
Chapter 177

They comefrom all over the country. Most of them come to this super city with the dreamof becoming famous, eager to use their talents to embark on the path of stardom,stand on the stage of public attention, and be respected by all.

But 99% ofthese people can’t realize their ideals. Their dreams and passions will beeroded and extinguished by life in the big cities, and they will struggle tosurvive in the end.

Many singerscan’t find a way out. They can only live in the streets and sing on squares,underground passages and roadsides.

On one hand,it is to earn the cost of maintaining a basic living, and on the other hand, theyare eager to be discovered by Bole. (TN: Bole – Metaphor refers to those whohave eyesight and are good at finding outstanding talents.)

In theentertainment and pop music world, there are really many examples of streetartists becoming famous.

Among the wonderingsingers, some people are really capable and talented.

It’s justthat they’re out of luck.

The singerwho was singing “The Brightest Star In The Night Sky” on thepedestrian street was very young, at most 20 years old. He is thin and not verytall, with a touch of childishness on his ordinary face.

A guitar, amicrophone, an electric stereo, and an open case on the ground.

The standard’singing for a living’ set up.

Unfortunately,although the singer played the guitar quite well and the notes were accurate,his singing skills and voice were flat.

As a result,his performance couldn’t attract the attention of pedestrians, make them stopto listen, or throw money into the box.

There wereso many street performers and singers in Beijing that everyone wasn’t surprisedseeing such a sight.

Unless thereare attractive and distinguishing features, ordinary people will not be willingto pay.

Although notwelcomed and appreciated, the young street singer still sang seriously andstood there stubbornly.

Looking athim, Lu Chen suddenly remembered himself who had just arrived in Beijing.

His heartwas filled with emotions.

If it wasn’tfor that dream, perhaps he would still be working as a waiter and part-timesinger in Forget Worries Bar, working hard to survive and paying off debts, andnever see the hope of life!

While LuChen was looking at the singer, Chen Fei’er was looking at Lu Chen with interest.

The HeavenlyQueen suddenly said, “He didn’t sing well and ruined all your songs. You shouldteach him!”

There was asly look in her eyes, as if she couldn’t wait to see a good show.

Lu Chen wasstunned: “Wouldn’t that be bad?”

Chen Fei’ersaid with a smile, “What’s wrong with it? in fact, you are helping him. Otherwise,I don’t think he can make any money. Perhaps after he pays the venue fee today,he won’t have enough to buy a meal and might starve.”

In Beijing,one can’t just sing and perform at any place. One needs to apply to the citymanagement agency to get a permit to perform at a specified place. The venuefee varies in different places.

Some arefree and some are expensive.

The flow ofpeople here is very dense. It is not easy to apply for a position, and it isnot cheap!

If one can’tearn back the rent, one may really starve.

“Takeit as...”

Chen Fei’ertilted her head and said, “You singing a song for me!”


Lu Chenthought about it, stood up, and walked towards the other party.

Since thesinger chose his own song, he must like the song and should be a fan.

Then heshould give him a hand and encourage him.

After walkingto the front of the singer and waiting until the other party has finishedsinging a passage, Lu Chen smiled and asked, “Hello, I also want to singthis song. Can you accompany me?”

The singerwas stunned.

He didn’tnotice Lu Chen at first. It wasn’t until Lu Chen made a request that he foundthat Lu Chen looked very familiar.


The streetsinger suddenly opened his eyes wide, with a surprised look: “You are...”

He obviouslyrecognized Lu Chen.

Withoutwaiting for the other party to say his name, Lu Chen asked seriously, “Okay?”

“Okay, okay!”

The youngsinger flushed with excitement. He nodded repeatedly and said, “No... noproblem.”

He neverdreamed that his own cover of a very popular song unexpectedly attracted theoriginal singer.

Lu Chen!

Theprobability... is like winning the lottery?

He stammeredand added: “I... My name is Guo Han, Dong... Mr. Dong Guo’s Guo.” (TN:He’s just telling how his name is spelled. Dong Gou is a famous character in astory)

“Hello.My name is Lu Chen.”

Lu Chensmiled and raised his hand to hold the microphone.

The dialoguebetween the two people, through the amplification of microphone and speaker, arousedthe curiosity of many people around.

Guo Han breathedhard a few times, then clenched his teeth and played the prelude.

Lu Chennodded gently with the beat, opened his mouth and began to sing.

“Willthe brightest star in the night sky recall, my companion, whose shadow meltinto the wind!”

His clearand clean voice sounded instantly in the bustling pedestrian street and penetratedinto the ears of people.

“Willthe brightest star in the night sky recall, my companion, whose shadow meltinto the wind!”

“I prayfor a clear conscience with tears on my eyes.”

“Findthe strength to embrace you, pretending nothing’s wrong!”

“WheneverI am lost in darkness and fail to find the meaning of life, Oh~ the brighteststar in the night sky.”

