
Chapter 320 Dirty

"Wow..." Jacob looked almost mesmerized by the beauty of the being that he saw in front of him but had immediately snapped out of it when he felt what was happening to him.

Not only was her charm beyond this world, but the aura around her also made her even more appealing and irresistible to the people around her, making someone as straight as Lea feel like she was turning into spaghetti when entering hot water.

"Hey there." Her luscious voice entered their ears and caused them to go into a daze, yet the creepy smile on her face had caused them to snap out of it and look at her as an enemy they had to kill rather than something they could fuck.

"Her power probably has something to do with her charming ability. If that is it we should try using our soul senses rather than our bodily ones." Lea concluded and the other two nodded as they closed their eyes once by one.

"This seemed to have angered the cat-girl, making her finally walk out of the smoke and show off her full figure alongside the enraged expression on her face.

She had soft dark blue ears alongside some white fur on the inside.

Most of her body was made out of what seemed like human skin, yet instead of having a normal creamy to dark brown skin tone, her skin tone was a light navy blue mixed in with the creamy color that her skin would have normally been creating a tint of blue that would make her seem slightly out of place.

Other than the fur on her ears, she had a wagging long tail at the back with the same color as her ears, dark blue, as well as paws for feet and claws for the last joints of her fingers.

Her eyes were a piercing yellow with slits for pupils that seemed to cut everything they saw with the sheer sharpness in their stares.

When smiled, one could see a fang poking out of her mouth, as if it was warning whoever could see it that she could rip out their throat with a single bite, yet at the same time somehow looking slightly cute on her.

"Boys..." She muttered, yet her voice was sound enough for everyone in the ear to hear her loud and clear.

"Fetch me their heads"

Her voice sent an even more powerful shudder through their beings while the glint within her eyes made their hearts drop.

Following her voice, the sound of constant growling rang in the air from almost every direction but up. Cat-like beings could be seen coming out of the ground, uprooting themselves from deep within their \'graves\' and returning to the surface once again to feast on whatever their master ordered them to snatch.

"I\'ll take west, Jacob takes east. Lea, you will try killing the bitch that controls all these guys and since there are no beasts coming from the south, you should be fine" Ronny commanded as they dropped to the ground and fell against the wall behind them.

"We all know our positions?" Lea asked in a confirmation which she got when both of them nodded.

"Then let\'s kill these motherfuckers!" Lea shouted, charging forward with her bow in hand placed horizontally alongside the 4 elemental arrows knocked on the string of her arrow.

Ronny immediately charged towards the west with a fiery fist, moving towards the nearest cat beast and throwing a fist towards them as to incinerate them right off the bat.

Jacob on the other hand had created multiple air slashes out of thin air and aimed all of them at the beasts in front of him, mowing through them as if they were butter.

After a short while, Jacob switched to his dagger and flickered from his place with a speed that Ronny anna Lea had never seen him use before.

At the same time, Ronny did not hesitate to take out his sword which had been made out of black material.

Without a single speck of hesitation, Ronny engulfed the blade with red flames and swung it towards the horde of beasts coming towards them, immediately creating a horizontal crescent and burning everything in its way to a crisp.

Before the fiery crescent could mow down any more of the beasts, the catgirl had appeared in front of hit and hand-thrown out 5 verticle crescents of her own, destroying the large fiery crescent in a single move.

As she stood their specks of fire flew around her alongside embers and even small flames on the ground, the combination of all of those lit up her body from every angle, showing all her magnificent luscious curves alongside her voluptuous lips that she kept licking every time she looked at Ronny\'s body.

Ronny no longer had a shit and the only pants he had were the ones he borrowed off Jacob\'s storage ring, so he was quite an open book if he would say so himself.

The catgirl looked like she was about to pounce on Ronny, yet before she could even make a sound other than the almost audible salivations alongside the very much audible licking of her lips, she felt a dangerous object come towards her at extremely high speeds, making her tilt her head to the right just to see an arrow whizz past her face, leaving behind a small cut on her cheek.


Enraged by this act against the beauty of her face that had already healed without a scar, she walked forwards while flaunting her aura to the maximum degree.

Her aura for some reason felt slightly familiar, yet for some reason, he could not put a finger on it until she had finally released all of it in her act against Lea\'s arrow.

\'It\'s the same!\' Ronny thought, remembering the man in his memory flaunting an aura with the same feeling as this one.


If you liked this, check out my other novel

Immortality System: The Rise Of The Last Human


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