
Chapter 325 - Just You And Me. Part 2

"Humph" Wade groaned and struggled to return to his feet but Gavin was not interested In waiting around as he used his untransformed hand to send a Cosmic aurora at him.

Wade released immense cosmic energy to protect himself while also sending a Cosmic aurora of his own to intercept Gavin\'s.


With the interception came a force and aftershock that blew at Wade who stood his ground with considerable effort.

Lucile who was standing by the side with an apathetic gaze was not exempt from the shockwave but a wave of her hand through which she released a mild cosmic attack canceled out any shock or impact.

Wade allowed himself a glance at her and even Gavin stopped attacking for a while as he did not yet believe Lucile was really going to be apart from the whole thing, 

"If you don\'t fight with me and I lose, you\'ll be next" Wade said.

Lucile shrugged, 

"I can handle myself. Consider this payback for rejecting my offer" she said.

While she did not know why Hal wanted her to allow Wade to get beaten up, she was ready to go through with it and it gave her a sort of vindictive pleasure to see Wade scrambling.

"Bitch!" Wade spat and turned back to face Gavin while Lucile looked on as though she had not heard him.

Gavin on the other hand smiled, 

"You seem to be coming back to your senses. That boy in the dome will be dead soon because let\'s face it, how can one win against two hundred, and once I have dealt with Wade, it will just be me and you. I assure you, I will be sure to show my appreciation for you not interfering." He said.

Lucile sighed but decided not to dignify his delusional words with a response and instead continued observing the battle for the moment Wade would be unable to go on.

While keeping in mind, that for some reason, Hal still wanted Wade alive at the end of all this.

Wade suddenly dashed forward and even all of Gavin\'s cosmic attacks did nothing to stop his advancement as he did well to avoid them all until he was right in front of his opponent.

At which point, his spear cosmic armament had been summoned and he was stabbing it toward Gavin\'s chest while working to make use of the fact that he was one stage ahead of his opponent.

With him being at the peak stage of the Cosmic Aurora realm while Gavin was at the Late stage.

However, whether it was in the heat of the moment because he really, really wished to put an end to his ex-advisor\'s life or maybe just as Gavin once said, he really was an idiot, he completely forgot the fact the technique\'s strengthening factor.

It seemed too big a detail to forget and yet...


... Gavin grabbing his spear with his now-transformed left hand to stop its progress into his chest while he punched the side of Wade\'s head with his right hand.


Wade was hit into the ground, so hard, the pavement of the Temple grounds actually cracked.

While he was groaning on the ground, Gavin was completing his monstrous transformation but while he grew taller and bigger, it still remained in the range of a really tall and buff man.

Almost as though he was just wearing a suit of armor.

This assessment was given even more credence when Gavin\'s head did not transform completely, but his head was simply encased in a war helmet-like crust that offered protection for his head and also allowed his angry and quite frankly, deranged look to be on display.

There was just something wrong with the whole picture. Something Lucile did not like.

However, that was not really anything new as this situation was bullcrap from the start.

She crossed her arms beneath her large breasts and watched on as Gavin raised his large mutated leg to slam into Wade who still remained in the ground.

Before he could make contact, however, Wade was already rolling over and tossing a dagger at his unprotected face while also rolling out of the way.


...was the sound the dagger made as it hit the helmet which had crept to cover the side that had been targeted. 

Showing that the opening was by choice.

It crept back to how it used to be and showed off Gavin\'s grin while he picked up the dagger from the ground.

The dagger was jet black with intercepting black serpents on its handle and Gavin was inspecting it with a gaze of familiarity,

"Ah yes, I remember this. One of a set. Mid-tier Phenomenon rank Twin dangers. One of the many goodies you kept for yourself." He said.

Wade withdrew another dagger which was identical to the one in Gavin\'s hand, 

"Of course I kept them for myself. I am the Sheik!" With that declaration, Wade let out the pressure of his cultivation base while dashing forward.

He stretched his hand and the dagger with Gavin suddenly shook and ripped from his grasp and right into Wade\'s outstretched hand.

Gavin chuckled and clapped his hands but it instead produced a *Bam!* sound as he used it as a medium to release a highly condensed cosmic attack that pelted towards the advancing Wade.

With his instincts guiding him, Wade leaped to the side and the cosmic attack went off to smack into something else while he jumped up and tossed both his daggers towards Gavin\'s exposed face once again.

Gavin sighed in disappointment since Wade was merely using the very same tactic that had already failed. When his helmet crept to protect him again, the dagger\'s suddenly changed direction.

"What?!" Gavin exclaimed and cursed his own stupidity to forget why the twin daggers were so dangerous which was their versatility in attacks which was their ability to move as though capable of thinking for themselves.

Of course, that was not really the case, it was really their owner who was still in control and having them change positions to find weak points in Gavin\'s defense.

While the daggers changed positions and sought entry points, their owner Wade was not idle as he once again summoned his Cosmic armament to leap and spin in mid-air so that he could kick at Gavin\'s head and attempt another thrust.

Except for this time, the spear hard was pointed at his neck.

"Grr" Gavin growled and his helmet covered his face completely as he swelled in size to approximately the size Beldar had been.

Now Wade was thrusting his spear towards the lower part of Gavin\'s chest and very close to his abdomen before he was swatted off by Gavin\'s larger-than-life arms.


Wade rolled to a stop on the ground with numerous parts of his body now hurting. However, he ignored the pain and withdrew a mending pill, however, before he could swallow it, Gavin was kicking his side...



... and cracking more than a few ribs.

To make matters worse, the mending pill was now out of his hands and he could only watch it roll away from him.

Gavin\'s size reduced to what it had previously been and he walked over to Wade and picked him up with one hand before sinking his fist into his abdomen and thus lifted him.

And then while Wade was still in mid-air, Gavin blasted him with a Cosmic attack...


... which sent him to smack dab into the Astral energy dome for the second time that day.

"Ack" Wade groaned when his back made contact before he slid to the ground and fell unconscious.

Gavin took one step towards him and suddenly paused when he felt a distinct feeling of loss that he could not explain.

So intense had his battle with Wade been that he had not really noticed the tremor caused by Hal\'s explosive Runes.

Lucile had not missed it though and had looked behind her at the Dome with a little worry.

Gavin looked at the Astral Dome with such an intense gaze, he seemed to be trying his best to see through it.

Something that did not sit well with him was going on inside that Dome.

When his attention returned to Wade, he saw Lucile standing beside his body and inspecting to see if he was still conscious. Once she ascertained that he wasn\'t, she turned to Gavin and her feline eyes flashed.

"Well done Gavin, Now it\'s just you and me"

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