
Chapter 20: A Battle Between Gods?

Chapter 20: A Battle Between Gods?

Harold returned to the Cuttexus Kingdom and performed a mass funeral procession that took place in his territory in the morning. The funeral was full of mourning which was attended by all the nobles and the general public, even the royal family including the emperor came personally to attend the funeral.

After the procession was finished, the Emperor of the Cuttexus Kingdom, asked for an explanation of the incident in detail from Harold.

Elliott Evans is currently sitting in his private room with Harold Reinhard. In accordance with Harold\'s request that said the information was sensitive, there were only the two of them talking about the incident experienced by Harold last night.

Elliott listened carefully as he asked a number of questions that were answered immediately by Harold.

"*sigh* What you and your family experienced is very sad but at the same time very interesting. Orlando Reinhard, your eldest son and future successor of the Reinhard family, Amanda Grace, your daughter-in-law, Alisha Reinhard, your dear granddaughter, and two hundred the knight died overnight due to an attack that could not be found. Once again I offer my full condolences for your loss."

After the length of the story, Elliott offered his condolences once more because what his old friend was feeling right now was very heavy and hard. He could not imagine if his son and his grandchildren would leave forever on the same day after he sent their departure joyfully on his grandchild\'s birthday.

"You don\'t need to say it again, Emperor Elliott. I have dealt with the grief I experienced." Harold shook his head at his old friend who had become an emperor.

The two of them were good friends who were brought together in the same academy and came from the same kingdom even though they had different statuses and talents.

Elliott is the only descendant of the Evans Royal Family with pure Emperor blood who will be the successor as Emperor in the future, while Harold is an ordinary knight who fought along with Elliott since they were young until now where Harold has earned his title as a Duke.

Everything that Harold has is the result of his hard work. 56 years ago, he married an ordinary girl who was brought together by fate and was blessed with 3 healthy sons. Unfortunately, after 25 years of marriage, his wife died of an incurable disease of unknown cause.

After yesterday\'s tragedy, now he only has two sons who helped him manage his Duke\'s Family and two grandchildren who have gone to the academy in the Aeddoterra Kingdom.

Two of his sons already have a wife with a woman of their choice and each has a female and male descendant, with his granddaughter as his first grandchildren who are 2 years apart from her brother.

While his eldest son, who was too preoccupied with his knight career, was married one year after his grandson was born.

Although a bit late from his two younger siblings, Orlando managed to find his soul mate from the devoted woman of the Grace Baron Family, Amanda Grace, to become his wife.

After one year of marriage, the Reinhard Duke Family is once again blessed with a descendant. Alisha Reinhard, Harold\'s youngest grandchild who received the most attention from the family because of her cheerful behavior and was loved by her two siblings.

Now the entire lineage of Harold\'s eldest son was gone, leaving a deep melancholy.

"What do you think about the Goddess you met? Are you sure she has the power of a God?"

Elliott changed the topic of their conversation after feeling the topic became heavy. He had heard the whole story of the tragedy which would also be explored deeper by the royal knights, they were just waiting for his orders.

This Goddess is what Elliott meant as interesting in his initial sentence.

"I\'m sure she has immeasurable power. According to documents circulating, a person who is at the God level will emit golden-colored energy when they will use their magic or abilities. But this time it\'s different, she always emits dark gold energy aura." Harold explained his opinion.

"Hmm... Dark gold energy aura huh... In Vrelenia there are only three Gods known to the world, but they no longer care about world affairs and focus on their meditation. As far as I know, they only have a light gold energy aura."

Elliott murmured blankly while thinking about the Goddess. If it is true according to Harold\'s words, then clearly the Goddess who did not leave her name is far stronger than the three Gods.

"But what is she doing in Avrora Forest? That forest is a vast forest that lies between the southern, western, and central parts of the Human Continent... Not to mention that there is a Devil Emperor who suddenly came to that forest, but he immediately just left after I felt his energy aura."

"Emperor Elliott, about that I have another explanation."

Harold interrupted Elliott\'s hollow murmur. Maybe in the entire Cuttexus Kingdom, only him dared to do so to the Cuttexus\'s Emperor, because only Harold called Elliott as \'Emperor Elliott\' while others respectfully called him as \'Your Majesty\'.

"What is that?"

"The Goddess of Light is what I call her because of the bright rays of her. She has just come to this world, and the cause of the Devil Emperor comes to Avrora is only because he is looking for his only daughter who ran away from home and lost to get there. Fortunately, his daughter met with the Goddess who just came to this world and told her many things." Harold took a deep breath before continuing his explanation.

"Then the Devil Emperor came and confronted directly with the Goddess, but the battle did not occur. The Goddess only asked the daughter of the Devil Emperor to return home with his father, and because of that the Devil Emperor left immediately after you felt his aura which was openly emitted ."

"Well, you missed the story like that earlier so I don\'t know. So, after talking directly with the Goddess, what do you think of her position? Where does she take sides." Elliott has different thoughts and concerns at this time.

