
Chapter 570 - The Messiah

Chapter 570 - The Messiah

Legends have it that in the darkest time of need, a hero shall appear. Nobody knows the hero’s name, but everyone knew one when they saw him. Dressed in a white lab coat with a hair tied into a ponytail, his cloak was blown away by the powerful tornado creeping towards their city.

When misfortune strikes, they come in waves. Right after the werebeasts battled it out with the furious young dragon who destroyed most of their city structures in its rampage, the weather controlled by Queen Leah’s rage decided to bury the remains of their dear home underwater.

"Retreat! Retreat!" King Gaon cried. There was blood running into one of his eyes, and the arm wielding his sword now swung limply by his side. "Drag the wounded towards the gates! Retreat!"

There wasn’t much harmony in the actions. There were no werebeast carnivore warriors who weren’t injured. Despite their wounded state, the ones still conscious would try to haul their unconscious comrades’ bodies on dislocated shoulders while using their shattered swords as crutches. Those with broken legs tried to hop while dragging their fallen comrades on the ground as they retreated. The scene was too ridiculous that Donkey Sharo, who was observing them from afar, couldn’t help but snort. Truen had to agree, it was quite the ridiculous sight.

While the ’messiah’ fought against Queen Leah’s wrath and clashed against the tornado, King Gaon spent some time trying to find out more about this mysterious hero. The king wanted to lend the hero a hand. Yet against such a powerful catastrophe, there was nothing a warrior like him could do. They were werebeasts, not magicians.

"Mighty heavens, heed my request and send the foul winds to the west!" Zero chanted in a serious tone. He was slightly embarrassed by how bad the rhyme sounded to his ears and blushed when the words left his mouth. It was a good thing Truen and Donkey Sharo weren’t within hearing range. Bob also made his ’escape’ so Zero found it a little more comforting to know that his cringy role play wouldn’t be recorded or reminded.

The chant didn’t do anything except to reach the ears of wounded warriors making their escape. King Gaon was struck with admiration for the bold hero who commanded the heavens and subdued the fierce winds. Hailstones fell into the water, and Zero diverted the lightning back at the skies.

As two forces collided, the werebeasts slowly but surely made their way over to the safe area where the omnivores and herbivores were evacuated. They could still see the sparks in the sky and hear the loud crackle of spells even from this distance. The dark sky was lit brightly for several hours as hailstones pelted down on their homeland. Families huddled together, and children cried. King Gaon was still busy tending to his wounded warriors and watching the battle between the nameless hero in a white coat and the sea queen’s fury. As of now, they were evenly matched, but King Gaon had high hopes for this new warrior.

Bob regrouped with Truen and Donkey Sharo successfully, and Jermine allowed him to snuggle into her neck as a gecko.

"Did it go well?" the mole beast girl asked and Bob flicked his tongue.

"Master is simply putting on a show now. How are you and your family going to leave this country? There are too many people now."

Jermine sighed. "That’s something Truen said too. We’ll have to ask Zero about what to do. There are too many refugees. I don’t think it would be wise for so many beastfolks to travel to Smargdas or follow us back to New Moon Village. Most of the beastfolks are naive. They’d just get duped, robbed or killed by bandits in the lawless zones that surround Lycantopia."

Bob agreed. While they talked a little more about the situation, Donkey Sharo watched the werebeast king mingle among commoners with a frown. King Gaon was still a king. Was there a need for the king to do everything by himself and lower his status to the same as commoners? As the king, should he not get the best treatment? The food supplies and bandages were limited. Without the king, there will be no hope for the people. Yet, instead of treating his wounds first, the werebeast king insisted on saving the lives of his comrades. What difference would the life of one insignificant soldier make to the overall battlefield if the king wasn’t in good condition? he couldn’t understand.

Several hours later, the deafening sounds of thunder grew lesser, and the hailstorm was now reduced to a slight drizzle as the sun started to rise. Many children had cried themselves to sleep in their mother’s l.a.p.s, and the wounded warriors were laid to rest on the barren ground. Only a few were awake, watching the messiah dance around lightning bolts and pushing the gale back. The nameless hero was winning, and as the sun peeked from the horizon, King Gaon could see a ray of hope. The water was receding, and the whirlpool had become smaller. The tornado was losing its force, and the clouds were scattering.

Before the sun fully rose, the skies were now cleared, and a beautiful rainbow greeted them in a new day. Zero looked exhausted in the sky as he flew over to where the werebeasts were. King Gaon met those hazel eyes and felt something warm tingling from his scalp to the paws of his feet. The messiah was chanting something, and the golden glow of light enveloped every werebeast in the area. It took King Gaon a while to realise this was wide-area healing magic. The magic must be that of a divine tier because slowly but surely, even the most fatal wounds were healed. The more they were healed, the worse the nameless hero’s face became. King Gaon feared for the youth’s safety and yelled for him to stop.

Having spent the night battling against a tornado and healing a few thousand werebeasts, Zero was exhausted enough to stop pretending. He could feel exhaustion taking its toll on his body. Right before he fell asleep, Zero told Truen and Bob to help Jermine’s family relocate to a spot further from these evacuated werebeasts.

"I’ll leave communicating with Schaf about the transportation to you," Zero told Truen. "Also, let Donkey Sharo follow King Gaon closely. There is much to learn."

Once the message was received, Zero allowed himself to fall from the sky and right into King Gaon’s waiting arms. Sleep was calling him, and Zero didn’t resist it. The seeds were sown, and all Zero had to do now was sleep until it was time to reap the harvest of his hard work.

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