
Chapter 197 Blade Duel at Cang Lin 13

Chapter 197 Blade Duel at Cang Lin 13

It was untrue that Xiao Tan was not known for anything, but a title like ’Nervous Duelist’ sounded too much unlike a title for a martial artist. In reality, of the five present, only Feng Bujue’s ’Unpredictable Zealot’ fitted the theme of this scenario somewhat. Passing Rain’s ’Arcane Swordsman’, Laughing Soul’s ’Smart Gunslinger’, and Atobe-sama’s ’Obvious Ambush’ would be hard to understand in this world based in a wuxia story.

"Li Ruoyu."

"Gu Xiaoling."

After all, this was the Pi Li World. Passing Ran and Laughing Soul did not sound like names, so both of the players offered their actual names.

"Er..." Atobe-sama hesitated for two seconds. "Jin Fugui."

When this name was heard, even Feng Bujue almost burst out laughing. A few chuckles escaped Passing Rain’s lips. Both Xiao Tan and Laughing Soul broke out guffawing. Each of them punched Atobe on his shoulders and laughed. "Ha ha ha... So that’s why... Ha ha ha..."

They laughed until tears were coming out of their eyes. This caused the new people that they had just met to be very confused.

"Oh, my three disciples love to joke," Feng Bujue explained to them with a very natural expression. "This is an inside joke, so they could not help laughing. If there’s any offense, I apologize."

His explanation actually did not have much persuasion to it, but Lin Chang’s group did not intend to push for more clarification. From their perspective, perhaps this young man who acted rather feminine gave a fake name and was mocked by his friends from the same school.

But actually, Atobe-sama really did offer his real name...

In the middle of 21st century, as a person who grew up in the city, being given such a name by his parents, his experience as he grew up was truly something that only Atobe-sama would understand...

"Haha... Master Feng, you are being too serious." Lin Chang was ranked top among the Six Flowery Blades, and he was also the eldest. Naturally, he was the leader of the conversation. He continued very naturally, "Come, come... Please sit. We’ll sit and chat."

He led the few from Broken Sword Chahitsu into the room and sat down beside a large table. As Feng Bujue took the seat, he made use of this opportunity to change the topic of conversation. "By the way, I wonder, how can we help you, seniors? What is the purpose for calling us here? Is it because you have something to teach us?"

"You flatter us," Ye Mu Han replied. "Based on the tricks that you displayed downstairs, Master Feng, it is more likely that you have something to teach us."

"Ha ha... Now it is you flattering me." Feng Bujue’s laugh was as fake as possible. What he was really thinking was, Big sister, you’re not thinking about testing my kung fu personally, are you? This will only end badly for me...

"Sigh... Master Feng, please don’t be so humble," Lin Chang said with a smile. "Even Elder Ye is impressed by your martial mastery, which is very rare. I’m afraid you are unable to find a match among your peers anymore, yes?"

"That’s definitely not true..." Feng Bujue extended his right palm to point at Passing Rain. "Among my peers, there is already one standing here that is more powerful than I am."

The expression on the four swords wielders shifted. They had an even harder time reading this Master Feng. From the expression on his face, it was hard to tell which of his claims were true and which were false. Even from the content of his words, the validity of his statement was hard to discern.

If Feng Bujue was not lying to them, then it meant that this Miss Li was even more powerful than her husband. Did that not mean that she was at least on the same level as the Six Flowery Blades? If that was not true... then Master Feng was joking. But other than to prove that Master Feng was slightly afraid and very proud of his wife, it had no other meaning.

Even Lin Chang, who was the most cunning, felt the complicatedness of the situation. Through these years, he had interacted with a lot with people from the martial world. He knew for a fact that... the characters that were hardest to deal with were cold and calculated plotters who put on this façade of madness and openness. This kind of person would phrase truths in the context of a joke and would use a serious attitude to tell a joke. There was truth in falsehood and falsehood in truth. It was impossible to tell what this kind of person was really thinking, and one could never predict what they might do next.

Feng Bujue then continued to say, "By the way, does the Elder Ye that you mentioned refer to the senior that we met on the small path?"

"That’s him," Lin Chang answered.

Feng Bujue then asked in a probing manner, "Erm... I wonder, what is the relationship between that elder and the few seniors gathered here?"

