
Chapter 491: Playful Little Avatar

Chapter 491: Playful Little Avatar

Sea God\'s irritated expression and haste left the others feeling dumbfounded. Dorienne and Osharus panicked, while the merfolk were shocked by the sudden appearance of a blue creature out of nowhere.

"Why is the Sea God looking so furious? Let\'s come in too, quick! This is probably just a misunderstanding." Dorienne conveyed her request with urgency to the little Goddess.

Nell didn\'t answer with anything. She also wanted to find out why Oceanid was in such a hurry.

But, what awaited them inside the mansion left everyone dumbfounded once again. Not out of surprise, but because it was a bit ridiculous.

"Yo, the other me. Have you had dinner yet? Come here, these merfolk are so kind to me. They provide so many delicious meals and offerings." Oceanid\'s avatar lifted a glass-shaped coral and sucked something out of it with his mouth.

"You little shit blue thingy! I feel uneasy because I can\'t reach you and here you are enjoying a sumptuous banquet as if you don\'t care about anything!? Don\'t you know that I\'ve been across various oceans in search of your whereabouts?" Oceanid growled in annoyance and continued to approach with his fists clenched.

"O, hey, peace yo. Why do you look so angry. I\'ve only been here for three days. Hey, you\'re scaring me now." Oceanid\'s avatar moved away with a hint of fear.

"Come here you little shit! I want to beat you up for no reason." Oceanid went after his avatar, who intended to escape.

"After all, I\'m still a part of you. So, you call yourself little shit, the other me. Woo, run, help me! Anyone!" Oceanid\'s avatar immediately fled at full speed. He went behind some merfolk for cover, but the real Oceanid continued to chase him like there was no tomorrow.

Unfortunately, in the end, he was caught by the real one and unreasonably beaten. He couldn\'t do anything other than prone on the real one\'s lap and received the slaps in the buttocks.

"Ow, ow! Hey, why are you beating me with no mercy? I\'m sorry, okay? I\'m just enjoying my precious time here for a moment! Waa, my butt!" Oceanid\'s avatar whimpered in pain helplessly.

"Keep silent and accept your punishment for venting my frustration." Oceanid pursed his lips and waved his hand to slap his avatar\'s butt.

It was like a father punishing such a stubborn and unruly child. Everyone gaped in surprise to see such a rare sight.

"Pfft, hahaha! He literally punishes his own avatar? Uh, uhuhu, I thought something was urgent, but it turns out, hahaha!" Nell couldn\'t help but laugh. She clutched her stomach and laughed heartily.

"Oh, God... I don\'t know what to say." Sylvia was at a loss for words. She also laughed, but she covered her mouth so as not to offend the Sea God.

Elysia, Ella, and Evelyn looked at each other. They seemed to have the same thought, and they just smiled while shaking their heads slightly.

"There, there are two Sea Gods? What really happened? Isn\'t the Sea God looking for his possessions?" Dorienne became extremely confused. She put her hand on her head as if sudden dizziness hit her.

"Nay, silly mermaid. Sea God is actually just looking for his avatar that he lost contact with. But, hehe, the avatar in question turns out to be enjoying his time here even though we thought something bad happened to him." Nell wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes and gave the confused girl an honest answer.

"???" Dorienne scratched her head in bewilderment. But, she then put aside her confusion. After all, the one that was spoken of was a divine being. As long as there weren\'t any problems that might happen, everything would be fine.

Meanwhile, the Azure Merfolk were still gaping in astonishment. They were stunned for a few seconds from the shock that appeared before their eyes.

"Wait, what is this? There are two Sea Gods here? It\'s you Osharus, did you bring that fake Sea God here? What do you mean by this?" The burly green mermen with a long beard frowned.

"Hm, well, I don\'t know what happened either, but it looks like we\'re the only ones who don\'t know the situation, my friend Aquor. Me and the distinguished guests came for an urgent meeting, but it seems there\'s just a misunderstanding here." Osharus laughed dryly and put his trident back into his Space Bag.

"Is it like that?" Aquor was in doubt. He only looked at the two Sea Gods, who at a glance had almost no difference other than body size, the big one and the little one.

"Please don\'t doubt my words, my friend. The Sea God who came with me has a golden energy aura. You only need to offend his divine self once, and that will be the end of you. My presence is only an attempt to prevent a catastrophe. Who would have thought that Sea God was just looking for his son, hahaha." Osharus went over and patted his friend\'s shoulder with a crisp laugh.

