
Volume 8 Extra 1 “Madam Dorothea”

Volume 8 Extra 1 “Madam Dorothea”

Part 1

When Leon and the others were heading to the school.

A fleet of airships from the Roseblade family came to the port owned by the Bartofalt family.

There are several warships and transports respectively, as if to show the military and financial power of the Count’s family.

A large number of people gathered at the port to see what was going on.

Watching the scene are a young man and a middle-aged man sitting on a crate during a break.

The two of them usually work at the port.

They were watching with abhorrence as a large crowd of onlookers gathered to watch the Roseblade family’s fleet of airships, interrupting their work.

However, the young man asked the veteran about the airship, perhaps because they were also curious.

“I’ve seen that family crest before. Did some trouble happen to bring them to the port in such numbers?”

The young man was a little frightened as the warship of the Roseblade family entered the harbor.

Wouldn’t it start a war between the nobles? That’s what he imagined.

However, veterans who know a little more about the situation reassure the young man that there will be no war.

“It won’t be a conflict. Nix-sama came to the harbor a little while ago, and he said something about preparing for a pickup.”

“Oh, really? I thought that person had done something again.”

That person is Leon.

In Bartofalt territory, it is easy to become a rumor because you stand out, for better or worse.

When you are in the harbor, people come from other places, so you naturally hear gossip.

One of the people who often appears in the gossip is Leon.

The veteran exhaled a sigh and talked about Leon.

“Leon-bocchan, huh? He seems to have become a Marquis now.”

When he jokingly uses reverent language, the young man laughs it off as unsuitable.

“However, is it really that easy to become a Marquis?”

“Because Leon-bocchan is very active. I didn’t think he would be promoted.”

“Really? I don’t know much about him, but he’s a kingdom hero, isn’t he?”

It was only recently that the young man had started working at the harbor.

As a result, he only saw Leon a few times in the distance.

The young man looks envious as he recalls the moment.

“He had two beautiful women with him, didn’t he? I wish I was born a nobleman.”

When the veteran heard that, he looked surprised and immediately pointed out the young man’s mistake.

“You really don’t know anything. Everyone knows that women are stronger and troublesome in the nobility.”

“Eh, is that so? But if it’s that beautiful, maybe I can bear it.”

“It’s good to see a young man with dreams. ―― although you’ll soon learn the reality.”

The people in the area didn’t know much about Leon and his family’s life, and most of the stories they heard were passed down from person to person.

Still, from the way Barkas was acting and Zora’s attitude that they had seen so far, they could predict that marrying a nobleman would be troublesome.

Before long, Zora was no longer coming, and rumors were spreading that she had been officially divorced.

Although there is talk of reforms underway in the kingdom, the perception of the people has not changed significantly.

As they were talking, they saw Nix, who had come to welcome the Roseblade family.

The young man looks at him and gives his impressions.

“What can I say? He’s kind of plain”

“You’re not afraid of anything, are you? Don’t ever say that in front of him.”

The young man describes Nix as plain, and the veteran makes a drawn face.

The Bartofalt family is a family where the lord does not abuse his people, but is still not so loose as to tolerate disrespect.

From the young man’s point of view, he would prefer that the lord not be Nix.

“I want Leon-sama to be my lord. I think that if I stay under that man, I’ll be able to play an active role in the war and get a promotion. A baron might be hard to get, but a knight or baronet might be possible, don’t you think?”

The veteran shrugged at the dreaming young man.

“I prefer Nix-bocchan. He’s a reliable person, and he’s a lot tougher than the flashy Leon-bocchan.”

“I’d rather have a lord who is willing to do more war. That way, I can rise in the world and get lots of beautiful wives.”

The veteran understands the young man’s desire to rise in the world and have a beautiful woman as his partner, just like Leon.

But he didn’t agree.

“Maybe it’s better for a young man to have dreams like that. But I absolutely hate it. It’s enough to work moderately and drink at night in a bar. I don’t want to go to the battlefield where it’s life or death.”

