
Chapter 53 - A Fun Place

Chapter 53 - A Fun Place

It had been two days since Xiu Mei wasn’t able to return to the office. The day after the rumor broke out, she had to stay in her family to seek refuge. Even though she was sure that the security in her subdivision was quite strict, Xiu Mei believes that paparazzi would always find a way just to find something newsworthy that could possibly add fuel to the fire.

On the other hand, Lu Chen did not give any feedback regarding the issue. He just ordered the PR department to handle the issue carefully.

Xiu Mei actually asked him about this as to why he didn’t just give a statement that all the things on the news are just rumors. She was quickly shut up by Lu Chen through the phone.

What he said exactly was this.

"No need. Let them practice for when in the future."

Xiu Mei didn’t have to let him finish his sentence to understand what he was trying to say. Her cheeks burned as she felt the urge to throw the phone at Lu Chen’s face if he was ever in front of her at that time.

How can he say something so shameless?! And how is he so sure that the two of them would really end up together you know? A lot of things can happen!

It was two days later that Xiu Mei went home and found Lu Qiang outside her door. And right now, Xiu Mei hesitantly opened the door of her home. She held the urge to look behind her wherein the two ice blocks stood, waiting for her to exit the house.

At this rate, won’t they easily stay in the headlines for a week then?

Xiu Mei. Lu Chen. Lu Qiang.

The CEO’s secretary. The CEO. The CEO’s son.

Oh, what a perfect combination it was for a headline.

She’s pretty sure that the paparazzi will feast on them for months if they ever find out that she was well acquainted with Lu Chen’s son. It was basically hammering a nail on your coffin.

Right outside the gates was Lu Chen’s personal car. It was a white Jaguar XJ that Lu Chen had customized ordered to his likings. Xiu Mei had seen him using this car for quite a few times, though Lu Chen would still often use his work car when going to work.

Xiu Mei took her time admiring that piece of a luxury car that her family could actually afford. Her family was never one to spend such large amounts of money on a car, maybe except on military jeepn that her Mom and brothers would often fawn about.

Aside from that, anything with 4 wheels and bulletproof windows is fine.

With Lu Shao staying in the office to substitute for the two of them, Lu Chen took over his job. Xiu Mei watched Lu Chen opened the passenger’s door with such gentlemanliness and class you would suddenly feel how great of an honor it was for him to open a door for you.

"Get in."

Xiu Mei shot Lu Chen a glance before finally making a move to climb onto the car. After settling herself on her seat, she heard the sound of her door closing. Her eyes followed Lu Chen’s actions when he opened the door behind him to carry Lu Qiang in. Twisting herself to look at the back, she watched Lu Chen securely placing Lu Qiang on his seat with a seatbelt.

A few seconds later, Lu Chen sat on the driver’s seat and roared the car to life.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she kept her eyes in front, watching the constant changing of sceneries.

Lu Chen’s lips curled up as he relaxed on his seat while his hands busied on the wheel. Taking a peek at the rearview mirror, he saw his son shot him a knowing look before returning his attention to the book he was reading.

"Somewhere fun." Lu Chen replied.

Xiu Mei looked at Lu Chen who was being so secretive. Her brows furrowed in suspicions as she tried to figure out where he could be possibly taking her that’s ’fun’.

Amus.e.m.e.nt park maybe?

An hour later.

Xiu Mei raised her head as she stood agape at what was in front of her. Behind the metal gates were a green forest spanning so wide that Xiu Mei couldn’t find where it ends. She could clearly hear the chirping birds and she was sure that what she was currently breathing right now was the cleanest air she had breathed in all her life.

She wondered whether she was still in the city or somewhere urban when she noticed that this place was quite isolated from the people. She remembered that they were just driving in the highway fifteen minutes ago and now it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere in the forest.

"Let’s go, Mom." Feeling her hand was tugged, Xiu Mei bowed down to look at Lu Qiang who was holding her hand. He looked so indifferent but she could feel that slight excitement in his eyes and the light squeezes he was giving her.

"Where is this?" She asked. She wasn’t sure if she was asking Lu Qiang or Lu Chen but it was the little kid who was more than happy to answer her question.

"It’s my place."


Xiu Mei’s head abruptly turned to look at Lu Qiang. Her expression clearly showed how flabbergasted and confused she was as she tried to understand if she interpreted his words wrongly.

Maybe she was hearing wrong?

It can’t be that Lu Qiang really owns this wide hectare of forest... right?

Her thoughts were easily answered by Lu Chen. Reaching out to her as he sn.a.k.e.d his arm onto her shoulder, he spoke.

"This is Lu Qiang’s."


"His own pet house."


It took a full ten seconds before his words fully registered in Xiu Mei’s mind.

Say what?

Xiu Mei looked at the greenery in front of her with her mouth wide open.

H-His own pet house?!

This place is?

This big?!

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