
Chapter 322: The dragon won’t run away anymore

“Sis Xiaozi, quickly move away from the dragon!”

Mozzie anxiously shouted as Shi Xiaobai’s heart skipped a beat. Turning his head, Ka Xiaozi was just beside him.

Where was the dragon?

Ka Xiaozi frowned slightly, as though she was wondering where the dragon was. Her red lips quivered, as though she wanted to say something…

Suddenly, another golden line appeared from the ground, forming a gigantic golden array formation, while a beam of golden light shot down from the sky, striking straight at Shi Xiaobai!

“Array formation!?”

Ka Xiaozi’s eyebrows pricked up as she flicked her fingers, causing a radiant light to shine upon Shi Xiaobai, enveloping him within!

At this moment, the golden beam suddenly made a turn and shot straight at Ka Xiaozi!

“Heading for me?”

Ka Xiaozi frowned as she shot out a colorful beam of light with a wave of her hand which clashed with the golden beam of light.

At this moment, the golden lines on the ground formed a complete array formation, as it shot up into sky while blanketing the land beneath it. A luster flooded the entire world, leaving no room for shadows to hide!

“I’ve underestimated the few of you.”

Ka Xiaozi suddenly disappeared into the golden light. With that, the golden luster that filled the world dissipated. Even the golden lines faded away.

The change came too abruptly and in a baffling manner. The golden light and luster was not seen by anyone else except the target of the formation array. Therefore, Shi Xiaobai and company did not see the golden light. They only saw Ka Xiaozi flick her fingers and wave her hand, causing a radiant light to scatter and a colorful beam of light to shoot out, as though she was resisting something before…she vanished!

She disappeared into thin air!

Shi Xiaobai was momentarily at a loss and was unsure what had happened.

However, there were people exclaiming loudly!

“Oh no, Ka Xiaozi has been eaten by the dragon!”

“Quick, quickly kill the dragon. Killing the dragon now might be able to save her!”

When Shi Xiaobai heard the panicked screams of everyone, he hurriedly shouted, “Where? Tell This King where the dragon is!”

He could not see the dragon, but everyone had suddenly been able to see it. Furthermore, the dragon had eaten Ka Xiaozi?

Shi Xiaobai found it impossible to calm down. He could not sense the dragon’s aura, and could not tell where it was. However, the Absolute Choice had yet to fail, which meant that Ka Xiaozi was currently still alive.

He had to kill the dragon as fast as possible to save Ka Xiaozi!

However, no one answered Shi Xiaobai’s questions, as though they did not hear him. They shouted in outrage about killing a dragon before they began attacking!

An icy-blue bolt was first to appear!

Shi Xiaobai’s heart jumped. The bolt of lightning was shooting straight at him!

A mistake?

Shi Xiaobai instinctively jumped away to dodge the bolt of lightning, but the crowd’s attacks were already trailing right behind the bolt of lightning!

These attacks did not land anywhere else, but were headed straight for Shi Xiaobai!

It was not a mistake!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Successive explosions resounded as Shi Xiaobai constantly dodged, but he was worried over Ka Xiaozi’s situation, so he was unable to calm himself at all. He failed to dodge a few attacks, causing him to suffer some minor injuries.

Shi Xiaobai immediately used ‘Unleaking Turtle Aura’ and ‘This Turtle Is Hardest’ as he looked at the crowd. He asked furiously and puzzledly, “Why are you attacking This King!?”

As though they could not hear his voice, the next wave of attacks was launched. This time, they were no longer long-range attacks. Some of them were charging towards Shi Xiaobai bravely with swords raised!

The crowd angrily shouted.

“Quickly kill the dragon!”

“Shi Xiaobai told us to take care of Ka Xiaozi before he left. If he returns to see so many of us failing to protect her, how can we even face him?”

“Kill the dragon and save Ka Xiaozi!”

“Fight it out with it!”


There was rage and anxiety in everyone’s eyes. And the people taking the charge were Mozzie, Kevin, Mu Yuesheng, Feng Yuanlin and company. They had looks of consternation as they charged at Shi Xiaobai as though they were going for a desperate attack! They attacked angrily, with every strike a fatal move!

Shi Xiaobai finally realized that there was something wrong with the situation!

In the eyes of the crowd, “Shi Xiaobai” had left an unknown amount of time ago, and he had transformed into a dragon and had eaten Ka Xiaozi.

What was going on? Was this a mass hallucination?

Shi Xiaobai realized that they could not hear his voice at all. Instead, they were anxiously attacking him and every strike was a deathblow. For these rookies to be able to reach the sixth level, they were mostly authentically strong. Even though there was a huge gap between them and Sunless, Pulp Farmer and company, they were still the cream of the crop among rookies.

Shi Xiaobai found it considerably difficult to dodge the deathblows from more than forty people after doing so for a few seconds. Furthermore, when the rookies discovered that he did not attack back, they were emboldened. More and more people charged up after mustering their courage.

Soon, Shi Xiaobai found it impossible to endure it any further. He could only grit his teeth and fling a Bladestorm, forcefully breaking a gap where he broke through at an extremely fast speed.

Now, he could only temporarily escape.

“The dragon is getting away. Quickly chase it!”

