
Chapter 113 - That Night - Part 4

Chapter 113 - That Night - Part 4

The Xiu family. The Ying family. And the Fan family.

After discovering this information, the Xiu and Yu family became even more high alert. They inform the Ying family of this information, but they did not receive any response from them. More like, the Ying family completely severed their relationship with the Xiu family after this incident. Though they did not reveal the true target of the kidnapping, somehow, the Ying family must’ve found out this truth that’s why they’re blaming their family now for the death of their child.

As for the Fan family, they are also one of the popular families in the circle. They’ve been around as long as the Xiu family, but the difference is that their family is famous in literature. That’s why to be involved in the kidnapping case, they’re still figuring out the possible motive the Fan family have if they really are the ones behind the kidnapping.

They did more digging and found out some relevant information to link them back to the Xiu family.

One member of the Fan family was supposed to be married into one of the branches of the Xiu family. But apparently, the bride died in an accident hence the marriage did not happen. According to Xiu Mei’s grandfather, the rumored bride was actually a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e so the whole family was very against the marriage back then. It was only when the bride announced she was pregnant that the marriage was approved.

As for the Ying family, aside from the fact that Xiu Mei and Ying Yue are friends from childhood, there’s really nothing to link the two families together. The current Xiu family is focused on military and politics, while the Ying family are businessmen.

Though, the turmoil in the Ying family is something that’s hidden in the public. And one of the men the Xiu family planted inside reported that a lot of the members of the Ying family was eyeing for marriage and partnership with the Xiu family.

For the Xiu family, Xiu Gu Ren did his own investigation and knew that there are some branches inside the family who are harboring bad motives. One is definitely the power as the head of the Xiu family, then second would be the influence in politics. After Xiu Gu Ren married Yu Shi Huang, it completely solidified his position as the head of the Xiu family. But their marriage brought a lot of threat to the family as well, not only externally but internally.

Xiu Gu Ren and Yu Shi Huang read the report with heavy hearts. Despite having this much information, they still couldn’t find the benefit that would be gained from Xiu Mei’s kidnapping. Revenge? Envy? Hidden Intentions?

Meanwhile, Xiu Mei wasn’t fooled for long by her mother.

She noticed that every time she asks about Ying Yue, her family members’ expressions would turn stiff as if they were hiding something. It was only after she asked one of the nurses around by paraphrasing the question into something different that she was finally informed of the truth.

Even with her weakened body, Xiu Mei escaped from the military hospital. Barefooted, she slipped into one of the vehicles and climbed off as soon as she was already far enough from the hospital. From the highway, she walked barefooted until she reached the place where Ying Yue’s funeral was held.

As expected, she was forcefully kicked out by Ying Yue’s mom and was even condemned in public. If it wasn’t for her elder brother coming for her on time, she would surely get injured after getting smashed on with a glass.

She was quickly taken back to the hospital and was put into strict surveillance after that.

Throughout her stay in the hospital, Xiu Mei was out of control. The nurses had to force her to take the medicines with her family’s help, and she would often have to be put to sleep with a tranquilizer.

She rejected eating foods and liquids, causing her to lose so much weight she was almost skin and bones. In summary, Xiu Mei was at the very worse state physically and mentally.

Xiu Mei was in so much despair she had given up on living. She recovered a piece of her memory when she was almost s.e.x.u.a.lly assaulted, and she remembered seeing Ying Yue’s lifeless body. Then the words that Ying Yue’s parents’ screamed at her kept echoing in her mind. Even Ying Yue’s cries before dying were following her in her dreams, rather, nightmares.

It was all too much. All too much.

Xiu Mei couldn’t take it any longer. Her heart feels so heavy that she was desperate to just make it stop beating altogether. The whispers in her ears won’t stop at all. She felt like her being rescued from that night was a big mistake.

Why did she live? Why did she not die? Wouldn’t it be better to just die? Then wouldn’t she be in so much pain?

Xiu Mei scanned the room. Ever since she was caged in this room, all the sharp objects have been taken away. Even the windows are grilled just so she wouldn’t escape through the window. The window. The glass window.

Xiu Mei’s eyes lingered there for a full minute. Since she became weaker, the nurses stopped bounding her on the bed. In the normal days, she couldn’t even find the energy to stand up at all due to the lack of nutrition and stamina.

But right now, Xiu Mei uneasily climbed off from her bed. She put most of her weight on the wall and table that she was holding onto while approaching the window.

She admired the glass window, even running her finger on the smooth surface. Then, grabbing the empty cup at the side, she shattered the window without even faltering. Quickly grabbing the sharpest and largest piece she could find, she slit her wrist.

Her body became weaker as blood continue to spill from her wrist. Letting out a hollow laugh, she watched herself bleed to death. It was then the door slammed open making her turn to look at the door.

Then Xiu Mei saw her mom. She paused from laughing after seeing her mother’s expression change. After that, she blacked out.

After that attempted suicide that day, Xiu Mei slightly returned to her senses. She realized that it wasn’t just her who was in pain at all. Because of her, the entire family plunged into anguish because of her actions.

Gradually, she cooperated with her doctors. She took the medicines with difficulty, ate a little bit more than what she ate yesterday, and from time to time, she would talk with her parents or brothers or whoever would accompany her in the room that day.

Small steps. Slowly, she was able to control her emotions a little bit and eventually, she was able to finally give her statement about her kidnapping. Even though it was already months ago, her statement was still an important piece of information for the investigation.

She recounted it to them with all she could remember with difficulty.

She was delayed for a year in school after that. She took a year off to focus on recuperating and at least, cured enough to be able to return to school. Her family wanted to transfer her to a different school but Xiu Mei was against it.

Kei transferred to her school to accompany her throughout her secondary education. After that, she decided to go independent and move out of her parents’ home to study in her chosen university.

As for the investigation of the three families, they continued the investigation but it became a dead-end since they couldn’t find any more evidence to link to anyone from the three families. Even after investigating the different branches of the Xiu family, they couldn’t find any piece of evidence that would allow them to question the people under suspicion. However, because of this piece of a clue about the three families, they were able to plant their own men inside the Ying’s and Fan’s for under surveillance.

Even if it takes years, they will catch the mastermind of the kidnapping and discover the real motive of that person.

Back to the present.

Xiu Mei reached the end of the file. Reading all the information in it caused her emotions to become slightly unstable again. She started breathing heavily, which Lu Chen quickly noticed.

He immediately told her to slowly breathe in and out again, even counting slowly for her.

With his help, she became a bit stable than before.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Xiu Mei quickly fell into silence after requesting him to stay on the line a little longer, which he did.

"Reading something." Xiu Mei replied.


Xiu Mei took a deep breath before replying. "Myself."


"I’m reading about my kidnapping case from ten years ago."




"I’ll book the earliest flight tomorrow after the contract signing."

"No, it’s fine! I mean, I... I’ll be fine. We can just talk once you return the day after tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"Hmm. I’m sure."

"If you say so." Lu Chen responded, but his other hand was already typing on his laptop and communicating with Lu Shao through the chatbox to tell him to book him a flight tomorrow morning.

After the call, Xiu Mei laid down on the bed. Staring at the ceiling, her thoughts are stuck on three facts.

One, just like her hunch, she really was the target of the kidnapping.

Two, the possibility of the person being within the family is quite high. And if it is from within the two other families, aside from Ying Yue, she hasn’t really contacted anyone related to them.

Three, the man she saw in the hospital is definitely related to her kidnapping. Otherwise, if she wasn’t the target back then at all, why would that person bother showing up again to her after ten years?

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