
Chapter 692 - Repairing the Warship I

Chapter 692: Repairing the Warship I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Three days later, when a huge three-headed dragon appeared in the skies of the Imperial City, everyone was filled with panic. Even ordinary people knew that the Kingdom had lost the battle. No one knew when the Holy Light Empire would attack the Imperial City.

However, it was obviously not the Holy Light Empire this time. Besides the huge three-headed dragon, behind it was more than forty powerful Spell Casters, all walking on air and forming a dense and dark mass. The powerful Elemental fluctuations were even more frightening.

“They’re Great Wizards!”

“Heavens, how are there so many Great Wizards?”

There were naturally many Spell Casters who gathered at the Imperial City, especially after they had learned about the defeat of the royal family. Therefore, they saw at a glance the forty or so Spell Casters in the sky were rarely seem Great Wizards.

A force like this could instantly destroy the Imperial City.


The three-headed dragon spread its wings and swooped down quickly, landing accurately outside the Imperial City’s palace. The three heads drooped slightly, and a figure slowly flew down from its head.

“Wizard Merlin!”

There was already a crowd of people outside the Imperial City, led by the Blackmoon King, Bhutto XVII, previously known as the eighth prince.

Merlin, who stepped down from the three-headed dragon, smiled when he saw the eighth prince and calmly said, “The eighth prince? It seems I should call you Your Majesty the King now!”

Merlin saw the familiar eighth prince and seemed to recall the days when he was with Teacher Leo. Familiar images flashed in his mind.

However, Merlin had never returned to the Imperial City after he had left. After several decades, the eighth prince had become the Blackmoon King.

“Wizard Merlin, I didn’t expect that you would be able to defeat even Kleis. You’re the strongest Wizard in the Spell Caster world, the number one Wizard!”

The eighth prince also felt regretful. Back then when Merlin and Teacher Leo helped him fight for the throne, he thought very highly of Merlin. However, no matter how optimistic he was, the most he dared to imagine was that Merlin would perhaps become a Seventh-level Spell Caster.

He would have never expected that Merlin would reach so high. He defeated the so-called invincible Kleis, and even unified the entire Spell Caster world. This was the biggest change that had happened in the Spell Caster world since the Molta Empire fell three thousand years ago. No one had ever been able to unify the entire Spell Caster world.

However, Merlin did it!

“Wizard Merlin, all Great Wizards, come in and discuss!”

The eighth prince looked at the forty or so Great Wizards behind Merlin and felt stunned. Although he received news three days ago that the Spell Caster Alliance’s First Elder would lead many Great Wizards to the Imperial City to discuss how to deal with the Holy Light Empire, the eighth prince still felt an incomparable shock when he was really faced with forty or so Great Wizards.

Soon, the crowd filed in and entered the hall.

The eighth prince did not sit on the throne but instead sat in the hall like Merlin. His expression was full of worry as he said, “Wizard Merlin, Great Wizards, it’s the good fortune of all Spell Casters that the Spell Caster world can unite. However, the Holy Light Empire is just too strong...”

“Your Majesty the King, it’s said that even the purple-gold crown was destroyed by the Holy Light Church. We’d like to know in detail who broke the purple and gold crown?”

One of the Great Wizards asked bluntly. The reason they came to the Imperial City was to learn more about the Holy Light Empire and the strength of the Church of Light.

“The purple gold crown?”

The eighth prince’s face darkened when the purple-gold crown was mentioned.

After a long moment, the eighth prince finally raised his head and said, “Have you heard of the legend about the Church of Light’s Divine Believers?”

“Divine Believers?”

Many Great Wizards shook their heads. After the collapse of the Molta Empire three thousand years ago, there were many gaps in knowledge. They did not even know many Spell Caster legends, much less the Church of Light.

Only Merlin frowned tightly as if remembering something. The words “Divine Believers” gave Merlin a familiar feeling. He was sure that he heard about it in the Void Zone before.

After a careful recall, Merlin finally seemed to remember. However, when he raised his head, his expression became strangely unsightly. He said, “Your Majesty, you’re talking about the most pious believers in the Church of Light who are said to have been chosen by God, and possess a portion of God’s power?”

The eighth prince revealed a shocked expression. “I didn’t expect Wizard Merlin to be so knowledgeable. Yes, the Divine Believers of the Church of Light are said to possess the power of God! Originally, I was dismissive of these legends but after the battle at the Polosi River, and a Divine Believer broke the purple gold crown, I have to believe this legend!”

Many Spell Casters were doubtful of the eighth prince’s words. They also had some dealings with the Church of Light but they had never believed in the so-called God. They even felt that it was something that the Church of Light to control ordinary people.