The crowd hollered as an electric beam of light shot out and chased up to him at an extremely fast speed.

Shi Xiaobai looked at Mu Yuesheng, who had appeared in front of him in an instant, as a wry smile gradually suffused across his lips.

The brown pair of eyes was slightly red. Her expression was filled with anxiety and anger. The moment she caught up, she did not say a word and immediately, electric bolts that jumped around irascibly shot towards Shi Xiaobai like snakes that came biting at him.

Shi Xiaobai jumped backwards to dodge the lightning bolt. He turned his body and ran in a different direction. His Crab Steps had already reached the Crest of Perfection realm, so his speed was astounding, leaving behind only a mirage.

Shi Xiaobai knew that Mu Yuesheng’s Lightning Flashstep could only move in straight lines, so he chose to dash into the forest. By moving in circles in the woods, he very quickly lost Mu Yuesheng.

However, Mu Yuesheng was not the only person chasing after him. The other rookies also anxiously came pursuing him. Although Shi Xiaobai quickly opened up a gap from them, they did not give up.

The forest was filled with hullabaloo and killing intent. Angry shouts followed one after another.

Shi Xiaobai knew that the result of their acts was because they had been confused by a particular illusion which made them think that he was the dragon and had eaten Ka Xiaozi. Therefore, the crowd was clamoring for his blood in their wrath.

His fury was reserved for the mastermind behind this matter.

However, Shi Xiaobai was without any clue why the crowd was experiencing hallucinations and why Ka Xiaozi had suddenly disappeared or whether she was presently safe.

The multitude of questions with no answer to them made Shi Xiaobai’s mind fall into disorder. He could not calmly dodge the crowd’s attacks, so he could only temporarily escape.

However, his worry for Ka Xiaozi prevented Shi Xiaobai from waiting for a moment. It was as though a fog had glazed over his eyes, making him at a loss as how to proceed forward with the countless holes and mud pools in front of him.

The only thing certain was that the Absolute Choice had yet to fail. Ka Xiaozi was likely…still alive.

“Damn it!”

Shi Xiaobai had the nagging feeling like he was a kite being blown around wantonly by the wind. He could only passively face the abrupt changes and adversity. Every quagmire that appeared caught him off guard. Every end was extremely hazy, as though he had only revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Shi Xiaobai gradually slowed his footsteps. At this moment, he had opened up a certain distance from the crowd.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him. Upon focusing, Shi Xiaobai noticed that it was the black-robed youth that held a crimson sickle.

When the black-robed youth saw Shi Xiaobai, it was as though he had seen a sworn-enemy. Raising his sickle, he charged at him!


The black-robed youth’s hoarse voice was filled with malice and hatred.

Shi Xiaobai frowned slightly. He did not mind slaughtering the black-robed youth with a single knife strike, but he was worried that the black-robed youth belonged to one of the targets needed to be ‘saved’. Without any progress, he would not be able to change a thing if he repeated.

Shi Xiaobai clenched his teeth as he turned to flee in another direction.

The black-robed youth chased closely behind, but his speed was inferior to Shi Xiaobai, so he was soon left in the dust.

However, it was unknown how the rookies were able to track his location in the woods. They were already running from another direction towards him.

Shi Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to run, but he soon stopped.

“What’s the point of running away like that?”

Shi Xiaobai took a deep breath. He had already realized that even if he could escape the pursuit of the crowd, it was not useful at all. He would not be able to answer the questions on his mind.

Shi Xiaobai stood in his spot and took deep breaths to calm himself down.

He was pondering over what he could do at present.

Under such a situation, what was the meaningful thing that he could do?

With the limitation of the Absolute Choice, he could not kill the black-robed youth, nor could he let the rookies chasing him encounter danger because of an illusion. Under such a premise, he had to find the mastermind who created the illusion and made Ka Xiaozi disappear on the spot.

However, under circumstances where he had no idea or any clues, how difficult would it be to find the mastermind who was hidden somewhere?

He needed clues!

How was he to gather clues?

The only solution was to find them through the rookies!

Shi Xiaobai stretched out his right hand as a black sword gradually condensed. However, this black sword was different from the past. It did not have a sharp edge.

He could not harm their lives and had to make them quiet down to assist in his investigations, the only thing he could do was to beat them motionless!

Shi Xiaobai was usually a person who could turn cruel when faced with a difficult position or even a desperate situation.

To face more than forty powerful rookies, with each of them showing no mercy while using their killer moves, he had to be careful at holding back so as to not harm their lives, but had to beat them down. How difficult was it?

Shi Xiaobai calmed his mind as his expression gradually relaxed. What would follow was a tough battle he had never imagined to happen, but it was also the only option he had.

Just like a drowning man in the darkness, once he saw the only glimmer of light, he would desperately grasp this opportunity no matter how difficult it was.

Without waiting for too long, the anxious rookies reached him.

Simultaneously, the black-robed youth had also arrived here from another direction.

“The dragon is here!”

The frontmost rookie shouted to the people behind him.

“Quickly surround it. Don’t let it get away!” the rookies behind shouted.

Shi Xiaobai sighed and raised his sword and walked forward. He said feebly, “The dragon won’t run away anymore.”

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