"At first I was also worried that the daughter of the Devil Emperor would plant their hatred of humans towards the Goddess who had just come to this world. Therefore, I tried to plant goodwill about humans and other in-depth explanations about several things. But my worries turned out to be in vain, she doesn\'t really care about the mortal world and doesn\'t want to interfere."

Elliott heaved a sigh of relief hearing that. If God is an enemy of humanity, then humans will surely become extinct.

"Is there any sequel afterward?"

"Yes, like my previous story. Because of my explanation of the basic knowledge of this world, she helped with our main goal of coming to Avrora Forest in the dark of the night. With her magic, she immediately found all the people we were looking for after I showed them their portraits. Unfortunately, my granddaughter cannot be found."

Harold explained what he had explained before. Because the story is somewhat complicated for him, he accidentally missed the incident with the Devil Emperor. He did not tell about his family heirloom that was lost and could be found by pleading with the Goddess in question.

"So, if the Goddess comes from the outside world, we live from one of the many worlds out there..." Elliott now looked out the window at the distant sky with a complicated look.

He did not doubt the story told from Harold personally, even the words of a Goddess did not raise the slightest suspicion because it was impossible for the divine beings to lie to mortals. She only needs basic information from the person she first met.

"But there is one thing we need to pay attention to again, Emperor Elliott. the Goddess came to this world along with her disciple and she will leave her disciple to practice in this world. In my opinion, most likely her disciple will head to the Magic Academy in the Aeddoterra Kingdom."

Harold provided another very important information, a disciple of a God-level being!

But, Shortly after, before Elliot could even respond to the other information Harold had just given, a terrible explosion came from afar, more precisely from Avrora Forest, right where the window of Elliot\'s private room was facing.

Blackish-red smoke soared high into the sky that formed like a giant mushroom due to a massive explosion wave can be seen from their current location despite their great distances. Earthquake shocks caused by explosions can even be felt vaguely.

"What is that!?" Elliott immediately stood up shouting after seeing a phenomenon he had never encountered.

"That\'s from Avrora Forest. Is the Goddess still there?" Harold muttered while looking at the phenomenon.

"Harold, follow me! Let\'s quickly fly to the sky to find out more!" Elliott shouted as if he wanted to jump out of the room after hearing Harold\'s murmur, he knew what that meant, while Harold immediately followed from behind.

The two of them immediately went out of the room and flew into the air to a height that was felt to be enough to observe in more detail to the phenomenon in Avrora Forest.

Everyone in the Cuttexus Kingdom could see from a distance that terrible phenomenon that seemed to be able to destroy their entire kingdom.

As for other kingdoms and officials from other races on different continents, they were also aware of this phenomenon.

They could see the zone destroyed by the huge explosion in the distance using their advanced vision at their current altitude.

Shortly after Elliott and Harold reached the sufficient altitude, dark clouds immediately gathered in almost all of Avrora Forest\'s sky and immediately devoured the forest with a fierce storm with lightning and hurricanes.

The red rooster that was hit immediately extinguished due to the storm. Unfortunately, they could not see Elysia who was also floating in the air because their distance was too far and she was too small to be seen from that distance.

"Is there a battle between the gods there? Look at the destruction and this natural phenomenon. None of this can be done even by someone with an Emperor level!" Elliott exclaimed once more, but he only continued his observations because it was impossible for him to interfere in battles at this level.

Avrora Forest, which stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers, is almost entirely covered by fierce storms and other disasters. Therefore, when the storm hit the forest, they could not look any further into Avrora Forest and could only see the fierce storm was engulfing the forest.

Harold was silent with his own thoughts remembering there was the same place he met the Goddess last night. He thought there was someone who dared to challenge the Goddess and cause this natural phenomenon, not to mention the explosion earlier.

A few moments later, the storm that had hit ferociously in Avrora Forest suddenly stopped. The jet black clouds in the forest sky also immediately spread out in various directions and disappeared as if a storm had never happened before.

"I\'d better tell the Emperor and the leaders of five other kingdoms on the Human Continent about this along with your story earlier, Harold. I\'m sure all the top brass from various parts of the world will investigate this, including other races. We will also send an investigation force after sharing this information." Elliott spoke firmly about his agenda to his best friend after things returned to normal. Whereas Harold had a serious face after hearing that.

The two of them immediately returned to the royal castle to share this critical information with the five other human kingdoms. They must immediately act together with other kingdoms to investigate this incident and make further decisions.

Everything that happened came and went surprisingly quickly. At least they need to know what really happened there. Did the battle between the gods just take place there?

While the top brass from outside the Human Continent sent representatives to further investigate with their spies who were there about this strange phenomenon, while the five human kingdoms also sent investigative troops to Avrora Forest for the same purpose. The perpetrator is actually going away with the winged white tiger from the \'crime scene\' as if she is innocent and is not responsible for the previous phenomenon.

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