
Chapter 712 - Impartial

Chapter 712: Impartial

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The Acala, known as the King of Wisdom Kings, was adept at slaying demon subjugation. It was also known as the enraged mode of Vairocana. A technique named after him was, of course, exceptional. It had the weakened effects of Unbreakable, refined the user’s force, and granted the ability to gather Buddha’s Light. It had no notable shortcomings.

It was such a powerful kung fu move that only a few had mastered it since the Daxing Temple came into existence. Wisdom King, Zhi Hai was one of them.

Zhi Hai was draped in a loose yellow monk robe, without his usual red kasaya. As he walked to the center of the arena, his handsome countenance and sunny disposition made the audience go wild. Some claimed to be licking their screens.

When he ran into Abbot Fayuan halfway, he placidly put his palms together and bowed in a display of discipline and manners.

Fayuan, who had returned to his shriveled self, bowed silently with a slight nod.

Lou Cheng’s thoughts were on the previous match.

“Even before Sister Ning entered his Thoughtsteal range, she had planned out her next moves. Afterwards, she converted those thoughts into instinct to avoid his eavesdropping,” he mused.

Lu Yan tilted his head and shot him a look. Sternly, he said,

“That’s why we always say the hand is faster than the brain.”

Eh, according to the books I’ve read, this is an example of, “Nothing can stop the one who is lawless...” I mean, thoughtless, thought Lou Cheng. Ugh, if Coach ever learned Thoughtsteal, I’d be dead meat...

He sighed, But if he was Talker, I could have said what was on my mind freely. He’d shoot back, then we’d laugh it off... Lou Cheng missed Xiao Ming.

When Zhi Hai had taken his designated spot, the referee announced the start of round two. The eyes of Lu Yan and the others were back on the arena.

Although Ning Zitong had endured until the final moment before using the Wholeness Formula, energy acquired from the secret arts depletes one easily. The flurry of Bloody Rainstorm had taken quite a toll on her. And with the accumulated injuries and the debuffs from the stupas, she was not even at half of her peak form. Therefore, she couldn’t go on offense like she did against Fayuan. Instead, she used her movements to fight guerilla-style, which was her forte.

In the previous round, there was a logic to why she fought Fayuan for half an hour. First, Physical Invulnerability experts have increased “battery life” compared to Inhumans. Second, she was on the move for the most part, avoiding direct combat and conserving her energy. Known for her agility, Empress Luo didn’t use much energy unless she was all-out sprinting.

The battle that ensued gave the audience the illusion that they were still watching Empress Luo fight the Abbot. Like Fayuan, Zhi Hai put up a solid defense, patient and focused as he waited for his opponent to make the first move. As long as she didn’t make any, he just stood still and watched her.

That didn’t mean that Zhi Hai was completely passive. At times, he gathered the Buddha’s Light and fired laser-like beams. At other times, he formed a colorful ball of energy in his hand and projected it forward.

The timing of his attacks was always immaculate, as though he had the gift of analyzing situations. Ning Zitong was caught off guard by the terrifying speed of his Sunshooter’s Flare, dodging clumsily at the last second.

Soon, she began to reach her limit. She only had enough strength for a last-ditch attempt at victory.

It was do or die. And the Phantom King would never choose the latter.

She moved swiftly and silently, cutting towards her opponent from an unthinkable angle. The sky grew dark as though a black curtain had fallen. It was a windy, terrible night, devoid of the moon or starlight.

In such an environment, Ning Zitong’s speed and power increased further.

The 7th Style of the Dark Sect, Murderous Night!

A night where the moon hid and the winds were at full blast. A night of murder and chaos.

This secret art was capable of empowering its user and weakening their enemies. In game jargon, it was a skill that could buff the user and debuff the enemy at the same time.

Bam, bam, bam! Zhi Hai took the assault head-on. His body emitted a pure golden glow, protecting him from the corrosive environment. The impact from his Great Vajrapani punches pushed his opponent back steadily. He was like an immovable mountain.

After an intense exchange of blows, Ning Zitong was completely out of fuel. Hit by a powerful Vajra Punch, she flew back. When she got up, she could hardly maintain her balance.

Instead of further attacking, Zhi Hai retracted his fists and glanced at her peacefully.

Swinging her sore arms, Ning Zitong gesticulated to the referee.

“Second round, Supreme Class Zhi Hai wins!” announced the referee, making sure to include Zhi Hai’s title.

A Supreme Class Mighty One above a first-pin!

Though Empress Luo had a tough fight before this, Zhi Hai had proven his worth by defeating her without breaking a sweat.

