
Chapter 108

He was givenfocus.

Fang Yuncouldn’t help rubbing her eyes and wiping away the tears overflowing from thecorners of her eyes.

Lu Xueleaned in her arms, holding her cellphone and smiling happily.

Forget WorriesBar. The customers were all toasting. Whether they know it or not, they all dranktheir drinks!

Ye Zitongturned off her notebook with satisfaction. As a result, she didn’t know when,but she suddenly found that she had three more roommates in front of her bedand was staring at her with strange + warm / ambiguous eyes.

Lu Fei live broadcastingroom. Nearly a million online viewers have created a celebration atmosphere thathas reached its climax!

Because LuChen won.

Because theiranchor Lu Fei won, and succeeded in placing first in the top 16.

Everyone isa witness and a participant.

This is alsoa victory for everyone!


Thefollowing afternoon, at the exit of Beijing High Speed Railway Station.

Standing inthe crowd, Lu Chen looked at the passengers passing through the gate in frontof him, looking for a familiar figure.

The electronicLED screen hanging above the gate clearly shows that the G31 train has arrived.

Lu Chen isno stranger to the high-speed train. A year ago, he took the G31 from Binhai towork in Beijing.

But today,he’s here to pick up his sister Lu Xi.

After the“Singing China” competition last night, Lu Chen called Lu Xi in thehope that the latter would come to Beijing in these two days to help himcomplete the copyright transfer negotiations with Beijing Satellite TV.

In fact,this is not a big thing, but it is a great exercise opportunity for Lu Xi.

She hasagreed to act as Lu Chen’s agent.

Even Lu Chenhimself didn’t expect that Lu Xi actually agreed to come down without hesitation,and came here today.

She didn’teven ridicule Lu Chen like she always does.

More andmore passengers have passed the gate, and fewer and fewer people have come outof the station, but he still hasn’t seen Lu Xi.

Lu Chencouldn’t help but be a little anxious. He took out his cell phone and was readyto call her.

Just then,in the front aisle, came a woman in a plain dress and dragging a suitcase.

Lu Chenbreathed a sigh of relief, and then waved at her: “Big Sister!”

This latewoman is his sister Lu Xi.

Lu Xiglanced at Lu Chen. She took out her ticket and passed through the gate. Shelooked pale.

“Let medo it...”

Lu Chen rushedforward to help her carry her big suitcase.

Lu Xi’s handthat was holding the handle tightened but she eventually let go and gave it toLu Chen.

Outside the high-speedrailway station, there was already a car waiting.

In order to welcomeLu Xi’s arrival, Lu Chen specially asked Li Feiyu to help rent a car, which isvery convenient.

“Thisis Li Feiyu...”

Lu Chenintroduced Lu Xi to the part-time driver: “He is a friend I met in Beijingand a helper at work.”

“Thisis my big sister, Lu Xi."

Li Feiyuhurriedly greeted, “Hello, Big Sister Lu Xi, I am now Big Chen’sassistant.”


Lu Xi noddedand said, “You have a bit of a boss’s style now, and is accompanied by anassistant.”

She said thelast two sentences to Lu Chen.

Lu Chensmiled bitterly.

This is howhe knew his sister. This is his sister Lu Xi. There are always thorns in herwords.

Of course,only for him.

Li Feiyushrank his head and realized that there was not much harmony between them. He cleverlyshut his mouth.

Originally, LuChen was going back to his apartment first. But Lu Xi wanted to go to thestudio, so they drove to the Blue Sky Entrepreneurship Park on the Fifth RingRoad.

Lu Chen’sstudio, located on the 19th floor of A8 building, is still in a mess. Althoughthe wall has been painted, the custom desk and computer chair have not yet arrived,so it looks empty, as if it had been blown by a strong wind.

The cardboardboxes of computer mainframes, display screen, printers, and so on were stackedin the corner, and the floor was mopped cleanly. The business can be openedimmediately when the tables and chairs are in place.

There aretwo offices. One of which was temporarily converted into a live webcast room, andnew equipment such as computer microphones were purchased. When Lu Chen wasunable to host the live broadcast, Li Feiyu acted as the anchor.

It wasthrough this room that the live broadcast of Lu Chen competing for "SingingChina" top 16 of 32 was made.

For now, his[Whale TV]’s anchor job remains the most important source of his income.

The otheroffice wasn’t properly installed yet. Lu Chen is going to leave it to Lu Xi.

He hopesthat beside acting as his own agent, Lu Xi would also be able to hold theposition of manager of the studio.

With hersister’s ability, there would be no problem at all.

As for LuChen himself, it’s enough for him to concentrate on his music career, andperhaps even involve in show business in the future. (TN: Show business =acting)

The onlyproblem was that there weren’t many employees in the studio and there was aneed to recruit them.

As forbusiness license. It was handled three days ago.

The studio,named after Lu Chen, has a registered capital of 100,000 yuan. It is a smalland micro enterprise supported by the government. Therefore, it enjoyspreferential policies and resources in Blue Sky Creative Park.

