connected to a different territory on Earth. Some were in the desserts and those gates were generally weaker. Some led to the oceans and others in the middle of the mountains. Hellfires were fuelled by blood and death. They were the only things keeping Hell nice and toasty but not many knew that. On the material plane, places that had wars were ideal locations for gateways to be created. If ever there was a lack of sacrifices to fuel the fire, "night" would fall. Peace was the one thing that made Hell freeze over quite literally. It didn’t happen often but one should always be prepared for it. Thankfully, those mortals would never cease the bloodshed for long. They didn’t have to wait too long before Hell starts burning again.

"They’re approaching," Wiser’s voice startled the Demon Lord and his underling. At once, the two men got into position.

For the second act of their plan, Baal disguised as a thin humanoid demon with blue tribal patterns tattooed on half his face. He still looked like a noble demon with his regal form and Sekkin was mildly impressed with how mature Baal was behaving the moment he looked like an adult.

"You were just thinking about something rude, weren’t you?" Baal scowled. He didn’t appreciate the comments some of his followers made when he had altered his appearance for something closer to his original form. Did these knuckleheads forget that he was an ancient demon because of his energy efficient form?

Sekkin jumped and shook his head quickly. Before Baal could pursue the matter, they heard unsteady footsteps and a familiar voice. Getting into position quickly, Sekkin slipped into his work mode. Baal was impressed with how the spider demon could switch gears from a good-natured jock to a professional assassin at the drop of the hat.

Baal slipped closer to the shadows and stayed out of sight. Sekkin got ready to pounce when they heard Schaf get closer. The ex-manager wasn’t expecting to be ambushed by thugs and cursed when the sack was thrown over his head. A flurry of pain overwhelmed his senses and painful cries could be heard echoing in the silent night. There was nobody in sight in such a deserted alley on such a cold day. Nobody could have expected for the night to suddenly befall on them and many shops had to close early because of it, including the hostess bar that Schaf was in earlier.

Sekkin did a great job binding the goat demon and Baal swooped down quickly. With a quick flick of his wrist and a push of the syringe, the tracker device was successfully implanted. Sekkin didn’t dare to stop his assault until he heard affirmation from Wiser.

"All clear, I have a reading. Get out of there," Wiser reported and the two demons pulled out, leaving no traces of their activities but not before snatching the fallen wallet on the ground.

Schaf didn’t know what was going on in the darkness. The sack stank badly of rotten meat and he didn’t know what hurt more. Surely his battered body was in a no better condition than his bruised pride and feelings. Still, the goat demon allowed himself a few moments of reprieve while his body worked on healing the wounds before he struggled to free himself. Today must be the worst day of his life and there was only bitterness left in Schaf’s heart. Ever since the appearance of that wretched lady called Coux, nothing worked out as planned.

Yes, it was all because of Coux. If that trader didn’t exist, Schaf wouldn’t have to suffer such humiliation. Eyes burning with hatred, Schaf steeled his resolve. There was still one more card left up his sleeve. Kerberos might be a powerful beast but like all beasts, they could be controlled with a little bit of training. He was done playing a nice goat. Schaf threw his head back and laughed, not caring how crazy that made him seem at the moment.

Two could play the game. If the guard dog wanted to use him, he would do the same and return the favour. Those ancient seals didn’t only enslave the weak-willed and drain them of mana. It had another purpose. At the cost of one’s lifespan, it could force a stronger-willed being into submission. Once Kerberos was free, nothing would stop Schaf from killing the woman named Coux.

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