The young man pouted, thinking that the veteran had made fun of his dream.

“I don’t want to live a simple life. Nix-sama is too plain and has no future.”

“Peace would be easier, though.”

“I don’t want to work hard. I want to be like Leon-sama and make a splendid career that will be recognized by the king. Then I’ll be able to say goodbye to this countryside.”

“You say that? ―― They’re coming down.”

As the young man declares that he has no future, the veteran notices a woman coming down from the airship.

Pointing his finger and guiding the young man’s gaze, the woman, who appeared to be a noblewoman, was there.

The young man blushed when he saw the picture-perfect young lady of nobility.

Her skin was white and untanned, and her blond hair shone in the sun.

Her silky hair swayed in the breeze, and her cool expression showed a touch of coldness.

It was perfectly suited to the tastes of the young man.

“She’s so beautiful.”

“I’ve seen that person before.”

“Eh, when?”

“On your day off.”

As the young man was getting frustrated, the woman spotted someone and put on a big smile, erasing her previous cool expression.

She ran out and jumped on Nix, who showed up to greet her.

When the young man saw two of them, he was stunned with his mouth wide open.

The veteran watched the young man’s reaction with amusement as he explained to him who the woman was.

“She’s a young lady of the Roseblade family, future wife of Nix-bocchan. From what I’ve heard, she’s fallen in love with him.”

The young man who had said earlier that he disliked plainness was severely depressed at the sight of the woman of his preference hugging Nix.

“My love is over”

“It never started in the first place.”

No matter what the veteran said, the young man hung his head and did not respond.


Part 2

About the time Nix was heading to the port for pickup.

At the mansion, Jenna was wearing a maid’s uniform.

She looks frustrated and unhappy with her work, and does not want to do it.

All that comes out of her mouth is complaining.

“Why should I have to go through this? I was supposed to accompany Finley to the royal capital.”

Under the pretext of showing Finley around the royal capital, she intended to go with her.

However, Ruth did not allow it.

Ruth put her hands on her hips and scolded a disgruntled Jenna.

“How long are you going to feel like a student at the school? You’ll have to work hard at home from now on. You’re an adult now, so don’t think you can play around. If you don’t want to do that, then go and find yourself a partner.”

“I can’t find them in the countryside!”

“We have a lot of young people here!”

“Everyone is a countryside man and poor. I absolutely hate it.”

After graduating from the academy, Jenna had few plans for the future.

Unable to find a partner while in school, she came back to her parents’ house.

However, she has been refusing to go on matchmaking with the men that Barkas and Ruth introduce to her.

The reason was that she had seen the boys at the school and had become more discerning.

She really couldn’t believe that a man from the countryside would be a match for her.

Ruth lets out a sigh.

“Don’t keep dreaming, look at reality. You heard what Angelica-sama and Olivia-chan said, right? There are fewer noble men in the kingdom now, so it’s more difficult.”

“I-I heard about that, but.”

In the Kingdom of Holfalt, the number of men has been decreasing due to battles with monsters and wars between humans.

This is especially true for men in the noble class. Once you become a knight, there is no escaping the battlefield.

If you are a civilian, unless you are a soldier, you will not die unless you are involved.

This is because airships are inevitably the mainstay of warfare, and the number of soldiers that can operate them is limited.

Even if you force people to become soldiers, they will be useless if they are not trained on a regular basis.

As a result, the mortality rate of knights and men of the noble class who could not escape was very high in the Kingdom of Horfalt.

Since there are more women than men, men are inevitably in the position to choose.

The situation was reversed from what it had been a short time ago, Jenna knew that, but she didn’t feel it.

“Not only Leon, Nix got the Countess, too. Don’t you think I have the same luck?”

Seeing the situation where her brothers are getting a girl out of their league, I will be too ―― or so her dream.

Ruth gives Jenna a cold shoulder.

“If you had that luck, you could have gotten married while you were still at school.”

“Mom, don’t say that!”

