
Chapter 47 - Thestrals, And Carriage Ride.

The link is also in the synopsis.


In the last two years, Hogwarts had firmly become the nucleus of his operation.

The Room of Requirement provided him with precious knowledge and a covert place to practice all kinds of magic, some that were not looked upon highly. While his A.I.D workshop was a place that he had built on his own, it was a room where everything was according to his preference. Then there was his suitcase, his expanded suitcase that housed his library, the library that contained books from all around the world, and Quinn\'s obsession with magic kept the library ever-expanding.

So, while Quinn was sad a little to leave the West manor and his family, he was happy to return to Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, Quinn could do whatever he wanted, and with some care, no one would ever know what he was doing.

The Hogwarts Express reached the Hogsmeade station, and Quinn deboarded the train. Like always, Quinn stepped onto the damp platform of the station.

"It\'s like it rains here on every first of September," he muttered, looking at the small shallow puddles littered across the platform.

Quinn watched the numerous students moving to the carriages that went to Hogwarts. He followed the crowd, and just like everyone, he got in a carriage.

Suddenly, it began raining, and a roof sprung from the back of the carriage, covering the previously open carriage.

"Yup, it rains every single year," said Quinn, looking at the groups of students hurrying to find a carriage. He turned his attention to the beings pulling the carriages.


The Thestrals were a breed of winged horses with skeletal-like bodies, faces with reptilian features, and wide, leathery wings that resembled bats.

"Omens of misfortune," whispered Quinn, watching the sinister and spooky appearance of the magical beasts.

He wasn\'t sure why he could see the Thestrals. Maybe it was because he had seen the Original Quinn die, or maybe, it was because he was in this body, which meant that he had died in his original world.

"Not that I could remember any of it," whispered Quinn, his tone hiding the bitterness he was feeling.

But, the reality was that he could see the Thestrals, and they reminded him how he got here.

"Original Quinn," he recalled how he addressed the previous host of the body and the identity which he had taken over.

He had long gotten used to the identity of Quinn West. He was Quinn West and responded to the name. He truly felt that he was Quinn West, and had stopped thinking about his previous life identity, ceased the efforts to figure who he was before, and had accepted that both the past him and the original Quinn had died.

But, time like these when he came across beings like Thestrals bought those thoughts to the surface, and his own self tried to pull himself in a spiral of doubt, guilt, and confusion. Every thought that disturbed him during the first couple of years in this world would try to drag him into a pit of negativity.

"Ah, damn it. Why am I like this," Quinn murmured in slight self-loathing, leaning forward till his elbows touched his thighs and covered his eyes with his hands. Exhaling heavily, trying to get himself out of this mood. He didn\'t want to feel like this and hated when it happened.

"Hey, I found a carriage with space. Come on, let\'s just get on this one."

Quinn immediately sat up straight and inhaled deeply to make sure that nothing seemed out of the sort.

Looking to the side, Quinn saw a red-haired girl board the carriage, followed by another girl, who was hurrying like the first one did to get out of the rain.

Quinn put on a slight smile and watched the two girls breathing in relief that they had escaped the rain and had successfully found shelter against the downpour. He immediately recognized the two girls, had met them last year.

One of them finally looked at him, and her eyes widened in recognition.

"Ms. Potter," greeted Quinn. The redhead Ivy Potter looked stunned and surprised to see Quinn sitting in the carriage they had chosen.

The brunette also looked at Quinn, and her eyes showed recognition.

Quinn turned to her and greeted her the same, "Ms. Granger."

The carriage started moving, and silence settled inside the carriage. None of the three people spoke a single word to each other.

Ivy stared at Quinn with a sharp look in her eyes. She had suspected Quinn since the last year. First, he gave them the information about Nicolas Flamel, which didn\'t arouse her suspicion; Quinn aroused her suspicion when he warned her about the stone\'s chambers like he already knew why she was looking for the information on Nicolas Flamel.

Then they met by accident in the Hospital wing when she was visiting her brother with her family. He had given her a look that said he already knew about what had happened. It made her wonder how he knew Harry got injured in the stone\'s chambers when that information wasn\'t public until a few days later.

To Ivy, Quinn West was a person who acted like he knew everything about everything.

Hermione Granger also glanced at Quinn West, but not one of suspicion like Ivy. Her glances were of curiosity and wonder. She had heard of Quinn from almost all her professors about how Quinn was intelligent and was a model student.

On multiple occasions, Professor Flitwick had given her a copy of Quinn\'s assignments while returning her graded versions of her assignments. His assignments were always shorter than her, and he didn\'t quote phrases from books or at least from the ones she had read. Quinn\'s assignments always had points that seemed obvious but were insightful in nature.

Then there were his exam notes, which she had bought because almost all Ravenclaw students talked about them, and she had been exposed to Quinn\'s charms assignments throughout the year, so she bought a set. The notes were helpful for her exam preparation, so she was extremely curious about the person known as Quinn West.

