
Chapter 587 - Letting Go

Chapter 587 - Letting Go

The sun was up in the sky by the time Zero woke up. Startled by how much he overslept, Zero panicked and quickly got changed. He had to apologise to Cleo for not waking up earlier to help out in the garden.

By the time he got to the garden, Zero realised that it was almost noon. Strangely, the village was exceedingly quiet.

"Mii, where is everyone?" Zero asked his mindscape assistant.

Instead of pulling up the mini-map, Mii denied Zero’s access to it. "Why don’t you search for them yourself? Think of it as getting to know them better. You’ve been trying to think of a gift for Truen but have not thought of anything yet."

That was true. Zero pouted. For everyone else, Zero was able to think of something that they would enjoy. However, the one person he thought he knew best, he wasn’t able to get anything for. Honesty, Truen was a great person to have around as a friend. He might be naggy at times, but there was no doubting that the wood elf had his back. For all the dumb things that Zero did, Truen might not like it, but the archer had never once abandoned him. In fact, Truen went all the way out to help him. For that, Zero was indebted.

"Do you think Truen is behind this again?" Zero frowned. For some reason, he had a feeling his best friend was planning something behind his back again.

Zero might be busy and tired lately. However, that didn’t mean he wasn’t paying attention to the wood elf. If anything, Zero had been paying even closer attention to Truen than before. He wanted to get some hints about Truen’s preferences. While Truen likes many things, there was nothing in particular that he couldn’t do without. That kind of attitude made Zero very glum. It wasn’t easy to go shopping with Truen. The wood elf wasn’t materialistic. Also, Truen didn’t need any assistance in chores or tasks. Compared to Zero, he was more capable at managing them. Truen also spent a lot of time with him, so it would be odd to call or write Tuen letters when they could simply party call or just talk.

Zero went around Half Moon Village, visiting places he thought people would gather at. The children were not playing tag. Zoe was not in the kitchen. Nobody was tending to the garden. Even the lab rats weren’t in their stone cottage. Where was everyone?

"Don’t tell me they have been spirited away!" Zero panicked, and Mii facepalmed.

For someone with an overpowered ability, Zero sometimes came to the dumbest conclusions.

"Do you think anyone would be powerful enough to spirit away so many powerful individuals without a trace of magic?"

Zero paused. Now that he thought about it calmly, it was strange. Then again, why would they deliberately hide from him?

"I see. Let’s look for traces again. How could they all leave me without letting me know where they went? I was sleeping too!" Zero w.h.i.n.ed.

It was Truen’s instructions to put a sleeping scented candle with some medicinal powder to keep Zero asleep until noon. Mii and Wii increased the dosage when Zero showed signs of awakening before noon. The doctor’s resilience was incredible. Thankfully, Cleo prepared more than enough of that stuff to keep Zero asleep until everyone safely moved out of the village.

The trail they left behind on purpose for Zero to follow was easy to find once the doctor calmed down. The little signs of activity gave Zero hints about where they were heading. The most obvious evidence was the missing wagon full of Half Moon Village goods to be shipped to Smargdas. According to Schaf, the shipment was scheduled to leave next week. For it to be missing now, it only meant that plans have moved up.

"I’m going to check on New Moon Village," he told Mii, and the strawcherry assistant didn’t stop him. It took Zero long enough to figure out something so basic. It was embarrassing!

A quick trip using the teleportation system brought Zero to New Moon Village. Thanks to Wii’s tip-off, the villagers could get their acts together and successfully surprise the unsuspecting doctor.

Zero yelped when the lab rats set the fireworks off. The cheers brought Zero back to his senses as someone snapped a picture of his startled expression. Truen smirked at his friend’s bewildered look. The Great Gods were going to love this.

"What’s this?" Zero asked and looked around. The street that was normally festive and full of customers was now devoid of tourists. Instead, Zero saw many familiar faces. Some of these familiar faces travelled from far, and Zero didn’t understand why they were all here.

"Misana? Rachel? Why are you here? Also, Jynx??? Don’t you have some leader matters to attend to? Why is everyone gathered here? Camie! It’s been a while!"

