
Chapter 101 - Untitled

“Anya…” Daddy Cheng was trembling in fear and in tears. “Anya, nothing bad must happen to you. If you meet with a mishap, what shall Daddy and Ning Ning do?”

Several passersby also came around and whispered.

Ning Ning raised his face, reached out, and held Daddy Cheng’s hands. In a slightly hoarse yet childish voice, Ning Ning said, “Grandpa, don’t cry. Nothing bad will happen to Mommy. Mommy will be sad if she knows you cried.”

When Daddy Cheng heard Ning Ning’s words, he cried even harder.

“Ning Ning…”

Why wasn’t it him who was knocked down? He was already old, and anything that happened to him wouldn’t have mattered anyway. But Anya was only twenty-four years old, and her life had just started. She still had a long way to go, and she still had Ning Ning…

Ning Ning was very calm, terrifyingly so.

As his eyes focused on Cheng Anya’s face, he clenched his little fists tightly. His cold gaze, which resembled Ye Chen, carried an alarming sharpness.

Ning Ning looked totally different from his usual gentleman demeanor that carried elegance and a small smile.

Darkness overwhelmed Ning Ning.

The ambulance soon arrived and Cheng Anya was sent to the hospital!

Daddy Cheng and Ning Ning quietly sat outside the operating theatre. Daddy Cheng’s tightly-clasped hands were trembling and his eyes were filled with fear.

‘Anya, nothing must happen to you!’

‘God, you must bless my daughter!’

Ning Ning comforted his grandpa with a whisper. Whenever the older folks encountered such issues, they were nervous and their minds turned chaotic.

He knew that he should not panic.

His Mommy was still hanging by a thread, and his grandpa was old and unable to take shocks. If he panicked, who would bear the consequences?

Although young, Ning Ning had the ability to take care of everything in the family. There was no need to panic. He was sure his Mommy would be fine. Yes, his Mommy would certainly be fine.

Time passed especially slowly in silence.

As time trickled away, life seemed to drip away. The wind blowing into the room brought some heat with it.

The door of the operating theatre opened.

Daddy Cheng quickly stood up and rushed over. He trembled as he grabbed the doctor’s hand and asked, “Doctor, how is my daughter?”

Ning Ning quietly held his breath, waiting for the result.

“The patient needs surgery!” A doctor in white looked at Daddy Cheng and Ning Ning. In his eyes flashed past a bit of mercy, declaring his sympathy with such experiences.

“Well, as long as my daughter can be saved, it will be great!”

“This is not an ordinary surgery and will require the patient’s family to consent to it.”

“Doctor, tell us. What type of surgery is needed?” Ning Ning asked calmly.

The doctor looked at the little boy who had been silent and secretly admired that the child was so pleasing to the eye. It was rare for such a young child to have this general style.

“Amputation!” The doctor said.

Ning Ning and Daddy Cheng were stunned.

Ning Ning’s already pale face was instantly drained of blood as he widened his eyes.


‘Does Mommy have to be amputated?’

Absolutely not!

“The patient’s fractured right leg is now infected and must be amputated immediately. Otherwise, the patient may be in mortal danger,” the doctor honestly said. In the hospital, illnesses and deaths were not uncommon, and in spite of his sympathy toward patients, he could only choose the best possible method for the patient.

Keep her alive!

However cruel the job and choices he had to make were, it was his responsibility to keep his patients alive.

Daddy Cheng was confused. “The patient is in critical condition… How about Ning Ning? My Anya…”

Daddy Cheng seemed like he had suddenly aged by ten years. His previously straight back hunched and tears trickled down his eyes. Daddy Cheng felt so painful, as if a part of his flesh was cut out. His darling daughter…

He couldn’t imagine what Anya would look like after the amputation.

Daddy Cheng could not imagine his proud and smart daughter spending the rest of her life in a wheelchair. His young grandson would require someone to take care of him. What should he do?

The more Daddy Cheng thought, the sadder he became and the harder he cried.

“You have to make a decision quickly. The longer you take, the more critical the patient’s situation will become!” Although the doctor could not bring himself to urge the patient’s family for a decision, he had to do so as the life a patient is the most important to any medical practitioner.

“No!” Ning Ning said loudly and decisively.

The doctor and the nurse looked at him in utter surprise.

The child had a pair of very beautiful yet deep eyes. Just like his name, his eyes emanated calmness that extended far and wide. He was so calm to the point it was terrifying. It was as if the person who was in critical condition was not his mother.

“Do not amputate my mother!” He looked at the doctor in the eye and spoke clearly word-by-word.

“Young kid, do you know what that means? She could die!” the doctor said as he shook his head. “If the patient is amputated, she may live. Take any longer with this decision and the bacteria infection will spread and worsen her condition. How old are you? Can you bear this responsibility?”

“Ning Ning…” Daddy Cheng was uneasy. If he did not approve of the amputation, would he merely just wait for Anya to die? “We agree to it. At least, Anya will survive.”

“Doctor, I do not agree. May I ask you whether you can guarantee that my mother will still be alive by the next day?” Ning Ning asked. “I want to hear the truth!”

The doctor’s face turned red. This wretched child had the gall to question his medical skills. In his many years of practicing medicine, this was his first time meeting such a child. Even though his mother was in critical condition, he was still extremely calm.

“What about after tomorrow? If we do not amputate her, she will definitely die!” The doctor also became angry.

Simply put, Anya would not die within the next two days. That meant Ning Ning still had time.

“Let’s not talk about death as a consequence so flippantly. My mother will still be alive and kicking without an amputation!!” Ning Ning said coldly in a domineering and arrogant tone.

For an authoritative doctor to be challenged by a child in such a provocative manner was indeed anecdote worthy. Even as the doctor raged, he thought about the child and wondered if it was because the child’s mother would become a cripple that the child became so arrogant.

How could he be so calculative with a child?

“Old man, give your consent if you want your daughter to live! ” The doctor turned to Daddy Cheng and said, “Your grandson is too ignorant. The longer we take to arrive at a decision, the more dangerous it is for the patient.”

“Ning Ning…” Daddy Cheng could not focus and turned to Ning Ning.

The doctor was trembling with anger. What happened to this family? “He is just a child. He is protesting because he cannot accept the fact that his mother will become a cripple. Aren’t you waiting to regret once the patient dies?”

Ning Ning narrowed his eyes and smirked. “Grandpa, wait. Let me make a call.”

Ning Ning quickly opened Anya’s bag, took out her mobile phone, found Ye Chen’s number and took a glance at it. He hesitated for a second. He was too young to convince the doctor, and grandpa was worried about his Mommy’s life. Should grandpa give consent after he left, Mommy would regret for the rest of her life and that was something he would also live to regret.

If the person who spoke was his father, the doctor would definitely yield out of his father’s social status.

Ning Ning hated his youth for once.

He dialed Third Young Master Ye’s number, and the call was quickly picked up.

“Where are you?”

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