
Chapter 26 - Friends

Kyle walked over to Matt and Udonis "Hey guys. It\'s just the two of you?" Kyle fist bumped the two of them. Udonis awkwardly smiled "Yeah. I asked the other guys but they all had something going on."

Kyle didn\'t believe Udonis but he didn\'t say anything. He checked the time on his cellphone "So do you guys know what room he\'s in?"

Matt shook his "I texted Jason. He said to just wait. I think someone\'s gonna come down to bring us over."

The three of them waited in the waiting area of the hospital for about five minutes. Their attention was pulled when they heard a sweet voice enter their ears "Hey are you guys the ones visiting Jason?"

They all looked up from their phones in unison as they turned to where the voice came from. They were greeted with the sight of a cute girl in sweats.

Tory had on a pair of black sweatpants and a gray shirt. Her hair was slightly messy but it just gave her the charm of a girl that had just woken up.

Tory was a tall girl with a fit body. She was 5\'11 so she towered over everyone except for Kyle. Kyle stammered "Uh-we-Jason-"

Tory laughed after hearing Kyle "Hahaha! I\'m guessing you must be Kyle? Jason described you perfectly. Tall and awkward."

After she finished laughing she gestured for them to follow her "Here. I\'ll take you guys to see Jason." She turned and started walking. The three of them looked at each other and gulped before following her lead.

The three of them followed behind Tory. Udonis whispered to Kyle "Who is she?" Kyle shook his head as he whispered back "I don\'t know. I\'ve met Jason\'s parents before but it was really quick. And Jason never mentioned anything about having a sister."

Matt gulped as he looked at Tory "I don\'t know either. But she feels kinda different than the girls at school right?" None of them could explain exactly what it was but Kyle and Udonis nodded their heads in unison.

While the boys were having their own little discussion Tory was happily leading them \'It\'s nice to see that Jaya is making friends. He\'s already doing better than at his old school.\'

After a few minutes of walking and taking the elevator they reached Jason\'s room. Tory opened the door "I got your friends Jaya!"

Jason was resting with his eyes closed but as soon as Tory yelled he opened his eyes and turned to her "Thanks Tory but you didn\'t need to yell."

Tory grinned "I didn\'t need to but it was fun." She then put on her headphones and laid down on the pull out bed that was in the corner of the room "I\'m still tired so you guys have fun. I\'ll be snoozing over here."

Tory then covered herself with a blanket. Kyle was the first one to walk up to Jason "Good to see that you\'re doing okay." The two of them fist bumped.

Jason smiled at Kyle then he turned to Matt and Udonis "It\'s good to see you guys too. Thanks for showing up. I didn\'t think this was going to be how we would be meeting after our game against Mt. Vernon."

Matt laughed "Yeah well I didn\'t think that you would be TV star the next time I saw you." Udonis laughed "Yeah. Looks like you\'re a real star now Jason."

Jason rolled his eyes "You guys wouldn\'t even believe how this all happened." Jason told them the story starting from when Tory took him to the mall.

After Jason was done talking Matt, Udonis and Kyle were dumbstruck. After a bit they all looked at each other and then at Jason. Udonis was the first one to talk "You really are a magnet for trouble."

Jason replied with his deadpan face "It\'s not my fault. Trouble just always seems to follow me." The three of them laughed after hearing Jason say that.

They all sat around Jason\'s hospital bed in the guest chairs and talked about all sorts of things. After an hour passed by Jason\'s stomach growled.

Jason scratched the back of his head "My bad. I\'m just really hungry. Hospital food isn\'t exactly the most appetizing."

Matt looked up from his phone "You want us to grab you something?" Jason nodded. He pulled out his wallet from the drawer and took out a twenty dollar bill.

"There\'s a burger place close by. You guys can get whatever you want. I just want a cheeseburger and a milkshake."

Matt took the twenty from Jason\'s hand "Dang! Look at this guy. We got a big baller over here. Let\'s go grab some grub UD." Udonis got up and left the room with Matt.

After Udonis and Matt left to go get food it was just Kyle and Jason in the room. Except for Tory who was still in the room snoring in the corner.

Kyle and Jason sat in awkward silence for a few seconds before Kyle started talking "I tried to bring Trell here.... But he didn\'t want to come."

Jason saw Kyle\'s serious face and he couldn\'t help but laugh "Why are you so surprised?" Kyle looked at Jason "I thought we were starting to get closer. He seemed like he wasn\'t a terrible person while we were playing or at practice."

Jason sighed "Not everyone can be friends after just a few days Kyle. Especially with Trell. You do remember that he was beating the shit out of you right?"

Kyle silently nodded. Jason added "Just give it time. I don\'t know for sure if we\'ll all ever be friends but don\'t expect it to happen overnight. You have to take baby steps. As long as you\'re making progress that\'s all that matters."

Kyle felt better after hearing Jason say that. Kyle was hesitant to say it but he wanted to get it off his chest. He told Jason what Trell had told him about the rest of the team not accepting them.

Jason looked at Kyle "Honestly Trell is probably right. The rest of the team probably doesn\'t like us." Kyle had a sad look on his face after hearing that.

Jason saw Kyle\'s expression and laughed "Kyle. You gotta stop caring about what other people think. I think you\'re cool. Matt and Udonis like you. Trell... well at least he doesn\'t want to beat you up like before.

My point is that as long as you have a few people that you know have your back you shouldn\'t care what other people think."

Kyle nodded his head as he listened to Jason "I don\'t know how you can say stuff like that so easily Jason. Sometimes it feels like you\'re not a kid like me. You sound like my mom when she gives me advice."

Jason choked on the water he was drinking when he heard Kyle say that. He coughed and wiped his mouth "I guess I\'m just built like that."

After about thirty minutes Matt and Udonis came back with the food. Jason inhaled his cheeseburger and milkshake. Matt and Udonis were surprised at how much and how quickly Jason ate. Kyle had gotten used to Jason\'s eating habits so he wasn\'t affected.

After everyone finished eating Jason told them "The doctor says that I can go back to school in a few days but I won\'t be able to practice for ten days."

Matt nodded "That sucks but at least it wasn\'t anything serious. When I first saw you fall on the news and the shot where there was blood under your head I was really worried."

Udonis agreed "Yeah. The fall looked pretty bad especially since it was on concrete instead of the hardwood on the court. But it looked like you were giving that guy the business. He was a top ranked high school player right?"

Jason gave them a play by play description of the one on one game he played versus Jerome. Udonis looked at Jason in amazement "You really cut from a different cloth. We both ball players but I can\'t even imagine doing the shit you do."

Matt nodded his head in agreement "Whenever I watch Jason play it doesn\'t feel like I\'m watching someone the same age as me."

Jason waved them off "You guys just need to practice. You guys can get better than me as long as you put in the work."

They spent the next few hours talking about their game against Mt. Vernon. All the things they did good. The things they did bad and what they could improve before their next game. Tory did her homework in the corner while the boys talked.

At around three in the afternoon they started getting ready to go. Matt, Udonis and Kyle waved to Jason before awkwardly smiling and waving to Tory as they left the room.

Tory smiled at Jason "Looks like you made some good friends." Jason smiled back as he looked at her "Yeah I think so."

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