Jenna’s voice grew louder at words she didn’t want to hear.

Her gestures became louder and more frustrated.

“I’m a victim too! Because of Leon’s rampage, I felt like I was on the short end of the stick at school. Thanks to that, I missed my chance.”

He fights with Julius when he was the Crown Prince.

A rival faction traps him in jail.

There were many other things that had happened, and Jenna had a lot to say about them.

However, Ruth does not sympathize when she hears it.

“Didn’t that Leon prepare an exclusive servant for you. ―― He betrayed, though.”

“Don’t mention Mioru! T-That was Leon’s fault ――”

Mioru is an exclusive servant that Jenna had hired before.

He was a beautiful male sub-human that Jenna liked, but he had betrayed Leon and was beheaded by Barkas.

Ruth also hates the person who betrayed his son, so she is very strict with Jenna.

“If you cover for a traitor, I’ll kick you out of this house.”

“I-I don’t cover him, so don’t get mad.”

When Jenna is depressed, Ruth tells her about what Leon has done to her parents’ house.

“You know, Jenna. After Leon became a successful adventurer, he invested in our family. Do you understand that it’s because of this that your allowance has increased?”

“I-I heard that.”

It was before he entered the school.

After getting Luxion, Leon invested in his family home, the Bartofalt family.

If he had just given the money, Zora, who was still the legal wife at the time, would have taken it, so he took the form of investment.

Thanks to that, the roads and ports in the territory were improved and became more vibrant.

Thanks to Leon, the finances of the Bartofalt family have been stabilized.

Ruth chastised Jenna verbally in a matter-of-fact manner.

“He’s already independent and doing well, so what about his sister? I don’t mean expecting the same results as Leon. But you understand that we want you to be independent and live a good life, right?”

Having been told that, Jenna averted her gaze.

(I don’t think that foolish brother will be so successful! I thought he just got lucky one-shot)

A lucky one-shot that succeeded in finding a lost item.

That was Jenna’s evaluation of Leon.

However, the next thing she knew, he was playing one role after another, and now he was treated like a hero.

It was unbelievable to Jenna, who knew him as he usually was.

(I guess I shouldn’t keep talking about Leon)

In Ruth’s mind, Leon was a filial son who was able to stand on his own.

Jenna, on the other hand, lives at home and shows no signs of being independent.

Jenna thinks it’s a bad time, so she mentions Nix this time.

“Yes, it’s Nix! Even Nix didn’t get married until after graduation!”

“Don’t call your onii-chan by his name! Besides, Nix already has a partner.”

“Remember, when he graduated, he didn’t have any matchmaking partners? Isn’t it wrong that you’re only rushing me?”

“T-That’s true, but.”

Jenna thinks.

(Alright, I think I can manage to buy some time on the topic of Nix. Now, if I can just get a chance to live in the royal capital for a year or so, I’ll find someone then, too)

Jenna tries to talk Ruth out of it, but she is interrupted.

It was Yumeria who called out.

“Ano ~”

Jenna glared at Yumeria, who spoke to them in a carefree voice.

“I’m busy right now, so go away. You can leave the work to someone else.”

(You need to read the situation! This is my chance to convince Mom)

She immediately tried to resume her persuasion, but Yumeria did not back down.


“What is it! You know, I’m busy right now ―― Eh?”

When Jenna looks toward Yumeria, the person behind her comes into view and makes her freeze.

Ruth was so surprised that she couldn’t even speak.

Among the few who were there was Barkas.

“What are you guys doing? I told you today was a very important day.”

Rather than being angry, he looked dumbfounded and ashamed.

Nix, who was with him, is looking toward Jenna.

“I could hear you all the way to the front door.”

Jenna also felt embarrassed that their conversation had been overheard.

But the problem was more with the person who heard it.

“Ara Ara”

It was Dorothea that they brought.

Ruth hurried to apologize for not greeting her at the door.

“I-I’m very sorry!”

However, Dorothea responded gently.

“I arrived ahead of schedule, so that’s not a problem.”