The information that Feng Bujue had was very limited. He knew that the old man that had blocked his path on the small road was called Ye Hai, the butler at the Ye Family. However, Feng Bujue knew practically nothing about the Six Flowery Blades. Even the name ’Six Flowery Blades’ was something that he had just heard from the conversation that the people around him had when he arrived at the inn. Therefore, the question that Feng Bujue tossed out at this moment was very vague. He did not offer Ye Hai’s name and merely continued the question using the words that the other party had said. He was leading Lin Chang to offer and provide more information.

On the other side, Lin Chang’s group thought that this Master Feng had only heard of the famous Six Flowery Blades but had no idea who Ye Hai was. Therefore, Lin Chang replied, "Elder Ye is the Ye family’s butler, so we naturally know him. But he rarely joins the matters of the martial world, so it is not that weird that you have not heard of him before, Master Feng."

Hmm... Even though he only said some things that I already knew, from his tone, I can see that the Six Flowery Blades belong to the Ye family as well, Feng Bujue thought to himself. He was so polite when he invited us upstairs. This probably means that they were tipped off about us by that old man, Ye Hai.

Another thought crossed his mind. But why didn’t they just invite us upstairs when we first stepped into the inn? From what Ye Mu Han said, it is quite clear that they should have heard about the commotion from the first floor a long time ago...

The conclusion was formed pretty much almost instantly. Humph, they wanted to see our power for themselves and then decide whether to liaise with us or not...

Many thoughts flew past his brain in the snap of a finger. All this information was processed calmly in Feng Bujue’s mind. His expression, including his gaze, revealed no change at all. Every single nerve and every inch of the muscles in this man’s face was no different from the camouflage effect of a chameleon. If he was willing, he could instantly shift into a different expression. This kind of semi-smiling and semi-serious face that could change at a flip of a coin could be considered a kind of natural talent.

"Oh, no wonder, no wonder," Feng Bujue replied with much fakeness again.

"Inviting you here is also Elder Ye’s idea. He requested that we find accommodation for you all at the inn," Lin Chang explained as his gaze scanned the guestroom. "This B room of the Tian row used to be Elder Ye’s room, but since he arrived at the town, he hasn’t stepped in here before. So, this room has been left unoccupied. As for the reason... I believe you have already guessed it. Therefore, Elder Ye would like to do you a favor and give his guestroom to you. If the five of you don’t mind, feel free to stay here for two days..."

"You are being too kind. We could not have possibly asked for more." Feng Bujue showed an appreciative expression. "I thank you in advance for your and Elder Ye’s kindness."

At that moment, Feng Bujue was actually thinking. That old coot is really something. He can survive by eating the wind? He doesn’t need to rest and sleep... Is it what they say about using mediation as a substitute for sleeping and how just several mouthfuls of dews can last a person for three to five days?

"You are very much welcome," Lin Chang answered. "Our Ye family is glad to make an acquaintance of a young hero like Master Feng. It is an honor."

"Now that we have skipped over the formalities and given them the benefit, can we talk about the official business already?" Ye Mu Han chimed in rather detachedly at that moment. Even though her tone was normal, her words were quite aggressive.

Lin Chang hurried to smooth over the situation by adding, "Ha ha... Master Feng, to be honest, there is something that we need your help with."

Feng Bujue could pick out the scent of a quest, so he quickly added, "Please do tell."

"Er... I hear from Elder Ye that you are one who possesses pure Yang internal energy," Lin Chang said probingly.

Feng Bujue thought back to the skill that he had used during the encounter with Ye Hai, and he understood everything instantly. There was an eighty-nine percent chance that the old man was hit by a fire-based skill and thus came up with the analysis of Feng Bujue possessing this ’pure Yang internal energy’. This was no different from when the beauty downstairs claimed that he could materialize his internal energy into physical form. These were incorrect conclusions based on bad information and analysis.

"It’s obvious, isn’t?" Feng Bujue tossed the question back. His answer was a non-answer. What do you mean by obvious? Obviously, it is, or it is obviously not?

"Senior brother, let me explain this myself." Su Tang suddenly spoke and turned her gaze to Feng Bujue. "To be honest, Master Feng, this time, it is me who has this favor to ask of you."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "Several months ago, I was focused on studying the seventh layer of the Ming You Mantra to its pinnacle. However, due to a limitation of internal energy, I cannot use my own power to break through the hurdle.

