
Chapter 1587: :The domineering spirit

Everyone behind Lin Tian’s heart twitched.

This Nima is a monster that can only be killed with missiles, Lin Tian actually wants to single out

"The kid is a mere human, and he will dare to come to the door with a bunch of mobs"

"Now is your time to die"

The tauren strode forward, roaring in his mouth.

Lin Tian looked at him coldly, and it seemed that there was nothing he could do this time, he could only expose his true power to everyone prematurely.


With a big wave of his hand, the tauren put on his shoulders the thick wall pillars at the entrance of a big hotel next to them, wanting to use them as weapons to sweep everyone.

The hotel, which was suddenly pulled away from a pillar, immediately became crooked than the Leaning Tower of Pisa, or crooked there.

"Take your life, you group of overpowering ants"

The tauren roared wildly, lifted the stone pillar high, and was about to slam his head towards Lin Tian.

"Be careful" Tian Xin screamed.

Everyone couldn\'t bear to look even more, as long as the stone pillar fell, not to mention that Lin Tian would be smashed into a pool of fleshy mud, and even the people behind them would not be spared.

But even though they were afraid in every way, they did not choose to escape, but stayed and lived and died with Lin Tian.

Lin Tian clenched his fists, his eyes became sharp and dangerous.

But just when he was about to rush up and throw a few punches to clean up the tauren, a big surprise happened.


The tauren had just raised the stone pillar in the air, and suddenly he seemed to have seen something terrifying, his eyes wide and his face full of disbelief.

He only uttered a hurried word, and then his body shuddered. His arms lost strength, and the stone pillar held above his head raised his hand fiercely, and fell on the ground and rolled back.


Such a scene made the people who were staring at him very puzzled, and Lin Tian also felt strange, and gave a puzzled hum.

But his random um, it seemed to have turned on a switch, and the tauren made a strange cry, turned and ran.

What happened after that was so dramatic that it took a long time for everyone to realize that this was not a dream.


Following the horrified roar of the tauren, he turned and ran back, looking as if he wanted to be as far away from Lin Tian as possible

But in a panic, he just stepped on the stone pillar he had just thrown on the ground.

After a stagger, his burly body fell forward involuntarily.

He walked quickly and dived a few steps ahead, and just hit the sloping hotel again, and the horns got stuck in another stone pillar.

"Don\'t kill me, don\'t"

"I knew I was wrong and I would never dare to do it again"

"Let me go, I will leave here right away, I won\'t say anything."

"Spare my life"

While screaming in horror, the tauren struggled with all his strength, trying to pull the horns out of the stone pillar.

"Hey, you" Lin Tian was a little dumbfounded, Nima, am I so scary? I haven\'t done anything yet, it\'s scarier than hell.


It was okay for Lin Tian not to speak, and the tauren seemed even more frightened when he spoke.

After a roar, the tauren made a desperate effort and finally pulled out the horns from the stone pillar.

But his strength was so great, with this force, the only remaining stone pillar was also broken into two pieces.

Half fell not far in front of him, and half fell near his feet.

And the hotel building, which was originally only slanted, was shaken by Juli and collapsed.

Originally, with the tauren\'s power, this kind of building wouldn\'t hurt him.

But now he, like a bird of fright, is full of heart and is now quickly away from here.

So he leaped forward, but unfortunately stepped on half of the stone pillar and fell forward.

After he fell to the ground, his neck hit the other half of the stone pillar.

There was a dizziness. Before he got up on his feet, the building beside him smashed down, burying his tall body on the ground.

"You really did the demolition." Lin Tianyouyou spit out the second half of the sentence.

Everyone was shocked, and it took a long time to react.

But their first reaction was not to see whether the tauren was dead, but to look at Lin Tian together.

The appearance of the tauren just now made them feel ashamed, thinking they were dead this time.

But who would have thought that such a critical situation would be reversed because of Lin Tian, ​​and it would be such a dramatic reversal?

Too shocking

What did this guy just do

Facing everyone\'s astonished eyes looking at the monster, Lin Tian scratched the back of his head and said as if to help himself: "You guys have all seen it, I didn\'t do anything just now, it\'s okay that he is sick"

But everyone did not speak. For a long time, Yu Fei uttered four words:

"The Domineering Spirit"

Everyone nodded like garlic, all the shock in their eyes turned into worship

Lin Tian rolled his eyes, my surname is Lin Bu and Long, OK?

Fuck your sister\'s domineering spirit

Now that the crisis has been relieved, after everyone sighed, what should we do again.

It’s just the admiring look cast at Lin Tian, ​​it’s not just a female soldier anymore

After all, such a powerful and domineering man, even a man will be moved by it.

Everyone first opened the collapsed hotel to confirm whether the tauren was dead, and don\'t jump out and go crazy again.

What is surprising is that the tauren is really not dead, but his current appearance is not much different from death.

His neck was hit on the stone pillar first, and then he was slammed by the collapsed hotel, just to break the neck.

He was still keeping his eyes open, his eyes rolled from time to time, and his mouth opened and closed like a dry fish, but he couldn\'t say a word.

He is completely paralyzed

Such an outcome is definitely more terrifying to him than death

Lin Tian shook his head, wanting to give him a spear.

But Yu Fei and others are extremely excited, you know this is a tauren

The only record used to be but it had to be killed with missiles, but now one of their squadrons has put each other down.

Of course, although Lin Tian is responsible for this contribution, they are also proud of You

What\'s more, this tauren is still alive, and his value is even greater.

So Yu Fei and others pulled the Tauren out of the ruins, and then a dozen people carried him onto the army card.

The other alien corpses are all loaded.

Because of the large number, everyone is even too lazy to cut the heads of those corpses that are of no use value.

Anyway, don’t say anything else, just take the tauren back, they will all win tomorrow

After working for nearly an hour, everyone finally cleaned up here.

"Well, we will rest here tonight, and we will leave tomorrow morning." Lin Tian looked at the soldiers who were about to be tired and paralyzed and said, even Tian Xin and other female soldiers were lying on the road regardless of their image.

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