As Zero greeted the familiar faces, the questions at the back of his head mushroomed. What was this gathering about? Initially, he thought it was a kind of farewell party. Usually, parties like these were hosted in the feast cave. However, with this many people, it would be impossible to invite everyone there. No wonder they planned to hold it in New Moon Village."

"Cheers to Zero’s return and good health!" Monoman grinned and started the party. Zero looked a little lost when a plate was shoved in his hand. Amaraline told Zero that the girls put together quite a feast, and everyone was welcomed to eat whatever they wanted.

Confused but not one to deny a feast, Zero lined up to check the variety available.

From behind the scenes, Truen gave those involved with the plan a signal to approach Zero. Knowing his friend, Zero would stop questioning too many things when he had food in his mouth. That part of Zero hasn’t changed ever since he was a child.

One by one, the representatives of different nations came to sit beside Zero, telling him various things from the plans the countries had to form alliances between themselves and increase the number of goods to trade and how capable the demons who were helping them were. Initially, Zero thought that it was a coincidence. However, after the third person, he had an inkling this was planned.

How could all the worries he had over the last few weeks be so quickly resolved by others with just a few words of reassurance? However, Zero didn’t doubt that these people could do what they said they would do. After all, the people who they work for were leaders of countries. They were more than capable of walking that talk.

"How are you enjoying the party so far?" Mitchnew asked. She was sipping on some gr.a.p.e juice, and Zero frowned. Mitchnew was usually busy. The fact that she took some time off to attend this party only meant one thing.

"Truen did this, didn’t he? He planned it all out just so that I didn’t have any excuses left to remain in Half Moon Village."

Surprised by how Zero interpreted Truen’s good intentions, the dark elf quickly corrected him.

"Do you wish to remain in Half Moon Village forever?"

Zero hesitated. He didn’t hate Half Moon Village. The people were lovely, and there were many things Zero wanted to do. He wanted to be part of Seff’s growing up process. He wanted to watch New Moon Village expand and how the demon work visa will change Earth. He wanted to know how King Sharo and King Gaon would work the trade agreements out and if the dwarves would ever put their history behind them to work with the elves. Zero wanted to witness many things, but at the same time, he had very important things and people waiting for him. He couldn’t remain on Earth for too long. Nel wouldn’t be at Whiskeria forever.

"I want to," Zero replied as his frown deepened. "But I don’t think I can. I just can’t help but worry a lot. Yet, everyone here appeared to be doing well even without me. Am I no longer needed?"

The small voice made Mitchnew’s heart clench. She wrapped her arms around Zero, who was now too tall to rest her chin on his head. The doctor might have grown physically and, to some extent, mentally. However, he was much like a child when it came to rationalising his emotions.

"No, you will never be unwanted or not needed. You will always be the leader of Half Moon Village and the Zero that everyone loves. I understand from Truen that after this, you have a very long journey. It could take you many years before you can return, and the trip would be nothing like you’ve experienced before. Many of us will miss you. Some of us might leave the village to settle down elsewhere and pursue our dreams like Camie. Some of us will stay and wait for as long as it takes, like Zoe. Some of us might wait for a long time but might not be here by the time you get back like Karris, but the important thing is that we will wait for you. Half Moon Village will always be your home as long as you consider it to be. So don’t worry about anything here and travel with peace of mind."

Zero stared at Mitchnew and teared up. "I will miss everyone."

The dark elf exchanged looks with Truen and the few other villagers looking over. She smiled slightly. "We will too, Zero. Don’t forget to call us often and send us letters if you can. It doesn’t matter how long the letter takes to reach us. We will wait for it and send you back replies."

At that, Zero let go of his restraint and bawled like he did as a child. Parting with the Great Gods hadn’t been easy. Parting with Truen to train hadn’t been easy. Parting with Baal was also very difficult. For some reason, the wait between each parting before he could reunite with them again was getting longer each time he said goodbye. Zero hated it. Yet, it was part of moving forward.

Mitchnew didn’t comment about Zero’s ugly crying and held him in her arms. The other ladies who passed by took turns consoling Zero as the other party-goers pretended not to notice.

After all, this was a farewell party to remember the Chosen One called Zero.

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