For Ruth, she is his daughter-in-law, but Dorothea is in a higher position than her.

After all, she is a countess.

From the perspective of Ruth, who came from a knight family in the countryside, she was a lady out of her reach.

There is also Ange, who will be her daughter-in-law, but from Ruth’s point of view, both are princesses.

It was the same for Jenna.

“I-I’m sorry.”

Jenna bowed, but Dorothea walked up to her and put her face close to hers.

The tone of a voice whispered in her ear sounded sexy, even though she was the same gender.

But the content was cold, regardless of the tone of her voice.

“That’s no good――As a wife, I won’t forgive you to call your own brother by his name. I will not tolerate anyone disrespecting my husband, even if they are family.”


Stepping back, she saw Dorothea smiling at her.

The people around her didn’t seem to hear what was being said, and when they saw Jenna’s attitude, they looked at her like, what’s wrong?

However, Dorothea says with a smile.

“From now on, we are sisters, albeit in-law, so let’s get along.”

Jenna responded to that smile with a forced smile.


But inside, she was in a cold sweat.

(What is this woman!)

Jenna is annoyed by Dorothea’s provocative attitude, although she can’t resist her because she is a countess.

(Hmm! There’s no way a city girl like you can live here in the countryside. I’m sure you’ll run away anyway)


Part 3

The next day.

Dorothea’s reason for coming to the Bartofalt house was to live together before she got married.

This was partly due to her strong desire, but rumor has it that it was to show the public that they had a connection.

Jenna didn’t know the reason either, but Bartofalt family seemed to be getting so much attention.

(Maybe Leon’s rampage has brought attention to my parents’ house? This is just normal countryside, I don’t know what everyone is thinking?)

Leon may be awesome, but his parents’ family, the Bartofalt family, is different.

Although they are wealthier than before, the countryside is still the same.

Jenna, dressed in her maid’s uniform, decided to watch the situation, thinking that Dorothea would soon make noise if she lived in such a rural area.

(Now, could a young lady live in the countryside? I don’t think so, anyway)

Ange also lived in the Bartofalt house, but at that time Luxion was able to make ends meet.

However, Luxion was nowhere to be found at the mansion, accompanying Leon.

In this condition, Jenna thought, she would surely make a noise.

(Is she heading out? That’s the training ground, right?)

Dorothea changed into easy to move clothes and walked out of the mansion.

Jenna also sneaked out and followed, and was approached by Yumeria.

“Ano~, you have a work.”

“Be quiet! You come with me”


Jenna pulled Yumeria, her watcher, with her and they went outside together.

There was a group of men gathered there.

There were men besides Barkas and Nix, as well as Colin.

“What are they doing here in the morning?”

When Jenna says that, Yumeria tells her from the side.

“Eh, you don’t know? Sometimes they have training sessions like this. It’s a training day that even the knights participate in.”

“Knight? Ah~, our knight. They’re always so un-knightly.”

Jenna sees the men, but they are all filthy.

Jenna felt that the young man also looked like a rural man and did not look like a knight.

Meanwhile, Dorothea is also participating.

“Is she trying to score points here? No way ~. A woman should just take care of the house. It’s not her ability to fight that’s important, and she’s wasting her time.”

When Jenna says so, Yumeria speaks the truth without reading the air.

“Eh, but Jenna-sama doesn’t work on the house, right?”

“――I-I’ll do it when I get married.”

“If you can’t do it normally, you won’t be able to do it after you get married. I try to be careful about making mistakes, but I still do it a lot.”

When Yumeria explained that she had tipped over a bucket the other day, Jenna gave her a cold look.

(Eh, what? She’s pretending to be an airhead and lecturing me?)

Isn’t it possible that Yumeria actually understands what she is doing and is playing an airhead character? As she was thinking this, she heard gunshots from the training grounds.

She quickly turned her head towards them and saw Dorothea holding a rifle.

She ejected the shells with a familiar gesture, and when she fired the next round, she hit the center of the target.