"That is because I possess a naturally Yin internal energy. Therefore, if I attempt to force my way through the Qi layer, I will need someone with pure Yang energy to be by my side when I am about to achieve breakthrough to provide the necessary support..."

Su Tang had run out of ideas, or else she would not have approached them for help. The growth of internal energy had much to do with one’s natural talent. If she relied completely on herself and used the conventional method to train, she might need to wait until she was thirty to break through to the eighth layer of the Ming You Mantra.

"Hmm..." Feng Bujue interrupted her and used a strange gaze to look at everyone present. "That means that... Miss Su, your two brother disciples are..."

"Master Feng," Lin Chang added, "you might not know this, but not everyone has the ability to counteract my sister disciple’s pure yin internal energy. One has to be a virgin, and the years of training have to be more than twenty years and one who practices the learning of Yang internal energy."

"My Qi is unfortunately on the Yin side," Miao Shaoqin added swiftly to explain. "And while Senior Brother practices Yang internal energy, he already has a family and thus doesn’t fit the criteria."

"But I am married as well," Feng Bujue immediately said.

"That doesn’t matter because Master Feng possesses pure Yang internal energy and is different from a normal practitioner," Su Tong explained.

"Erm..." Feng Bujue was still figuring out a solution. "By the way... since you are called the Six Flowery Blades, there must be other candidates..."

"Oh, our sixth sister, Lu Qingning is a female," Miao Shaoqin replied. "Second Brother ’Shapeless blade’ Shang Fei practices a mantra that balances yin and yang internal energy."

"Ha... haha... since Chang Lin Inn is so filled with so many good warriors from the martial world..." Feng Bujue laughed drily and still hoped to push the issue away, but of course, he knew that he had walked into a troublesome issue.

As big as the martial world was, there were only a handful that could be called experts, and they had practically all gathered there. If there were other suitable candidates, the people from the Ye Family would have selected them with both seduction and direct threats. They had only approached Feng Bujue because there was no other suitable candidate.

For those who practiced martial arts, raising one’s mantra was a very important thing. If Su Tong really waited until thirty before breaking through the eighth level of the Ming You Mantra, for the next few years, she only had one choice, which was to choose another type of kung fu to train as a support. Even if she continued to train the Ming You Mantra, she would not have gained much improvement. She would only waste her time. To be serious, these few years of delay would cause immense influence to her standing in the martial world and the extent of the expertise that she could achieve in her life.

The Six Blades were as close as siblings. For Su Tang, they were deeply troubled by it as well. If Su Tong had normal Qi, then things would not have been so complicated. Any of one from the six blades could have come to her assistance, and the breakthrough could have been easily achieved. However, the problem was that she possessed pure Yin internal energy.

Therefore, Feng Bujue, the product from this series of coincidences, became their only choice.

If only his Kyaa! had unleashed any other skill that did not have the fire element, then things would not be so troublesome. For example, the element of ice... Perhaps Ye Hai would have the misimpression that Feng Bujue was the inheritor of the Xuan Ming Palm.

But the problem was that he had already been mistaken as the possessor of Pure Yang Internal Energy. He could not admit that he not only did not possess any internal energy and did not even know a smidge of kung fu, right? If this news was leaked, he would instantly be killed once he left the room.

Seeing how troubled Feng Bujue was acting, Ye Mu Han instantly slammed her palm on the table. "Kid! We have been sincerely asking you for help, but you have been avoiding giving us aid! What do you mean by that? We merely ask for you to transfer some Qi to my sister. How difficult is that? It will not affect your training at all. At most, after this thing is over, the Ye Family will give you several pills, and you might end up with more Qi than you started with!"

Ye Mu Han maintained her arrogance. Her personality was one of aggression, and that translated into the way she spoke. But this was nothing against her. After all, those who spoke what was on their minds were often people with a good nature. Furthermore, she could be considered the best swordswoman in the martial world, and she was Ye Cheng’s biological little sister. If she did not possess even a small degree of natural arrogance, it would be too strange.

"It’s not that he does not wish to help." Passing Rain chose to pipe up then. "It’s because it is beyond his means to do so."

"What do you mean by that?" Ye Mu Han turned to Passing Rain and asked for an explanation.

