
Chapter 158 - Perhaps he never should have gotten the divorce. (3)

Chapter 158 – Perhaps he never should have gotten the divorce. (3)

Fang JunRong said, “I apologize. I will take you out to lunch in a few days.”

“No, I’d rather you give me some Beautify Pills.”

“Okay, I’ll give you a few extra boxes.”

The two chatted as they walked. Nights in this season were still somewhat cold. Fang JunRong left her jacket inside of the car and the walk from the mansion was at least a ten-minute walk to the parking lot.

“Ms. Fang,” came a steady voice.

Fang JunRong turned around and saw a face that somewhat resembled that of Zhang ZhiSu. She quickly pulled up his information in her head – this was Zhang ZhiYang, a cousin of Zhang ZhiSu.

Zhang ZhiYang was a competent individual overall; otherwise, he would have been the housemaster in her previous life. Owing to his ties to Jiang YaGe, Fang JunRong had remained alert around him. Needless to say, she’d never let that show.

Zhang ZhiYang smiled at her. When he smiled, one could see his pointy canine teeth and that gave him a bit of a childish look. He may seem like a good-temperament one but, in her previous life, when he backed Zhang Yuanjia, he had sent people to look into her. All of the companies that had working relationship with her brother’s business were being audited for taxes or other certifications every once so often.

Once words had gotten out, everybody found out that her brother Fang XueBo had offended Zhang ZhiYang. Nobody wanted to be dragged into it so they all stopped doing businesses with her brother’s company.

As such, her brother’s company started going downhill.

“It’s cold out and you don’t have a lot on. Why don’t you take this jacket? We wouldn’t want someone as pretty as you to get sick now.”

Remembering what had happened in her previous life, Fang JunRong didn’t want to accept his favor. She turned him down politely. “I am fine. I don’t want your girlfriend to be jealous.”

Zhang ZhiYang was known to be a player who had countless girlfriends. Let it be models, internet influencers, or actresses, he had them all covered. He, too, was someone who land on the most trending list every few days. She seemed to recall that the most recent scandal was about him and a singer who just debuted from a reality television show.

“It’s fine, she wouldn’t mind,” said Zhang ZhiYang nonchalantly.

Fang JunRong frowned a little, “But I do. I don’t need a scandal of having a boyfriend right ow.” If she had accepted the jacket from him and words got out, she didn’t even want to imagine what would be said. She had no intention whatsoever to be associated with this person.

Besides, all of Zhang ZhiYang’s girlfriends have been girls in their twenties. That had never changed. Now that he was being nice to her all of a sudden, she must believe that he has an ulterior motive.

He JianBing cleared her throat and said to Zhang ZhiYang, “Ahem. I am standing right here. Even if I am not as pretty as JunRong, you still shouldn’t have ignored me so. I am cold too. Why don’t you give me your jacket instead?”

Zhang ZhiYang smiled, handed his jacket over to He JianBing, and took off after exchanging some more pleasantries.

Even though He JianBing had accepted his jacket, she did not put it on. She just had it hanging over one of her arms.

As she walked next to Fang JunRong, she said, “You are single now. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if you want to pursue another relationship but this one really isn’t a good option.”

He JianBing had been around the block a few times and have heard of some gossips about Zhang ZhiYang.

“This Zhang ZhiYang has always been very generous when he chased after girls. But once they started dating, he’d get tired of them quickly. That in and of itself isn’t a big deal, after all, they are all consented adults. Problem is that he also likes to share intimate stories with his friends.”

He JianBing had a complicated look on her. That was the real reason why she had helped her friend in turning the man down.

Fang JunRong, after hearing what He JianBing had told her, was also disgusted by the man. People like that would run into bad karma sooner or later.

Attending this banquet could go either way for her. On the positive side, she had made a point to everyone that she was no longer the pushover that she once was. Had they wanted to walk over her, they should give that a second thought first.

On the negative side, her being single right now had, doubtless, made her seem available to lot of others out there.

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