The people around her said, “Oh~” with admiration and clapped their hands.

“You’re kidding “

As Jenna is amazed at her skill with a gun, Yumeria claps her hands without making a sound.

“It’s amazing. Most of the hits are in the middle.”

From the perspective of the two of them, Dorothea’s skill seemed to be quite good.

The men in the training area gather around Dorothea as she finishes shooting.

Nix spoke to her in admiration.

“You’re really good. Do you handle it regularly?”

” It’s just a little bit of experience. But my family started out as adventurers, so I’ve had some basic education.”

“Eh? Regardless of gender?”

“Of course. But although I fought monsters at the school, I couldn’t do anything when I was involved in actual combat with people. So it’s a matter of experience.”

“No, I think it’s enough if you can do this.”

While the others were admiring her, Barkas was pondering something.

Then Colin, who was participating in the training, spoke to Dorothea.

“Dorothea-neechan is amazing! Angelica-neechan can do many things, but Dorothea-neechan is the best with a gun.”

The over-familiar attitude of Colin made the people around him nervous for a moment, but Dorothea responded gently.

“That’s a nice thing to say. Colin, right?”


“I’ll bake you some pastries later. Let’s have tea together.”

“Is it okay! Yatta!”

The others were relieved to see Dorothea’s figure.

Perhaps it was the strong image of Zora when it came to noblewomen, making them a little wary.

The knights talk a little further away so that Dorothea and the others can’t hear them.

“Iyaa ~, Nix-sama has found himself a good wife.”

“I was wondering what I would do if someone like Zora came, but I guess we can relax for now?”

“Didn’t she say she made baked cookies? She can handle a gun and cook? Real young ladies are different.”

They knew about Ange too, but they were aware that she was a very small exception.

With the advent of Dorothea, the perception is changing to “real young ladies are different!”.

Jenna, who was listening to the conversation, uttered a line that sounded like a sore loser.

“I-It doesn’t matter if I know how to use a gun. I’m not going to war. Besides, I can just buy snacks.”

Yumeria smiled and ――.

“Jenna-sama can’t do both.”

―― said a line that pierced her heart.


Part 4

“Let’s just give up “

“No! I’m not going to give up until I see her cry!”

The place changed and they came to the kitchen, where they watched Dorothea making baked pastries.

There are maids dispatched by the Roseblade family around, but Dorothea is making sweets by herself.

There was also a figure of Ruth nearby.

“You’re pretty experienced at this.”

“It’s just a hobby, mother-in-law. I am no match for a real professional.”

“It’s still amazing. I envy you because I can only make countryside sweets.”

“If so, I can teach you a few things. Why don’t we make it together?”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”

“Not at all. I’m happy to be able to cook with mother-in-law.”

“T-Then, please.”

“Don’t be so formal. Although I am not officially married yet, I already consider you my family.”

Ruth was so moved by those words that she was about to cry.

“I actually wanted to cook with my daughter like this. But my girls wouldn’t even go near the cooking area. I never thought that a young lady like you would not only call me your mother-in-law, but also cook with me.”

“Is that so? Then, one dream has come true.”

Dorothea comforts Ruth and they start making pastries together.

Jenna watched them, but she felt bad for her mother and her heart ached.

While hiding in the shadows, she whispered an excuse.

“If you had told me, I would have helped you.”

Yumeria, who was by her side, gave Jenna a serious look.

“Jenna-ojousama, I hope you and Ruth-sama will cook together. I think it’s better to do it before she tells you, if possible.”

“Y-You don’t have to tell me.”

While two of them were talking, Dorothea and Ruth had grown quite close.

“You’re good, mother-in-law.”

“Is that so? Let’s make it for everyone next time?”

Yumeria, who was watching that, suggested to Jenna.

” ―― They’re getting along really well, aren’t they.”


“Jenna-ojousama, I think Ruth-sama would be happier if you stopped all this and got back to work. Why don’t you get back to work?”

For some reason, Jenna felt defeated, but she didn’t give up yet.

