
Chapter 772: Captured the Wrong Target

Chapter 772: Captured the Wrong Target

"Grandfather..." Erina asked her grandfather to do something. She wasn\'t quite sure what Elysia wanted to convey, but she was sure it might be dangerous.

"It\'s okay. She will be fine. I will send some experts to help her." Mitsuzuka looked at Elysia\'s back with some thoughts in mind. As Elysia\'s taxi drove away, he looked at a building in the distance and ordered his people for several tasks.

Meanwhile, Elysia and Xero headed towards a random district with a relatively quiet street not far from the Minamoto Clan\'s mansion.

"I\'ve made the payment by online payment, driver-san." Elysia told the driver before getting out of the taxi.

"Yes, thank you." The driver checked his smartphone and then looked at the gorgeous girl. It was indeed a beautiful sight to behold.

"Her angelic, lovely face and a nice body. The charm of top-tier upper-class lady is truly extraordinary." The driver spoke in a whisper-like voice. He then shook his head and drove his taxi away.

"..." Elysia stared intently at the hill, then at the roof of a tall building some distance away. The former gave off a somewhat uneasy and threatening feeling, but the latter had a subtle malicious aura. They were watching her every move.

\'Let\'s take care of the one at the top of that tall building first.\' Elysia muttered in her mind.

\'Okay, let\'s take those people down immediately. They have a higher ground with a higher threat level.\' Elena completely agreed.

\'They have long-barreled guns at us. We\'d better teleport behind them and knocked them out in one fell swoop.\' Rhea could tell those people had some guns, ready to shoot.

\'Yup, that\'s the plan.\' Elysia continued on her way and entered a small alley to be out of the reach of anyone\'s sight. Xero just followed her from behind.


Elysia grabbed Xero\'s shoulder and used teleportation to the top of the tall building in question. Since her destination was still within sight, she could teleport accurately even without a marker.

Elysia and Xero reappeared on the roof of a small warehouse above the building.

\'They are well-armed. There are four enemies in total, and we will knock them all at once and tie them up for interrogation. If possible, avoid injuring them. No unnecessary killing.\' Elysia told Xero about their task.

\'Meh, they\'re just four weak humans no stronger than hell fleas. I alone can complete the mission easily. Do you want to torture or extract information from them too?\' Xero rolled his eyes.

\'All right, you have three minutes for that. There\'s still a group of people with malicious intent on that hill.\' Elysia didn\'t mind if Xero would complete this mission himself.

\'Three seconds is enough for me!\' Xero jumped down from the roof of the warehouse. He rushed to the well-armed suspicious people with only a black rope in hand.


Xero jumped into the air and threw his rope. The rope seemed to move like a flying snake to wrap around the four people scattered on four different sides.

"!?" The well-armed suspicious people were wide-eyed in surprise because of the sudden attack. They brandished their guns, but it was too late. The black ropes moved faster to wrap around their bodies like ferocious powerful snakes.

"What-" One of the well-armed suspicious people was about to speak, but the rope silenced her mouth.

"Three seconds strike." Xero raised his hand and slammed the rope towards the warehouse.

"!?" The four well-armed suspicious people cried out, but their voices were silenced.


The four well-armed suspicious people were thrown against the wall. The impact was hard and somewhat painful.

"Good job. That\'s actually four seconds." Elysia descended from the roof of the small shed, scanning each of their prisoners.

"It would be too obvious if you wanted to conduct an interrogation here." Xero kicked open the barn door and dragged their four prisoners like trash sacks.

"I will secure their weapons first." Elysia rushed to get the long-barreled weapons and carried them into the warehouse.

\'Ely, would you like to try mind reading techniques? It\'s a lite version of extracting thoughts with minimal side effects for both parties.\' Elena suggested a technique they had never tried before.

\'No, it\'s okay. We\'ll politely ask but still, take a closer look at their spirit and aura fluctuations. We will know if they are lying or not. I wonder if they are participants in the God Game. Sky Spirit explains that they have a chess piece within their bodies. It can significantly boost their power and grant some additional unique abilities.\' Elysia activated her sacred vision to look deep into the prisoners\' bodies.

However, she couldn\'t find the chess piece in the qeustion even though she had checked far enough to reach their spirits.

\'Let\'s continue with the talk. Two men and two women... let\'s do it to her first.\' Elysia grabbed the nearby female prisoner\'s rope around the mouth. "Tell me, who are you and what are your goals?"

"Bwah! And who are you to ask me that!? That boy! He sneakily attacked us from behind. What a coward!" The girl cried out in annoyance and anger.

She tried to free herself, but the black ropes were so sturdy. Her co-workers attempted to cut the rope with a secret knife but failed.

"Looks like you failed to understand your current position, girl. Just asking will get you nowhere. You need to torture them to get them to talk. It would be nice to hear their cries of agony." Xero kicked the noisy girl\'s leg.