Quinn broke the silence in the carriage by addressing Hermione, "Ah, Ms. Granger, before I forget, I missed the chance to congratulate you for scoring the highest last year. You must have worked hard. So, congratulations."

Hermione blinked a few times before replying, "...Thank you. Same to you as well." She felt surprised that Quinn congratulated her. She wasn\'t expecting a congratulation, and not from Quinn, who she barely knew, at least personally.

Quinn turned to Ivy and said, "You too, Ms. Potter. I heard you scored high as well." He was being polite despite the not-so-positive looks from Ivy.

"... Yes, I did," was all the green-eyed redhead said, still blatantly staring at Quinn. And, the blatant staring made Quinn feel a tad bit uncomfortable, but he didn\'t show it and moved on to the next person.

Ivy stared at the boy sitting in front of her. He had changed little from last year. He had grown a little taller, but other than that, Quinn West hadn\'t physically changed. The same neatly cut black hair and the stone-grey eyes that shone brightly.

"Last year... did you go inside the restricted part of the third-floor corridor?" Ivy asked directly, with no warning or poking around. The words coming out of her couldn\'t be more direct.

"Ivy!" exclaimed Hermione. She didn\'t mind the question, but she was a little shocked at the direct confrontation. But, she did glance at Quinn after her initial shock, wanting to know the answer to the question.

"And, why do you ask that question, Ms. Potter?" replied Quinn, answering the question with a question. He wanted to know her intentions.

"You said that the restricted area was dangerous," said Ivy, but when Quinn was about to speak, she interrupted with her index finger up. "I clearly remember that you said that the headmaster wasn\'t joking when he said he warned about a painful death. So, don\'t give the excuse that you were following Professor Dumbledore\'s words. You said it like you were supporting him with your own experience."

Quinn rested his hands in his lap and contemplated before answering. "I heard it from someone who may or may not have stumbled into the restricted area and may and may not have opened the door to may or may not see an enormous beast, and that person may or may not have talked about it. Of course, I don\'t know who it was as I just happened upon a conversation and couldn\'t find the identity of the speaker."

Ivy and Hermione gawked at Quinn with wide eyes. They couldn\'t believe the words that came out of Quinn\'s mouth. It was so full of bullshit that they didn\'t think that it was possible to give such an answer.

"What in the flippin-" exclaimed Ivy, mightily frowning, her eyes reflecting her expression, but Hermione cut her off and asked, "So, you are saying that you personally didn\'t go to the restricted area and just heard about it from someone."

Quinn shamelessly nodded with a wide grin on his face. He refused to acknowledge that he ever went exploring the stone\'s chamber and had fun while denying it.

"I am a rule-abiding student, Ms. Granger. I take rules seriously," he looked deeply at her and said, "You understand me, right?"

Hermione nodded deeply, for a moment forgetting Quinn\'s answer and wholeheartedly agreeing with the importance of rules. Ivy stared at Hermione with an incredulous expression before shaking her head and turning to Quinn, her brows snapped together.

"Do you really believe that anyone would accept such a ridiculous answer?!"

Quinn shrugged with the corners of his mouth turned up, "What can I say... guess, I was lucky to hear such an important piece of information. I figured even if it wasn\'t true, it was still wise to spread the news that the restricted corridor was dangerous."

Ivy glanced up at the roof before looking at Quinn, her eyes bored into him. "Then how did you know about Nicolas Flamel?"

Quinn\'s eyes sparkled as he replied to the question, "Oh, that? My sister studied at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and Nicolas Flamel gives a lecture there every year. I know all about Nicolas Flamel from her."

He peered at both the girls and smiled mysteriously, "Philosopher\'s stone is an extraordinary creation, isn\'t it? The dream of eternal life right at your fingertips, the ability to turn any material into gold or anything material you desire, and the power to cure any disease in existence. Nicolas Flamel warrants more credit than he is credited."

Ivy and Hermione were now hundred percent sure that Quinn had been inside the restricted area, and he knew what it hid. They couldn\'t get him to accept anything, but they couldn\'t be more sure that Quinn West had broken all the traps set by various professors with nobody knowing.

Quinn decided to change the subject and inquired, "Tell me, Ms. Granger, what do your parents do for a living?"

Hermione was a little surprised by the sudden question but answered it nevertheless, "My parents are dentists."

Ivy looked at Quinn and was about to explain what dentists were. She had a lot of exposure to the Weasley family and knew that purebloods could be grossly clueless about muggle culture. But, she didn\'t get to explain as Quinn spoke,

"I haven\'t been to a dentist in my entire life. We don\'t have healers that specialize in dentistry." Quinn\'s time at home between school years was filled with healer visits for annual checkups and safety screenings. George West lost his wife to disease. He didn\'t want to lose anymore, so he was extremely strict with healthcare.

"Do they own a practice?" asked Quinn, keeping up the conversation.

"Yes, both my parent co-own a practice."

Quinn nodded, already knowing answers to the question he was asking, but it was better than awkward silence, not that he minded the awkward silences. Quinn had thick enough skin to ignore such things.

