
Chapter 347: Brawling Brown In Furry-III

Chapter 347: Brawling Brown In Furry-III

A/N: Reinhard is a corrupted Angel and Redrick is the Angel, Camael. I hope this clear the confusion anyone have as their name is similar sounding.

Despite the aching pain on her head, Elise could distinctly tell Ian\'s voice apart from the loud screeching voice which came from her ears. She opened her eyes that she tightly shut, adjusting to see Ian there but only his silhouette as her eyes had gone out of focus.

Ian one sidedly pushed his vice grip that was on Reinhard\'s neck as the man collapsed on the ground, "Another one again, I should say I\'m not very surprised if one more of you come."

"I am the last one. No one else apart me is here after Colton," said Reinhard with a hard gasp as he was loosing breaths, "You killed him?"

"To halves," Ian smiled, deciding to let the dark sorcerer know, "But know it\'s your time to be chopped into halves. I see that you have killed my bride\'s only clue."

"Bride?" Reinhard repeated and Ian narrowed his eyes when he saw the man\'s expression changed from confusion to laughter, "Then you might want to focus on her instead of me. I was given a great present you know."

Ian furrowed his eyes, immediately looking at Elise who was on the ground which he didn\'t notice it somehow and quickly he used his wings to fly next to her protecting Elise by taking her under his wings\' protection and reached out his hand to take the ghoul that was about to come and attack them. However, suddenly a large crash sounded somewhere on his left side, and Ian\'s eyes snapped for a moment, his view turned blurred and the next moment he opened his eyes, he finds himself protecting ghouls under his wings and Elise was somewhere on his right side.

After confirming Elise was alright and away from danger, Ian turned to find the dark sorcerer that had disappeared, "Tch, sly bastards," Ian cursed, ripping apart the ghouls before arriving toward Elise\'s side and lighting a fire around them to act like a barrier.

Ian\'s eyes that had gone to normal changed back to his demonic eyes, he took her and let her rest on his shoulders, "Elise, stay with me." He whispered.

Elise had went to a light faint after using too much of her power when it was her first time using it fully accessing the power which she had ignored unknowingly for years. She could faintly hear Ian\'s voice and felt his warmth. She knew Ian was holding her shoulders but his voice sounded as if he was far far away from her and being alone was a deep trauma in Elise\'s heart, she took hold of what she think was Ian, "D-Don\'t leave me," she slurred. Her emotions were going awry with the sudden drop of her energy, and tears dribbled from the corner of her eyes as the warmth of his hand faded and she thought she was alone.

Ian had never been in the position where he was in panic of concern ever since his mother was burnt to death right across his eyes while he wasn\'t able to do anything. That fear and worry came like insect crawling underneath her skin, a feeling and emotion called \'terrified\' resurface to his whole body.

"I am here," Ian pulled her closer, bringing her to his embrace. He placed his hand over her forehead, feeling how hot it had gotten in a mere one minute interval. Elise\'s head was as hot as coal and he could see the stain of blood that hadn\'t disappear from her nose, "Elise. Don\'t lose consciousness. Stay with me," but Ian could feel how Elise\'s was in a trance due to the fever.

"Ian," Elise called, again and again for the fourth of fifth time. She didn\'t know where Ian had gone as she couldn\'t feel him anywhere near her, but without him her heart felt like it had turn hollow and empty. She tried to find him again with her eyes but he wasn\'t there, finally her eyes that were opened slightly closed tight and Elise lose her consciousness.

Knowing that her consciousness have disappeared and that she needed the best possible doctor who Ian was aware that there was no one such as that as Elise\'s illness were connected to her bloodline problem, a matter of illness belong to Angel and Demon which he doubted any human doctor could understand.

Ian pushed his hand under Elise\'s knees and the other below her back and brought her up with one effortless action. At the same time the sound of ruckus that earlier sounded which managed to snap him out of the illusion magic Reinhard casted grew louder and he turned to find a large bear prancing through the forest.

Upon arriving, Beelzebub who had settled himself on the bear\'s neck jumped down, narrowing his eyes upon seeing the ghouls around them in disgust and flickered blue fire upon his finger after a snap to the burn the ghouls that were near them, creating path toward where Ian and Elise were.

The bear followed after Beelzebub who came first to see Elise and the bodies that were near which he could smell by the blood, on the other hand, the large bear sat and looked with his green eyes wide at Elise who was carried on Ian\'s arm. "W-What happened to Elly? She is unconscious!" yelled the bear, who was in fact Hallow.

Ian didn\'t comment anything as Elise was his upmost concern at the moment and she had fainted. He needed a place where he could lay her down and warrant more safety than the forest. Looking at Beelzebub, Ian said briefly, "I will leave you to take care of the ghouls."

"Where will you be going?" questioned Beelzebub as he needed to know where they would meet up.

"My Castle," and without another word as he was in a terrible hurry, Ian\'s black wings moved back before pushing the air, causing the fire around him to extinguished before he soared toward the sky.

Beelzebub looked at the spot on the sky where Ian had sped up from, Hallow frowned in worry, "Will Elise be alright? She was bleeding from her nose! Oh I have find some humans who said nosebleed is the first sigh of a terrible illness."

"She should be fine as long as she is with Ian," Beelzebub replied and instead he looked down with a still frown on his face. The forest reek a lot of scent, corrupted angels, angels, and ghouls. But there was one thing that caught instantly to his eyes when he had seen Ian carrying Elise before leaving the forest ground, and it was the expression on Ian\'s face which he had never seen before coming from him. "I never thought there would ever be such an expression I will ever see from him." An expression of a person who just had the person they treasured the most in pain, which he himself never know.

"And here I thought true Love was nothing but bullshit. I was wrong," whispered Beelzebub as if he was speaking to himself which was heard by Hallow.

"Isn\'t that a good thing? They are destined together," Hallow chimed, repeating the word he heard in mortal\'s realm.

"But he was cursed," said Beelzebub to himself in a lower whisper which only he was aware of.


A/N: A/N: I have just came back from the hospital, I will be late updating next chapter or maybe I will not update because I am under anesthesia. Sorry everyone and don\'t forget to vote *^^*~

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