The speed ofexamining and approving the license was extremely fast. After entering thepark, the studio will be exempted from tax in the first year, halved in thesecond year, and full tax in the third year but can apply for rent subsidy. Thebusiness environment is one of the best in Beijing.

Afterlearning about the situation, Lu Xi was obviously satisfied.

But thisdoesn’t mean that she is equally satisfied with Lu Chen: “I have quit allmy work on the other side of the coast, and this time I plan to stay in Beijingfor a long time and take the postgraduate entrance examination this time. Mom’smeaning is to let me help you and supervise you. The entertainment industry isso messy now that we don’t want you to fall in it.”

Lu Chenstill smiled bitterly.

Afterentering the 21st century, the domestic entertainment industry has flourishedwith the rise of the online world, and its scale has become increasingly large.Big stars are popping up all over the place. The pop music and film andtelevision industries are facing unprecedented changes. Therefore, it isinevitable to have a lot of negative effects.

Who wasderailed and photographed, who was caught taking drugs, who was tearing up withwho, and who was breaking the unspoken rules?

The generalpublic likes stars and idols, but they don’t have a very good impression of theentertainment industry.

With theexception of a very small number of people, no one in the entertainmentindustry is a genuine white lotus. (TN: White lotus - pure, clean, and notstained with dirt/controversies.)

Lu Chen isabout to enter such a strange circle.

Fang Yun’s worrieswere normal.

And if Lu Xiwas around to help him and supervise him. Then things will be much better.

Lu Chen wasable to understand his mother’s thoughts.


Lu Xi wenton to say, “I have no problem with you making me the manager of thestudio, but when it comes to the studio, you have to listen to me, otherwise I don’thave to stay here.”

Lu Chenthought for a moment and said, “There should be no problem with this. If Ihave an idea, I’ll discuss it with you first.”

Even if theyare brothers and sisters, there will still be contradictions in their work, socommunication is very important.

Lu Xithought about it and nodded reluctantly, “That’s also fine...”

“Inaddition, the studio needs to recruit a clerk and my assistant. In terms offinance, I’ll take care of it myself, you don’t need to find someone else. Wealso need to hire a receptionist, and a professional in online media promotion.Let’s first put up the shelves in the studio, and then slowly expand later.”

She quickly gotinto her new role, and in addition to recruiting staff, she put forward her ownopinions on the layout of the office.

Lu Chen wasstarting to get a headache. He hurriedly said, “These things, big sister,I’ll let you arrange it. I’ll ask Brother Li to help you first. As for thereceptionist, Brother Li has a friend who may be willing to come. You canhandle the others as you like.”

After that,Lu Chen handed her a bank card that was already been prepared.

He said toLu Xi, “All the funds for the studio are here. Use it as you see fit. Thepassword is your birthday.”

The card hasa total of 400,000 yuan, which is most of the money earned by Lu Chen some timeago, including live broadcast reward, anchor’s salary, and the 200,000 from LiBai, many of which have been used to pay for office rent and purchase of goods.

Lu Xi wasn’tpolite either. She took the bank card and looked at Lu Chen with a touch ofsoftness in her eyes.

“I’llhelp you manage your money. Anyway, I’ll use it to gradually pay back the debtat home.”

Lu Chen hasno objection.

He knew howmuch Lu Xi has done for their family over the past two years. At least a lotmore than him.

And now isthe time for him to take responsibility!

Aftervisiting the studio, Lu Chen took Lu Xi to his rented apartment.

He firstsent Li Feiyu home, and then drove to Jinchengyuan District.

Lu Chen gothis driver’s license as early as when he was 18 years old, but he hasn’t drivenmuch in the last two or three years, so he was careful on the road and didn’tspeed up until he felt comfortable driving again.

When he gothome and open the door, he first carried in the heavy suitcase.

Lu Xifollowed in. She took off her shoes, looked around and said, “You’re notas sloppy as I thought.”

Lu Chen onlysmiled bitterly - he had smiled bitterly many times today.

When he usedto be at home, he really was not very hygienic: “Big Sister, you live inthis apartment first!”

Lu Xi was stunnedand asked, “Where would you live then?”

The apartmentonly has one bedroom and one living room. If they live together, Lu Chen willhave to sleep on the sofa.

But he hadother plans: “There is enough room in the studio for me to live in, and itis convenient to work.”

Lu Xi wassilent for a moment and said, “Actually, you don’t have to be so kind tome...”

Lu Cheninterrupted her, “You are my big sister!”

Lu Xi wassilent again, and after a moment she said, “Then take me to the nearbyshopping mall. I want to buy something, but do not go to a high-end place. It’sa waste of money.”

Lu Chenthought for a moment and said, "Let’s go to Xueshi Mall, where things are goodand cheap."

Xueshi Mallis located near the University City. Its middle-grade level is not too low, soit is very popular among college students and ordinary white-collar workers,and the discount in the shopping malls are often high during summer off-season.

In addition,after shopping, they can eat in the mall, and it is also convenient to go to ForgetWorries Bar in the evening.

Lu Chen wasgoing to introduce Lu Xi to Chen Jianhao.

Lu Xi wasnot familiar with Beijing and, of course, she listened to his arrangementwithout objection.


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