
Chapter 324 - Just You And Me. Part 1

Immediately, all around, the semi succubi began to pinpoint their tracks to that small window which for them was perfect. Since as long as they could get their lust flames into the system of their victims, the rest would take care of itself.

However, long before Marla made her discovery, Lillian and Olivia were already aware of where their attacks should be concentrated and it was why their fiendish fogs had been tapered at the end to stab into the opponents\' eyes and tear them from the inside.

In the process, they never forgot to absorb the blood essence of their victims and make their presence felt by making their mark as Blood Knights. 

The beasts, however, did not care about the revelation of a weakness, or more accurately, other than Sassy, neither of them cared.

They were only focused on double-teaming the mutated guards and tearing them apart with their dastardly near-devil claws.

Even Borus seemed to have lost all rationality in the fact of such a potential feast and looked to be going for the messiest killing yet.

Sassy could have called them back and or tempered down but she preferred to let it be since it was bringing results. However, she made use of the information on the eye weakness.

Her fangs were sharp and strong enough to rip through the encrusted exterior of the mutated guards and since she shared Hal\'s cultivation, she could easily fight above her realm even when she did not make use of her Bloodline.

But whenever she had the choice between the easy way and the complicated and strenuous, she would always pick the easy and it was why the news of the weakness was very welcome.

You see, while she crushed the encrusted shells in her mouth, she contemplated letting out her toxic fog since the weakness she had personally picked up was that, while her poisonous gas would most likely be ineffective on their hardened skin, the same was not to be said of them breathing it in.

After all, tough as they were, they still needed to breathe. 

However, using it was bound to affect the beasts who were battling and in their current frenzy, it was a pipe dream to actually expect them to listen or heed her warning.

That was the only reason she had refrained thus far.

However, now she could refine her plans a bit...


She swiped a guard to the ground with her tail and while pressing him down to the ground with said tail, Sassy raised her head above him and opened her mouth to condense a toxic arrow.

It was so small it was practically minuscule and yet she had charged with the same amount of toxin she charged her normal arrows with and...


... at a speed that caused the arrow to all but disappear, Sassy shot it right into her victim\'s eye and it went inside in the entirety and then exploded within.

Because the concentration was so high, even after the guard was dead, Sassy\'s gas still leaked out of him.

"*hiss* I need to better my precision with attacks" Sassy mumbled in human speech before she turned her emerald eyes to another guard.

The entire thing with the now-dead by poison guard had barely taken more than a few seconds and Sassy was ready to stalk her next prey.

She condensed another tiny arrow and this time, she reduced the concentration and then shot it before she even got close to her victim, and yet he did not have a chance at avoiding it.

It stabbed right into his eye this time, there was a clear reduction in the amount that leaked out.

Sassy stretched her body while her green scales glimmered, 

"That\'s better" she cooed and allowed herself a glance at her master where he was breaking part encrusted bodies as though they were nothing while also drawing their Blood essence.

Then she returned her attention to the many more she wished to kill and got back to work.

Then the beasts realized her poisonous attacks had joined the fray and they were disheartened because they knew they could not feed on those that died by poison and would need to steer clear.

Many of them groaned and just as Sassy pinned another guard down and shot an arrow into his eyes, she turned to them and snorted,

"If you want to be able to feed on them once all this is over, then you had better have the good sense to get to them before me. Coordinate your attacks better and take them down before I ruin your meal."

She said with her serpentine maw actually managing to look like she was smirking.

"She has a point" Borus said...


... and blasted the fire element he knew so well how to control and got, if possible, more aggressive.

Meanwhile, just as Sassy had observed, Hal was indeed tearing through the ranks of guards and hacking away at them but it was not exactly as easy as it had seemed.

For one thing, much as his forces were doing their best and killing off many, the situation of him being outnumbered did not lessen that much. At some point, he was surrounded by about ten guards who actually got close enough to do a sort of dogpile on him.

They fell on top of him in hope of pinning him down while the one closest to him attempted to stab him and he only made it out by blasting a cosmic phenomenon that tossed them all far away from him before he went after them and finished them off.

It got to the point that he was making use of Cosmic attacks infused with Cosmic phenomenon to hold them at bay so that he could get closer and use Executioner to cut through them.

If he meant to use only cosmic attacks and cosmic phenomenons to defeat them, it would be much too energy and time-consuming.

Strenuous as it was, using Executioner which could cut them down as the forefront of his attacks was why he was making record time.

And he needed to hurry too, by now, Lucile must have taken his advice or suggestions and allowed Wade to battle first and in the process get beaten up.

Knowing very well that Wade could not possibly win, he felt Lucile would need all the help she could get once she faced against Gavin.

However, maybe, just maybe he had underestimated the Sheik too much.


On the outside...

Immediately after Hal surrounded himself and the mutated guards with a Dome of Astral energy, Wade sneered at the figure of Gavin which he could not actually see on account of the opaque royal blue astral Dome.

He walked around the obstruction in quick steps and soon he was in front of Gavin who was smiling at him with his hands behind his back, 

Master Fenrir left the scene immediately with no interest in participating in this battle that he rightly felt was way out of his league.

"So, here we are." Gavin said and paced a few steps forward and closer to Wade, "you ran and tried to make an escape but we still meet for a final showdown. Well, you think it\'s a showdown... I know it\'s a slaughter."

Wade\'s lips twitched and took a quick look around, 

"Where is the one who helped you acquire the mutating technique?" He asked in a sniding tone of voice.

Gavin sighed, 

"I had to let him go" he said.

Wade chuckled, 

"Too bad for you, with no support, you will have to face both of us all by your lonesome" he said just as Lucile walked over.

"Actually, I will not be interfering" she said and Wade looked back with wide-eyed shock, 

"What? But..." He began, however, he was unable to complete his words...


... as Gavin just punched him with his transformed right hand, sending him flying back to make an impactful contact with the Rune Dome.


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