
Chapter 59 - Jungle Hazard

Flavio entered his office where he could see an old man sitting smoking a pipe, he went to him "Nice to meet you Coatl, I’m Flavio the emperor and god of Nova Roma"

Coatl shook hands with Flavio and placed his divine energy on his arm, Flavio frowned at the curious welcome but returned the grip with his divine energy, the divine energy of the two collided for a few moments.

Flavio did not worry that Coatl could use his divine energy to do damage, the 200 km protective spell would not allow him to use his divine energy to damage him, as it would seal his divine energy.

Flavio and Coatl looked at each other until a smile emerged on their respective faces then Coatl spoke "I see that you did not lie that you were a god, there are very few gods on this plane I guess that’s why your troops are quite arrogant, with the tribes that find "

Flavio smiled "My troops are arrogant because the conquest of the south is an important pillar before we can focus our efforts in the north, the arrogance strongly supported is one of the characteristics of us Romans, I hope it has not bothered you Lord God Coatl "

"For nothing, in this place the force is law and since their gods joined with the goddess Tonantzin, they have broken the balance of the continent, there are only two ways to join you or die how Amalivaca will do it, I prefer that my people be treated with respect and equality to be turned into slaves, "Coatl said as he stopped releasing his divine energy

Flavio also stopped releasing his divine energy "Excellent decision Coatl, the continent is big but together we can avoid some greater evil, it is better to be together than apart your decision will allow your people to know the benefits of the empire"

They continued talking for some time until Flavio took him to the set of temples, they entered together with the temple of Zeus where they met with the three main gods Zeus, Anubis, and Mother Tonantzin.

The meeting was short enough just that Coatl will use his divine energy in a gold-colored orb, then Coatl joined the new pantheon of the gods.

After this, Coatl asked Flavio and the other gods for help to create a defensive line in the southern part explained that the abyss was a rather complicated area and always tried to increase its influence to the north, which is why he needed help to prevent will advance and devour the southern part.

The mother Tonantzin knew immediately that it was that area and why she seeks to move forward "That area is a part dominated by elementary energy out of control, therefore any living being that inhabits it will suffer mutations that cause them to lose their mind and become more strong than they should "

Flavio was only surprised "Because in my timeline that area never proved dangerous"

The Tonantzin mother just sighed "It always was but the area was reduced in size until it became part of the Amazon, much of the information about those events was lost when the Spaniards burned the codices, not to mention that our pantheon function caused many things in the continent will wake up "

Upon hearing this Flavio felt a cold sweat running down his back "What can we do to stop the invasion of that abyss, a wall with divine protections will work?"

Anubis nodded "It’s the best option, just that you have to be prepared, the jungle will try to attack to prevent the wall from being built"

Coatl looked at Flavio with determination "My people will help as much as possible, I will also be with you to support the wall you have to build it quickly, it seems that he felt that now there are more forces and wants to move forward as much as possible"

Flavio knew that there was no other option would have to build 140 km of a wall that will be under attack of unknown creatures, the meeting continued for a while talking about some things related to the future of Nova Roma.

When they finished speaking Flavio retired to gather Marco, Lucio and Coatl had to analyze how they will divide to build the wall, after a division resulting from a great talk it was decided that for the west side would be the manager Lucio, the central side would be Flavio since in this area the attack is expected to be strong while Marco would take care of the eastern part.

Flavio ordered that his legion be brought from Cuba, the security of the new territories would be in the hands of the local guards, to avoid uprisings of the slaves only a minimum amount was left the others were brought to Costa Rica where they will be responsible for building the wall some of them already have experience because they built the Romulo Wall.

The three legions Alpha, Beta and Gamma for the first time would be together protecting an area of ​​vital importance, not knowing what kind of things were found Flavio armed all legions with guns and brought all the members of the Roman inquisition to support along with the Vi Opus in places where the common infantry had problems.

The troops went and quickly began to occupy their positions, due to a large amount of land to be covered they have to prepare sufficiently resistant defenses, craftsmen, volunteers, and all the Misquitos de Coatl people arrived.

The land that would occupy the wall was plain that in the distance had the jungle, was half a kilometer long enough to have a formidable form of defense for whatever comes out from that place, the number of people and troops added more than 100,000, all ready for the construction of the fastest and safe great wall of 140 km

When Flavio was at his headquarters in the center where the wall would be, he decided to see how dangerous the jungle was, prepared his troops and chose a Caribbean slave "I will give you freedom if you manage to enter that jungle" Pointing to the jungle that I was at a distance

The Caribbean slave without knowing what would be found in that jungle believed that it was better than dying building another wall, ran through the meadow wanting to reach the jungle, while Flavio with a telescope watched as the slave ran.

When he reached the entrance of the jungle the slave a great hand left the jungle, took the slave as if it were a doll and tore his head off, another hand left the jungle took the body of the slave throwing the body where Flavio was.

Flavio accepted the challenge with his divine energy created a spear and threw it where the big hands were, a great noise rang out and a giant with a bloody eye ran out to where Flavio was but did not tell that the soldiers behind Flavio opened fire.

The bullets of lead and chips filled the body of the giant, who fell dead after a few seconds, Flavio approached his body and dragged him to his troops "Amancio, bring the doctors, they want to check the resistance of the skin of these big boys and their anatomy, if we are going to face these beings it is better to know where their point is "

While they were taking the giant’s body, Flavio looked with contempt towards the jungle, he knew more hidden giants were waiting for the moment to attack ...

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