
Chapter 94 - Tough Love

Jason was slightly nervous as he followed one of the trainers to Kawhi\'s office \'I wonder what he wants. Is he bringing me to his office just to tell me that I didn\'t pass the test to switch groups?

Nah, he wouldn\'t do that right? If I failed he could have just texted Patricia to tell me that I failed. So does that mean that I passed?

That can\'t be it either. He would have just texted Patricia to tell me that I passed. Damn it! The anxiety is killing me. I just want to know why he asked for me to head over to his office.\'

After a few minutes of walking Jason stopped as the trainer that was guiding him had stopped. She pointed down the hall to a door at the very end.

"That\'s Mr. Kawhi\'s office over there. Just go straight it\'s the very last door. Knock and wait for him to let you in."

The trainer left Jason alone in the hallway. Jason took a deep breathe before making his way to the door.

Jason hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. He stood outside the door in silence for a few seconds before hearing Kawhi\'s monotone voice "Come in."

After opening the door the first thing Jason saw was Kawhi sitting behind a wooden desk that had papers spread all over in front of him.

Jason closed the door behind before walking closer to Kawhi. He stood awkwardly in front of the desk for a few seconds before Kawhi looked up.

"Did you get some good rest? I would hope that you did considering that you were out for almost two hours."

Jason didn\'t say anything as he didn\'t know how to respond to that. Kawhi pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk "My bad. I forgot to offer you a seat. Make yourself comfortable."

Jason pulled out one of the chairs and took a seat. After sitting down in the chair and fiddling around with his fingers for a few seconds Jason broke the silence "So what did you call me here for?"

Kawhi put down the paper he was reading "I am going to be honest with you Jason. When I came into the league I was projected to be just a defensive specialist.

And even after I made the jump to an MVP caliber player and improved my offensive game to the point where I could be the focal point my calling card was still my defense.

So I have a soft spot for defensive oriented players. And it makes me happy to see such a young athlete like you that is so skilled and disciplined on defense.

But you\'re just not suited to being a defensive player. You have small hands for your age, your wingspan is an inch shorter than your height, and you\'re not an incredible athlete.

There have been basketball players with small wingspans that were good defenders such as Jimmy Butler. But they usually had the lateral speed and explosiveness to compensate for that.

You don\'t have the physical tools to be an elite defender at the highest level. In my opinion if you want to become the best player that you can be you need to focus more on your offense."

Kawhi\'s words were like a flashbang as they left Jason disoriented. Jason had known that he didn\'t fit the physical profile of a lock down defender.

But to hear it from Kawhi it had a different impact. If it was anyone else then Jason could have brushed it aside.

But to hear it from someone that was widely regarded as one of the best defender to ever play on the wing. Jason didn\'t know how to react.

The wind seemed to have been knocked out of Jason as he slumped down into the chair \'My entire life the only thing that I could take pride in was my defense.

I thought that even thought my offense was lacking as long as I played hard on defense I would be able to make my way to the pros.

Even after I woke up in the past I never abandoned the pride that I had in my defense. That\'s why I chose the heart build out of all the different builds.

But was that a mistake? Was I never meant to be an elite defender? Have I been wasting my time trying to focus on defense and offense at the same time?\'

Seeing Jason\'s reaction Kawhi couldn\'t help but sigh "Seeing how you\'re taking it I can tell that you really care about playing hard on that side of the ball.

But there\'s nothing wrong with not being an elite defender. Even if you can\'t defend at a high level that doesn\'t mean that you have to play bad defense.

James harden was a horrible defender during his first few years with the Rockets. You could find videos everywhere with his defensive lowlights.

But after a few seasons he managed to become an okay defender. And for what he lacked on defense he more than made up for it with his amazing ability to score.

What I\'m trying to tell you is that you can focus on your offensive game right now. You should focus on developing into a lethal scorer. That way your average defense will become a plus instead of a minus."

Jason just silently sat in the chair with a shell shocked expression. Seeing this all Kawhi could do was shake his head.

"I know that I just dropped a massive bomb on you. You don\'t have to make a decision right away. And you don\'t have to listen to me.

I was just giving my own personal opinion because you have so much talent and I want to make sure that you get the best chance possible to make it to the league.

But at the end of the day it\'s you decision to make. You decide how you\'re going to shape your game. You decide your own destiny."

Kawhi then took a look at the clock that was hanging on the wall "It looks like it\'s just about time for lunch. Why don\'t you go to the Canteen and get something to eat?

You can make your decision after you\'ve filled yourself up. And even if you can\'t come to a decision today just know that I\'m willing to take you under my wing so to speak.

I like to offer myself to all the young talents that catch my attention. All of my knowledge and experience is there if you ever have any questions."

Kawhi wrote something on a piece of paper before folding it up and handing it to Jason. He stood up from his chair and took the paper from Kawhi.

It was as if Jason\'s body was on autopilot. All Jason could think about were the words that Kawhi had said. Before he even knew it Jason was standing in line at the Canteen.

A familiar voice pulled Jason out of his trance "Yo Jaya! We were worried about you bro." Jason turned around and saw Justice approaching him.

Jason managed to put a smile on his face "Hey Justice. You lining up for food too?" Justice stopped dead in his tracks. He took a look at Jason\'s face.

"You okay dude? You look like you just saw a ghost. Oh and how was the test? You were gone for a long time."

Jason shook his head "The test was pretty rough but I think I did I alright. At least they haven\'t told me that I failed yet."

Justice high-fived him "Alright! I knew you would do good. There\'s no way that Riverside\'s youngest star would fail.

So how was it? Did they make you do anything crazy? Like catching a basketball with a blindfold on? Or shooting threes with your eyes closed?"

Jason laughed after hearing Justice\'s questions. Jason gave a quick recap of the exercises that they had him do during the test.

After hearing about all the different things that Jason had to do during the test Justice was left speechless.

Jason and Justice continued to catch up as they made their way through the line. As they picked up their trays and looked for a table to eat at they were chuckling and laughing.

They finally found a spot as they put their trays down and sat down. Justice sighed as he looked at Jason with an envious gaze.

"You\'re so lucky man. You have the talent and ability to be in charge of you\'re own fate. You\'re not like us normies. All we can do is try our hardest and hope we can catch a break."

Something clicked in Jason\'s head after hearing Justice say that. Jason shifted his attention from his tray back to Justice.

"What did you say Justice?! Can you say it again." Justice looked at Jason with a confused look.

"I said that you\'re lucky that you have the talent and ability to be in charge of your own fate."

Jason slammed his hands on the table \'That\'s right! I\'m in charge of my own fate. Kawhi said that I don\'t have the physical tools to be an elite defender. But I have the system!\'

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