“It’s just a facade anyway. Her nature will reveal soon.”

Yumeria’s shoulders slumped.


Part 5

For the next few days, Jenna kept an eye on Dorothea.

She also took her watcher, Yumeria, around to see if anything could go wrong.


“Why don’t you raise your voice! How can you be so happy here in the countryside?”

Yumeria was at Jenna’s side as she shouted that she didn’t understand.

Yumeria accompanied her, looking at Dorothea.

“Instead of getting upset, she seems to be having a good time. And she’s getting along with everyone except you, Jenna-sama.”

“That’s the problem! Why isn’t anyone on alert? She is a stranger! She is enemy?!”

“I don’t think she’s an enemy, but she’s certainly friendly as a stranger who’s here.”

“Right! Nix is all lovey-dovey with her, Colin calls her onee-chan and attaches to her, Mom and Dad are all happy, what’s wrong with them!”

In a matter of days, all of the family except Jenna had accepted Dorothea.

Jenna was impatient because it was different from the knowledge she had heard.

“Normally, when a wife comes along, you snub her, right?”

Yumeria denies it.

“I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, but I don’t think it’s the norm. Besides, Dorothea-sama is a higher rank than you. If you do something like that, she’ll get angry.”

Getting scolded is cute, but if they angered Dorothea, her parents, the Roseblade family, would not be able to keep quiet.

Jenna knows that, but she can’t accept it for many reasons.

“I just can’t accept it! How can she be happy to be here in this countryside? Does she like a slow life like Leon? I don’t understand why she comes all the way from the city.”

“It’s different for each person. More than that――Jenna-sama, you’d better get back to work or you’ll get really scolded.”

“I can’t keep losing like this! If it comes to this, let something go wrong――”

If the other person won’t fail, then make them ―― As she thought about that, Jenna was called.

“Jenna, come to Dad’s workroom”

“Why is this girl really?”

It was Barkas and Ruth who were there.


Part 6

Barkas’s work room is the office.

The room is used for paperwork, but now there are three people in the room: Barkas, Ruth ―― and Jenna.

Jenna was shrunk in front of her parents.

It was Ruth who opened her mouth first.

“I heard from Yumeria-chan. Looks like you’ve been out of work for a while, taking that girl around.”

“S-She betrayed me?”

“She’s not Jenna’s servant in the first place. Leon is the one who hired her. Yumeria-chan has told me everything about you since the first day you threw your work away.”

Jenna breaks out in a cold sweat when she hears that everything was known from the beginning.

Barkas crossed his arms and let out a deep sigh.

“She kept telling you to go back to work, didn’t she? I know you have a lot on your mind, and I’ve been keeping an eye on you. And yet, you just keep throwing your work away.”

Ruth had a quietly angry look on her face, and Jenna felt that this was a bad situation.

So she desperately makes excuses.

“A-Anone, because she grow up as a young lady, maybe it will be tough, so I was just watching to see if anything went wrong!”

Jenna felt herself struggling to come up with a quick excuse, but of course it didn’t go through.

Ruth straightforwardly states the correct argument.

“Then why don’t you help her. What do you mean by sneaking around?”

“I-I’m embarrassed.”

“You’re not the kind of girl who gets embarrassed in the house. And I’ve heard everything from Yumeria-chan. You thought she was going to run off anyway, didn’t you?”

“Because she grew up in the city? There is no way she’s doing well.”

“She’s doing better than you are.”

This time Barkas talks about the evaluation of the surroundings.

“Dorothea-san has a good reputation among the servants and knights of the house. When she visited the town a while ago, she was very popular.”

And Ruth talks about Jenna’s evaluation.

“You, on the other hand, have been receiving complaints from the servants working in the mansion.”

The servants who work at the mansion, actually not that many, but all of them have known each other for a long time.

All these acquaintances complained about Jenna, whom they had known since childhood.

This told Jenna’s reputation.

(Wait a minute. This is ―― Isn’t mine worse?)

