
Chapter 443 - Inevitable War! I

Chapter 443: Inevitable War! I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Into the outside!" As Sang Tie was not in Team 1, the leadership went to Sang Mu who sent off that flinty stare of excitement to the upcoming battle.

The army of a thousand mechs looked grand off the air yet appeared to be a mere cluster in the boundless space. Sang Mu did not intend to disperse the army at the moment.

"Formation!" he said, as the mechs reformed into a giant cone shaped arrangement.

"This is brilliant!" exclaimed the reporter. "We have just confirmed that there are a thousand of these skeleton aircrafts in this army alone! We could see the impeccable formation of the army as they took the orbit of the boundary!" The reporter seemed shocked, "Ah? Are they accelerating? Oh my gosh, that is fast! So fast! Show me the measurement now, hmm, Mach 10, Mach 12… it\'s adding up, Mach 15? They had reached Mach 15. Anyone who has piloted a mech before would know how difficult it is to keep the handle under control at speed of Mach 15. The miracle is there folks! The formation remains the same flawless even at such a high velocity. We should be giving our applause now! This is a well-trained army! It just makes me start to anticipate their following move!" The news was broadcasted throughout every corner of He Yue galaxy.

To the people it felt like a show, a performance of this strange team of skeleton aircrafts traveling in the space. The people were astounded by the stern glow of Sang\'s army which differed itself from the typical heroes. Sang\'s army had demonstrated the fear of masses, in the coherent ultimate order that had imprinted the visual of the Collision army in the heart of the people.

This was day of history, when Sang family was once again mentioned in the entire He Yue galaxy.

The Collision, after Lian Yue\'s improvised engine system, could travel up to Mach 22 in the space, which Mach 20 was a critical point. The maximum speed an advanced mech could travel at would be Mach 15, only a super mech could maintain a velocity up to Mach 20. Mach 20 was the maximum mainly due to the issue of overcoming weight of the body and the friction that the body had caused during the travel. However, with a mech made out of not metals but purely skeletons, as well as Lian Yue\'s Destiny engine model, fueled by mildstones exclusive to Archipelago, Collision had smashed the cap effortlessly while maintaining the shocking velocity of Mach 22.

"Turn on all firing units. Battle Station!" ordered Sang Pu sternly.

Little Rock and Zhang Yu in their helmets started inputting commands. They were the key components of this operation, as not only they had to control the firing units according to the orders, but also they had to ensure the confidentiality of the entire transmission.

The activation program had been launched on all laser firing units in the zone.


The pale bluish glow began collecting on the muzzle of all firing units, like a cluster of pale blue stars kindling in the dark void.

People were fascinated by the beauty, yet a little afraid.

The laser firing units, of those Ye Chong purchased earlier and those Mu/Shang had produced with the newly established industrial area, made an astonishing sum of 500,000!

Yes, five hundred thousand firing units were installed densely in this tiny zone round Planet Yi Ju. People would be convinced that this will be an unbreakable stronghold that no fleet would have the courage to rashly reach the glowing blue stars. There were 500,000 of them, when the Coxcomb only had 180 firing units in the past.

It took Mu/Shang and Little Rock three days to arrange the optimum locations for these 500,000 units.

"Oh my He Yue galaxy, this is gorgeous! The most breathtaking view I have ever seen! A perfect, solid defense of countless laser firing devices. This must be the most complete firewall I\'ve ever seen! I seriously had lost count, how many units are there exactly? It\'s shocking!" The reporter had lost his senses in words. It was not a rare sight to see a force to go full hostile in He Yue galaxy, but never once people had witnessed one force to go this far.

At first people were certainly fascinated by its beauty, but the perception of fear soon would remind them of the cruelty of war!

But Ye Chong and his army did not really care these nonsensical details. Planet Yi Ju was lively. There were all sorts of procedures to run through, inspection before departure, installation of energy cartridges, compressive explosives installation and inspection, second inspection and so on. The entire Papatte base was like the clock, ticking as countless gears turned to each other, all working towards a goal, to show something to the world.

Well, the one that got really busy as a bee was no one other than Little Rock, and Zhang Yu too!

The Mavericks decided to join the party, as they stepped into Planet Yi Ju\'s virtual networking system upon the broadcast. Mu/Shang had foreseen this way back so he had formed a virtual world defense team with Little Rock and Zhang Yu and they had laid all kinds of traps around the network. Those were not the misleading signs one would see on the pathway to Planet Yi Ju\'s database, but they were the pure explosives. It was not hard to set up such devastation for Mu/Shang and Little Rock the decent Mavericks. It was all for the transmission\'s confidentiality. It was fine for Little Rock to even conduct such brutal strategy on the network.

But the Maverick mob was a little overwhelming this time. It felt like a wave submerging Planet Yi Ju\'s virtual world. Some of the Mavericks logged off the moment they spotted the traps, while the remaining was the Maverick-savvys and overconfident players who wanted to have an adventure online. Of course, it was not easy to discover the source code of the opponent himself even for these expert players in Maverick field, but was it not fun to face such a strong foe?

Little Rock and Zhang Yu fully focused themselves on the incoming attacks. Mu/Shang had something else in hand so he could not provide assistance from time to time. Everything coming in the virtual world would be under Little Rock and Zhang Ye\'s responsibility. Their defense was formidable, but these Mavericks arrived like the assassins, capable of stabbing them in the back at any second.

The two of them were highly attentive, they could not relax.

Well, the other members in Team Ye Chong were not having a fun time either. The space was destabilizing soon it seemed, as the rate of spatial instability was climbing. In 10 minutes, the rate would hit the limit.

They had no idea what would possibly occur once the limit had been reached, not even Mu/Shang could find any applicable information on this off the Virtual World. All they got was a news extract where there had been a similar occurrence about 20 years ago. But the news extract wrote the incident so briefly that there was no value of analyzing at all.

Team 2 was ready to launch.

Ye Chong and his members were staring at the projection in the meeting room. The cameras around that unstable space zone were transmitting the visuals for them.

Around 90% of population of the entire He Yue galaxy were watching them. Within the last hour, Planet Yi Ju had probably gained the attention quintupled the attention it had in its entire time of existence before.

The group was holding their breath, as anticipating something to happen.

In 10 minutes, space would be destabilized, yet the 10 minutes lapsed like centuries, even Sang Pu the calm leader was sweating heavily on his head. Ye Chong looked indifferent however, "As expected from the teacher… calm as the water…," whispered Sang Pu.

T-1 minute.

Everyone stood up from their seats as they looked upon the projection.

What would happen? The atmosphere was nauseating. The pressure was building.

Ye Chong looked at the ticking figure on the processor, "Team 1 into Battle Station, equip all firing units, prepare to shoot on command."

The order came like a bomb and his teammates were shook awake from the dismay of anticipation. Sang Pu looked at the rolling number on the processor, his eyes enlarged.

The figure was… speeding up?

The rate was increasing quicker?

The 1 minute they were supposed to wait had been decreased visibly.

Well, the Sangs were body and soul ready for this possibly apocalypse. They had been countless before.

The Sangs maintained their formation, as began accelerating beyond Mach 15.

The space was actually destabilizing.

Ye Chong could see it.

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