Ivy sat in her spot, stunned that Quinn knew about muggle professions. She doubted the little information she had about Quinn West and asked,

"You are a pureblood, right?"

Quinn studied Ivy before answering, "Yes, why do you ask?"

"Nothing was just wondering." Ivy didn\'t want to say that she didn\'t expect a pureblood to know about muggle society. Even with her limited interactions with Quinn, Ivy knew he would jump on it and accuse her of stereotyping.

"Is Professor Potter returning to Hogwarts this year?" asked Quinn, wondering if Lily Potter would be teaching muggle studies again this year.

"She is... Why?" asked Ivy.

"Oh, right!" Hermione clapped her hands and asked, "You are in your third year; you get to choose electives. Have you taken muggle studies as an elective?"

Quinn shook his head. He would never attend muggle studies classes at Hogwarts. An opinion that he had told the professor of muggle studies to her face. "Oh no, I have selected Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Study of Ancient Runes for my electives."

The decision of adding Care of Magical Creatures to his electives alongside Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes was a long one. Quinn knew how to handle beast ingredients if given to him dead, but he didn\'t know what to do with live ones. Quinn wasn\'t sure if he wanted to learn about live ones. But after contemplating, he decided to take the class on Care of Magical Creatures.

"That makes ten subjects. You will be getting ten O.W.L. in your fifth year," counted Hermione, getting excited at the prospect of taking tests.

"Well... I may take O.W.L exams in Divination and Muggle studies if I feel like it. You don\'t have to take the classes to apply for O.W.Ls," said Quinn. Of course, these were just Hogwarts subjects. Quinn was determined to test for all kinds of O.W.L and N.E.W.T equivalent examinations in various countries for various branches of magic. He wanted to fulfill his vanity by getting all sorts of certifications from all over the world.

The carriage stopped, signaling that they had arrived at the castle. Quinn got down from the carriage and helped the two girls get down, offering them his hand. Hermione shyly took his hand and thanked him. Quinn thought Ivy would refuse his hand, but she took it.

"Well, ladies, if you have any problems. You know where to find me. See you around," said Quinn before taking his leave.

Ivy watched as Quinn left. Her eyes caught the glimmer of a golden ring Quinn was wearing on his left-hand middle finger.

It shone faintly in the dark.

She found herself staring at the ring but was brought out of her stare by Hermione.

She turned to Hermione before looking at Quinn\'s back and once again to Hermione and asked, "Hermione, did you notice the ring on West\'s hand?"

Hermione immediately nodded and answered, "It was a charming ring, wasn\'t it? It glimmered beautifully."

"... Yeah, it did," said Ivy, trailing off.

"Come on, we need to find the boys. They might have gone ahead of us," said Hermione.

Ivy tossed her current chain of thought to the back of her head and replied, "Yeah, we need to find them. I want to ask where they were on the train. They made us go look for them all over the train."


- (Scene Break) -


Quinn strutted to the Great Hall. Taking in the hall and its bewitched ceiling, hanging chandeliers, long tables, High table, students talking to each other, greeting other after a long summer break.

"Oh yeah, this is nice," said Quinn, smiling all the way to a spot on the Ravenclaw table. He adjusted his butt on the wooden bench and nodded, "Yup, this still sucks." But there was a smile on Quinn\'s face as he said it.


Quinn smiled and turned to watch Eddie jogging towards him. His arm raised, waving his hand.

"Carmichael, my main man. It had been a while, buddy," said Quinn, hugging Eddie.

Eddie sat down beside Quinn and talked about their breaks. Eddie\'s family had gone to Spain for a family vacation.

A few minutes later, Marcus joined the duo and sat across them, completing the usual trio\'s seating arrangement.

"Good evening," greeted Marcus.

Quinn sized up Marcus and said, "Man, you grew in the break, didn\'t you." Among Marcus, Eddie, and Quinn, Quinn had been the tallest, but now Marcus had grown to become the tallest of the group.

"Yeah, kinda grew a little this break. Had to buy a lot of new clothes," replied Marcus, looking around. "When will the sorting start? I am getting hungry."

Quinn took out a cauldron cake from his robes and threw it across the table, "Got you covered."

Marcus\'s eyes glittered with delight as he tore the wrapper off the sweet and took a huge bite. The in-house glutton spoke with cake in his mouth, "Thwank Fyu."

Eddie and Quinn laughed. They had gotten used to the lack of table manners from their friend.

Eddie\'s eyes caught something, and he looked down at the table. He saw a gold ring on Quinn\'s hand and commented, "Since when did you start wearing that ring."

Marcus also looked at Quinn\'s hand and remarked, "Oh, that looks cool."

Quinn looked at the ring on his left hand. The gold of the ring, reflecting in his eyes. He faintly smiled and said, "Yeah, it is a new thing."

The ring shone as Quinn closed his hand into a fist.


Quinn West - MC - Third-year student.

Ivy Potter - Potter Princess - Not a fan of Quinn.

Hermione Granger - Top of her class - Knows Quinn in an academic capacity.


If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas..

The link is in the synopsis!

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