"Ow! What is the meaning of this? Are you both psychopaths or terrorists? Why did you attack and hold us captive!?" The girl fell to the ground. She looked at the white-haired boy with a look of hatred.

"Torture before extracting information?" Xero took out his penknife and played it between his fingers.

"No, not yet." Elysia shook her head slightly and made the girl sit up. "I\'ll ask you again, who are you and what\'s the purpose of spying on the Minamoto Clan with these weapons aimed at us? You\'ve targeted me not just once."

"We are elite snipers assigned by the central government to guard against a distance. Wait, how can you know that even if you are more than one or two kilometers away? Anyway, we were assigned for the Minamoto Clan\'s well-being!" The girl immediately spoke to avoid misunderstanding. She could tell this would lead to a friendly fire if she didn\'t instantly reveal her identity.

"Are you from the military? Who is your target?" Elysia pursed her lips.

"Yes, we are the elite force. We are authorized to shoot anyone who dares try to bring harm to the Minamoto Clan in their current state! Wait, how did you get here in seconds? You just got off the taxi in that district-" The girl couldn\'t continue her statement. She could only gulp her saliva nervously as she realized she might be dealing with two ultra-powerful espers from the Minamoto Clan.

"Is it like that? However, I\'m not sure whether Sir Minamoto Mitsuzuka knew about you. You were sent and assigned in secret, after all. You\'re not lying, but you\'re still a suspect. Stay here. We need to deal with the other malicious party first." Elysia heaved a subtle sigh.

It seemed they captured the wrong target, but it wasn\'t her fault either. It was natural for her not to feel safe when these snipers aimed their weapons at her. Not to mention, they weren\'t ordinary people either, but espers.

"We are not malicious-, hng!" The girl tried to justify her and her co-workers\' roles, but her mouth was shut before she could finish speaking.

Elysia covered the girl\'s mouth with the black rope again and then gave an eye signal to Xero.

"No torture? Fine, the next one won\'t end like this, right? They are the malicious party, after all." Xero shrugged his shoulders.

"Let\'s go. They may have made their move." Elysia came out of the warehouse, and Xero followed suit.

The four elite snipers were abandoned in the small warehouse because Elysia would soon return there to be brought them to the Minamoto Clan.


Elysia and Xero went to the small warehouse\'s shadow and teleported to a hill a few kilometers away. Trees thrived in the vicinity, and it took them a few minutes before they could spot the malicious party in question.

"The Minamoto Clan\'s entourage has returned to their mansion. What\'s the next plan? Are you sure they are participants too? We\'d be at a loss if they weren\'t."

"The Reaper God and heaven wanted that diva named Erina to die for some unknown reason. Unfortunately, she survived, and we are here with a task to finish her off cleanly."

"Whatever it is, the offered rewards are so tempting, and we still get compensation if we fail. Big risk, huge gain... Okay, we will move at dusk."

"Who knows why the Reaper God wants her dead, but who cares. She may have offended him, but this is the first time I\'ve ever known someone survived the grim reaper."

"Well, it\'s a shame to just kill that beautiful diva. At least, we can pop her cherry before we kill her, right?"

"Tch, your pinky puny brain is only filled with juice and aphrodisiacs. Your little brother will probably turn to gold."

"Isn\'t that great? My golden rod shall conquer the world."

Several people in black ninja costumes with skull masks were whispering behind the bushes. They used Japaneseglish, but it was still easy to understand for the two people watching them from afar.

"..." Elysia\'s expression became grim after hearing all those nasty conversations.

If it wasn\'t for her advanced perception and super hearing, she probably wouldn\'t have been able to find them so quickly. Even if the Reaper God sent them, she would still be the angel of death.

\'Torture for information, then kill?\' Xero smirked. For some unknown reason, he got a strong desire to make Elysia fall to the side of darkness.

\'Ely, the five of them have chess pieces near their spirits. It was just like what Sky Spirit had said. That thing is probably the identity and power boost to all participants in that death match, God Game. It\'s a part of the Ruvoid God\'s grand scheme.\' Elena told him what she had just discovered.

\'I suggest extracting those things for further research.\' Rhea gave a piece of advice.

\'Okay, I can see the chess piece within their bodies.\' Elysia nodded slightly.

Unfortunately, she overlooked Xero\'s previous telepathy because she was too immersed in her private conversation with Elena and Rhea.

Her subtle nod was interpreted as an agreement. Because of that, Xero immediately moved like a shadow.

\'Eh?\' Elysia was taken aback when Xero suddenly jumped into the bushes.

Anguished screams soon echoed through the hill forest, startling many animals and people who happened to be nearby. However, it only lasted for a few seconds.

Most people who could hear those screams just shrugged their shoulders and continued their activities. It was probably just some youths screaming for no reason to blow off some steam.

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