"The kung fu practiced by our school is very different from the other orthodox schools in the martial world. I believe that you have seen a showcase of it already. Our internal energy, martial mastery, and so on... you cannot see any trace of that on the surface." Passing Rain also joined Feng Bujue to weave lies.

"Indeed... your martial mastery does not show on the surface at all." Lin Chang nodded in agreement.

"He..." Passing Rain glanced at Feng Bujue. "Brother Jue, he... indeed possesses Pure Yang Internal Energy and is very talented to have formed a school of his own. But he practices a self-created mantra, and his understanding of other martial arts is basically zero. Thus, he does not know how to channel Qi to another person and to channel energy and so on."

She sighed softly. "Sigh... It’s not that Brother Jue is unwilling to help, but the request that you have for him is a bit too hard for him to accomplish."

Ha ha! You are indeed the most reliable at the most crucial moment! Feng Bujue cheered internally. Since Passing Rain had provided him with the excuse, Feng Bujue assumed the mannerism of a saddened but helpless person. "That is exactly the case... My kung fu is used to kill, not to help..."

"Haha... So that is why..." Lin Chang interrupted with a laugh. "There’s no need to worry, if you do not mind, then I will teach you a basic Qi mantra. At most, in half a day, you will definitely master the technique of transferring Qi, Brother Feng."

What the f*ck? Feng Bujue thought internally. It seems there is no way out of this! I will have to offer this help no matter what!

"If that is the case, of course I will definitely lend my aid. Do not worry, I will try my best to help Miss Su achieve a breakthrough." Feng Bujue showed that he accepted his result freely. After the expressions on the four people across from him lightened somewhat, the tone of his conversation shifted instantly. "But... if I learn this mantra from you, Brother Lin, does that not mean that I’ve learned the kung fu of the Ye Family? I wonder if Master Ye will have anything to say about that..."

"Brother Feng, do not worry about that. The mantra that I will teach you is the most basic mantra taught to the newest disciple of the Ye Family. It is not something that is hidden from the martial world. The master will not mind," Lin Chang said directly. "Furthermore, now that the duel is imminent, for this kind of small issue... purposely sending a message pigeon to inform him of this does not appear that appropriate."

"It is just practitioners of kung fu sharing some basic teachings with one another; it is not that we are taking you on as disciple." Ye Mu Han at that moment struck again with her direct words. "Master Feng, if you think other people will talk about this and say that you have taken advantage of the Ye family, you can teach my Brother Lin some basic mantra from your own school, and we can call it even."

"Haha... Miss Ye must be joking. I have nothing that I can teach Brother Lin..." Feng Bujue still replied politely. He knew that this was probably a quest that allowed him to learn some new skill, but he could not accept it instantly because Lin Chang had said that this mantra could be learned within ’half a day’. That also meant that in less than half a day, the fact that he did not possess any internal energy would be exposed.

Therefore, Feng Bujue’s plan was... to delay the situation as long as possible. When he came up with a solution, he would come to accept this quest. What he had said earlier was to signal the other party to go and inform Ye Cheng, who still had not shown up at the small town. Even if that just wasted half a day, it was better than nothing. Yet, to his disappointment, Lin Chang instantly said that this did not amount to something severe enough to inform their master. Now, he had to come up with another excuse.

"Master Lin, can you wait until tomorrow to teach my husband this mantra?" Passing Rain asked.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Our school’s kung fu has something unique about it. You saw what transpired downstairs," Passing Rain stated calmly, giving off no sign that she was bluffing. "Even though it was great, it comes with certain drawbacks. I am not in a position to give more details, but for today, I am afraid he is unable to..."

"Yes, yes! That is exactly it!" Feng Bujue suddenly raised his voice to cut Passing Rain off. Then, he made faces at her. Of course, this was also part of the performance.

The four from the other side saw this and instantly believed the truth behind the claim. Since Feng Bujue had reacted in such a manner, it made it seem like if she said anything more, she would risk exposing the secrets of their school.

"Oh, haha... Since it is not that suitable to do it today, it’s fine if we wait one more day," Lin Chang said. "Fourth sister, you don’t mind waiting one more day, right?"

"Of course not," Su Tang replied and placed her hands together to greet Feng Bujue. "Su Tong thanks Master Feng in advanced."

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