
Chapter 540 - Rebel in the Rebellion

Chapter 540 - Rebel in the Rebellion

Just for fun, Vrald, Gerald and Olaf gathered in the outer court with Duke Connie and his private army. The citizens were quick to evacuate the area when they saw such a large group of armed men.

King Brice was surrounded by his royal guards on top of the castle wall. The archers were pointing their arrows at the crowd below but even if they fired the mass volley of arrows, it still wouldn’t be enough to stop five thousand men with their force of three hundred. Not to mention, the Dragon Heroes were part of the rebellion for unknown reasons. Didn’t King Brice say that the Dragon Heroes were on their side?

Zero looked relaxed from the shadows. King Brice’s reaction was priceless earlier. Zero felt as if he hadn’t laughed that hard in a long while. He heard the whole story from Olaf about how Gerald reacted on impulse. However, not all was lost. The plan was still going to continue as intended. In fact, this was going to be a better show than what they originally had in mind.

What better way to send a message to those who harbour ill-intentions about the King than to display a massacre in the King’s castle as a warning? Duke Connie was the only one that they shouldn’t kill because King Brice was responsible for making an example out of his brother. However, everyone else was just going to end up as Olaf’s snack. Too bad Bob wasn’t around to join in the fray but Zero thought that this might be for the better. He wasn’t sure if there were enough men in Duke Connie’s army to feed two dragons.

"Duke Connie, what do you think you’re doing?" King Brice asked in a calm manner. However, his hand was shaking behind his back.

Zero noticed it and cast calming magic so that King Brice wouldn’t pee in himself. Misana was sent to safety on King Brice’s orders. He didn’t want to endanger the lady he loved.

The royal guards were geared up and King Brice felt nervous. What if the Dragon Heroes have really switched sides? What if Zero was merely fooling him this whole time? Did he make the right decision by trusting some unknown person from Endow Hill? Unlike the Dragon Heroes, nobody knew anything about Zero. King Brice only knew things from other people who had met Zero but even so, it wasn’t very long.

The giants claimed that Zero was a saintess. The dwarves claimed that Zero was a shapeshifting tutor. The U.N.U. claimed that Zero was the most powerful alchemist and magician. Everyone claimed that they knew Zero but why was the version of Zero they knew so different from each other?

Duke Connie sneered. He didn’t like the way Brice was looking down on him from above the castle walls. He swore that by the end of the day, he would make that arrogant brat kneel before his feet.

"It is as you can see. I’m here to give you the option to choose your fate as the merciful brother that I am. Surrender your crown peacefully or watch everything you love and own crumble as I take the crown by force."

King Brice was expressionless. He rehearsed this enough time over the last few weeks. The lines no longer felt unfamiliar on his tongue. Brother or not, Duke Connie had to go. He was not good for Smargdas.

"Duke Connie, this is treason. If you remove yourself and the people you’ve gathered, I can pardon you for this misunderstanding with only a light punishment. If you do not leave, I will be forced to treat this as a mutiny."

Instead of accepting his brother’s generosity, Duek Connie sneered. "Brice, you’re still very naive. I don’t think you understand your situation. The Dragon Heroes are now on my side and your earlier talks about a better alliance are just lies that other people have been feeding you. If you think you can still win with the miserable army you have, you’re foolish."

King Brice closed his eyes. The brother he once knew was now dead to him. "I’d rather be foolish than hand the crown over to a tyrant like you. Archers, get ready to fire on my command!"

That false bravado was commendable. Zero was proud of him. King Brice must be shaking like a leaf on the inside but he put up a very convincing act. Duke Connie’s private army also got into stance below. Only Olaf yawned lazily and the two dragon warriors behind him decided to take several steps back. Duke Connie wouldn’t see it coming.

The moment the arrows were released, Vralf and Gerald took off running in the opposite direction. It wouldn’t be good to get caught in Olaf’s wide range attack. They’d seen the Frost Dragon use this once and it froze an entire mountain. Olaf promised to control it this time but no matter how controlled it is, Vrald and Gerald didn’t trust him to exercise restraint. He hardly had the opportunity to fight because it would be overkill. Knowing their combat teacher, Olaf would never go easy on these traitors.

Zero put up a shield to deflect the icy blast that froze every man in the outer court grounds into ice statues. Duke Connie was also included and could only look at Olaf walking up to him in fear. It wasn’t common elemental ice. The ice that Olaf used renders his victims immobile and it would never melt until Olaf undid the spell. He was a dragon but he was also partially a demon. The cursed ice was a good way to instil terror into his prey. They wouldn’t be able to move but they would be able to see, hear and feel everything that happens around the ice coffin.

"Must you really do that?" Zero asked from above after dropping the magic shield and camouflage.

"Serves them right. Besides, I thought the humans had some proper procedures to deal with traitors. It’s the only reason why I haven’t eaten them. Truen said you don’t like meaningless deaths."

Zero nodded. He was prepared to see the private army getting torn apart. Who would have thought that Olaf would be so considerate?

"This is honestly a better outcome than I expected," he admitted and jumped from the top of the castle wall to land on the frozen ground.

Vrald and Gerald returned and Zero praised them for the good acting skills. That was a good wrap up for the rebellion in Smargdas. It ended sooner than he expected and Zero left the clean up to the royal guards. They can do whatever they wanted to these traitors under the Smargdas law but Zero had business with King Brice.

"I believe we can have a proper talk now," he told the king. "Would you like to explain why I’m suddenly made to negotiate terms for non-aggression with Elf King Sharo?"

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