
Chapter 345 - Taming A Haunted Mansion?!


After finding out that they were just to register as citizens, they instantly signed them and also registered their races, names, and family name.

"Veronica and Ervas Igni… Dhampir and Dhampir Half-Demon and Gray Beast-kin… Right?" asked William.

"Indeed," said Ervas.

"(How is it possible for him to be of so many races?! I have never seen a Dhampir that is both half-demon, half-vampire, half-human, and half-beast-kin! His mother must have been a hybrid of them except human, I suppose…)" thought William.

"Yeah, I am a Dhampir, that\'s why I can be below the sun, and… my skin is pale, and my eyes are crimson red! …Yeah!" said Veronica, due to her materialization being so advanced, her Phantom and Soul could achieve the same sensation and appearance as very pale flesh, and because of her pale white skin and crimson eyes, she decided to go as a Dhampir.


Because it was obviously easier to be accepted as a Demon in this place than as an Undead-type Living Armor Monster!

Also, even if she were to tell Willian that she was a Living Armor, it would be very hard for him to believe due to her materialization being like flesh, and her dress is her armor which didn\'t even look nor felt like one.

Veronica was completely defying the concept of Living Armor!

But even then, it was better to keep that a secret.

"(Is she really a Dhampir?! I mean… my Detection is telling me that she is way more than a Dhampir, and I cannot even perceive any human trait on her… aside from her very energetic personality, which is odd in these races… Well, nothing I can do about it…)" sighed William, as he signed the documents.

"Very well, you two are official citizens of Seashore Town, here are your cards," said William as he used a small Magic Artifact to imprint the information of Ervas and Veronica into silver cards.

"I\'ve also opened an account on the bank and had deposited most of the remaining money there… Of course, I have also discounted the necessary income needed for the manor and more… What remains in your account is… 2000 Gold Pieces and a few Silver Pieces… I will not ask you to explain to me how you managed to get so many precious metals but… I will advise you to not call for the attention of other aristocrats for the moment, I might be able to give you an introduction to them if you desire to stay long term in our city," said William.

"That would be wonderful, thank you very much, Sir Willian," said Percy, who had also been registered as a citizen straight away, of course, he was a mere Human, so it was not hard for William to register him.

"Now, let me pack some things and I will show you our new home, I believe that you… want to get there as it is getting late… Although… Are you sure? I still can cancel this if you want…" said Willian.

"Oh yeah we are fine with it," said Veronica.

"As we are Dhampirs, we are naturally fond of Undead a bit," said Ervas.

"I see… Well, please wait a bit more… (Do Dhampirs even have such Ability?!)" said William with a nervous smile.

After a few minutes where William prepared things out, signing other papers and stuff Ervas and Veronica could not really understand but that Percy did, William finally stood up and walked alongside the trio.

Carrying their party with them, Willian invited them to join inside of his large carriage, which could barely fit everyone inside, particularly Leonidas, Anna, and Gaius were way too big and muscular, getting squeezed inside.

Willian could only give a trembling and nervous smile to the intimidating warriors, as they finally reached the streets where the Haunted Mansion of Seashore was…

"H-Here we are… Ahem, this Manor used to be owned by the Aritas Family… But after a series of tragic incidents, they all died, including the children, and… well, it was a very bitter tragedy," said William.

"Oh, so the ghosts inside are of them?" asked Veronica, immediately detecting dozens of phantasmal entities inside of the manor.

"Ah… well no… There are also… well, this manor has a history. It is very cheap and looks pretty, but every time a family decides to live inside… Well, they die in some tragic way," said William.

"Have you tried to exorcise this place?" asked Anna.

"Yes, miss Anna, more times than I can remember since I was a child that my grandfather was trying to exorcise this place and… to no avail, there have been not many results. This Manor is a strange place, and it has become something akin to a small dungeon in some way, as the Undead Monsters inside keep appearing, we often do weekly exorcism but… it is very hard to suppress the evil spirits dwelling within," said William.

