
Chapter 129 - Respect

Chapter 129 - Respect

She pinched herself on the thigh so she could return to her senses. Before she could open her mouth, Lu Chen beat her to it.

"The butler delivered this a while ago." He said, showing her the female version of the nightgown.


"Oh, are you done? Then I’ll go next." Lu Chen then nonchalantly grabbed the male silk night robe and entered the bathroom. As soon as the door shut behind her, Xiu Mei fell on the floor.

She could barely contain the fl.u.s.ter that she was feeling at the moment after seeing Lu Chen carefully fold that silk nightgown and place it on the bed. Damn it, why was she this nervous ah?

Xiu Mei finally stood up and grabbed the nightgown. After looking at it for a few seconds, she decided to throw it at the back of her closet.

After doing so, she immediately hid under the duvet and tried sleeping. But since she was too conscious and nervous right now, sleep won’t come to her at all. She even tried counting lambs to sleep but it didn’t have any effect ah!

She slightly felt panicked when she heard the bathroom door open again after fifteen minutes. Xiu Mei stopped moving on the bed and closed her eyes, trying to pretend she was asleep.

She tried listening in his footsteps but since he was wearing some comfy slippers, she couldn’t hear it at all.

Xiu Mei slightly flinched when the space of her bed behind her suddenly dipped. She hugged on her pillow tighter as she grew even more nervous.

Lu Chen, who just finished taking his shower and wore the silk night robe that was given to him climbed on the bed. Lifting the duvet, he quickly noticed Xiu Mei’s body flinch as soon as he climbed the bed.

Seeing how his wife is trying to pretend she was sleeping, he suppressed the laugh that was threatening to escape from his mouth. His wife is really so cute ah. Even with how she tried to act casual after her shower a while ago and ignoring the clothing he was holding, everything is too cute for him ah.

As soon as he climbed on the bed, Lu Chen didn’t hesitate in reaching out to rest his arms on Xiu Mei’s waist. Even after feeling her turn stiff, he didn’t remove his hold on her and comfortably settled himself just behind his wife.

On the other hand, Xiu Mei was already screaming in her mind. She was too torn between escaping from Lu Chen’s hug or continuing to pretend to be asleep.

Her mind turned into a mess after feeling that warm but slightly cold skin on her back. Since Lu Chen was just wearing his night robe, she assumed that it must be the low cut type where an area of his chest was exposed.

...My god, who the hell gave those pair of silk nightgowns ah?! Was it her Mom? Why is she torturing her like this ahhhh!!

"Wife," She heard him whisper. He whispered very close in her ear her body involuntarily reacted and avoided his warm breath. She only realized that with her movements, she just gave away the fact that she was awake.

"Calm down. I won’t eat you ah." Lu Chen pressed on her waist, stopping her from avoiding him. He assured her by not moving his hands anymore.

Xiu Mei opened her eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

"I promise I’ll behave. Besides, I don’t want to force you into something you’re not comfortable doing." He said sincerely.

Then Lu Chen brushed her hair and weaved it in his fingers while adding, "I married you not because I want to do that ah. And I still have to convince you to stay with me after a year."

Besides, even though their relationship progressed and they grew closer, Lu Chen didn’t want to take advantage of Xiu Mei like that.

"Sleep, my wife." He said, pressing a kiss on her head. Then he closed his eyes.

After hearing that, Xiu Mei didn’t immediately sleep. The nervousness she was feeling before completely disappeared. She almost chuckled, finally realizing a fact.

That a few words from Lu Chen, no matter how nervous or panicked she was, he will always find a way to calm her down and soothe her. It’s like he was making her realize that she was thinking too much over nonsense things.

She couldn’t help but smile. She was very tempted to turn around to see his face but she didn’t want to disturb his rest. So what she did is she wrapped her arm around Lu Chen’s arm that was resting on her waist. She smiled while enjoying the warmth that was surrounding her.

"Goodnight, my husband." She whispered before finally going to sleep.

What she didn’t know was that she missed the smile of someone behind her.

Early the next morning, her parents personally talked to her about her decision to be placed on hypnosis. They informed her of their concerns but in the end, they still respected her decision and gave in. With her parents’ approval, her Grandfather started processing the necessary doc.u.ments for the appointment.

"Wife," Lu Chen called. Both of them are currently in the garden while watching over Lu Qiang playing with the dog. Her grandparents were currently visiting their friends in the villa near their mansion and her parents went out to attend some business temporarily. Her two brothers, one was still in the army and the other one is currently abroad for diplomatic business.

So right now, aside from the employees of the Xiu family, the three of them have the mansion for themselves.

"Can I go with you inside the room for the hypnosis?" Lu Chen asked.

Xiu Mei paused to think. Since she hasn’t done this before, she wasn’t really sure if it was allowed. But now that Lu Chen brought it up, she would actually prefer to have him by her side during the whole process since she’ll feel safer when he is around.

"I’ll ask Doctor Lee if it’s allowed, but aren’t you busy?" She uttered.

"It’s fine. You’re more important than work and also, I promised to stay beside you throughout right?"

Xiu Mei smiled and nodded. "I know. Thank you."

She leaned back to rest in Lu Chen’s chest, putting all her weight on him. She firmly held his hand, feeling calmer and lighter.



"Can I see the file?"

"File? What file?"

"Your case file, from ten years ago."

Xiu Mei stiffened then she turned to look behind her. She saw Lu Chen’s solemn face. He raised his free hand and caressed her cheeks.

"I was actually going to wait for you to tell me about it but since you’ll have your appointment very soon, I wanted to know the whole story. At least, I’ll know how I can comfort and protect you when that time comes you need me again. Didn’t I promise you? That I’ll protect you."


Xiu Mei felt warm after listening to that. But she was also startled by the fact that she forgot to tell Lu Chen about her story. Maybe it’s because she already knows that Lu Chen seems to know about it? So she always thought that he already knew the story.

But she failed to realize that it would’ve been better if Lu Chen could hear the whole story from her mouth. But since he didn’t probe her about it and patiently waited for her to open to him, she knows that Lu Chen was doing that because he knows she wasn’t ready yet at that time. He was there to witness her panic attacks and he was the first one to find her fainting on Ying Yue’s grave. But not once did he ask her about it.

She couldn’t help but smile and feel touched by the amount of respect and privacy he was giving her. Really, she chose well ah.

Even though she abruptly signed that marriage form, after spending time with him, she slowly realized that maybe, it was the best carelessness she ever made in her entire life.

Xiu Mei covered the back of his hand holding her cheek and nodded.


In the Ying family.

Ying Wan Wan stood by the door of her mother’s room, holding a tray of food with medicines. She knocked on the door before speaking.

"Mother, I’m here to deliver your lunch." She said, but there was no response on the door. She tried knocking again and waiting for a few minutes but Mrs.Ying didn’t respond to her. Using the key to her Mother’s room, she quickly unlocked it and opened the door.

The first thing she saw was her Mother’s lonely back while she was staring at the sky through the glass window. She sighed, pretty much used to seeing this scene. She walked and laid the tray on the bed table.

"Mother, you can’t skip your meals okay? The doctor already said that your body won’t be able to take it anymore if you keep skipping meals."

"Wan Wan."

"Yes, mother?"

"I know you met her."


Mrs.Ying’s turned to face Wan Wan, her expression turning cold. Wan Wan didn’t seem to be surprised at all with what her mother said. Instead, she smiled coldly as a response.

"It went well, mother."

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