"You smelly red mermen, who are you saying is my son, huh!? This little shit is my lost avatar." Oceanid was in a temper and interrupted with a tirade.

"Who are you calling little shit, huh!? You jelly head, this is a power abuse. You only bully the weak, but basically you are bullying yourself because I am your avatar, woo!" Oceanid\'s avatar rebelled and squirmed away. He managed to free himself, but the executor also chased him again.

"Welp, save live!" Oceanid\'s avatar screamed for help with a hint of desperation. However, he suddenly hit an invisible wall. He was stuck in mid-water.

"Ugh... I\'m so unlucky. Who put up a barrier here? You\'re so cruel, the other me." Oceanid\'s avatar grumbled.

"Hm, I think that\'s enough, Sea God. It would be bad for little girls to watch if you keep bullying your avatar with violence." Elena raised her voice, and it echoed throughout the room.

The merfolk were confused because they didn\'t know who was speaking and where the voice was coming from.

"Huh?" Oceanid\'s avatar also felt confused because his other self stopped to comply with a request from the unknown woman.

"Now that you\'ve found your avatar, isn\'t it time for us to go to our next destination? Or, you want to waste my time waiting for you to attend another feast, hmm?" Elena asked in a cold tone. She didn\'t want to waste too much time because she already had an appointment.

"Hm, very well. The other me, now re-reunify with me." Oceanid heaved a sigh. He then gave a \'come on\' hand gesture to his avatar.

"I don\'t want to, whee!" Oceanid\'s avatar stretched out his tongue. He then clasped his hands in prayer and took a plate of the closest dish to present to the unknown woman. "O the unknown savior, if you can hear my voice, please save me from the evil Sea God. He will only abuse and bully me. In exchange, I will give you a plate of delicious prawns."

"You\'re quite silly and funny. Let him in, little one." Elena gave her order to Nell.

But, it sounded different to Oceanid\'s avatar\'s ear. He saluted with gratitude. "Is this barrier yours? Yes, let me come under your protection!"

Nell just rolled her eyes to face this version of Oceanid\'s avatar. Even so, she just waved her hand and gave Oceanid\'s avatar temporary access permission to enter and exit her unique barrier.

"Wahaha, thank you everyone. You Azure Merfolk are really kind. See you next time, mwah. Bye, bye, the other me, hahaha!" Oceanid\'s avatar slowly entered the barrier. He waved his hand with a loud and satisfied laugh.

After that, silence enveloped the room. The merfolk looked at each other as the little Sea God just disappeared in front of everyone.

They could only look at the big Sea God with so many questions in their heads, but some of them chose to stare at Osharus as if demanding an explanation.

"With that being said, it\'s time for us to leave. Sorry for the mess my avatar caused, and thank you for taking care of him in these three days. That\'s all from me, see you next time." Sea God waved his hand once, then he entered Nell\'s barrier.

With the big Sea God gone somewhere, all the merfolk could only look at Osharus to demand an explanation. Therefore, he had no other choice but to satisfy these merfolks with a brief summary of what happened.

"Wahahaha! I\'m already under the protection of the unknown savior. You can\'t chase me here, can you?" Oceanid\'s avatar laughed arrogantly with his hands on either side of his waist.

However, the next event just made him totally flabbergasted. The real Sea God entered the invisible barrier as if it wasn\'t there. Now, he could only stare at his other self as if he couldn\'t believe it.

"You said something?" Oceanid asked with a grin.

"N-no, it\'s nothing." Oceanid\'s avatar shook his head in a slight worry.

Meanwhile, Osharus had just finished giving a brief explanation. The merfolk nodded in understanding as they finally knew the truth and the actual situation on the Sea God\'s side.

"Eh, wait, they left without a word and without me? O Sea God and his adventure group, are you guys still there? Did you guys really just leave me here just like that? Oh, my daughter is still there!" Osharus looked left and right, then checked here and there, fumbling through the empty water with anxiety.

Along with that cry, the anxious red mermen also disappeared before all the merfolk with a poof.

Aquor and the other merfolk were just stunned and speechless to witness the strange occurrence. After three minutes had passed, they tried to check the surrounding while voicing some words of praise or the like.

They still wanted to see the big Sea God and exchange words with him or entertain him. Unfortunately, who they were looking for was already gone from there.

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