"Not even Bestellen\'s church can do anything?" asked Ervas.

"…We had tried… The last time a group came inside to defeat the Undead, they were received by a large army of Living Armors, Zombies, and Specters… They were defeated, but… I presume that such creatures might still reside inside… A-Are you really sure this is fine? Are you planning on defeating this Undead with the strength you have shown before?" asked William to Veronica, she was able to lift tons with utmost ease, so he assumed she planned to wipe out the entire manor\'s population.

"Hmm… Maybe. Don\'t worry about it, Willian, you can leave now," said Veronica, petting William\'s shoulders.

"W-Well, I wish you a good night… Here are the keys and other documents that say that you own this property… And well, I am on my way!" said William as he quickly left the place with his carriage, he seemed to not really like to be near this haunted manor.

"Welp, we are here," said Veronica.

"It didn\'t take as long as we imagined, it thanks to Percy," said Ervas.

"Haha, it is a pleasure to help you as much as I can, my lords," said Percy.

"See? My son is excellent with negotiations!" said Albert, floating around his son.

"Yeah that was quick, really, money moves the world I guess," said Ismene.

"Indeed… Well, I am glad that they are registered as citizens for the moment," said Jason.

"You will be able to register too in the next few days, Percy even helped us make a deal so we can register whoever we want as a citizen with William, although he will ask for like ten times the fee, money is not a problem," said Ervas.

"Damn we are rich now?" asked Kireina.

"Kind of, it seems that what I produce so easily is very valuable here, so we can even achieve the same level of richness as the top aristocrats if I keep selling my stuff," said Veronica.

"That\'s insane… But I guess it\'s also pretty nice," said Anna while nodding.

"Is this really okay? If you flood the market with your materials… wouldn\'t the value of these materials decrease?" asked Jason.

"Well yeaaah… for now we\'ll sell them slowly to not flood it with my products," said Veronica.

"William was already suspecting something, but I believe that the money itself ended up making him remain silent over the whole ordeal, after all, we paid him a lot, and he made a lot of profit by buying everything cheaper than in other places," said Percy.

"So that\'s how merchants are, huh? They don\'t really care where those products came from, I would guess they even buy things from bandits and stuff," said Ismene.

"Indeed, they must do so, or how would they make so much profit? I even suspect that there could be a way for them to make bandits assault small towns and make a profit off that…" said Desephise.

"Well that\'s something I didn\'t imagine…" said Alesia.

"But it does make sense if they are as corrupt as we think… And remember those thugs outside the city? They probably assault people they find around as easily as that, the security outside the city was almost non-existent," said Kireina.

"Oh right, we also got those thugs we kidnapped inside of Veronica\'s soul…" said Leonidas.

"Oh, about those, Abraham and our clones have already tied them up and are now being held captive in the castle underground," said Ervas.

"Well, that\'s sweet! …Now what should we do about this?" asked Ditoyle, pointing at the Haunted Mansion that was exuding a powerful and eerie presence…

"Oh right… Sorry for making you wait," said Veronica.

"Yeah, you can stop pretending," said Ervas.

Both split souls walked near the house and petted it lightly while feeding millions of Mana to it.


Suddenly, the entire mansion began to move as if it were alive!

Its windows opened like eyes, and the door opened and closed, there was even a long red carpet that seemed to be some kind of tongue!

"W-Woah…" muttered Jason.

"Is that really an Undead?!" asked Ismene.

"I never thought a Haunted Mansion would act like a puppy," said Kireina.

The Mansion shaped part of its floor as claws, and it even had a long tail behind which waved around…

It really looked like a very happy dog.

"This is…. Really something else," said Gaius.

"Amazing, can this thing fight?" asked Azra.

"It should be able to… But I do not think that would be a good idea," said Ervas.

"Yeah, for now, it is better if she remains as our main base, and well, house! …Let\'s get in, there is a lot of new friends waiting for us inside," said Veronica, walking inside the \'mouth\' of the giant Haunted Mansion…


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