Now she finally understands.

Jenna feels utterly defeated by Dorothea, her sister-in-law who does better with her family than she does.

And here comes the story that will push Jenna further.

With a look of shame on Ruth’s face, Dorothea told her about a proposal that had been made.

“Jenna, there was actually a matchmaking offer for you.”

“I said I don’t like matchmaking ―― “

“Listen to the end. Dorothea-chan told me that she would introduce you using the Roseblade family’s connections. It seems he’s a court nobleman living in the royal capital.”

“Eh? That means ―― “

(You’re kidding! What a good girl)

Jenna gave a heartfelt pat on the back, but that was not the end of the disappointing news.

Ruth tells the pleased Jenna.

” ―― We refused it.”


When Jenna doesn’t understand, Barkas looks apologetic.

Not to Jenna, but to Dorothea.

“It seems the house has a relationship with the Roseblade family. We can’t bring shame to Dorothea-san by introducing you to such a house.”

Ruth seems to have the same feelings and cares about Dorothea.

“It will be a nuisance to that girl.”

Jenna trembled and protested to them.

“Why! It was a great chance!”

When she heard that, Ruth said the reason they refused.

“I would have given it some thought if you had done your work. But when I entrusted you with a task, you threw it away and stalked Dorothea-chan ―― You’re really no good.”

Jenna finally realized it too.

(Eh, maybe if I worked seriously, I could get married?)

Barkas tells Jenna.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you, but it’s not going to happen unless you change. If you could just take these last few days seriously, we’d have some hope.”

Ruth is in tears.

“It’s really pathetic”

Jenna collapses, knowing that she has missed out on a great chance.

“Tell me fiiirst !!”


Part 7

Meanwhile, around that time.

Elsewhere, Dorothea had called Yumeria.

“Here, your reward.”

“Thank you!”

Yumeria receives a large amount of money for a reward, and hugs it tightly.

The sight of it made Dorothea curious as to what it was used for.

“What do you want the money to be used for?”

Yumeria replies without trying to hide it.

“Yes! I’m going to send money to my son, Kyle.”

“Speaking of which, your son is in the royal capital, isn’t he?”

“That’s what I’ve heard. I get letters from time to time, so I’m thinking of sending something along.”

Dorothea smiles at Yumeria, who tells her happily.

“I’m sure he’ll be pleased.”

“Ehehe, thank you very much.”

As Yumeria leaves, Nix appears as if to take her place.

He seemed to be curious about Yumeria, who had passed by and asked about her.

“Has something happened with Yumeria-san?”

“Didn’t I already tell you to stop speaking so politely?”

“I-I’m sorry. I’m not used to it.”

Nix apologizes, and Dorothea gives him a light warning, “Be careful next time.”

“If you don’t get used to it soon, you’ll be in trouble. The people around will underestimate Nix-sama.”

“Y-Yes. What’s more, what happened just now?”

Nix tries to change the subject, but Dorothea says honestly.

“I asked her to keep an eye on your troublesome sister.”

“About Jenna? Did she do something?”

Dorothea giggles at Nix’s concern.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure she’s reflecting on it by now.”

“Is that so? But if anything goes wrong, just let me know.”

“Of course. We are husband and wife.”


Part 8

That night.

Jenna made up her mind in her room.

“If this continues, my life will be over. If this happens, I have to go to the royal capital no matter what and try to turn things around.”

Jenna felt that ―― her family home had already been taken over by Dorothea.

Living in a mansion like that would be difficult for her, and if she was not careful, she might be forced to get married.

If I don’t want that, I have to act on my own, she said.

Cornered, Jenna gets serious.

“Now I have to save up my allowance and make money for the trip. If this happens, I’ll do whatever it takes, whether it’s housework or not. I’ll learn to do a few things, and increase my chances!”

The blood of the Bartofalt family, which gets serious when cornered, was certainly flowing in Jenna’s veins.

“I will never give up!”

Jenna hadn’t given up on city life yet.

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