
Chapter 192 - The Texas Team

Kyle told Jason about the conversation that he had with Danilo over the phone. As soon as he was done Jason was practically dragging him out of the room.

"Come on Kyle! We have to hurry. We don\'t want to miss out. This sounds like it\'s going to be crazy fun."

Jason and Kyle made their way downstairs. They then walked over to the clerk behind the desk and asked for directions to the gym.

She smiled as she told the boys how to get to the gym. Jason nodded his head and thanked her before bolting in the direction that the clerk had pointed to.

As Jason and Kyle approached the gym they could already hear the sounds of basketballs bouncing and sneakers squeaking against hardwood.

With their sports bags slung over their shoulders the two of them pushed the doors open and walked in.

It was beginning to get late so it was dark outside the windows but inside the gym it was actually very well lit.

The brightness of the lights wasn\'t too high to where it would strain your eyes. But the light was strong enough to where you were able to see even the small bumps on the basketball that helped to give ballhandlers traction and control over the ball.

Jason looked out and saw that Danilo and Alex were currently playing a game of two vs two. Looking at them play Jason could tell that they were playing a half court game.

Danilo was in a low defensive stance with his arms spread open like a bird of prey waiting for the right moment to strike.

The player that he was guarding looked to be around the same height as him at 5\'10 (1.77m). He had long dreads that were all bundled together and tied into a ponytail.

He had light brown skin and a frame that was closer to the bulky side of things. He smiled as he slowly dribbled the ball.

"I thought you said you was good bruh? You one bucket away from taking a fat ass L" Danilo clapped his hands together before staring his opponent down.

"You got lucky and got on a hot streak. So don\'t go talking all this trash before you win it. Shit might just bite you in the ass."

"Ha! Whatever man. Just try not to cry too bad when you lose." With a quick crossover to his right and an explosive first step he actually managed to drive past Danilo.

But Danilo\'s recovery was just as amazing. Knowing that he had lost the battle of positioning against his opponent Danilo turned his hips and went into an all out sprint.

The ballhandler might have had an incredible first step but his top speed must be a tier below it as he was soon caught up to by Danilo.

After managing to catch up with his defensive assignment Danilo changed his stance once again as this time he was ready to shuffle his feet and stay in front of his man.

The ballhandler tried to give Danilo a small bump as he drove to the basket but Danilo simply took the hit as he followed him into the paint.

As they got closer to the basket the ballhandler picked up his dribble as he got ready for the shot. He leaped into the air.

Seeing his defensive assignment jump into the air Danilo followed suit as he did the same. His leap was powerful and explosive as he was able to get visibly higher than the other player.

With both of his hand raised high it was evident that Danilo was prepared to swat away any shot as soon as he got the chance.

\'You chasin the block huh? Well let\'s see if you got what it takes to swat this one.\' With the ball resting in his right hand he began to raise it for the layup.

But just as the ball looked like it was going to leave his hand he brought it back down and switched hands.

With the ball in his left hand he was now going for a scoop layup. With a flick of his wrist the ball was sent flying up.

The power behind the shot was just right as the ball looked like it would go up and fall through the net perfectly.

But right as the ball was rising Danilo struck as he pinned the ball to the backboard with his right hand.

As he came back down to the floor the ball was in his possession. With a smug smile he turned to his opponent "Looks like I\'m all warmed up."

Jason was in silently watching in awe as he and Kyle walked further in to the gym "That was one hell of a block."

Kyle nodded his head as he gulped "That jump was something else. It felt like he had all the time that he needed for the block."

Jason and Kyle walked over to 3D who was sitting on one of the benches that were on the sides of the court.

"Sup 3D. Why aren\'t you playing?" 3D turned his head away from the game and looked at Jason and Kyle.

He gave a simple nod of his head to the two of them "Little guy over there lied to me. He said that you and Kyle were down here already looking to run some fives.

So when I got my ass over here and saw that it was just him and Alex I was pissed. The guys who were here already said some shit and got the little guy worked up.

They wanted to play some three on three but I told them that I wasn\'t feeling it. I\'d rather go on a diet than run threes with that asshole."

Jason and Kyle both nodded their heads in understanding after hearing what 3D had to say. Jason looked around and saw that other than the two who were playing against Danilo and Alex there were three more guys.

The three guys were watching the game from the side with an air of confidence around them. They looked as though they were just watching a bunch of toddlers play.

In the meantime Danilo had managed to get another stop as he forced the game to continue. Jason turned his sights back on to the game as he asked 3D.

"So who are these guys? Seems kinda weird for some random people to challenge Danilo and Alex to a game."

3D continued to watch the game as he answered Jason "Oh shit, nice euro. These guys got invites to Nike\'s training camp just like us.

Except that these guys are from Texas. You see the three over there? The ones just watching the game?

Those guys are three of the five starters for Oak Crest Middle School. They made it to the top four at Nationals."

Jason turned his head back to the three who were just watching the game. Even without an exchange of words Jason could feel his heartrate begin to quicken.

Jason smiled as his hands were clinched in excitement "Really now? Hahaha training camp hasn\'t even started yet but things are looking real fun."

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