He was the real deal, standing in the line of title contenders with Dong Baxian and Lu Yongyuan. And he wasn’t even twenty-eight!

After giving a fist and palm salute, Ning Zitong turned and left breezily. The minor tears on her martial arts suit and bloodstained wounds did little to reduce her charm. Rather, it gave her a bewitching quality that set her apart from other women.

Lou Cheng, who had already stood up, drew a breath, and opened the changing room door. He walked towards Empress Luo.

When they met, he gave her a thumbs up to express his awe.

“Enough with the flattery,” said Ning Zitong peevishly.

However, she couldn’t smother the mesmerizing smile on her face.

I would be wasting my girl’s guidance for all these years if I took your words at face value, thought Lou Cheng with amusement. He shifted his gaze to the center of the bluestone

There stood Zhi Hai. His handsome features looked as though he had applied rouge to his lips and cheeks, which gave him a sunny, natural look, instead of making him effeminate.

Other than his bald head, there weren’t any flaws in his image.

A handsome guy remains handsome even if he shaves his head. Lou Cheng chuckled at the thought. He shook his head and collected his thoughts before stepping onto the bluestone.

Just as he entered the arena, he felt his fighting spirit rise and the tremors in his body fade away. All around him was peace and silence, as though he was in no-man’s land.

It’s like the Confrontation Formula, thought Lou Cheng, his eyes narrowing. This time, he truly felt the effects of the Śarīras within the pagodas.

To resist, he had to constantly invest his attention.

As these thoughts flashed past, Lou Cheng walked to his designated spot calmly. Taking advantage of his relaxed state, he easily entered visualization mode, where he constructed an ancient character stroke by stroke.

Fighting Formula!

Once the character formed, he had an indomitable quality. His Qi and blood turned vigorous, and his will turned palpable as it shot into the sky.

Opposite him stood the strongest Heavenly Son of China—the ninety-ninth renowned Wisdom King.

Opposite him stood a true, top-class Mighty One who had once defeated the Warrior Sage and Dragon King.

Opposite him stood someone whom he had constantly been compared to. A milestone to be crossed.

He had been waiting for this match forever.


In the chatroom of a certain no-name streamer.

Cai Zongming began on a sentimental note.

“Finally, Lou Cheng meets the Wisdom King. Even though the latter has already fought a round and isn’t in peak form, it doesn’t reduce the significance of this match.”

“As for the significance, I encourage everyone to look it up yourself on the internet. However, I would like to remind everyone that we shouldn’t judge who’s stronger based on this match alone. It’s not the olden times anymore, and everyone has losses, including the Dragon King and Warrior Sage. No matter who loses, don’t be too hasty to pass judgment. Results are important, but they aren’t everything. You should believe what you see during the match.”

When he was done, he saw comments float across the screen.

“Feels like you are speaking in Lou Cheng’s favor.”

“Exactly, you were teammates in Songcheng Uni Martial Arts Club and roommates in the same dorm!”


Cai Zongming gave an exaggerated snort.

“Do I look like that kind of person? I mean look at me, I am the face of justice! Impartiality is my middle name!”

He then lifted a paper board with Lou Cheng written on it.

“Alright, kindergarten class starts now. Repeat after me,” Cai Zongming pointed to the words. “This reads ‘The rules here...’”

There was a pause, then came an influx of comments:

“Lou Cheng = The rules here...”

“I love your shamelessness!”

“Nice, this style of commentary is refreshing!”

Looking at the replies, Cai Zongming smirked. Dismally, he thought,

If Cheng was here, I could tell many more jokes. But now, there’s no one to exchange quips with.

Looks like I have keep this one-man-show going...


At 4pm on a day in early spring, the sun retreated west as daylight began fading.

Right as Lou Cheng got into the zone and etched Zhi Hai’s figure into his eyes, the referee raised his hands and shouted,


Boom! A faint blue flame erupted from Lou Cheng’s back and soles, propelling him forward as he punched at Zhi Hai’s face.

He wasted no time in committing to a full frontal assault, something he had been wanting to do for quite some time now.

How could he miss the chance to measure his opponent’s strength?

Unmoving, Zhi Hai drew a sharp breath. His muscles bulged and swelled beneath his monk’s robe. His skin turned blue-black, but it didn’t lend him an evil look. Instead, he looked holy and mighty. It was a strange contrast to his handsome countenance.

Acana Fortification!

Excited comments floated across the screen on the live-stream website.

“Here comes Elder Tang!” said one commenter, referencing Tang Sanzang from Journey to the West.

“The almighty Elder Tang can defeat the Monkey King with one hand!”

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