They never thought that now, a Divine Believer who possessed God’s power would appear. How was that possible?

Many Great Wizards still did not believe it but Merlin did. God existed but God was defeated by Spell Casters in the past, and countless gods were banished from the Glorious Land by the Spell Casters.

Gods were not scary but the God of Light was not an ordinary god. He founded god organization of lord gods, which were terrifying beings comparable to Ultimate Arcane Wizards.

“With the appearance of Divine Believers, is it possible that the Lord God of Light had broken the seal of some of the three Ultimate Arcane Wizards, and projected His power into the Glorious Land?”

The more Merlin thought about this, the more he felt like this was a possibility. If that was the case, then things would become troublesome. It would be more difficult to deal with the Church of Light than Merlin had imagined.

However, Merlin did not take a mere Divine Believer to heart. He was more concerned with how many seals the Lord God of Light could break, and how much power could He project.

This was what Merlin was most concerned about!

“According to the Holy Light Empire’s speed, how many more days until they reach the Imperial City?”

Merlin suddenly asked aloud.

The eighth prince hesitated for a moment before saying, “In seven days at most, the Holy Light Empire will reach the Imperial City!”

“Seven days is enough! Your Majesty, do you have the confidence to stop the Holy Light Empire with the Spell Caster Alliance in the Imperial City together?

“Of course. I believe that with Wizard Merlin and the strength of the Spell Caste Alliance, we’ll definitely be able to repel the Holy Light Empire!”

The eighth prince smiled and glanced at the forty or so Great Wizards behind Merlin. It was a force that made even him feel shocked. The impact the Divine Believer gave him seemed to disappear with the arrival of the forty or so Great Wizards.

Previously, it was the decisive battle between the royal family and the Holy Light Empire, and the royal family lost. However, this time, it would be a decisive battle between the entire Spell Caster world and the Holy Light Empire!

Some ordinary citizens in the Imperial City already started to move far away from the Imperial City. Only Spell Casters continued to gather in the Imperial City.

The entire Imperial City was run by the royal family for countless years, and many Runic Magic Circles were arranged. However, some Great Wizards from the Spell Caster Alliance used these seven days to strengthen the Runic Magic Circle and make them more powerful and complex.

In short, all the Spell Casters were preparing for the upcoming decisive battle, including Merlin.

At this time, Merlin was meditating in a castle arranged for him by the eighth prince. In front of him was a ring, and Merlin quickly extended his Mind Power into the ring.

Inside the ring, almost the entire space was occupied by a huge warship. It was an Atlan civilization empire-level warship that Merlin took from the Origin Lord’s space.

This empire-level warship was split into two sections. Merlin flew into the warship and saw that the energy bar was still only four percent. He sighed and directly poured out countless elemental crystal stones from the Spatial Ring.


Countless elemental crystal stones were poured out into the high-powered engine furnace, and Merlin saw the energy bar rise rapidly – from four percent to ten percent, fourteen percent, twenty percent...

Finally, the rate of the energy bar increasing gradually slowed down as it settled at twenty-five percent. Merlin integrated the entire Spell Caster world but he had only obtained around twenty-one million elemental crystal stones, in which almost all had been fed into the high-powered engine furnace.

“Twenty-five percent of energy is still far from enough!”

Merlin wanted to reply on the elemental crystal stones in the Glorious Land to accumulate a high amount of energy but he did not expect that the Glorious Land would become so barren that there were not many elemental crystal stones left. Each elemental crystal stone was incredibly valuable.

The overall strength of Spell Casters was gradually weakening, which might be directly related to the decrease of elemental crystal stones.

Merlin hesitated a moment. It took ten percent of energy to manufacture a superior robot. However, a superior robot could rival a preeminent Great Wizard. In the Glorious Land, strength like this was already extremely terrifying.

However, nine superior robots and thirteen ordinary robots were already very powerful. There was no need to waste energy to manufacture more robots.

After all, if the Divine Believers of the Church of Light really existed, then no amount of superior robots would work. According to Merlin’s estimation, even if the Divine Believers of the Church of Light could only carry a little of the Lord God of Light’s power, it would still be comparable to Great Legends!

“Matrix, can you perform simple repairs on the warship and restore the broken parts?”

“A long amount of time will be needed for repair. Unable to make an accurate estimation.”

Merlin hesitated for a moment before making up his mind and saying, “Make full efforts to repair the broken parts of the warship. When the energy drops to five percent, stop the repair immediately!”

Merlin gave orders to the Matrix. Whether or not it could be repaired, he still had to leave some energy reserves for the warship.

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