
Chapter 176 - Slowing Down

A few days had passed since Jefferson\'s bittersweet farewell in the state tournament. Although they had made school history by getting so far into the tournament none of the guys from the team felt like celebrating.

They had dreams of winning a national title. Their goal was to stand on the brightest of stages and to spread the name of their school while also putting their city on the map.

And even though a lot of the guys were still in the 7th grade and still had next year to look forward to they still felt sad because Trell and Udonis would both be moving on to high school after this year

This was their only chance to get a national title with all of them. The unfortunate ending to their season left the guys feeling down.

Sunday morning. Jason\'s mom and dad were both home as they both had the day off. Jason\'s dad was in the kitchen preparing some side dishes while Jason\'s mom was on her laptop at the dining table.

Jason\'s dad looked at the clock and then at his wife "He\'s still sleeping huh?" She looked up from her laptop to her husband.

"Just let him get a few more hours of sleep. You know how hard he\'s been pushing himself. One day of bumming around will do him some good. 

Besides, it\'s not like he was a early bird before. He usually wakes up late." Jason\'s dad shook his head.

"I know that he normally sleeps in late whenever he doesn\'t have class. But I just can\'t help but worry.

Imagine putting in all the work that Jason put in this year just to have things end because of something like a freak injury.

At least if they lost the game normally he would have some closure. I tried my best and it just wasn\'t enough.

But he can\'t even say that. There must be so much going through his head right now. If only I didn\'t try to fight for that one possession.

If only I didn\'t try for the three pointer. If only I had attacked the basket instead. If only I had passed the ball. I just hope he finds a way to come to terms with how things ended."

She closed her laptop as she stood up from the table. She then walked over and hugged her husband from behind.

With her hands locked and resting atop of her husbands chest she brought her body close and laid her head down against his back.

Her warm breathe tickled his back through his white shirt as her charming voice rang out "He\'ll be okay honey. He has your strong heart and my stubborn head.

With that amazing combination what kind of issue do you think would even be able to be a problem for our baby?"

Jason\'s dad simply chuckled as he turned around. While still in her embrace he dipped his head down as he gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

"You\'re right Mimi. With a head as tough as yours Jason could ram his way through a brick wall."

Jason\'s mom gave a mischievous smile before raising both of her hands up. She pinched her husband on both sides of his face.

She began to play around as she pulled his cheeks in all sorts of different directions "Huh? Did you say something?"

Both of his hands were still covered in oil and sauces from preparing the side dishes so he was defenseless at the moment. Or so she thought.

Jason\'s dad brought his hand down as he drew a moustache on his wife\'s face with the sauce that was still there.

Before she could respond she heard a voice coming from behind them "Wow, you guys are having fun first thing in the morning. I hope that\'s not breakfast that\'s on mom\'s face."

Jason\'s mom grabbed a sheet of paper towel and wiped her face before turning back around with a smile on her face "Hey Jaya! You\'re up... Good morning."

Jason\'s dad walked over to the sink and washed his hands. He then turned back around and smiled at his son.

"Morning Jason. How\'s your knee and ankle doing? Oh and your finger. Gosh this is the first time I\'ve had to ask about so many different injuries at once."

Jason smiled at both of his parents before taking a seat at the dining table. He placed his crutch to the side.

Currently he had a knee brace on his left knee and his ankle was tightly wrapped. His finger also had a new tape wrap that was applied when they had gone to the hospital for his check up.

"The ankle is doing good. The sprain was a lot better than the one that Kyle got. The knee is doing okay but it still hurts whenever I have to bend it.

The finger doesn\'t hurt that much anymore but it still hurts whenever I have to rewrap it." Jason\'s mom and dad nodded their heads as they listened to their son.

Jason\'s mom sat back down at the table. She sat in front of Jason "You know what Jaya? I know that losing against High Bridge was tough.

But you should spend some time with your friends. Kyle and Sammy have both been stopping by to check on you.

You\'ve been locking yourself up in your room the last few days and I think that they\'re starting to get worried."

Jason nodded his head. Although the loss against High Bridge hit a little harder than the losses that Jason had experienced in his past life he was still able to adjust his mindset and fix his mentality fairly quickly.

The reason that he had been locking himself inside of his room the past few days wasn\'t because he was sulking or depressed.

He had been going through the game play by play and simulating how things would have gone had he played differently.

It had become a habit of his to dissect his game and to break down film after every loss. Although those were things that he already did on the regular he did it even more intensely after a loss.

Jason answered "You\'re right. I\'ll go hangout at Kyle\'s and give Sammy and the rest of the guys a call."

Jason waited until his dad was done making the side dishes as all three of them had breakfast together.

After eating Jason cleaned up the table and did the dishes before throwing a new set of casual clothes on.

He kissed both of his parents and said goodbye before heading out the door. With his crutch by his side he soon made his way to Uncle Jin\'s apartment.

He knocked on the door and a few seconds later he could hear a frantic set of footsteps running from inside.

The door swung open as Tory\'s voice boomed out "Jaya!" Her long black hair was tied into a messy bun while a green mask coated her face leaving just her eyes and her lips visible.

She pulled Jason into a tight hug "Are you doing okay Jaya? Don\'t let those mean people get into your head.

You did great during the game. It\'s not your fault that you got hurt. Playing through one injury is hard enough let alone trying to play through three."

Jason pulled himself away from Tory\'s tight embrace as he looked at her questioningly "It\'s great to see you too Tory.

But what are you talking about? Mean people? Who shouldn\'t I let get into my head?" Tory covered her mouth acting as though she had just mistakenly given away a secret.

"Uhhhh you didn\'t know Jaya? I thought that was why you were locking yourself away in your room the last few days.

Well never mind. Just ignore what I said just now hehe. I think Kyle is in his room playing games. Well would you look at that? I forgot I have something to do right about now."

She turned around as she tried to walk away in a hurry but Jason gently reached out and grabbed her hand "Wait a second Tory. I think you have some explaining to do."

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