
Chapter 446

Chapter 446: 446

The fist made contact and shook heaven and earth. The giant ROOT was like a cracked egg, the surface layer of metal was shattered and flew off like shrapnel; the metallic liquid in her body burst forth and splashed everywhere. Undeniably this was a deadly hit.

Then Lying Drunk’s own body… was convulsed from the recoil. More than 200 pieces of bones in his body snapped. His muscles and internal organs failed to support the recoil and dissolved into liquid. Of course, this was expected, Lying Drunk was already prepared before he made his move. Smiling Divine Question’s final hit exposed the many properties of ROOT in her current form and it was because of his sacrifice that Lying Drunk had the confidence this would work. Lying Drunk knew that whether he succeeded or not, he would die… The damage from the recoil aside, just the exhaustion from using the skill—80 percent of maximum Stamina Points was more than he could handle. The additional exhaustion would be taken from his Life Points and the ending would be the same.

“Is it finally over?” Pegasus widened his eyes to say.

“Such wishful thinking…” Pegasus held his glasses and said darkly, “Can you not understand human language? Did you not hear the conversation Lying Drunk had with the woman? Did your brain go on shutdown when the sentence goes more than 15 words?!”

“Stop arguing, and come help!” Uncle Worthless interrupted them. “Remember, if I die after I use the skill, you have to defend the rice cooker!” As he spoke, he placed the rice cooker in his underarm and rushed forward. Ambitionist caught up instantly and followed. Even though Pegasus did not understand what was happening but since “Stop arguing, and come help!” was less than 15 words, he could understand the order.

Goro goro goro… The sound of soup bubbling came from not afar. On the ground, ROOT’s destroyed body started to act strangely again… Other than the metallic casing, the metallic liquid started to gather and they were bubbling like lava. In less than 10 seconds, a creature that looked like a slime birthed from the pool.

“Is this the precursor to her new form…” Ambitionist observed.

“It does not matter…” Uncle Worthless dropped the rice cooker to the ground, assumed his position and readied to use Mafuba. “We need to take her down now!” He aimed his arms. “Ma…” Suddenly, with a bloop, the slime before them… split into two…

“Ha?” Uncle Worthless’ sunglasses slid down from his face. He widened his eyes to say, “Are you serious?”

“Why are you so surprised…” ROOT replied but this time… it was an echo of two voices laying over each other. At that moment, the two metallic slimes had morphed into two identical ROOTs in the same rhythm…

“My fifth and sixth form… are two co-existing bodies…” The two ROOTs said in the same tone, speed and cadence. “The twin form.” From appearance, this ROOT looked similar to the ninth form, the one she appeared in the players’ eyes for the first time but… there was now two of them…

“Unfortunately, it looks like Mafuba is not going to work…” The ROOT on the left said.

“I believe…” The right one continued, “You won’t have the chance to use it again.”

Then, one raised her left hand and the other raised her right hand. Like mirror images, they gathered a white energy ball between them.

“Hey, your partner is close! You want to blow him up as well?” Ambitionist shouted.

“Right… thanks for the reminder.” The dual voices said. “They” then minimized the size of the ball to the size of a ping pong ball. “this should be enough to kill all of you.”

“in your dream! Pegasasu Ryūsei Ken!” Pegasus ignored the energy ball. Since he saw Mafuba had failed, so he lurched forward and used his skill. Hundred of punches dropped like hail. Be it 2 or 20, he would hit all of them. But the punches caused only very little damage on the ROOTs and the wounds on her bodies would heal within half a second. Looks like… ROOT’s recovery ability had already returned to her previous status.

Seeing that, Ambitionist said darkly. “Hmm… Looks like there is only one method to take down this twin form…”

“Destroy both of them at the same time?” Cold sweat slid down Uncle Worthless’s forehead. “I know that… but I don’t have a skill of that level…”

“Me neither…” Ambitionist sighed.

“Pegasasu Ryūsei Ken!” Pegasus was still working hard, unleashing his skill again and again. Even though he dealt little damage to ROOT but the insistent interruption was effective. It caused enough disruption that the two ROOTs couldn’t focus on their energy ball.

“Speaking of which…” The ROOTs abandoned the energy ball and said in unison. “You should be one of the first to be eliminated… but you have survived until now…”

“Hmph! Do you think a hero will be beaten so easily?” Pegasus roared with passion. “Pegasasu Ryūsei Ken!”

“Ryusei Ken… Ryusei Ken… Do you know how annoying that is!” ROOT showed anger for the first time in this battle. “Don’t push it, you worthless piece of shit!”

Bang bang, two overlapping dull thuds. Two figures slithered out according to two parallel trajectories and they appeared simultaneously next to Pegasus. Then, it was a bloodbath…

The two ROOTs’ hands were like falling leaves in a tornado, cutting Pegasus endlessly. In less than 10 seconds, Pegasus had taken more than 100 punches…

Ambitionist and Uncle Worthless naturally tried to help. They hurried towards one of the ROOTs each but at that moment, several shadows appeared from the streets to surround them.

“Tsk… such bad timing…” Uncle Worthless’ heart dropped.

“This is their reinforcement?” Ambitionist’s face was equally ugly. The shadows were none other than the Anomalies from Origin. A brief scan marked them down at around more than 15. And that was not all, even the side where Not a Scaredy Cat was on had Anomalies coming out from the woodworks. Instantly, the arrows flew and punches hit. The players had hard time saving themselves, much less to protect others.

At that moment… ROOTs’ attack on Pegasus stopped. Pegasus landed with his face hitting the ground. His body was pulsating and every inch of his body was covered in bruises… but he was still alive. That was naturally not because he was that tough… It was because ROOT wanted to keep him alive. ROOT could see how many Life Points Pegasus had left and she could accurately calculate the damage her punches would deal. She never used full force behind her attack. The reason was simple… she wanted to drag out the punishment as long as she could and made him feel as much pain and despair as possible.

“Hmph… Useless…” The two ROOT used a condescending look as she glanced down at Pegasus. She said coldly. “There is no hero in this world… there is no justice. Heroes and villains? Good and evil? As an adult, you still believe in that nonsense? Are you that na?ve or you’re retarded?”

One of the ROOTs raised her feet to step on the back of Pegasus’ head. She pressed down hard. “Only power can bring absolute control to this world. If you wish to play as a hero, at least make sure you are capable of playing one…”

ROOT kicked Pegasus on his side and turned him over. Now one could see… Pegasus was barely recognizable anymore. His whole face was covered in bruises. His eyes were too bloody to open. His lips and brows were cracked and blood leaked endlessly.

“Take a good look…” The other ROOTs morphed her head into a thin oval and leaned towards Pegasus, “at yourself…” her face was metallic so it shone like a mirror. “And you have the audacity to call yourself a hero?”

“That’s enough!” 10 metres away, Ambitionist who witnessed this roared. He wanted to charge over to help but he was deeply surrounded. Once he turned, his back was open. Three of the Anomalies jumped on the opening and killed him on the spot.

“see… your friend just died trying to save you. And for what?” ROOT smiled icily at Pegasus. “And what can you do about it? Other than shouting Pegasasu Ryūsei Ken, again and again… what are you capable of, you garbage?”

Pegasus who was lying on the ground raised his arm again… he used his bloody and already broken arm, to deliver a weak blow on ROOT’s face.

“You…” ROOTs growled. She clamped her hand around Pegasus’ neck and raised him up and flung him into the air. “I will dissect you into molecules!” Under her anger, an energy ball about 1 metres wide appeared at the finger tip of one of the ROOTs. When Pegasus reached enough height, she would throw it at him.

Di di di…

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