
Chapter 182 - 182 Sudden Attack

“I see, I understand what you were trying to do but that doesn’t excuse you for coming into my office unannounced.”

After some scolding from the Principal the members of the Occult Club apologized and left the Principal’s office.


When they got out of the office the group noticed that it was already eleven O’ clock and the time for the Dancing Shadow had long passed.

“That scolding took longer than I expected, it’s already late. I guess that’s it for today’s investigation. Let’s continue tomorrow, just four more mysteries left.” Michael announced the end of the day’s investigation the group said their goodbyes and separated.


Ichika and Erika didn’t go home like the others as they needed to finish some paperwork. When they finished the paperwork it was already one in the morning. Seeing how late it was Ichika and Erika left the school grounds but for some reason, the car wasn’t there to pick them up.

Erika tried contacting the driver but to no avail, she then used her walkie-talkie to inform Ichika’s security detail but none of them were responding as well. It was at this moment Erika quickly made a decision and started running while pulling Ichika. Erika tried to call someone from the clan but her cell phone wasn’t working as if the signal was being jammed.


“My lady, something’s wrong we need to head to the safe room in the Student Council building and contact the clan.”

Ichika nodded her head and the two started running faster. While they were running Ichika looked around and noticed something weird, no one was in the school, the guards of the school who were all skilled martial artists disappeared and not a single custodian could be seen.

Either they have all been dealt with or there was a traitor in the school’s security detail. Ichika started to worry about the other members of the Occult Club who also went home before, were they able to get home properly or... Ichika didn’t even want to finish that thought of hers.


Ichika and Erika were nearing the Student Council Building when suddenly a group of people appeared before them. There were at least ten people that could be seen blocking Ichika and Erika’s path. The men were wearing all black and covering their faces. Each one of these people was exuding a powerful aura, there were at least rank six martial artists.

Erika stood in front of Ichika and took out two hidden knives under her skirt. Erika already knew that she was no match for even one person on the other side but she was willing to fight until the end for Ichika, not only because Ichika was her boss, but because Ichika was her best friend.

“Oh look at what we have here, the princess of the Kurumi Clan and her faithful dog.”

One of the men stepped forward, this person who was exuding a more terrible aura than the others should be their boss.

“Who are you people and what do you want from me?” Ichika who was used to being kidnapped spoke calmly.

“I can’t tell you who we are at the moment that’s a secret as for what we want, well we just want to invite the Princess for a little tea party.”

“A tea party is it?... So tell me to invite me to this tea party what have you done with my guards and the people in this school?”

“The people in this school? Oh you mean those non-martial artists, we made them sleep for a while. As for your guards and the security guards in this school, well they were uncooperative and didn’t want to have a little nap so we were forced to make them sleep forever.”

When Ichika and Erika heard the other party’s answer they felt anger and fear. Being able to deal with the guards without making a sound means that these people aren’t just rank six martial artists, they should be rank seven martial artists with powerful equipment. Ichika knew that the security at night in the school was weaker than during the morning when the students are present. The strongest on the night shift was just a rank seven martial artist.

“You b*stards, I will kill you all!” Erika clenched first and growled at the enemies before them.

“Yeah keep barking you dog, that’s all your good for anyway. So princess what do you say will you come to our little party like an elegant lady or will you come kicking and screaming like a child?”

Erika looked at Ichika and spoke to her with a voice that only she could hear.

“My lady, I will create a distraction so you start running the moment I make a move.”

“What?! I can’t leave you here by yourself!”

“My lady my life isn’t as important as yours, so you above all need to survive.”

“Huh? How can you say that of course your life is as important as mine? I’ll just let myself be kidnapped it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. If we surrender now, you and I can survive.”

“No My lady... This isn’t like those other times, I’m sure the moment you are caught by these guys something horrible might happen, my intuition is telling me so. I’m sure you feel that as well, these guys are bad news.”

“Even so, I can’t just leave you here!”

“My lady, please, please, allow me to fulfill my duty as a Capell and as your best friend.”

Ichika saw the resolve in Erika’s eyes and could no longer respond as she bit her lips until they bled.

“Are you done discussing with each other, so what will you do?” The man asked Ichika as he slowly approached the two girls. It was at this moment Erika’s aura burst out and she took a fighting stance.

“I will never allow your filthy hands to even touch a single hair on my lady’s body!”

“Hoh, the puppy thinks it’s a wolf and is trying to bite me, how cute.” The man was smiling under his mask.

Erika looked at Ichika one last time signaling her to go. As Erika was ready to burn her life to give Ichika more time to escape, she and every other person felt something an overwhelming killing intent that made Erika and Ichika fall to their knees in fear. Even the more powerful martial artists present couldn’t help but tremble in the face of this terrible killing intent.

“What do we have here, a group of men trying to bully two little girls.”

The group of people unconsciously looked in the direction where the voice originated from. When they lifted their heads they saw on the roof of the building under moonlight stood a man with a black trench coat and a white mask. This person that appeared was someone everybody in Leim City knew, even the group of kidnappers who weren’t from the city know who he was. The person who made all the criminals despair, the urban legend, the assassin, Fade.

When the group of men who were about to kidnap Ichika saw Fade some of them felt that their plan was about to fail. The leader of the group looked at Fade and gulped. The one in front of him was someone he heard a lot about, but he never expected to see him in person and in this kind of situation.

Even though they didn’t know how strong Fade was, the killing intent alone made them aware that this person has killed more people than they can imagine.

“Is it Mr. Fade, to what do we owe the pleasure?” The leader asked his body still slightly trembling.

“I was just strolling when I saw the scene of grown men bullying two little girls, so I came to see what kind of cowards you are.”

“... Is there any way that I can convince you to look the other way?” While the leader was talking he was already signaling his subordinates to quickly kidnap Ichika when they see a chance.

Hearing the leader’s question Ichika and Erika who were still in a state of shock sobered up and looked at Fade with pleading eyes. Surely a man like Fade who kills the wicked would help them.

“I refuse, I do not make deals with sinners.” Fade then looked at Ichika and spoke to her. “How about you little lady would you wish to employ me?”

When the people that were trying to kidnap Ichika heard this question they knew that they no longer had time to hesitate as they quickly charged at the two girls.

“Yes, I will hire you, please kill them all!”

The moment Ichika shouted those words one of the men was about to reach Ichika and grab her, but before he could touch Ichika his hand suddenly disappeared, it was actually cut clean off. Fade then appeared before the two girls and spoke.

“The Contract has been formed.”

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