
Chapter 368 354 Mistaken Identity?

"Throw down your bag and weapon. The Skyview Assassins have been disbanded as war criminals by the crown and ordered sentenced to death." The young noble declares, managing to make his demands with only one squeaky crack of his voice.

,m "You see, that is your mistake right there. You don\'t tell someone you are going to kill them before they drop their weapons." Cain laughs, drawing his Scimitar.

"Give up, assassin. You won\'t make it out of here alive. If you don\'t resist wet can make it quick and painless." The leader of the guards announces, as if he is certain Cain will comply.

Why must these people be so stupid? Is it because of the lack of system? That has to be it. They just assume that all humans are working on the same power level, so numbers should let them prevail every time.

When the first one charges, Cain side steps, then cuts both him and his mount on half with a single stroke of his sword, totally forgetting about the [Pestilence] effect.

Every other warrior in the area suddenly turns sickly green, and within seconds falls dead on the ground. Strangely, the horses do not.

That\'s new, inside dungeons it affects everything, but it seems that here at least, the horses only get targeted if they are aggressive towards Cain.

This mess can be someone else\'s problem, let the army find the diseased corpses and panic, wondering if a Plague is spreading through their ranks at this very moment. The worry might slow them down enough for Cain to make his way into Dwarven Territory before anyone else can bother him.

Learning that Skyview was the name of an Assassin Cult in this time and region is also valuable information. Both to avoid misunderstandings, and to cause them if necessary. It was a bit unfortunate that he couldn\'t use all his combat skills here, but knowing the style lets you fight without actually activating the techniques, so Cain isn\'t exactly helpless.

Explaining why he is using what he suspects is the current Royal Guard\'s combat style to anyone who recognizes it might prove to be a bit more difficult than the actual fight though.

As Cain jogs, the buildings in the villages he passes change from wooden to mostly stone, so Cain is certain he\'s at the edge of Dwarven Territory. Humans likely aren\'t welcome here, so Cain plans to pick a new appearance, he just can\'t decide what.

A local looking Dwarf wouldn\'t need to ask the questions he will and it would raise suspicions, so that is out. Humans of any sort are a bad idea, but Cain isn\'t sure how the dwarves get along with the Elves in this time.

He recalls hearing that the nation of Skyview was once Beastkin Territory, and it\'s not too far south of here, so that could work. At the very least, Cain hadn\'t ever heard of the Dwarves and Beastkin having a blood feud.

What would be just right to infiltrate and not anger anyone who sees him? Bunny Kin. Everyone loves the Bunnies. Cain focuses for a moment and shifts himself into the form of Daisy. Sun kissed bronze skin, sandy blonde hair and ears and a perpetually harmless looking face.

Even in traveling clothes with a sword at his side, nobody would take this form as a serious threat.

Cain keeps up his fast jog, finding that the Bunny Kin form has much stronger legs than a human. He can easily leap a much larger distance per step, moving quietly through the hills.

When Cain sees smoke on the horizon, he slows his pace to a brisk walk and comes closer to inspect. It is a farming village, and he is in luck, there are both Dwarves and Beastkin here. Wolf type Beastkin though, which poses a small problem, since he\'s disguised as a bunny.

They have an intense fascination for Rabbit type Beastkin. An instinctive part of them wanting to give chase, while the more human aspects see them as friendly and fluffy.

They have surely seen him in the distance though, so Cain heads towards the village, being greeted by a farmer who is mending fences near the edge of town.

"Greetings little rabbit. What brings you so far from home?" The older wolf Kin smiles.

"I\'m on a mission. I need to find the Ancient Ruins near Hygar, or known as Hygar. But humans are useless, do you happen to have directions?" Hearing the gentle voice of Daisy speaking his words is a strange experience for Cain, but immensely effective.

"Of course, everyone in the Iron Empire knows the legend of the ruins. Nobody knows exactly where they should be, but according to legend, the Ancient city was only fifty Kilometers from the modern one, way up in the mountains."

"See, that\'s already more than the humans knew. Is there a road to the new city from here?" Cain asks and the wolf Kin shakes his head.

"The only roads here lead along the border to confuse the humans. That way they think there\'s nothing in the hills and don\'t go raiding all our villages on their way to attack the mountain cities again."

Cain nods his head, long ears bouncing with the motion. "That makes sense. I\'ll just keep going the same direction then until I\'m getting close enough for specific directions."

"Why not stay a day or two? Surely the ruins aren\'t going anywhere, and I\'m sure the villagers won\'t mind a lovely lady for company?" The farmer asks suggestively.

"I appreciate the offer, but this is still a bit too close to the humans for comfort. I saw a large military force of them not long ago, and I have no intention of still being here when they arrive. I was going to warn whoever is in charge before I left."

That changes the weather beaten farmer\'s whole demeanor, and he grabs Cain\'s hands to pull him into the village. "Quick, let the chief know so she can Summon the army. The more details you can give the better."

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