“Pleaseshine the path towards you~”

In Lu Chen’ssinging, the people sitting in the chairs around raised their heads one afteranother. Several girls even looked surprised, as if they had found somethingincredible.

Manypassers-by stopped, their eyes focused on Lu Chen and Guo Han.

Doubt,surprise, curiosity...

Some people rushedover after hearing the song and gathered in front of the two.

“Hesounds a lot like the original singer...”

“Whatdo you mean, sounds like? Don’t you recognize him? HE is the original singer,Lu Chen, who wrote the song!”


“Itseems to be true. I have watched the competition "Singing China", and he is thechampion Lu Chen!”

“So handsome,and his singing is so pleasant to listen to!”

Among thepeople who gathered around, there were a lot of girls who recognized Lu Chenand were all very excited!

However, thequality of the people in Beijing is very good, and everyone keeps theirdistance. They even keep their voice down when talking.

Many girlstook out their mobile phones to take photos of Lu Chen, and even the ones whostood in front squatted down, so as not to affect the people behind takingphotos or watching.

The peoplegathering around them were getting more and more!

Such a scenewas beyond Lu Chen’s imagination.

Because ithas only been a short time since his official debut, Lu Chen still didn’t havethe consciousness of a star artist. He doesn’t wear sunglasses and masks tocover up when he goes shopping, and doesn’t think he could attract onlookers.

However, LuChen underestimated the influence of his works, not to mention the high ratingsof “Singing China”, his album “You Who Sat Next To Me”, thathas just been recently released, has brought him a lot of popularity.

The album’stitle song, whether on the internet or on the radio, has been widely played andhas a high popularity. So, as the original singer, it immediately attracted theattention of a lot of people!

Fortunately,all the onlookers were orderly, and Lu Chen was able to continue singingcalmly.

He also saw ChenFei’er appeared in the crowd, laughing like a fox who had just stolen a hen.

She was veryproud of herself. (TN: Like her plan worked)

“Thebrightest star in the night sky, can you hear clearly, the endless sighs fromlonely souls looking up!”

Aftersinging the last few words gently, Lu Chen let go and took a step back andbowed to everyone.

Wow ~

Warmapplause broke out immediately.

Lu Chensmiled and said, “Thank you everyone for your support...”

Some people immediatelyresponded. They took money out of their pocket and put it in the guitar case onthe ground.

Othersfollowed suit and a layer of banknotes quickly piled up in the box thatoriginally had few change.

Guo Han’sface turned red. He was too excited to speak.

A bold girlcame up and asked, “Lu Chen, can I take a picture with you?”

Being askedfor a photo by fans was really new to Lu Chen.

He noddedand said with a smile, “Of course.”


The girl screamed,and immediately jumped up and hugged Lu Chen’s arm tightly, and leaned her headon his shoulder.

Hermovements were very skillful. (TN: Like she has done this action a lot oftimes)

Hercompanion took several pictures in succession on her mobile phone.

He satisfiedone after another. In addition to taking a photo, there were also people whoask for autographs.

What wasinteresting was that Lu Chen’s fans were basically girls.

In fact,there were many boys watching, but they were very reserved. They didn’t want totake photos with Lu Chen.

After all,Lu Chen was only a little-known singer artist, not a big star.

In Beijing,where there are a lot of people, his presence is still insufficient to cause a stir.

If it wasChen Fei’er, the situation would definitely be completely different!

Afterfinally meeting the requirements of the girls, Lu Chen was finally able to getaway.

He said toGuo Han, “Come on, work hard!”

Guo Hannodded again and again, and finally choke out a sentence: “Thankyou!”

Lu Chensmiled and patted him on the shoulder, then walked away toward the mall infront of him.

After awhile, Chen Fei’er caught up from behind and walked side by side with him.

The Queen ofSweet Songs asked with a smile, “How do you feel?”

Lu Chenthought about it carefully and said, “Good.”

The feelingof being loved and admired was very good, extremely good!

Chen Fei’ersighed: “But when you get used to it and often encounter it, you will becomefed up with it and even distress.”

“But atthat time, if you want to give up these things, I’m afraid you couldn’t do it.”

Lu Chenasked, “What do you think I should do?”

Chen Fei’ersaid with a smile, “It’s very simple. Get wine and get drunk now. Enjoy itnow, young man!”

Lu Chen wasspeechless.

Chen Fei’ersuddenly said: “I want to drink, drink beer, a large one!”

Lu Chen wassurprised: “Sister Fei, can you still drink? Besides, you’ve eaten spicyfood and drank in the evening. Your throat...”

Chen Fei’er’svoice is recognized as the golden voice in the circle!

Chen Fei’erstared at him and interrupted, “just say whether you are willing orunwilling to accompany me!”

Lu Chenthought carefully again and said, “Not willing!”


TN: Kindaspoiler: He will not leave her. He will only not accompany her in drinking buthe will still be with her.

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